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清江流域避暑旅游气候资源的开发研究马乃孚,甘雨来(湖北省气象科学研究所武汉430074)(长阳县气象局长阳443500)1前言国内外有关研究表明,气候是一种旅游资源。欧洲发达国家特别重视发展旅游业,如有“旅游王国”美称的西班牙,骄傲地宣称“我们出口的...  相似文献   

少数民族地区农业文化遗产旅游开发探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为一种新的遗产类型.农业文化遗产动态保护和适应性管理正日益引起人们的重视.其旅游开发作为适应性管理的有效手段而受到越来越多的关注.由于农业文化遗产概念提出较晚,包括旅游开发在内的研究比较薄弱,特别是对于西部少数民族地区的农业文化遗产旅游开发研究,则涉及更少.在对农业文化旅游发展回顾的基础上,分析了从江农业文化遗产旅游开发的资源基础,提出了从江"农业文化遗产+少数民族风情"的农业文化遗产旅游开发模式,同时对旅游开发的前提、目标、原则、关键问题等进行了探讨.  相似文献   

江南水乡古镇旅游开发战略初探--浙江乌镇实证分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
我国长江以南地区分布着为数众多的水乡古镇,它们多以水建镇,以水成市,创造了人类与自然和谐相处的居住环境.具有较高社会学、经济学、历史学、古建筑学等方面研究价值。20世纪80年代以来,水乡古镇旅游日益受到人们青睐,并已成为华东地区旅游的特色品牌之一。然而,随着旅游的发展,一些问题也逐渐暴露出来。浙江乌镇历史悠久.人文荟萃,为浙江省历史文化名镇。其优美的人居环境、深厚的文化底蕴,体现了较高的资源品味;优越的地理区位、精品战略和高投人高产出战略的实施,使得乌镇旅游开发在较短时间内取得了巨大的成功,经济、社会效益显著.知名度迅速扩大,乌镇也因此成为旅游界一匹异军突起的“黑马”,其发展倍受国内外游客及历史文化界人士的瞩目。同时由于开发历史较短,乌镇旅游开发还存在着旅游产品单一、缺乏亮点和特色、社区参与不够、旅游设施难以满足旅游快速发展的需要等现实问题。鉴于此,对江南水乡古镇旅游开发战略进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

国内外旅游系统模型研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从系统论角度来考虑。人类的旅游活动是一个系统。旅游系统是备种旅游事象的集合体。是通过旅游者的旅游活动使备组成要素相互联系、相互作用构成的一个有机整体.它具有实现旅游价值的整体功能。在分析和阐释旅游系统特征的基础上,以时间为序列对国内外学者提出的旅游系统模型进行了介绍评述和总结.指出系统论的观点不仅为旅游资源的开发提供了认识论基础;同时又为旅游规划和开发提供了方法论基础,并提出,对具有环境观和复杂性特点的旅游地理系统的研究将成为未来旅游科学的重要研究方向。旅游系统模型的建立将为旅游(业)的研究提供现实的理论基础。  相似文献   

中国旅游扶贫研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
反贫困是发展研究中最重要的议题之一.近年来,旅游业作为反贫困(扶贫)的一种方式开始受到国内外旅游学界和业界的密切关注.本文基于相关文献,对中国旅游扶贫研究的历程、内容、地域和方法进行了分析,认为我国旅游扶贫研究始于20世纪80年代中后期,经历了起步、初步发展、快速发展三个阶段;研究内容集中于政府、社区、贫困人口在旅游扶贫中的作用,旅游扶贫的战略、模式与思路,旅游扶贫的效应,旅游扶贫中存在的问题与对策等方面;研究区域集中于云南、广西、湖北、贵州、甘肃等贫困人口较多、旅游资源丰富的省份,且偏重区域层面的宏观分析,对景区和村镇等微观单元研究不足;研究方法以定性描述为主.今后应进一步拓展研究领域和深度,突出可操作性和有效性,加强定量研究,推进方法多样化,关注旅游发展与消除贫困的互动机制、旅游扶贫中的相关利益主体、旅游扶贫中本地化产业链的构建、处于不同发展阶段的旅游地反贫困的问题与特征比较研究、旅游扶贫工程的实践性和可持续发展研究等重点问题.  相似文献   

