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通过对近年来的城市燃气管道事故抢险统计数据的分析与研究,管道事故抢险方案的选择存在着很大的主观性和片面性.为了克服应急抢修方案的种种局限,笔者应用模糊综合评判方法建立了城市燃气管道事故应急抢修方案评价选择模型;考虑可靠性、抢修时间、事故损失、抢险费用、社会影响及政治影响等6类影响因素来评判抢修方案的优劣,可以科学合理地选择最佳的管道事故应急抢修方案,达到经济合理、快速可靠的目的;实例验证,评判模型对城市燃气管道事故抢险具有重要的现实意义和参考价值.  相似文献   

基于事件树风险分析的火灾保险费率厘定研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
依据火灾防控措施将火灾发展过程分为5个阶段,按影响因素统计火灾发生的初始概率,运用事件树的概率理论计算可能结果事件出现的概率,从多年火灾统计数据估算各阶段的火灾损失,综合运用事件树的定量计算方法量化火灾风险损失,探讨并建立火灾保险费率模型.利用该模型计算某商场火灾保险保费,充分体现了建筑设计、消防设施、消防管理等火灾风险因素对厘定火灾保险费率的重要影响,使火灾险保费与投保对象实际火灾风险更相符,可用于指导保险公司厘定火灾保险费率.  相似文献   

高压天然气管道孔口泄漏扩散浓度与范围仿真探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱彦凝  吴赟城  王强 《安全》2009,30(4):4-7
天然气管道的泄漏容易引起火灾、爆炸、中毒、环境污染等恶性事故。建立输气管道泄漏扩散的合理模型是正确评估输气管道事故损失后果的关键技术之一。文中重点研究天然气泄漏与扩散过程机理,并对其中的高斯烟羽、烟团模型进行了修正。以某长输送管段的参数为例计算天然气压力管道的泄漏速度、流量、扩散浓度并且估算确定天然气的泄漏覆盖区域,探讨其扩散的影响范围。  相似文献   

根据CNG加气站系统运行的实际情况,将CNG加气站中易发生泄漏的设备分为管道阀门、挠性连接器、压缩机、储气设备、放散管5类。建立了CNG泄漏的事件树,将CNG加气站的事故后果类型概括为喷射火、闪火、蒸气云爆炸。总结了CNG加气站事故后果的计算模型,采用美国环保局的ALOHA软件确定事故后果的影响范围。综合运用该两种方法对喷射火和蒸气云爆炸的事故案例进行对比研究,结果表明,计算结果基本一致。该两种事故后果分析方法为CNG加气站安全管理和安全规划提供依据。  相似文献   

用盈亏平衡分析手段建立事故费用影响模型,以计算出因发生事故而使企业遭受的利润损失,从而有助于确立降低事故费用的实施标准,有助于评估短期和长期潜在利润的影响。事故费用影响模型有数学计算和图解两种表述方式。  相似文献   

为了确定影响长输天然气管道系统发生事故的各种因素,减少事故发生所造成的损失,保证管道安全运行,借助Fault Tree+软件对天然气管道系统进行了定量风险分析.根据相关资料,建立了长输天然气管道系统的故障树,明确了44个基本事件的概率,并运用Fault Tree+软件分析、计算功能,确定了管道穿孔、断裂等中间事件以及管道失效顶事件的概率.再以“断裂泄漏”事故开展事件树分析,建立“立即点燃”、“延迟点燃”等事件,并推导了可能导致的所有后果及概率,计算出“延迟点燃”事件没有发生以及发生“爆炸”事故的概率.最后以经济损失来度量“断裂泄漏”各后果事件的失效风险,累加每个后果事件的经济损失,得到某段天然气管道“断裂泄漏”事故的风险值.  相似文献   

煤矿安全投入资金包括建立自然灾害(事故)防范措施投资费用和因事故造成的损失费用两部分。前者是超前预防性的安措投资,主要用于矿井安全防护系统的安设、调整和安全防护装备、安全监测仪器的购置,以及监察与安全职教培训等方面。事故损失费分直接和间接损失费。直按损失主要包括人身伤亡和职业病危害、医疗、丧葬、抚恤、补助救济、歇工工资、救灾和善后处理费用,固定设备、安全器材和流动资产等财产损失。间按损失包括因事故造成的停产、减产、资源损失、环境污染、补充新工人培训和工作损失等方面损失价值和费用。一定规模的煤炭企业,安全投入多少为宜,如何计算各专业系统的安全投入,如何  相似文献   

关于事故费用要素、分类及计算的一些问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋大成  张立刚 《安全》2000,21(5):6-11
参考了国际上7种权威的或有代表性的关于事故要素的分类方法,并在3个不同行业的企业进行了200余案例研究的基础上,提出了事故费用要素及其舂类方法,并对某些费用的取舍进行了说明。对涉及人中的一些费用、财产损失费用、缺工造成的减产损失及停产损失费用的计算,进行了较深入的讨论,给出了计算方法。  相似文献   

