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药物与个人护理品(pharmaceuticals and personal care products,PPCPs)作为一类与人们生产生活联系最为紧密的新型污染物在水环境中广泛检出,PPCPs在水环境中能够痕量存在,并在生物体内富集转化,对水生生态系统产生潜在的不利影响,其对水环境安全构成的潜在风险受到普遍关注.本文主要综述了我国地表水环境中PPCPs对生态环境的影响及生态风险评价的方法,分析了我国对水环境中PPCPs研究中存在的不足,提出了应对PPCPs风险评价的对策及建议.  相似文献   

药物和个人护理品简称(PPCPs)是一类具有潜在累积效果的环境污染物,其广泛分布于水体与土壤环境中.在土壤/沉积物中,PPCPs将发生一系列的物理、化学和生物作用,其中吸附是PPCPs在土壤/沉积物中极为关键的环境行为,将影响PPCPs在环境中的迁移转化及其对生物体的危害程度.重金属作为一类常见的无机污染物,它们的存在...  相似文献   

药品和个人护理品(PPCPs)是一类新型有机污染物,随着生产和使用量的大量增加,越来越多的PPCPs进入土壤,对土壤生态环境和人体健康构成潜在威胁。文章根据现有研究,综述了国内外有关PPCPs在土壤中的吸附、生物降解、迁移、挥发等环境行为的研究进展,并分别评述了PPCPs对土壤生物(包括微生物、动物、植物)和人体的生态毒性效应。有关研究表明,PPCPs主要吸附于高有机质的土壤表层,低有机质亚表层土壤中PPCPs具有极高的迁移潜力;生物降解是PPCPs从土壤中去除的主要途径,受化合物自身结构和土壤理化特性的影响。高浓度PPCPs会对土壤生物(包括土壤微生物、动物和植物)产生急性生理生化甚至遗传毒性效应,最终可通过饮食危害人体健康,而PPCPs残留在土壤中的环境浓度通常较低,对土壤生物及人类极易造成慢性毒性损伤。目前有关土壤环境中PPCPs污染的研究尚处于初级阶段,今后可在真实土壤环境中痕量PPCPs的调查分析、迁移转化规律、生态健康风险及其代谢产物的行为和毒性等方面加强研究,以期为土壤环境中PPCPs生态风险的准确评估提供理论依据。  相似文献   

药物和个人护理用品(PPCPs)指各种香料、化妆品、遮光剂、染发剂、处方和非处方药(包括人和动物用药)等有机合成化学品的总称,应用非常广泛。化学物质的固有生物毒性决定了其在造福人类的同时也带来环境和健康风险,PPCPs已成为全球广泛关注的新型污染物。在过去的十几年内,国际社会针对PPCPs来源、环境归趋和对人类健康的风险等进行了大量的研究,我国PPCPs的生产和消费量巨大,面临的污染情势更加严峻。本文综述了国内外对PPCPs的研究进展,提出了我国应对PPCPs污染的对策建议。  相似文献   

土壤-植物系统中多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的迁移与转化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王森  黄红林  张淑贞 《环境化学》2014,(10):1645-1654
多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一类重要的新型持久性有机污染物,因其具有亲脂和难降解特性,易在土壤和沉积物等环境介质以及生物体内累积,同时会发生脱溴还原代谢和氧化代谢,生成毒性更大的低溴代PBDEs、羟基PBDEs(OH-PBDEs)和甲氧基PBDEs(MeO-PBDEs).研究PBDEs在土壤-植物系统的迁移转化对于认识PBDEs的陆生生态环境行为,评价其生态风险以及对食物链的潜在暴露风险都具有重要的意义.本文从土壤中PBDEs的代谢与转化行为,PBDEs的植物吸收与传输特征及其关键影响因素,以及植物体内PBDEs的脱溴、羟基化和甲氧基化代谢行为几个方面总结了PBDEs在土壤-植物系统迁移转化的最新研究进展,并就将来的研究方向提出一些思考和展望,有助于深入认识PBDEs及其代谢产物的环境归趋.  相似文献   

药品和个人护理用品(Pharmaceuticals and personal care products,PPCPs)在环境中广泛存在,威胁生态环境和人类健康,受到越来越多的关注.本文综述了固体基底中PPCPs的检测方法,总结了国内外污泥、土壤、沉积物等基底中PPCPs的污染现状,并对PPCPs的进一步研究进行了展望.结果表明,PPCPs的检测方法朝多样化和趋优化的方向发展.污泥样品中PPCPs种类多、浓度高(μg·kg-1—mg·kg-1),土壤和沉积物中虽然浓度不高,但是总量不可小觑.目前,固体基底中的PPCPs还需要更全面和更广泛的研究.  相似文献   

