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我国目前的城市生活垃圾排放管理体制导致垃圾排放量的持续增加,将要实行的垃圾排放收费制度也难以达到减量化排放,建立垃圾排放权交易机制是解决城市生活垃圾排放的可供选择的有效方式,本文对如何建构具有中国特色的垃圾排放权交易机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

据了解,2005年,全国工业污染物COD排放量为554.7万吨,废水排放量为243.1亿吨,工业废水排放平均浓度为228mg/L。其中造纸行业COD排放量为159.7万吨,占全国工业COD排放总量的28.8%,废水排放量为36.7亿吨,占全国工业废水排放总量的15.1%,造纸行业废水平均排放浓度为435mg/L,未达到造纸行业排放标准。  相似文献   

一、背景介绍自工业革命以来,温室气体以惊人的速度在增长。温室气体的大量排放主要与能源的大量使用有关。据测算,CO_2的排放量较工业革命以前增加了1750吨碳,大气中CO_2也从1860年280ppm增加到1990年的353ppm。与此同时,全球平均气温...  相似文献   

根据《IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》和《省级温室气体清单编制指南》方法,建立2018年云南省16个州(市)城市生活垃圾处理温室气体排放清单,包括生活垃圾填埋和焚烧处理过程,并分析了温室气体排放的时间分布、空间分布和影响因素等。结果表明;(1)2018年云南省生活垃圾处理温室气体总排放量为536万t CO_2当量,各州(市)间排放量差异明显,滇中经济发达地区和滇东北人口密度较高地区排放量明显高于滇西北地区。(2)2005—2018年,云南省生活垃圾处理排放的温室气体量增长了191.3%,温室气体排放组成发生明显变化,CH4比重不断下降,CO_2比重不断增加。(3)城镇人口数量、生活垃圾处理量、经济发展水平与温室气体排放量显著相关,其中人口数量更为明显。  相似文献   

《燃煤二氧化硫排放污染防治技术政策》简介   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
据统计,我国目前二氧化硫年排放量约为2000万吨,其中燃煤二氧化硫排放量占二氧化硫排放总量的90%以上。《国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》要求:到2005年,全国二氧化硫排放量在2000年基础上削减10%,“两控区”削减20%。国务院批复的《国家环境保护“十五”计划》中也明确要求:2005年,全国二氧化硫排放量将控制在1800万吨,其中工业排放的二氧化硫控制在1450万吨。为实现《国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》和《国家环境保护“十五”计划》中关于二氧化硫减排的任务和要求,遏制我国酸…  相似文献   

张敏 《青海环境》1999,9(2):94-95
1998年环境统计结果表明,全省工业废水排放量比上年下降134%,工业废气排放量增长15%,工业固体废物产生量增长85%。乡镇工业“三废”排放量减少。现将1998年环境统计数据分析如下:一、“三废”排放情况(一)废水1998年全省废水排放量为13...  相似文献   

现将我省1993年度环境统计主要数据公布如下:一、“三废”排放及处理利用情况(一)汇总企业工业总产值(按九①年不变价)615335万元占全省工业总产值比重87%万元产值工业废水排放量88吨/万元(二)废水l废水排放总量9207万吨2.工业废水排放量5410万吨其中:经过处理的2450万吨处理率49.3%符合排放标准的2682万吨达标率49.6%经过处理外排达标量931万吨处理达标率38%经过处理回用量1310万吨回用率53%(三)废气l.废气排放总量462亿标立米2.工业废气排放量397亿标立米其中:燃料燃烧废气排放量175亿标立米其中:经过消烟除尘的150亿标立米…  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的水泥工业取得了巨大的发展。据1995年底的统计,全国共有水泥生产企业8435个,年生产能力59亿吨,水泥工业所排放的粉尘已超过1000万吨,居全国各行业第一位。这其中立窑水泥的产量占80%,粉尘排放量占90%以上,粉尘散失量占其...  相似文献   

欧洲有机垃圾管理在欧洲,对有机垃圾的管理已经成为环境政策中的一个主要组成部分。为将城市固体废弃物中的有机物填埋造成的危害减到最小,欧盟出台了有机垃圾填埋法令。该法令制定了减少有机垃圾填埋量的目标,目标规定:到2006年有机垃圾填埋减量率要达到25%,到2013年要达到50%,到2020年要达到65%。欧盟成员国每年大约产生1.8亿吨城市固体废弃物(不含商业垃圾),各国的人均年垃圾排放量在400~600公斤之间。德国、法国、意大利和英国城市固体废弃物产生量占欧盟各成员国的72%,在这四个国家的有机…  相似文献   