基于颗粒群平衡模型和布朗扩散作用对空调通风管道中细颗粒物的凝并规律进行了研究。通过对不同入口处细颗粒物的体积分数和入口风速对细颗粒物凝并现象的数值模拟分析,得到的主要结论为细颗粒物的体积分数和入口风速对于管道中细颗粒物的凝并具有显著影响。在布朗扩散作用下的细颗粒物凝并现象主要发生在粒径小于1μm的颗粒,当粒径大于1μm时,布朗扩散作用对于颗粒的凝并无明显影响。  相似文献   

工业园区环境风险管理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
区域经济的快速发展带来了更多的环境风险隐患.本文通过分析工业园区环境风险管理的各个因素,建立了工业园区的环境风险管理水平评价指标体系,并根据工业园区环境风险的特点,利用模糊数学方法建立其评价模型.在此基础上,将环境风险总费用定义为风险实际期望损失、人群心理损失和风险控制费用三部分的总和,并根据系统效益最大化原则,提出了风险控制水平的优化理论.最后以泰兴化工园区为例,模型和理论进行了应用.园区环境风险管理水平评价结果为"中",方案四为最优的管理方案.  相似文献   

Corrosion is the main reason for the failure of buried gas pipelines. For effective corrosion failure probability analysis, the structural reliability theory was adopted in this study to establish two calculation models for pipeline corrosion failure: the pressure failure model and von Mises stress failure model. Then, two calculation models for the corrosion failure probability were established based on a corrosion depth growth model obtained from actual survey data of soil corrosion characteristics. In an example, Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and subset simulation (SS) were used to analyze the corrosion failure probability of pipelines, and the results were compared. SS can compensate for the shortcomings of MCS as it has higher computational efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, SS was adopted to simulate variations in the corrosion failure probability of buried pipelines with the service time for the two failure probability calculation models, which were applied to a natural gas pipeline located in a chemical industry park in Zhuhai, China. A sensitivity analysis was carried out on the relevant parameters that affect the failure probability. The results showed that multiple loads caused by the covering soil, residual stress, temperature differential, and bending stress have a non-negligible effect on the pipeline reliability. The corrosion coefficients gradually become the most important factors that affect the failure probability with increased service time. The proposed methodology considers the actual operating conditions of pipelines to provide a reliable theoretical basis for integrity management.  相似文献   

为合理评估并有效控制管道与周边区域的相互影响,提出1种油气管道周边区域划分与距离设定方法。通过数据统计与事故案例分析,归纳了油气管道安全运行面临的4项问题,结合管道与周边区域相互影响类型及范围,提出将周边区域沿管道中心线依次划分为管道通行区、规划控制区和应急响应区。根据法律规定、实际事故后果影响范围和典型事故后果数值计算结果,提出了上述3个区域的距离设定原则与计算方法,并针对当前油气管道周边区域管理存在的问题提出了分区域管控建议。研究结果表明:所提出的方法有助于控制管道与周边区域的相互影响,保障管道安全运行和周边区域公共安全。  相似文献   

为保障燃气管道系统安全运行,及时诊断管道故障,基于VGG-16模型提出基于一维卷积神经网络的燃气管道故障诊断模型,提取原始声发射信号特征参数,有效诊断燃气管道故障。结果表明:基于一维卷积神经网络的燃气管道故障诊断模型,能够有效解决燃气管道故障诊断过程中数据预处理复杂、特征提取困难以及识别准确率低等问题,可为燃气管道故障诊断提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

To solve the problems of the difficulty in early leakage monitoring and larger positioning error for urban hazardous chemicals pipelines, the optimized method based on the improved Inverse Transient Analysis (ITA) and Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) was proposed. Firstly, based on the obtained experiment's results of leakage of natural gas in the non-metallic pipeline, the segment classification method was incorporated into the pressure gradient calculation. The modified method can adapt to the multi-node characteristics of urban pipe networks and help to obtain the preliminary positioning calculation results after optimization. Then the calculation results were embedded in the ITA calculation model. The input parameters of the gas pipeline such as boundary conditions, leakage rate and friction coefficient were used to establish the characteristic linear equations. Then the objective function of the least-squares criterion was defined, and the improved ITA model suitable for leakage detection of urban natural gas pipeline networks was constructed. Finally, the ALO was used to optimize the calculation process of the improved ITA model, and iteratively optimize the optimal friction coefficient and its corresponding minimum objective function (OF) value. As a result, a more precise location of the leakage source was calculated. The validation of the modified method is conducted by comparing the calculated values with the experiment's results. The results show that the method can accurately predict the location where the pipeline leakage occurs. The minimum error is 3.17%. Compared with the traditional ITA, this method not only accelerates the convergence speed of the objective function, but also improves the accuracy of location calculation.  相似文献   

