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Insect social parasites, like other parasites, may benefit from inhibiting their host from reproducing (complete or partial parasitic castration) because they can then exploit more of the host’s resources for their own reproduction. In particular, social parasites that kill or expel the host queen need to prevent host workers from reproducing; this is a common worker response to the absence of their queen. Indeed, host workers would benefit from detecting the presence of the parasite and investing in direct and indirect fitness. Studying whether and how social parasites control host worker reproduction can provide information about the degree of integration of the parasite in the host colony and help identify factors regulating workers’ reproductive decisions in social insects. We investigated whether the paper wasp social parasite, Polistes sulcifer, suppresses Polistes dominula (host) worker reproduction as efficiently as the dominant host female does in queen-right colonies by comparing worker reproductive efforts in parasitized and non-parasitized (control) colonies. Our results show that 6 weeks after usurpation of their colony by the social parasite, parasitized workers (1) had more developed ovaries than control workers and (2) laid more eggs as soon as the opportunity arose. This reproductive readiness of parasitized workers was not apparent 2 weeks after colony usurpation. This suggests that P. dominula workers have evolved means to react to social parasitism, as occurs in some ants, and that the parasite has only limited control over host reproduction.  相似文献   

The risk of disease transmission can affect female mating rate, and thus sexual conflict. Furthermore, the interests of a sexually transmitted organism may align or diverge with those of either sex, potentially making the disease agent a third participant in the sexual arms race. In Drosophila melanogaster, where sexual conflict over female mating rate is well established, we investigated how a common, non-lethal virus (sigma virus) might affect this conflict. We gave uninfected females the opportunity to copulate twice in no-choice trials: either with two uninfected males, or with one male infected with sigma virus followed by an uninfected male. We assessed whether females respond behaviorally to male infection, determined whether male infection affects either female or male reproductive success, and measured offspring infection rates. Male infection status did not influence time to copulation, or time to re-mating. However, male infection did affect male reproductive success: first males sired a significantly greater proportion of offspring, as well as more total offspring, when they were infected with sigma virus. Thus viral infection may provide males an advantage in sperm competition, or, possibly, females may preferentially use infected sperm. We found no clear costs of infection in terms of offspring survival. Viral reproductive success (the number of infected offspring) was strongly correlated with male reproductive success. Further studies are needed to demonstrate whether virus-induced changes in reproductive success affect male and female lifetime fitness, and whether virus-induced changes are under male, female, or viral control.  相似文献   

Studying the incidence of inbreeding avoidance is important for understanding the evolution of mating systems, especially in the context of mate choice for genetic compatibility. We investigated whether inbreeding avoidance mechanisms have evolved in the malt fly, Drosophila montana, by measuring mating latency (a measure of male attractiveness), copulation duration, days to remating, offspring production, and the proportion of offspring sired by the first (P1) and second (P2) male to mate in full-sibling and unrelated pairs. SNP markers were used for paternity analysis and for calculating pairwise relatedness values (genotype sharing) between mating pairs. We found 18 % inbreeding depression in egg-to-adult viability, suggesting that mating with close relatives is costly. Copulation duration was shorter between previously mated females and their brothers than with unrelated males. Based on an earlier study, shorter copulation is likely to decrease the number of inbred progeny by decreasing female remating time. However, shorter copulations did not lead to lower paternity (P2) of full-sibling males. Progeny production of double-mated females was lower when the second male was a full-sibling as compared to an unrelated male, but we could not distinguish between inbreeding depression and lower female reproductive effort after mating with a relative. Relatedness estimates based on 34 SNPs did not detect any quantitative effect of relatedness variation on copulation duration and progeny production. We suggest that inbreeding depression has been strong enough to select for inbreeding avoidance mechanisms in our Finnish D. montana population.  相似文献   

