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面对我国国际贸易深受国外绿色壁垒影响的现状,我国应以国际规则坚决抵制贸易保护主义,制定绿色产品及其包装发展鼓励条例,并不断完善环境管理和绿色保障法律制度。  相似文献   

景生 《环境教育》2006,(12):11-13
政府采购制度是约束政府机关和公共机构运用市场竞争机制采购货物、工程和服务以实现公共职能的制度.政府采购制度作为公共财政体系管理中的一项重要内容,是市场经济国家管理直接支出的一项基本手段.所谓"政府绿色采购",就是在政府采购中着意选择那些符合国家绿色标准的产品和服务.  相似文献   

企业环境行为已经成为当今社会各界关注的焦点。环境管理水平将直接影响企业的国际竞争力。面对经济社会可持续发展的战略和国际环境壁垒的挑战以及我国环境保护的现状,加强环境管理已刻不容缓。但目前我国企业在环境管理方面还存在诸如政府支持不力、企业绿色意识不强、消费者绿色消费有待加强等制约因素。因此,必须采取有力措施以加强企业环境管理,迎接绿色时代的挑战。  相似文献   

绿色服务作为促进绿色产业专业化、高端化、规范化发展的综合性服务业,是保障绿色产业持续健康发展的重要支撑。本文以《绿色产业指导目录》为依据,全面梳理1986年以来我国中央政府颁布的各类绿色服务政策,从政策演进、政策主体关系、文本类型、政策工具结构等方面对我国绿色服务政策进行量化分析。研究发现:(1)我国中央政府颁布的绿色服务政策数量及总力度都越来越大,绿色服务政策的制定已经渡过探索期,进入高质量发展的政策体系全面形成阶段;(2)政策主体牵涉广泛,部际合作现象明显且合作模式较为固定,整体上部际合作增强但又呈现出阶段性的发展特征;(3)政策类型多种多样,但不同形式的政策文件分布不均,多通知、公告类低效力文件,缺乏高效力文件;(4)政策客体结构较为完整,但行业分布不平衡;(5)总体上政策工具类型逐渐多样化,但过度重视管理,供给型、环境型、需求型三大政策工具间存在一定程度的失衡,具体表现为重环境,轻供给和需求。本文建议,应进一步加强部际协调和有效合作,平衡政策工具结构和政策的行业分布,完成绿色服务政策由量到质的升级发展。  相似文献   

本文以可持续发展、生态文明和绿色发展理念为指导,指出了重大工程项目绿色管理的重要意义,构建了重大工程项目绿色管理的概念、内涵、特征、驱动力等理论体系,给出了重大工程项目的绿色决策、绿色设计、绿色施工、绿色运营等绿色管理方法和基于可持续发展指标、碳足迹指标和节能减排指标的绩效评估指标体系,分析了国内外几个典型重大工程项目绿色管理的先进经验和做法,指出了当前我国重大工程项目绿色管理存在的问题和面临的挑战,从制定绿色管理战略和规划、加强全生命周期绿色管理、加强绿色设计与施工、加强绿色技术创新、开展绿色绩效评估、开展重大工程绿色试点示范等六个方面提出了建立我国重大工程项目绿色管理的建议。  相似文献   

一、我国绿色大学建设的现状 在我国率先提出并投入绿色大学建设的是清华大学[1].1998年5月,经过国家环境保护总局的批准,清华大学开始了"创建绿色大学示范工程"的建设,并将该工程建设列为创建世界一流大学的重要内容,规划到2006年把清华大学初步建成"绿色大学".此后,国内其他地区的高校纷纷提出或正在建设绿色大学.只是各个地方所提出的绿色大学建设内容、建设目标、建设体系不同,有的着重于校园建设,有的针对大学生环境保护思想;绿色大学建设起步早晚也不一样.  相似文献   

锰矿产资源绿色开发及安全管理对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分析并介绍了我国锰矿资源的分布及特点、开采现状、优质锰矿资源勘查潜力等战略储备,概述我国锰矿资源开采过程中引发的生态环境问题、资源利用问题,提出锰矿资源绿色开发的4个安全目标管理以及安全监管的对策,为锰矿产资源的持续开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

随着环境污染的日益严重和环保意识的不断提高,传统的企业管理方式已无法适应社会发展的需要.绿色管理是21世纪一种全新的管理思想,其内涵体现在树立绿色价值观,使用绿色技术,设计、开发绿色产品,实施清污生产,取得绿色认证并开展绿色营销,塑造绿色企业文化等方面.  相似文献   

运用比较方法,分析了中国土地市场现状,探讨了加入WTO后我国农村和城市土地市场可能在土地市场供需、土地利用方式、土地市场运行、土地市场中介服务、土地管理及土地市场科学研究六方面受到的影响,并针对这些影响提出了在WTO环境下发展我国土地市场的五个对策.  相似文献   