姜文 《环境教育》2008,(10):67-70
《2008年上半年各省自治区直辖市主要污染物排放量指标公报》显示,上半年全国化学需氧量排放总量674.2万吨,与2007年同期(691.3万吨)相比下降2.48%;二氧化硫排放总量1213.3万吨,与2007年同期(1263.4万吨)相比下降3.96%。这是继2007年全国化学需氧量和二氧化硫排放总量出现双降后的再次双降,成绩鼓舞人心。但在数据背后,我们必须时刻清醒意识到,这离“十一五”两项硬性指标还有很长一段距离,任务还十分艰巨。  相似文献   

The Finnish anthropogenic CH4 emissions in 1990 are estimated to be about 250 Gg, with an uncertainty range extending from 160 to 440 Gg. The most important sources are landfills and animal husbandry. The N2O emissions, which come mainly from agriculture and the nitric acid industry are about 20 Gg in 1990 (uncertainty range 10–30 Gg). The development of the emissions to the year 2010 is reviewed in two scenarios: the base and the reduction scenarios.According to the base scenario, the Finnish CH4 emissions will decrease in the near future. Emissions from landfills, energy production, and transportation will decrease because of already decided and partly realized volume and technical changes in these sectors. The average reduction potential of 50%, as assumed in the reduction scenario, is considered achievable.N2O emissions, on the other hand, are expected to increase as emissions from energy production and transportation will grow due to an increasing use of fluidized bed boilers and catalytic converters in cars. The average reduction potential of 50%, as assumed in the reduction scenario, is optimistic.Anthropogenic CH4 and N2O emissions presently cause about 30% of the direct radiative forcing due to Finnish anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This share would be even larger if the indirect impacts of CH4 were included. The contribution of CH4 can be controlled due to its relatively short atmospheric lifetime and due to the existing emission reduction potential. Nitrous oxide has a long atmospheric lifetime and its emission control possiblities are limited consequently, the greenhouse impact of N2O seems to be increasing even if the emissions were limited somehow.  相似文献   

Tellurium is increasingly used in solar photovoltaics in the form of cadmium–telluride (CdTe) thin films. There are concerns regarding whether tellurium availability could be a constraint on large-scale deployment of CdTe photovoltaics. The present work brings a new perspective to the discussion of tellurium availability by providing the first extant global tellurium cycles constructed with material flow analysis principles. The tellurium cycles, for 1940–2010, present information on the production, fabrication and manufacturing, use, and resource management stages during this period. The results of the analysis show that during 1940–2010 approximately 11 Gg of refined tellurium was produced. This represents about 4.5% of the tellurium that was extracted from the ground during copper mining. Almost 80% of the refined tellurium, 8.5 Gg, was dissipated into end-uses such as metallurgical additives to iron, steel, and nonferrous metals, and thereby lost to potential reuse. As of 2010, the in-use tellurium stock is estimated at 1.1 Gg, which mainly accumulated after 1990s with the increasing tellurium use in electronics, specifically photovoltaic and thermoelectric devices. Because tellurium is a byproduct of copper ores, its supply can be enhanced by more attention to recovery during processing of the copper parent. Tellurium can also, in principle, be recovered from end-of-life electronics; the increasing in-use stock indicates the potential for significant end-of-life recycling in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of methane (CH4) emission rates from livestock in their undisturbed natural environments are required to assess their impacts on radiative forcing (i.e., enhanced greenhouse effect) and the environment. Here we compare results from two nonintrusive techniques for the measurement of CH4 emissions from cattle. The cows were kept in an outdoor feeding strip that allowed them to follow natural behavioral patterns but contained them within a well defined space. In the first technique, nitrous oxide (N2O) was released as a tracer at the upwind edge of the feeding strip, and the downwind concentrations of N2O and CH4 were measured simultaneously using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Average CH4 emission per cow was calculated each half-hour on three separate days from the correlation between the two gases. The second technique was the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) or 1-D mass-balance method, in which we used the measured vertical profiles of CH4 concentration and windspeed downwind of the cows to determine the total CH4 emission. Comparing the IHF results to the known release rate of N2O allowed us to test the IHF technique independently. We found agreement within 10% for all comparisons on all days. The daily CH4 emission rate averaged over all tracer and IHF measurements was 342 g CH4 head(-1) d(-1). This is within the range of previous measurements for mature lactating dairy cattle (200-430 g CH4 head(-1) d(-1)) but higher than expected for yearling cattle. The high CH4 emissions are accompanied by high CO2 emissions determined from the FTIR measurements. The bias is most likely due to the measurements being made during and after supplementary feeding of the cattle.  相似文献   