Summary Acanthemblemaria crockeri exhibits a resource defense polygyny mating system with male parental care. Females preferred to mate with the larger of two males in laboratory experiments, and male size was positively correlated with the number of eggs defended by males at two sites in the Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. Females appeared to avoid mating with males defending heavily-fouled shelters. The role of other factors including the intensity of male courtship coloration and displays in determining male reproductive success was studied in Bahia San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico by providing glass vials as shelters. This provided a non-destructive technique for counting of eggs defended by males and allowed repeated assessment of the reproductive success of individual males. Males varied greatly in their duration of residency of shelters and in their color score and intensity of courtship displays. The number of eggs received by males was positively correlated with their duration of residency in shelters, and females appeared to avoid mating with new residents. Mated males deserted shelters less frequently and were more likely to receive future matings than were unmated males. The mean color score of males was unrelated to their reproductive success, while the intensity of male courtship displays was negatively correlated with the number of eggs received. This may have resulted because female mate choice is based on multiple criteria, including some that more accurately reflect the quality of parental care afforded by males.  相似文献   

The distribution of breeding resources, such as nest sites, can have a pronounced impact on a population by affecting the proportion of individuals that succeed to breed and hence, the variation in reproductive success. Aggregation of important resources can lead to resource monopolisation by a limited number of individuals and thus affect the intensity of sexual selection. In this study, we tested, by contrasting two experimental treatments (dispersed vs. aggregated), how nest distribution affects: (1) mating behaviour, (2) male nest occupation and mating success, and (3) reproductive success and the opportunity for selection. We used the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens), a small marine fish with a resource-based mating system, as our model species. When nests were aggregated, a larger proportion of the males behaved aggressively, fewer males succeeded in occupying a nest, fewer males became mated, and those males that mated received fewer eggs from spawning females. These effects resulted in a higher variance in reproductive success and hence, a higher opportunity for selection (I rs ), in the aggregated treatment. We suggest that the results are a direct consequence of males defending a territory around their nest, preventing competitively inferior males from breeding. However, we found no significant selection differentials for body length or condition of males in either treatment. Our results support the hypothesis that aggregation of essential resources like nests promotes resource monopolisation. In species facing highly clumped nesting resources in the wild, monopolisation may negatively impact population productivity but could lead to strong selection on traits that promote male competitive ability.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is often assumed to increase the viability of populations by increasing the quality of offspring produced. Presently, human-induced environmental changes are altering the process of sexual selection by influencing male–male interactions and female mate choice. Here, we show that increased density of filamentous algae due to eutrophication reverses parasite-mediated selection during reproduction in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). When we manipulated the density of artificial algae in a breeding area in the Baltic Sea, more males nested in dense than in sparse vegetation, but the males in dense vegetation were more parasitized. Interestingly, heavily parasitized males acquired more eggs than less parasitized males in dense vegetation but not in sparse vegetation. The higher probability of reproduction for parasitized males in dense algae growth could be due to impaired visibility relaxing male–male competition or reducing female choosiness. This could favour males in poor condition that often invest more in attracting females than males in good condition. In sparse vegetation, parasitized males may have a lower reproductive success due to intense male–male competition, careful female choice and high predation rate selecting against parasitized males. The results suggest that eutrophication could alter the fraction of the population that reproduces, which could have long-term evolutionary consequences.  相似文献   