为解决输油管道易腐蚀,且腐蚀程度难以测量的问题,提出使用改进的粒子群算法(PSO)优化误差反向传播神经网络(BPNN)对输油管道内腐蚀速率进行预测。改进的PSO算法提升了自身搜索到全局最优的能力,可为BPNN提供最优初始权值和阈值,从而有效避免BPNN易陷入局部最优的问题发生。以某条输油管线为例,分别运用标准的BPNN模型、PSO-BPNN以及改进的PSO-BPNN对该管线内腐蚀速率进行预测。结果表明:基于改进的PSO-BPNN的预测结果平均相对误差为5.57%,预测精度较BPNN和PSO-BPNN有明显提升。使用改进的PSO-BPNN预测输油管道的腐蚀速率可为管道的检测维修提供可靠的理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   

为应对山区液体管道在投产过程中可能出现的气阻、超压问题,从气相运移角度出发,建立液顶气模型,研究在1个U型单元内积气形成、压缩和破碎的全过程,在此基础上,提出连接各个U型单元的气相的传递函数,探讨背压累积因素下,连续起伏管道投产过程中各个U型管段的积气情况和压力的变化,进行动态的建模和计算。以国内某原油管道的现场投产数据与模型结果进行比对。结果表明:可以更加准确地预测山区液体管道投产过程中的气相传递和压力变化过程,能为未来连续起伏大落差液体管道投产的安全稳定运行提供理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   

水毁灾害是长输油气埋地管道灾害中造成经济损失最严重、对环境危害最深远的自然灾害之一。为了分析埋地管道在水毁灾害中的稳定性,探讨了埋地管道在水毁灾害中的载荷分布情况;采用特征值屈曲理论,分析了埋地管道在水毁灾害中悬跨和漂浮2种主要形式下,不同管道外径和管道壁厚对埋地管道在水毁灾害中稳定性的影响,计算得到特定条件下埋地管道水毁的极限长度;建立了埋地管道在水毁灾害中的有限元模型。结果表明:管道在水毁灾害悬跨和漂浮情况下极限长度和屈曲位置不同,随着管道壁厚的增加,埋地管道在水毁灾害中的稳定性近似呈缓慢的线性增长;增大管道外径能够有效降低埋地管道在水毁灾害中的位移,并显著提高管道在水毁灾害中的抗屈曲能力。  相似文献   

In urban areas, buried gas pipeline leakages could potentially cause numerous casualties and massive damage. Traditional static analysis and dynamic probability-based quantitative risk assessment (QRA) methods have been widely used in various industries. However, dynamic QRA methods combined with probability and consequence are rarely used to evaluate gas pipelines buried in urban areas. Therefore, an integrated dynamic risk assessment approach was proposed. First, a failure rate calculation of buried gas pipelines was performed, where the corrosion failure rate dependent on time was calculated by integrating the subset simulation method. The relationship between failure probability and failure rate was considered, and a mechanical analysis model considering the corrosion growth model and multiple loads was used. The time-independent failure rates were calculated by the modification factor methods. Next, the overall evolution process from pipeline failures to accidents was proposed, with the accident rates subsequently updated. Then, the consequences of buried gas pipeline accidents corresponding to the accident types in the evolution process were modeled and analyzed. Finally, based on the above research, dynamic calculation and assessment methods for evaluating individual and social risks were established, and an overall application example was provided to demonstrate the capacity of the proposed approach. A reliable and practical theoretical basis and supporting information are provided for the integrity and emergency management of buried gas pipelines in urban areas, considering actual operational conditions.  相似文献   

With the development of natural gas transportation systems, major accidents can result from internal gas leaks in pipelines that transport high-pressure gases. Leaks in pipelines that carry natural gas result in enormous financial loss to the industry and affect public health. Hence, leak detection and localization is a major concern for researchers studying pipeline systems. To ensure the safety and improve the efficiency of pipeline emergency repair, a high-pressure and long-distance circular pipe leakage simulation platform is designed and established by similarity analysis with a field transmission pipeline, and an integrated leakage detection and localization model for gas pipelines is proposed. Given that the spread velocity of acoustic waves in pipelines is related to the properties of the medium, such as pressure, density, specific heat, and so on, this paper proposes a modified acoustic velocity and location formula. An improved wavelet double-threshold de-noising optimization method is also proposed to address the original acoustic wave signal collected by the test platform. Finally, the least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) method is applied to determine the leakage degree and operation condition. Experimental results show that the integrated model can enhance the accuracy and precision of pipeline leakage detection and localization.  相似文献   

为避免因腐蚀导致油气管道失效,针对因管道特性和腐蚀尺寸的不确定性使得管道剩余强度成为概率模型的特点,建立了腐蚀管道强度损失随机模型;借助可靠性理论,通过分析管道腐蚀进程的时变性特点,将管道系统由损伤积累和抗力衰减导致的剩余强度随机化;提出基于穿越率的腐蚀油气管道失效评定及安全寿命预测方法。研究结果表明:腐蚀速率和运行压力对管道失效概率及安全寿命影响显著,管道尺寸影响适中,而相关系数和拉伸强度影响较小;若腐蚀速率Va=0.2 mm/a,VL=10 mm/a或局部腐蚀缺陷半径达到管道壁厚的0.5倍时,建议作为重点风险段监测并检修。所建方法是对腐蚀油气管道运营监控和风险评估的有益补充。  相似文献   

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