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本文通过对乌鲁木齐市主城区机动车车型、燃料和运行工况的信息调查,得到主城区机动车现状.在此基础上,采用IVE模型进行模拟,结合统计分析,计算得到了2010年乌鲁木齐市主城区机动车基于行驶里程的启动和运行排放因子.将有助于掌握乌鲁木齐市主城区机动车技术状况、车龄分布、年均行驶里程、在路行驶车型比例以及各型在用机动车排放状况,为制定主城区机动车排气污染管理措施,改善大气环境质量提供科学依据.  相似文献   

通过对成都市车辆信息(包括车流量、车辆构成及车辆行驶工况等)进行调研和测试,根据IVE模型得出了机动车NO_x的排放清单。结果表明,2012年成都市机动车NO_x排放总量为76 859.4t。其中,轻型载客车、出租车、重型客车、公交车、摩托车、轻型载货车、重型载货车的年排放量分别为10 796.8t、397.4t、985.9t、6 801.4t、3030.9t、13 081.8t和41 765.2t。在此基础上,利用GIS对成都市机动车排放NO_x总量按不同道路类型进行空间分配,得出机动车排放产生的NO_x总量的空间分布与排放源强分布高度一致。  相似文献   

基于2014年南充市大气污染源排放清单调查,通过实地调研、现场测试与统计年鉴等获得活动水平数据,采用排放系数法估算建立排放清单。结果表明道路机动车保有量为877 197辆,摩托车、载客汽车、载货汽车占比分别为61.8%、29.9%、8.3%。道路移动源CO 39 631.2t,NO_X26 448t、VOCs 20 544t、HC 3 648t、PM101 777t、PM_(2.5)1 600t、SO2391.7t,主要污染物为CO、NO_X和VOCs。柴油重型载货汽车、柴油轻型载货汽车、柴油大型载客汽车是NO_X、SO2、PM10和PM_(2.5)主要排放源,普通摩托车、其他燃料小型载客汽车是CO、VOCs主要排放源。普通摩托车和汽油中型载货汽车是HC主要排放源。非道路移动源污染物总量NO_X2 322t,CO 1 173t,HC 657.2t、PM 467.7t、PM_(2.5)252.9t、VOCs 179.8t。农业机械对CO、PM_(2.5)、PM、THC排放贡献率高,分别为49.5%、50.2%、48.3%、30.0%;工程机械对NO_X、PM_(2.5)、PM、THC的贡献率高,分别为51.4%、40.3%、38.9%、39.3%;船舶对VOCS排放贡献为90.3%。顺庆、高坪、嘉陵的CO、NO_X、THC、PM排放贡献率较高,蓬安VOCS排放贡献率较高。  相似文献   

选取中国市场上纯电动、油电混合、燃油和天然气动力四种类型的小型乘用车典型车型,从全生命周期视角对比能源效率与环境影响的差异。从一次能源消耗看,四种动力乘用车单位公里动力能耗均值分别为1.74MJ、2.19MJ、2.28MJ、2.94MJ。即在行驶同样的里程下,纯电动、混合动力车比传统燃油车平均一次能源分别节省19.7%、4.4%。从动力能耗生命周期的环境影响看,燃油汽车的酸化潜值和全球变暖潜值都高于其他动力车型,而纯电动和混合动力汽车的推广有助于降低汽车行驶过程中SO_2、NO_X、CO等污染物的排放。敏感性分析结果显示,煤电占比、供电煤耗的降低与火电机组脱硫脱硝除尘率的提升都有助于纯电动和混合动力乘用车减排。  相似文献   

全球有六个城市对于已经拥塞的地区做出了严格的交通限制。香港 :在汽车上安装了记录每天公路行驶里程和时间的电子传感器。驾车者每个月都会收到一份帐单 ,针对其行车里程和时间收费。新加坡 :在高峰期驶入市中心的汽车必须买一张每月3 0美元的通行证 ,但是若车上乘客在四人或四人以上就可以免费通行。哥森堡 (瑞典 ) :为了鼓励步行 ,把市中心分隔成若干扇形区域 ,汽车不能直接从一个区驶进另一个区 ,而必须绕外环线。罗马和佛罗伦萨 :从早上 7:3 0到下午 7:3 0 ,除了公共汽车、送货车和城区居民的轿车 ,其它车辆一律禁止通行。东京 :购车…  相似文献   