Summary Hamilton and Zuk proposed that bright male plumage may have evolved in males of polygynous species as a result of female preferences for males that are able to demonstrate their resistance to disease. They predicted an inverse correlation between female mating preferences and the level of parasitic infection of males. We found such a correlation between the level of infection by a common ectoparasite (Myrsidea ptilonorhynchi: Menoponidae) and mating success of male satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus). In addition, we tested and were able to confirm three other predictions derived from their model: that (1) older males had fewer parasites than their younger counterparts, (2) levels of individual parasitic infection are highly correlated between years, and (3) that individuals resighted in successive years are less parasitized than those that fail to return. These results support the bright male model, but they are also consistent with two other hypotheses that may explain plumage dimorphism based on the level of parasitic infection. The correlated infection model suggests that females choose males with few ectoparasites because of a correlation between the level of ectoparasitic infection and heritable resistance to internal infections. In the parasite avoidance model, females favor parasitefree males because it lowers their own prospects for parasitic infection. Our data did not show the predicted relationship between parasite numbers with plumage quality that is needed to support the bright male hypothesis, nor did it show the inverse correlation between male condition and parasite numbers that is predicted by both the bright male and correlated infection hypotheses. Our results are most consistent with the parasite avoidance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Summary The reproductive behavior of two species of diogenid hermit crabs was studied in Hawaii. In the shell generalist, Clibanarius zebra, male reproductive success varied little with size, although the largest males were less successful in obtaining copulations than were medium-large males. Male and female size were positively correlated, in successful pairs, thus larger males had the potential to fertilize more eggs when they were successful in obtaining a copulation. Female fecundity in C. zebra was not affected by species of gastropod shell inhabited once female size was taken into account. Male copulatory success was very strongly influenced by the species of gastropod shell inhabited. Males in Trochus or Nerita shells had greatly reduced reproductive success compared to males in Turbo or Nassarius shells. This result was due both to (1) males in Trochus especially dropping and otherwise poorly handling females during precopulatory behavior and (2) females not responding to precopulatory behavior patterns executed by males in Trochus and Nerita. Transferring males from good to bad shapes of shells and vice versa showed that male success was a function of shell type inhabited and not some correlated feature of the crabs. In the shell specialist, Calcinus seurati, which is found primarily in Nerita shells as an adult, males in Nerita shells were quite successful in obtaining copulations.  相似文献   

Although counterintuitive at first sight, filial cannibalism is common in the animal kingdom and has been recognized as a mechanism to increase the cannibalizing parent’s lifetime reproductive success. However, previous evidence is often inconclusive and the adaptiveness of filial cannibalism is still not fully understood. We here address the notion that parents do not cannibalize at random but preferably consume offspring with a particular phenotype. To assess if differences in developmental stage and thus reproductive value of eggs trigger such selectivity, we experimentally presented male common gobies (Pomatoschistus microps) with two differently aged egg clutches within mixed broods. We found that males consumed significantly more young than old eggs. This result indicates that parents are not only able to discriminate between eggs based on developmental stage, but might use this to reduce the cost of partial filial cannibalism by selectively removing eggs of lower reproductive value.  相似文献   

The fiddler crab Uca mjoebergi mates both underground in male-defended burrows and on the surface near female-defended burrows. The reproductive tract of Uca species facilitates last-male precedence, suggesting that males that do not guard-mated females are likely to gain very little paternity if the female re-mates with another male. Here, we test the reproductive success of burrow and surface matings using paternity analysis. We found that 100?% of the females that mated in burrows extruded a clutch of eggs. Furthermore, we show conclusively, for the first time in a fiddler crab species, that last-male sperm precedence results in the majority of the female’s eggs being fertilised by the burrow-mated male. In contrast, surface matings resulted in significantly fewer females extruding eggs (5.6?%). Paternity analysis also revealed that more than half of the clutches from burrow-mated females showed low levels of extra-pair paternity from previous matings. Although multiple matings appear common in U. mjoebergi, burrow-mated males that guard females are guaranteed a successful mating with extremely high rates of assured paternity. Surface matings therefore appear to be an opportunistic tactic that may increase male reproductive success in a highly competitive environment.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts different optima for multiple mating in males and females. We used mating experiments and genetic paternity testing to disentangle pre- and postcopulatory mechanisms of sexual selection and alternate reproductive tactics in the highly promiscuous lizard Eulamprus heatwolei. Both sexes mated multiply: 30–60 % of clutches were sired by two to four fathers, depending on the experiment. Larger males sired more offspring when we allowed male contest competition: 52 % of large males but only 14 % of small males sired at least one offspring. In the absence of male contest competition, females mated promiscuously and there was no large male advantage: 80 % of large males and 90 % of small males sired at least one offspring, and there was no evidence for last-male precedence. Multiple mating did not yield obvious direct or indirect benefits to females. E. heatwolei represents a complex system in which males attempt to improve their fertility success by limiting rivals from access to females and through adopting alternate reproductive tactics. Conversely, females exhibit no obvious precopulatory mate choice but may influence fitness through postcopulatory means by either promoting sperm competition or through cryptic female choice. Our results support the hypothesis that female multiple mating in nonavian reptiles is best explained by the combined effect of mate encounter frequency and high benefits to males but low costs to females.  相似文献   