利用超声萃取-固相萃取-高效液相色谱/串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)技术,对围场县全县农田中5个大类(磺胺类、四环素类、氟喹诺酮类、大环内酯类以及其他类)25种典型药物和个人护理品(PPCPs)的污染水平进行了调查,并采用风险熵法对其进行生态风险预评价。结果表明:有23种目标PPCPs被检出,不同目标物检出率差异显著,检出含量范围为0.38~6.50μg·kg-1,单种污染物最高检出浓度为101.9μg·kg-1(磺胺甲恶唑)。以目标物划分,分别有7种和5种被检出物质达到生态高风险和中等风险水平;以采样区域划分,41个土壤点位中分别有17个和12个达到生态高风险和中等风险水平。畜用PPCPs是围场农田中PPCPs污染物的主要来源,兽药滥用、粪便自然堆沤等传统农耕模式有造成农田土壤中PPCPs累积的趋势,因此需严控PPCPs污染源头,并推进畜禽粪便安全的资源化利用,以减缓农田土壤中由于PPCPs污染带来的潜在生态风险,保障围场地区生态环境功能、农田环境质量以及农产品安全品质。  相似文献   

卤代有机污染物(Halogenated organic pollutants,HOPs)在环境中具有持久性、长距离迁移性、生物积累性和潜在的生物毒性等特点,HOPs所引起的环境问题已成为全球环境科学研究热点。植物是环境介质中各种污染物的重要存储体,也是各类污染物进入陆生食物链的重要途径。研究植物对HOPs的吸收、传输与转化特征,对明确HOPs的环境行为、生态风险评价及植物修复等都具有重要的意义。文章在总结了近年来国内外关于植物对HOPs累积研究的基础上,综述了植物对大气、土壤和水体中HOPs的吸收和传输特征、HOPs在植物体内的迁移特征和代谢转化途径,分析了影响HOPs在植物中的积累、传递、降解与转化行为的主要因素。研究表明,辛醇-空气分配系数(Octanol-air partition coefficient,KOA)和辛醇-水分配系数(Octanol-water partition coefficient,Kow)是影响植物吸收HOPs的关键因素,当化合物的log Kow值在6~8的范围内时,植物根系对HOPs的根系富集因子(Root concentration factors,RCFs)较高;植物体内的脂质含量、化合物的理化性质和环境介质的差异是影响HOPs在植物体内传输的重要因素;脱卤代原子是植物降解HOPs的主要途径,而甲氧基化和羟基化是HOPs在植物体内转化的主要模式,具有还原脱卤酶基因的土壤细菌和植物体内的硝酸还原酶(Na R)与谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)能有效促进植物对HOPs的降解代谢。这些研究虽然都取得了一定的进展,但关于植物对HOPs积累迁移与代谢转化的研究仍处于起步阶段,文章就新型HOPs在植物体内积累、传输与代谢机制及采用植物修复技术降低HOPs的环境毒性等方面进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

无机砷在植物和微生物体内的代谢机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
砷污染是全球的热点问题之一.土壤中的无机砷在植物中的积累可通过食物链传递,从而对人体健康构成严重威胁.了解微生物和植物对无机砷的代谢机制,对认识和控制土壤中砷的风险至关重要.近年来,微生物对无机砷的代谢机制研究已经比较深入,但是仍有一些问题亟待解决,如信号传导、抗砷基因筛选等.在植物对无机砷的摄取、还原机制等方面也取得了一定进展,但是植物体内砷的转运机制、排出机制等仍有待进一步研究.论文综述了微生物、植物体内无机砷的代谢过程中,砷摄取、转运、还原和排出机制的最新进展,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

药品和个人护理用品(PPCPs)对环境的污染现状与研究进展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
胡洪营  王超  郭美婷 《生态环境》2005,14(6):947-952
在过去的30多年中,有关有毒污染物的研究主要集中在工业化学物质和农药上。近5年多来,国外已经开始关注药品和个人护理用品(PPCPs)对环境的污染,但在我国还没有引起重视。国外的研究表明,合成麝香物质、显影剂、抗生素、雌激素、消炎止痛药、杀菌消毒剂等与人类生活密切相关的药品和个人护理用品在环境中普遍存在,但是其质量浓度通常非常低,多数情况下在ng/L~μg/L水平。粪便施肥和污水排放是PPCPs进入环境的主要途径。在常见的PPCPs中,抗生素和消炎止痛药在环境中检测出的频率最高,在地表水、地下水、饮用水、污泥、土壤等环境介质中,PPCPs在地表水中检测出的频率最高。目前关于PPCPs的研究主要集中在分析方法以及环境污染水平的调查,有关PPCPs在环境中的迁移转化规律,生态与健康风险以及PPCPs污染控制技术等方面的研究有待加强。  相似文献   

Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have attracted much attention due to widespread contamination in aquatic environment. In this study, we determined 13 EDCs and PPCPs in fish blood, bile and muscle by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The limits of quantitation (LOQ) were in the ranges of 0.23–2.54, 0.22–2.36 ng·mL−1, and 0.24–2.57 ng·g−1 dry weight (dw) for fish blood, bile and muscle, respectively. Recoveries of target compounds spiked into sample matrices and passed through the entire analytical procedure ranged from 65% to 95%, from 60% to 92% and from 62% to 91% for blood, bile and muscle, respectively. The methods were applied to the analysis of fish from a lake in California. Target compounds were relatively low in bile, and only bisphenol A (BPA) and diclofenac were measurable near the LOQ. Seven of 13 compounds were detected in blood, with total concentrations up to 39 ng·mL−1. Only BPA was frequently found in muscle, with mean concentration of 7.26 ng·g−1 dw. The estimated daily intake of BPA through fish consumption for U.S. resident was significantly lower than the tolerable daily intake recommended by the European Food Safety Authority. This study showed that the exposure to the bisphenol A from fish diet is unlikely to pose a health risk.  相似文献   

根据文献报道,我国地表水中已检出至少144种药物及个人护理用品(pharmaceuticals and personal care products,PPCPs),包括抗生素、激素、其他药物、个人护理品(personal care products,PCPs)4大类,其中检出浓度最高的达到了μg·L~(-1)量级,在长期的污染下有可能对水生生物产生内分泌干扰效应或繁殖毒性,进而影响到整个水生生物种群的繁衍变化。因此,有必要根据我国地表水中PPCPs的污染水平,筛查出具有潜在生态风险的PPCPs。由于目前缺乏针对PPCPs类污染物的筛选体系,以国内外优先控制污染物筛选体系为基础,借鉴基于风险的欧洲兽药分级方法,利用风险指数(risk index,RI),筛选得出目前我国的地表水中有16种具有繁殖毒性的PPCPs的RI1,包括1种抗生素,5种激素类药物,3种其他药物和7种PCPs,其中乙炔雌二醇(ethinylestradiol,EE2)的RI最高(115 730),其次是壬基酚(nonylphenol,NP)(1 796)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(dibutyl phthalate,DBP)(255.31),对水生态环境有较高的风险的PPCPs需进一步进行较高层次的风险评价。  相似文献   

Toxicology of arsenic in fish and aquatic systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arsenic (As) is found in waters such as seawater, warm springs, groundwater, rivers, and lakes. In aquatic environments, As occurs as a mixture of arsenate and arsenite, with arsenate usually predominating. The unrestricted application of As pesticides, industrial activities, and mining operations has led to the global occurrence of soluble As above permissible levels of 0.010 mg/L. Continuous exposure of freshwater organisms including fish to low concentrations of As results in bioaccumulation, notably in liver and kidney. As a consequence As induces hyperglycemia, depletion of enzymatic activities, various acute and chronic toxicity, and immune system dysfunction. Here we review arsenic chemistry, the occurrence of arsenic in aquatic system, the transformation and metabolism of arsenic; arsenic bioaccumulation and bioconcentration; behavioral changes; and acute and other effects such as biochemical, immunotoxic, and cytogenotoxic effects on fish.  相似文献   