Compared with natural ecosystems and managed agricultural systems, engineered landfills represent a highly managed soil system for which there has been no systematic quantification of emissions from coexisting daily, intermediate, and final cover materials. We quantified the seasonal variability of CH, CO, and NO emissions from fresh refuse (no cover) and daily, intermediate, and final cover materials at northern and southern California landfill sites with engineered gas extraction systems. Fresh refuse fluxes (g m d [± SD]) averaged CH 0.053 (± 0.03), CO 135 (± 117), and NO 0.063 (± 0.059). Average CH emissions across all cover types and wet/dry seasons ranged over more than four orders of magnitude (<0.01-100 g m d) with most cover types, including both final covers, averaging <0.1 g m d with 10 to 40% of surface areas characterized by negative fluxes (uptake of atmospheric CH). The northern California intermediate cover (50 cm) had the highest CH fluxes. For both the intermediate (50-100 cm) and final (>200 cm) cover materials, below which methanogenesis was well established, the variability in gaseous fluxes was attributable to cover thickness, texture, density, and seasonally variable soil moisture and temperature at suboptimal conditions for CH oxidation. Thin daily covers (30 cm local soil) and fresh refuse generally had the highest CO and NO fluxes, indicating rapid onset of aerobic and semi-aerobic processes in recently buried refuse, with rates similar to soil ecosystems and windrow composting of organic waste. This study has emphasized the need for more systematic field quantification of seasonal emissions from multiple types of engineered covers.  相似文献   

There is a need to know whole-farm methane (CH(4)) emissions since confined animal facilities such as beef cattle feedlots and dairy farms are emission "hot spots" in the landscape. However, measurements of whole-farm CH(4) emissions can differ between farms because of differences in contributing sources such as manure handling, number of lactating and nonlactating cows, and diet. Such differences may limit the usefulness of whole-farm emissions for national inventories and mitigation purposes unless the variance between farms is taken into account or a large number of farms can be examined. Our study describes the application of a dispersion model used in conjunction with field measurements of CH(4) concentration and stability of the air to calculate whole-farm emissions of CH(4) from three dairy farms in Alberta, Canada, during three sequential campaigns conducted in November 2004 and May and July 2005. The dairy farms ranged in herd size from 208 to 351 cows (102 to 196 lactating cows) and had different manure handling operations. The results indicate that the average CH(4) emission per cow (mixture of lactating and nonlactating) from the three dairy farms was 336 g d(-1), which was reduced to 271 g d(-1) when the emission (estimated) from the manure storage was removed. Further separation of source strength yielded an average CH(4) (enteric) emission of 363 g d(-1) for a lactating cow. The estimated CH(4) emission intensities were approximately 15 g CH(4) kg(-1) dry matter intake and 16.7 L CH(4) L(-1) of milk produced. The approach of understanding the farm-to-farm differences in CH(4) emissions as affected by diet, animal type, and manure management is essential when utilizing whole-farm emission measurements for mitigation and inventory applications.  相似文献   

Manipulation of the diets of pigs may alter the composition of the manure and thereby the environmental and agricultural qualities of the manure. Laboratory studies were performed to quantify the effect of manipulation of pig diets on the chemical composition of the derived manure (slurry), the potential emission of methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3) during anaerobic storage of the manure, and the potential nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission after application of the manure to soil. The diets differed in contents of crude protein and salt (CaSO4), and the type and contents of nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP). Emissions of NH3 and CH4 during storage were smaller at a low than at a high dietary protein content. The emission of NH3 was significantly related to the contents of ammonium (NH4), total N, and pH. The emission of CH4 was significantly related to contents of dry matter, total C, and volatile fatty acids in the manure. The effect of manure composition on N2O emission markedly differed between the two tested soils, which points at interactions with soil properties such as the organic matter content. These types of interactions require soil-specific recommendations for mitigation of N2O emission from soil-applied pig manure by manipulation of the diet. From the tested diets, decreasing the protein content has the largest potential to simultaneously decrease NH3 and CH4 emissions during manure storage and N2O emission from soil. An integral assessment of the environmental and agricultural impact of handling and application of pig manure as a result of diet manipulation provides opportunities for farmers to maximize the value of manures as fertilizer and soil conditioner and to minimize N and C emissions to the environment.  相似文献   