The relationships of shell length and internal volume with soft-body dry weight for three populations of Patella vulgata L. at Sandwick Bay in the Orkney Islands were studied between August, 1979 and March, 1982. Seasonal and annual fluctuations in the regression constants were explained by age-related variations both in overall growth rates and in the amount of effort directed toward gonad production. The reproductive cycle at all three sites was well synchronised, rapid development occurring between late June and November, with spawning following sometime between December and February; the whole population then remaining in the neuter/resting stage until July. The sex ratios within the population with respect to size (age) were examined; the majority of small, mature individuals were male, the number of females increased with size, although the largest individuals at each site were males. The sex ratio in the different populations varied from 2:1 to 6:1 in favour of males, but the “functional” ratio was much less in the latter due to the population structure.  相似文献   

The shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) is a generalist brood parasite that lays either white-immaculate or spotted egg morphs in eastern Argentina and Uruguay. Some hosts accept both morphs, others accept spotted eggs and reject the white morph, but no host has been found to accept white eggs and reject spotted ones. It has been suggested that the yellow-winged blackbird (Agelaius thilius) may be that type of host. The finding of a white acceptor-spotted rejector species would help to explain the occurrence and maintenance of the parasite egg polymorphism. We studied the incidence of shiny cowbird parasitism on this host, its costs for their reproductive success and the presence of antiparasitic defenses in the yellow-winged blackbird - shiny cowbird system. The parasite affected the reproductive success of the host in two ways. Cowbirds punctured host eggs causing a reduction in clutch size, and yellow-winged blackbirds deserted their nests whenever they suffered high egg loss. In addition, parasitized nests suffered higher predation during the nestling stage, but not during egg stages, indicating that the difference found was related to the presence of the cowbird chick, and not to higher exposure of parasitized nests to both parasites␣and predators. Despite the costs imposed by the parasite, yellow-winged blackbirds have not evolved antiparasitic defenses. This host did not reject any egg morph of the shiny cowbird nor desert parasitized nests unless it had suffered high egg loss. Current explanations for the host lack of defenses, the “time lag” and the “equilibrium” hypothesis, are discussed. Received: 29 August 1997 / Accepted after revision: 10 January 1998  相似文献   

In many species, males and females mate with multiple partners, which gives rise to sperm competition and multiple paternity. The experiments on water frogs presented here demonstrate that such sperm competition can affect the structure and dynamics of mixed-species communities. The hybrid frog Rana esculenta (LR) mates with one of its parental species, usually R. lessonae (LL), although in some areas R. ridibunda (RR), to regain the premeiotically eliminated parental genome ("hybridogenesis"). Mixed LL/LR-populations are stable although hybrid numbers should continuously increase at the expense of parental animals, because of differences in female fecundity and other factors. This would finally lead to the extinction of the sexual host, followed by that of the sexual parasite, unless the reproductive superiority of R. esculenta is reduced by other factors, such as lower hybrid male fertility. Eggs from LL- and LR-females were fertilised in vitro by single- and multi-male sperm suspensions of LL-, LR- and RR-males. In all experiments, the proportion of offspring sired by R. esculenta sperm was significantly lower than that sired by R. lessonae or R. ridibunda sperm. Gonad mass, sperm morphology, sperm swimming velocity, and sperm survival did not explain these differences in fertilisation success; nor did gamete recognition and compatibility. Sperm density was the only trait that paralleled fertilisation success, but it offers no explanation either, because densities were equalised for the in-vitro fertilisations. In natural LL/LR populations, the significantly smaller amount, poorer competitive ability and lower long-term survival of R. esculenta compared to R. lessonae sperm will reduce the initial reproductive superiority of hybrids and contribute to the stabilisation of mixed water-frog populations. Differences in fertilisation ability are also likely to be relevant for the structure and dynamics of several other systems with encounters between eggs and sperm from different genotypes, ecotypes, ploidy levels and/or species.  相似文献   