POPs (persistent organic pollutants) associated with aquatic sediments can pose a risk to aquatic food chains, since they can be re-introduced to the food web. One major pathway is the bioaccumulation of POPs by endobenthic, sedimentingesting invertebrates (especially tubificid oligochaetes). These worms serve as food for benthivorous fish, which thereby ingest the sediment-borne chemicals and may accumulate contaminant concentrations far higher than from water exposure alone, and consequently transfer them to organisms of higher trophic levels. In order to evaluate such a potential biomagnification, a laboratory test was developed. It consisted of a two-step food chain including the sediment dwelling freshwater oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (Müller) and the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linné), a small teleost fish which often feeds primarily on benthic invertebrates. Artificial sediment and reconstituted water were used. To examine the influence of benthic prey on the bioaccumulation of a POP in the predator, fish were exposed to 14C-labelled hexachlorobenzene via spiked water, spiked sediment, pre-contaminated prey organisms, and to combinations of these exposure routes. Summarising the results of these experiments, it could be shown that the exposure to HCB via different routes resulted in a significantly higher accumulation in fish than an exposure to single pathways. It was concluded that the major uptake routes for fish were the overlying water and the food, whereas the contribution of spiked sediment itself was relatively small. HCB was biomagnified in the rested laboratory food chain. Therefore, concerning secondary poisoning, the environmental risk assessment of POPs like HCB should not be based on existing bioaccumulation tests alone, since they focus only on exposure via the water pathway. Instead, the influence of food and sediment as exposure routes should be considered as well, using comprehensive food chain modelling and/or laboratory studies.  相似文献   

毒死蜱对我国南方稻区水域中12种淡水鱼的毒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒死蜱作为稻田常用农药,普遍存在于稻区沟渠、池塘和河流中,从而对生活在其中的鱼类具有潜在风险。通过短期暴露试验,比较了毒死蜱在纯水、水-沉积物体系中对淡水鱼的毒性效应,进一步研究了毒死蜱在不同鱼体内的生物富集作用,以及对鱼脑Ach E活性的影响。试验结果表明:毒死蜱对12种淡水鱼均表现为高毒或剧毒,最敏感的是太阳鱼,但体系中沉积物的存在会通过吸附作用降低农药对鱼类的毒性;毒死蜱在鱼体内表现为中等或高富集性,其中斑马鱼的富集系数最大;毒死蜱对鱼脑Ach E酶活性有明显抑制作用,其中以虹鳟最敏感。研究结果为稻田常用农药对水生态环境中鱼类安全的风险性评价提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been regarded as an emerging problem in the surface water environment in the past few decades. In China, although related studies were initiated several years ago, an increasing number of studies on this topic have been conducted in recent years. These studies have expanded knowledge of their occurrence, behavior and associated risk in the surface water environment in China. This review compiles the most recent literature related to the studies of PPCPs in the surface water environment in China. It includes PPCP occurrence in surface water and sediments, their geographical distribution, and outcomes of the associated risk assessment. It shows that antibiotics have received much more attention in both surface water and sediments than other PPCPs. Compared to other countries; most antibiotics in the collected sediments in China showed higher contamination levels. Many more study areas have been covered in recent years; however, attention has been given to only specific areas. Environmental risk assessment based on risk quotients indicated that sulfamethoxazole presents the most significant environmental risk to relevant aquatic organisms; followed by ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, 17α-ethynylestradiol, ibuprofen and diclofenac. Despite limited research on the environmental risk assessment of PPCPs in sediments, higher risks posed by PPCPs in the sediments rather than surface water were identified highlighting the need for further risk assessment of PPCPs in sediment samples.

持久性有机污染物在食物链中积累与放大研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究持久性有机污染物(Persistent organic pollutants,POPs)在食物链中的积累与放大是进行环境风险评估和有效污染控制的生态学基础.本文综述了POPs的基本特征,POPs在食物链中的生物积累与放大的机制、影响因素以及POPs在食物链中积累与放大的模型等的研究进展.国外学者对POPs在水生食物链的积累与放大方面研究较多,并提出了较为完善的预测模型,而有关POPs在陆生食物链中的生物积累与放大的研究报道较少.大部分学者并未对完整食物链进行过系统而完整的研究.与国外相比,国内学者对POPs在水生陆生食物链中的生物积累、生物放大和预测模型探讨较少.目前POPs对环境和人体健康危害越来越严重,开展对POPs在食物链中积累、放大及相关预测模型更深入更完整的研究,已成为当前生态学和环境科学研究的重点课题和前沿领域.  相似文献   