Soil methane (CH(4)) biofilters, containing CH(4)-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs), are a promising technology for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. However, little is known about long-term biofilter performance. In this study, volcanic pumice topsoils (0-10 cm) and subsoils (10-50 cm) were tested for their ability to oxidize a range of CH(4) fluxes over 1 yr. The soils were sampled from an 8-yr-old and a 2-yr-old grassed landfill cover and from a nearby undisturbed pasture away from the influence of CH(4) generated by the decomposing refuse. Methane was passed through the soils in laboratory chambers with fluxes ranging from 0.5 g to 24 g CH(4) m(-3) h(-1). All topsoils efficiently oxidized CH(4). The undisturbed pasture topsoil exhibited the highest removal efficiency (24 g CH(4) m(-3) h(-1)), indicating rapid activation of the methanotroph population to the high CH(4) fluxes. The subsoils were less efficient at oxidizing CH(4) than the topsoils, achieving a maximum rate oxidation rate of 7 g CH(4) m(-3) h(-1). The topsoils exhibited higher porosities; moisture contents; surface areas; and total C, N, and available-P concentrations than the subsoils, suggesting that these characteristics strongly influence growth and activity of the CH(4)-oxidizing bacteria. Soil pH values and available-P levels gradually declined during the trial, indicating a need to monitor chemical parameters closely so that adjustments can be made when necessary. However, other key soil physicochemical parameters (moisture, total C, total N) increased over the course of the trial. This study showed that the selected topsoils were capable of continually sustaining high CH(4) removal rates over 1 yr, which is encouraging for the development of biofilters as a low-maintenance greenhouse gas mitigation technology.  相似文献   

An assessment of potential biomass resources in Nigeria for the production of methane and power generation is presented in this paper. Nigeria, as an underdeveloped and populous country, needs an uninterrupted source of energy. The country's energy problems have crippled large sectors of the economy. The percentage of people connected to the national grid is 40%. These 40% experience electricity supply failure on average 10–12 hours daily. Energy generation from municipal solid waste (MSW) is an effective MSW management strategy. Yearly waste generation has increased from 6,471 gigagrams (Gg) in 1959 to 26,600 Gg in 2015. This amount is projected to reach 36,250 Gg per year by 2030. Methane emission for 2015 was 491 Gg, and it is projected to reach 669 Gg in 2030. These values translate to 3.48 × 109 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity for 2015, with a projected 4.74 × 109 kWh by 2030. The revenue to be derived from the electricity that is generated could have been US$365.04 × 106 for 2015, and it is estimated that it will reach US$473.82 × 106 by 2030. It was found that methane emissions from MSW increased with time, and capturing this gas for energy production will lead to a sustainable waste management.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion of source-separated municipal organic waste is considered feasible in Denmark. The limited hydraulic retention in the biogas reactor (typically 15 d) does not allow full degradation of the organic waste. Storage of anaerobically digested municipal organic waste can therefore be a source of methane (CH4) emission that may contribute significantly to the potential global warming impact from the waste treatment system. This study provides a model for quantifying the CH4 production from stored co-digested municipal organic waste and estimates the production under typical Danish climatic conditions, thus quantifying the potential global warming impact from storage of the digested municipal organic waste before its use on agricultural land. Laboratory batch tests on CH4 production as well as temperature measurements in eight full-scale storage tanks provided data for developing a model estimating the CH4 production in storage tanks containing digested municipal organic waste. The temperatures measured in separate storage tanks on farms receiving digested slurry were linearly correlated with air temperature. In storage tanks receiving slurry directly from biogas reactors, significantly higher temperatures were measured due to the high temperatures of the effluent from the reactor. Storage tanks on Danish farms are typically emptied in April and have a constant inflow of digested material. During the warmest months the content of digested material is therefore low, which limits the yearly CH4 production from storage.  相似文献   

Animal husbandry and manure treatment have been specifically documented as significant sources of methane, ammonia, nitrous oxide, and particulate matter. Although volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are also produced, much less information exists concerning their impact. We report on chemical ionization mass spectrometry and photo-acoustic spectroscopy measurements of mixing ratios of VOCs over a 2-wk measurement period in a large cowshed at the Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) in Mariensee, Germany. The high time resolution of these measurements enables insight into the sources of the emissions in a typical livestock management setting. During feeding hours and solid manure removal, large mixing ratio spikes of several VOCs were observed and correlated with simultaneous methane, carbon dioxide, and ammonia level enhancements. The subsequent decay of cowshed concentration due to passive cowshed ventilation was used to model emission rates, which were dominated by ethanol and acetic acid, followed by methanol. Correlations of VOC mixing ratios with methane or ammonia were also used to calculate cowshed emission factors and to estimate potential nationwide VOC emissions from dairy cows. The results ranged from around 0.1 Gg carbon per year (1 Gg = 10(9) g) for nonanal and dimethylsulfide, several Gg carbon per year for volatile fatty acids and methanol, to over 10 Gg carbon per year of emitted ethanol. While some estimates were not consistent between the two extrapolation methods, the results indicate that animal husbandry VOC emissions are dominated by oxygenated compounds and may be a nationally but not globally significant emission to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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