裴玮 《四川环境》2014,(6):149-155
生态文明视野下的区域承载力评价打破了传统承载力评价的局限,构建了经济、社会、环境、文化、制度"五位一体"的承载力评价模型。成都经济区区域承载力总体较好,但评价系统间差距较大。在时间上看呈波动上升趋势,不同年份间受外部政策和环境的强烈影响。在空间上不均衡,分3种类型,不同城市间差异较大且关键因素各异。  相似文献   

新疆地域辽阔,汽车运输的行驶里程很长,一次出车单程就有近两千公里,加之气候条件恶劣,路况较差,长途行车供水困难等不利因素,对汽车的技术状况必然要求较高。我厂是新疆较大的汽车修配厂,只有对大修车辆的质量提出较高的要求,才能保证车辆的正常运行。这样在修车过程中对汽车另件修复的技术要求也就相应提高。华主席亲自主持召开的“全国工业学大庆会议”为发展我国的社会主义工业指出了光明的前程。全国工业战线捷报  相似文献   

近年来,日本汽车工业发展神速,各种车辆出口到世界各地。为使汽车能在各种环境条件下安全可靠地行驶,必须对汽车进行严酷的环境试验。本文介绍日本明电舍公司所设计的汽车环境试验系统。 汽车环境试验装置包括以下几类: 气候类:高温、低温、全天候及减压环境试验装置 声学类:全消音及半消音试验室 电磁波类:电波暗室及电波屏蔽室 其他类:如模拟日光照射的阳光模拟装置  相似文献   

研究了华北地区5省(市、自治区)汽车拥有量和人均CO2排放量现状.采用变异系数分析方法对汽车拥有量和入均CO2排放量各地区差异大小变化趋势进行了分析,采用一元线性回归模型对华北地区未来10年汽车拥有量和人均CO2排放趋势及其地区差异大小变化趋势进行了预测,提出了相关建议,以期为该地区乃至全国经济和环境的和谐发展提供参考.  相似文献   

本文对卫星定位汽车行驶记录仪按DB44/T578-2009测试时常见不合格问题及对策进行简要的分析,解决这些问题对设计和测试卫星定位汽车行驶记录仪是很有必要的。  相似文献   

This study estimates the effectiveness of a vehicle miles travelled (VMT) tax in controlling mobile-source emissions of particulate matter (PM2.5) in a non-attainment area located in northern Utah. Using a recently updated household-level dataset, the study finds no evidence of an endogenous relationship between choice of vehicle type and VMT. VMT elasticities are also estimated with respect to cost per mile that are in some cases larger in magnitude than those reported in previous studies. Based on vehicle emissions tests performed by the Houston Advanced Research Center, the study estimates the reduction in particulate emissions that would occur with two different sets of VMT tax rates. Principal findings are that a VMT tax rate of $0.003 per passenger car mile and $0.01 per light-duty truck mile (resulting in a mean annual tax burden of $128 per household in the first year) would reduce annual particulate emissions by between 7% and 11%, depending upon the degree of heterogeneity in household driving behaviour. Assuming constant elasticity, this means that at tax rates of $0.006 and $0.02 per mile for passenger cars and light-duty trucks, respectively (resulting in double the mean annual tax burden), annual particulate emissions would be reduced by between 12% and 23%. Both the advantages and limitations of the VMT tax are discussed.  相似文献   

Transportation sector is the second largest producer of greenhouse gas in Malaysia next to energy sector. It contributes to nearly 28 % of annual national carbon emissions due to its heavy dependency of hydrocarbons such as gasoline. If not properly managed, carbon dioxide emissions per capita are expected to nearly double in the next 5 years. Lack of interdisciplinary study on this sector has caused proper mitigation initiatives to be delayed, compounding the damage to the ecosystem. The objective of this study is to develop a dynamic probabilistic model to determine emissions and pollutants of transportation system in Malaysia using Analytica software, with focus on passenger cars for its large number over other vehicle classes. Several vehicle fleet management policies based on several key governmental, industrial and stakeholder’s intervention have been constructed and analyzed for a period of 25 years. This analysis found that greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants in 2040 can be reduced by up to 80 %, compared to emissions of 2020, without any adverse effect on vehicle demand nor the economy. However, without proper intervention, personal transportation system in Malaysia will generate nearly 80,000 kilotons of greenhouse gas annually by the year 2040.  相似文献   