我国生态旅游已蓬勃发展起来,但"重开发,轻管理;重眼前,轻长远"的不良现象仍十分严重,由于管理不当致使生态旅游遭到了严重的损害。对生态旅游进行绿色管理是十分必要的,因为生态旅游和绿色管理的目的是一致的。分析了区域生态旅游绿色管理的特征,从区域生态旅游系统出发,利用绿色管理的理论和方法分别对生态旅游主体、客体、中介体和载体的管理进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Green infrastructure is a general term referring to the management of landscapes in ways that generate human and ecosystem benefits. Many municipalities have begun to utilize green infrastructure in efforts to meet stormwater management goals. This study examines challenges to integrating gray and green infrastructure for stormwater management, informed by interviews with practitioners in Cleveland, OH and Milwaukee WI. Green infrastructure in these cities is utilized under conditions of extreme fiscal austerity and its use presents opportunities to connect stormwater management with urban revitalization and economic recovery while planning for the effects of negative- or zero-population growth. In this context, specific challenges in capturing the multiple benefits of green infrastructure exist because the projects required to meet federally mandated stormwater management targets and the needs of urban redevelopment frequently differ in scale and location.  相似文献   

Green supply chain management has emerged as an important organizational philosophy to reduce environmental risks. We develop a model of the drivers affecting the implementation of green supply chain management using an Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) framework. The various drivers of green supply chain management (GSCM) are identified based on the GSM literature and on consultations with experts in the industry. The model developed is validated on a case study involving a manufacturing firm in southern India.  相似文献   

综述了2011年我国袋式除尘行业的发展概况;介绍了袋式除尘行业的生产经营状况、技术进展情况以及主要企业的经营和发展情况;详细分析了袋式除尘技术在各行业的应用前景;对袋式除尘行业在发展中存在的主要问题提出了对策和建议,并对行业的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着环境保护标准的日益严格、公众环境权益要求的不断提高,石油企业实施绿色采购已成为实施节能减排、提高竞争能力、实现又快又好发展的重要途径;这也是建设环境友好型、资源节约型企业的重要内容。石油企业应从推行物资供应各环节监管、实施物资生命周期全过程评估、加强物资产品供应商管理、强化物资流通信息化建设等方面,建立完善的企业绿色采购管理体系。  相似文献   

Traditionally, environmental issues and concerns have been viewed as a constraint to businesses. This has resulted in environmental managers relying heavily on a reactive, compliance-based approach to justify change. Businesses are now recognizing that efficient management in the environmental arena can benefit the entire company and open new opportunities for increased profits. Managers have acknowledged that environmental issues can be integrated into daily business trends and activities. Not only does sound environmental management decrease liability, but also in current markets a “green” image can attract investors and customers. This article shows how one tool that progressive companies are focusing attention on—environmental performance indicators—is being used to convey the current status of environmental issues and improve the management of these issues for the benefit of the company as well as the environment.  相似文献   

林产品绿色政府采购内涵及衡量标准分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林产品绿色政府采购是世界森林保护的新兴议题,一些发达国家已开始实施.分析了林产品绿色政府采购的内涵、合法性和可持续性标准的定义,以及在实践过程中的具体操作方法,认为林产品绿色政府采购虽然为解决森林可持续经营问题提供了新的思路,但是在实践中却可能导致负面效应,客观上成为发达国家新的木材贸易壁垒.  相似文献   

‘Green jobs’ are often presented as a simultaneous solution for the economic downturn and the environmental crisis, particularly as they relate to sustainable development in energy and climate change. Federal, state, and municipal authorities have employed a variety of policy tools to boost job creation within their jurisdictions. This study focuses on the role that state policies play in creating green jobs. It examines two generic policy tools – regulations and incentives – each of which can be aimed at advancing energy efficiency or renewable energy production, and assesses the relative impact they have had on generating green jobs. In order to measure this impact, we utilize panel data compiled by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which contain a state‐level count of green jobs from 1998 to 2007. The results of the analysis suggest that regulations, particularly those that mandate action on renewable energy, are likely to increase the number of private sector green jobs in states. Regulations with clear guidelines and targets tend to reduce uncertainty in business, and can lead to increased private sector investment and job availability. This study provides practical lessons regarding the type and design of policy instruments and regulations on renewable energy, which effectively encourage green job growth.  相似文献   

Green specifications constitute one of the important elements in green construction. New sustainability requirements and changing priorities in construction management have spurred the emerging green specifications to a faster pace of development. A cross-sectional survey has been conducted in Hong Kong in 2007 to identify principal factors leading to the success of preparing green specifications. Based on extensive construction management literature, 20 variables concerning sustainable construction were summarized. Using the Mann–Whitney U-test, the subtle differences between stakeholders in specifying construction work have been detected even with the high consistency of the responses among the groups. Moreover, five independent factors for successful specification of green construction have been categorized by factor analysis. They are related to (1) green technology and techniques, (2) reliability and quality of specification, (3) leadership and responsibility, (4) stakeholder involvement, and (5) guide and benchmarking systems. Whilst the first and fourth factors are generally more important, different stakeholder groups have different emphases. The results of the survey have been validated against established principles.  相似文献   

当前发展环保产业需要重新认识的几个问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文就当前在社会主义市场经济体制下如何更好地加快环保产业的发展,提出了如下看法:目前环保产业应是以服务业为重点内容,以市场化、产业化为其发展方式的一个综合性新兴产业,要开展以企业为主体的经济活动,建立政府激励机制,改变以政府为主体的投资机制,并加强对环保设施运营的监督管理。  相似文献   

当前无论是政府、企业还是消费者,对绿道旅游消费方式存在着许多困惑与疑问。基于绿色旅游供应链的视角,把绿色旅游概念贯彻到绿道旅游开发中,建立政府行为博弈模型,通过模型分析政府行为激励以及求解最佳行为的均衡策略,探求各主体间有效的行为激励及作用。  相似文献   

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