Summary Sperm competition was investigated in the non-territorial damselfly, Enallagma hageni. Using irradiated (sterile) male techniques, the last male to mate was found to fertilize up to 95% of the eggs of the first clutch laid after mating. Dissection of females collected before, during, and after copula showed that a male removes a maximum of 87% of the sperm by volume of a previous mate. These data verify an earlier estimate of lifetime reproductive success in this species which was based on mating success, and suggest that indirect dissection methods offer minimum estimates of sperm precedence. Male E. hageni have ample opportunity to benefit from sperm precedence, since at least 10% of the receptive females encountered had already mated once that day, but still contained complete or partial clutches of eggs. Female E. hageni benefit directly from high sperm precedence because it allows them to exchange matings for guarding service by males during oviposition bouts under water.  相似文献   

Parasites reduce host fitness, and so instigate counter adaptations by their hosts. In temporary social parasitism, usurpers must not only enter the colony unharmed, but also have their eggs reared by the host workers. We introduced parasitic Formica lugubris and Formica aquilonia queens into queen right and orphaned fragments of three host species, Formica cinerea, Formica picea and Formica fusca, and show that workers of all three host species kill over 40 % of the introduced queens within 10 days, regardless of the presence/absence of a resident queen, and parasite species. More parasite queens died in F. cinerea than in F. picea and F. fusca. There were no major differences in survival between the parasite species (except that F. lugubris survived longer than F. aquilonia in F. fusca colonies compared to F. picea colonies), but parasite queens survived longer in orphaned than in queen right fragments of F. fusca. Experimental introduction of parasite (F. aquilonia) eggs into orphaned colonies of F. fusca showed that none of the parasite eggs were reared until pupation; whereas on average, 12 % of the con-specific hetero-colonial eggs introduced in the same manner were reared until pupation. In all colonies that received parasite brood, all offspring consisted of worker-laid males, whereas the corresponding value was 50 % for colonies that received con-specific hetero-colonial brood. Thus, when the risks of entering host colonies and brood failure are combined, the rate of successful colony take-over is very low. Moreover, the host workers can to some extent alleviate the costs of parasitism by producing a final batch of own offspring.  相似文献   

Elucidation of life-history traits is essential to understand larval dispersal and population dynamics in marine benthic assemblages. This study is the first investigation of the life history of a recently described hippolytid shrimp from a deep-sea chemosynthetic environment, Lebbeus virentova Nye, Copley, Plouviez and Van Dover, 2013 at the Von Damm Vent Field (18°22N, 81°47W, ~2,300 m depth, Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean), using samples collected in February and June 2013. Lebbeus virentova is gonochoric and iteroparous. The sex ratio of L. virentova was significantly female biased (1:3) in February and June. The sampled population of L. virentova had a unimodal size–frequency distribution pattern in February and June, consistent with continuous recruitment and mortality. Continuous reproduction is indicated by a lack of synchrony in oocyte size–frequency distributions within both months, and asynchronous development of embryos among females, which may result in asynchronous larval release. A large embryo size in this species (2.65 ± 0.28 mm diameter) compared with other caridean shrimps suggests possible abbreviated larval development, as described in other species of the genus from non-chemosynthetic environments. Fecundity (26–94 embryos female?1) was lower and embryo size larger in L. virentova compared with alvinocaridids at chemosynthetic environments. This suggests that there are phylogenetic constraints on reproductive features of decapods at hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