High taxes on new cars in Israel provide an incentive for car owners to defer the purchase of new vehicles. The result is a vehicle fleet of older, more polluting vehicles, with air pollution costs estimated at up to $530 million annually. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a cost benefit analysis (CBA) of an accelerated vehicle-retirement (AVR) programme. The analysis considers the private car fleet as well as trucks and buses. The study develops an economic model to identify the optimal payment level that will maximise the net benefit of the programme, and then apply the model to three different vehicle categories. It finds that an AVR programme for private cars may indeed yield significant net benefits, while a similar programme for trucks and buses fails to meet the cost-benefit test. For private cars, the study finds that even according to a conservative estimate, the programme will result in the voluntary retirement of approximately 98,000 private cars, with a present value net benefit of more than $50 million. This is equal to a 17% reduction in total annual private car air pollution costs for the five-year time span of the proposed programme.  相似文献   

This paper critically analyses the voluntary agreement of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) which is intended to ensure a significant reduction of average CO2 emissions from new passenger cars. It concludes that the voluntary agreement is far from being an adequate solution in terms of both ecological effectiveness and economic cost-efficiency. Therefore, the paper proposes to replace the voluntary agreement by an emission trading scheme which directly places car makers under obligation. This switch in policy should be accompanied by further phased increases in the ecotax levied on fuels and a vehicle taxation system that places greater focus on CO2 emission.  相似文献   

综述了近年来我国机动车污染防治行业的市场特点,介绍了重型柴油机排放控制技术、摩托车排放控制技术、轻型柴油车排放控制技术,以及机动车污染防治行业的新技术开发应用情况,并对机动车的排放控制技术进行了发展预测。  相似文献   


European cities have emerged as laboratories for ‘sustainable mobility'. In the last few years, they have supported numerous electric car projects which combine clean engine technologies with offers on public or shared mobility. This paper compares two ongoing public electric car services in Berlin (BeMobility) and Paris (Autolib’). We explain how both projects shape future visions of sustainable mobility and transform regional transport systems in specific ways through their performative impact as local transport policy tools. Focusing on the socio-economic and political processes through which both projects were conceived and put into practice, we explain their differences as they reflect participating actors' interests in a French versus German industrial and transport policy context after the economic crisis in 2008. We find that whereas BeMobility integrates electric cars as one element in Berlin's intermodal transport system, and thus is centred around ‘intermodality' as the central vision of sustainable transport, Autolib’ in Paris essentially reproduces the dominant mode of private passenger car transport through adding a shared electric car fleet.  相似文献   

四川省气溶胶光学厚度时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用MODIS气溶胶光学厚度产品,建立了气溶胶光学厚度与PM10/2.5的线性关系。分析了2008年~2012年四川省的气溶胶光学厚度时空分布特征,以成都市为特例分析了2003年~2012年的气溶胶光学厚度时空分布。结果显示:气溶胶光学厚度与PM10/2.5的线性关系较高;川西高原具有较低的气溶胶光学厚度,康定、马尔康、西昌、雅安等地年均气溶胶光学厚度约0.2;四川盆地区域具有较高的气溶胶光学厚度,以成都、德阳等地为代表,年均值在0.8~1.0之间,并具有明显季节变化特征;成都市的气溶胶光学厚度时空分布具有明显的城市特点。这些时空分布的特征与四川省的工业情况、地理位置、气候条件有关。  相似文献   

Light duty vehicles, i.e. passenger cars and light trucks, account for approximately half of global transportation energy demand and, thus, a major share of carbon dioxide and other emissions from the transport sector. Energy consumption in the transport sector is expected to grow in the future, especially in developing countries. Cars with alternative powertrains to internal combustion engines (notably battery, hybrid and fuel-cell powertrains), in combination with potentially low carbon electricity or alternative fuels (notably hydrogen and methanol), can reduce energy demand by at least 50%, and carbon dioxide and regulated emissions much further. This article presents a comparative technical and economic assessment of promising future fuel/vehicle combinations. There are several promising technologies but no obvious winners. However, the electric drivetrain is a common denominator in the alternative powertrains and continued cost reductions are important for widespread deployment in future vehicles. Development paths from current fossil fuel based systems to future carbon-neutral supply systems appear to be flexible and a gradual phasing-in of new powertrains and carbon-neutral fluid fuels or electricity is technically possible. Technology development drivers and vehicle manufacturers are found mainly in industrialised countries, but developing countries represent a growing market and may have an increasingly important role in shaping the future.  相似文献   

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