AQUATOX combines aquatic ecosystem, chemical fate, and ecotoxicological constructs to obtain a truly integrative fate and effects model. It is a general, mechanistic ecological risk assessment model intended to be used to evaluate past, present, and future direct and indirect effects from various stressors including nutrients, organic wastes, sediments, toxic organic chemicals, flow, and temperature in aquatic ecosystems. The model has a very flexible structure and provides multiple analytical tools useful for evaluating ecological effects, including uncertainty analysis, nominal range sensitivity analysis, comparison of perturbed and control simulations, and graphing and tabulation of predicted concentrations, rates, and photosynthetic limitations. It can represent a full aquatic food web, including multiple genera and guilds of periphyton, phytoplankton, submersed aquatic vegetation, invertebrates, and fish and associated organic toxicants. It can model up to 20 organic chemicals simultaneously. (It does not model metals.) Modeled processes for organic toxicants include chemodynamics of neutral and ionized organic chemicals, bioaccumulation as a function of sorption and bioenergetics, biotransformation to daughter products, and sublethal and lethal toxicity. It has an extensive library of default biotic, chemical, and toxicological parameters and incorporates the ICE regression equations for estimating toxicity in numerous organisms. The model has been implemented for streams, small rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. It is an integral part of the BASINS system with linkage to the watershed models HSPF and SWAT.  相似文献   

We tested for unintended mercury contamination problems associated with estuarine floodplain restoration projects of the Louisiana coastal zone, USA. Barataria Bay and Breton Sound are two neighboring deltaic estuaries that were isolated by levees from the Mississippi River about 100 years ago. These estuaries recently have been reconnected to the nutrient-rich Mississippi River, starting major river diversion (input) flows in 1991 for Breton Sound and in 2004 for Barataria Bay. We collected > 2100 fish over five years from 20 stations in these estuaries to test two hypotheses about Hg bioaccumulation: (H1) Background Hg bioaccumulation in fish would be highest in low-salinity upper reaches of estuaries, and (H2) recent river inputs to these upper estuarine areas would increase Hg bioaccumulation in fish food webs. For H1, we surveyed fish Hg concentrations at several stations along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay in 2003-2004, a time when this estuary lacked strong river inputs. Results showed that average Hg concentrations in fish communities were lowest (150 ng/g dry mass) in higher salinity areas and -2.4x higher (350 ng/g) in low-salinity oligohaline and freshwater upper reaches of the estuary. For H2, we tested for enhanced Hg bioaccumulation following diversion onset in both estuaries. Fish communities from Breton Sound that had long-term (> 10 years) diversion inputs had -1.7x higher average Hg contents of 610 ng/g Hg vs. 350 ng/g background values. Shorter-term diversion inputs over 2-3 years in upper Barataria Bay did not result in strong Hg enrichments or stable C isotope increases seen in Breton Sound, even though N and S stable-isotope values indicated strong river inputs in both estuaries. It may be that epiphyte communities on abundant submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are important hotspots for Hg cycling in these estuaries, and observed lesser development of these epiphyte communities in upper Barataria Bay during the first years of diversion inputs may account for the lessened Hg bioaccumulation in fish. A management consideration from this study is that river restoration projects may unintentionally fertilize SAV and epiphyte-based food webs, leading to higher Hg bioaccumulation in river-impacted floodplains and their food webs.  相似文献   

• Hg bioaccumulation by phytoplankton varies among aquatic ecosystems. • Active Hg uptake may exist for the phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems. • Impacts of nutrient imbalance on food chain Hg transfer should be addressed. The bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) in aquatic ecosystem poses a potential health risk to human being and aquatic organism. Bioaccumulations by plankton represent a crucial process of Hg transfer from water to aquatic food chain. However, the current understanding of major factors affecting Hg accumulation by plankton is inadequate. In this study, a data set of 89 aquatic ecosystems worldwide, including inland water, nearshore water and open sea, was established. Key factors influencing plankton Hg bioaccumulation (i.e., plankton species, cell sizes and biomasses) were discussed. The results indicated that total Hg (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in plankton in inland waters were significantly higher than those in nearshore waters and open seas. Bioaccumulation factors for the logarithm of THg and MeHg of phytoplankton were 2.4–6.0 and 2.6–6.7 L/kg, respectively, in all aquatic ecosystems. They could be further biomagnified by a factor of 2.1–15.1 and 5.3–28.2 from phytoplankton to zooplankton. Higher MeHg concentrations were observed with the increases of cell size for both phyto- and zooplankton. A contrasting trend was observed between the plankton biomasses and BAFMeHg, with a positive relationship for zooplankton and a negative relationship for phytoplankton. Plankton physiologic traits impose constraints on the rates of nutrients and contaminants obtaining process from water. Nowadays, many aquatic ecosystems are facing rapid shifts in nutrient compositions. We suggested that these potential influences on the growth and composition of plankton should be incorporated in future aquatic Hg modeling and ecological risk assessments.  相似文献   

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