Summary A recent model in sexual selection has proposed a role for parasites in maintaining heritable fitness variation. Females are envisaged as benefitting from preferentially mating with males that show resistance to infection. The post-copulatory guarding behaviour characteristic of many species of field cricket, has been envisaged as a means by which females assess male health and vigour. This hypothesis was tested in a field cricket, G. bimaculatus, which harbours a protozoan gut parasite. In enclosed arena trials, no direct correlations between female behaviours and levels of infection in males were found. However, there were significant correlations between the intensity of male guarding and the number of parasites found in the gut; infected males guarded more intensely in order to maintain contact with the female. In a second experiment simulating open field conditions, females left heavily parasitized males sooner than mildly or uninfected individuals. These data are discussed in relation to female choice for male health and vigour.  相似文献   

The detection and avoidance of parasitized males is a component of female mate choice. Here we show that female mice can distinguish between the odors of individual males infected with an ectoparasite, the murine louse, Polyplax serrata, and uninfected males. Female mice displayed aversive responses to, and avoided the odors of, parasitized males. A 15 min exposure to the urinary odors of infected males induced an endogenous opioid-peptide-mediated reduction in pain sensitivity or analgesia, while a brief 1 min exposure to the odors elicited a non-opioid-mediated analgesic response. These neuromodulatory mechanisms facilitate the expression of a variety of anxiety and stress associated responses of which pain inhibition is one component. Females further distinguished between novel and familiar infected males. Prior exposure to the odors of an infected males reduced the degree of analgesia expressed and the associated levels of anxiety and stress and their concomitant costs. In a Y-maze odor preference test females also displayed a marked overall preference for, and initial choice of, the odors of clean, uninfected males and an active discrimination against, and avoidance of, the odors of both familiar and novel infected males. These findings indicate that female mice can distinguish between males infected with an ectoparasite and clean uninfected males and display aversive and avoidance responses to infected males. They also show that females can discriminate between individual infected males and modulate their aversive responses to the odors of infected males on the basis of prior familiarity. This is likely part of the mechanisms whereby females can both reduce the transmission of ectoparasites, such as lice, to themselves and select for parasite-free males.  相似文献   

Female cannibalism and male courtship tactics in threespine sticklebacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Female threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) frequently raid male nests and eat all the eggs therein. We tested the hypothesis of Vickery et al. (1988) that females prefer to raid nests containing large numbers of eggs than ones with smaller numbers of eggs. This hypothesis is based on the finding that females spawning in nests containing many eggs will have reduced hatching success because of egg crowding. By consuming the male's eggs and forcing him to rebuild his nest, raiding females might obtain a new opportunity to spawn under better conditions. Our results were consistent with the first prediction of this hypothesis that females were more likely to spawn in nests containing fewer eggs than in nests with many eggs. However, this may be the result of males becoming less receptive to females as the number of eggs in their nests increases. Prediction 2 was that females should raid those nests containing the most eggs. Contrary to this prediction, males defending only one clutch were as likely to have their nests raided by groups of females as males defending several clutches of eggs. Female cannibalism is therefore unlikely to have evolved as a means of gaining access to a male defending a small number of eggs. We also examined the tactics used by males to counter female raids. Most raids occur when the male is courting, and nests are more vulnerable to shoals of females than to single females. Therefore, we hypothesized that males with eggs preferentially court a single female rather than large groups of females, and that males without eggs court both groups indiscriminately. We also predicted that males restrict the number of females they mate with when risk of having their nest raided is high. Our results indicate that: (1) both males with eggs and those without eggs minimize the risk of female cannibalism by courting solitary females rather than groups of females and (2) males limit the number of females that lay eggs in their nest when several potentially raiding females are present. Offprint requests to: G.J. FitzGerald  相似文献   

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