对宜昌建成国际旅游文化城的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宜昌旅游资源丰富,历史文化渊源流长。“巴楚文化”被誉为华夏文化、东方文化、用至世界文化的重要一支。随着三峡工程动工兴建,宜昌在国内外声誉日益提高。为此提出了紧抓住三峡建设和长江沿岸开发开放的机遇,突出宜昌特色,把开发旅游文化资源与建设现代化大城市有机结合起来,逐步把宜昌建成国际旅游文化城的思路。  相似文献   

略论旅游资源的可持续利用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
随着旅游活动的大力开展和旅游业的蓬勃发展,当前我国旅游资源的开发利用在取得很大成绩的同时也出现了只顾眼前利益,忽视旅游资源的可持续利用;只顾局部利益,而忽视旅游资源开发的整体性;只注重经济利益,而忽视旅游资源的社会、环境效益等问题。如不对这些问题加以重视,必将影响旅游资源的开发和可持续性利用,使旅游资源的舒适性、完整性、历史性等特征遭到损害。这不仅殃及当代,更会愧对后人。因此,加强旅游资源可持续利用的意识,是人类文明演替的必然要求。一、旅游资源可持续利用的意义(一)旅游资源可持续利用的环境意义旅…  相似文献   

三峡工程淹没区文物保护及旅游协调发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
长江三峡是集自然景观与人文历史景观于一体的世界著名峡谷观光旅游胜地。三峡工程的实施,直接影响到该地区的地形、地貌,并波及到文物古迹、名胜、自然景观,使峡区旅游资源受到一定程度的破坏。三峡旅游资源现状特点的评价及新兴旅游景观的规划、布局不公认文物古迹,同时将促进三峡地区的经济发展。三峡库区旅游景观的维护与开发是一项艰巨而复杂的工程,必须贯彻“以维护为基础,以维持带动开发,以维护促进开发”的指导思想,  相似文献   

基于上海案例的大都市旅游容量及承载力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都市旅游容量和承载力问题是事关都市旅游可持续发展、和谐旅游环境建设的重大战略性命题。上海都市旅游发展跨入了由数量扩张向质量提升的重要转型发展期。面临警旅游容量问题的严峻挑战。都市旅游容量管理与调控是一项社会系统工程。实施旅游容量管理与调控不是剥夺或限制公民进入都市旅游和体验的权利。而是根据这种区域的极限容量阀值。疏导进入大都市的旅游流。使之保持警一种合理的、持续的容量态势发展,维系整个区域发展的可持续性。为此。要创新都市旅游容量与承载力管理的制度安排。通过都市旅游产品转型与创新、基础设施技术升级和扩能、都市旅游布局空间战略调整、区域协调与联动、实施旅游可持续指标行动等举措,进一步释放都市旅游容量及承载力潜力,缓解都市中心城区容量压力。促进都市旅游可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着人们外出休闲旅游的机会越来越多,人们对旅游地点的自然环境要求也越来越高。旅游景点的气候舒适度也受到越来越多人的关注。很多学者对一些旅游热门地区的气候舒适度给出了相应的理论分析和研究,为游客出行提供了有效的理论参考依据。本文主要以本溪满族自治县1958-2000年的气候资料为依据,运用温湿指数和风效指数确定本溪县地区的旅游气候舒适度等级,结合本溪县地区气候的基本特征,给出本溪县地区旅游时节选择的合理化建议,为本溪县地区旅游资源开发和利用以及游客对本溪县地区旅游时节的选择提供了一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Effective use of materials is one possible component of a sustainable manufacturing strategy. There are many such strategies proposed in the literature and used in practice, with confusion over what they are, what the differences among them may be and how they can be used by practitioners in design and manufacture to improve the sustainability of their product and processes. This paper reviews the literature on sustainable manufacturing strategies that deliver improved material performance. Four primary strategies were found: waste minimisation; material efficiency; resource efficiency; and eco‐efficiency. The literature was analysed to determine the key characteristics of these sustainable manufacturing strategies and 17 characteristics were found. The four strategies were then compared and contrasted against all the characteristics. While current literature often uses these strategy titles in a confusing, occasionally inter‐changeable manner, this study attempts to create clear separation between them. Definition, scope and practicality of measurement are shown to be key characteristics that impact upon the ability of manufacturing companies to make effective use of the proposed strategy. It is observed that the most actionable strategies may not include all of the dimensions of interest to a manufacturer wishing to become more sustainable, creating a dilemma between ease of implementation and breadth of impact.  相似文献   

This study takes an exploratory look at Twitter content in the USA about the emergency at Japan's Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power station. In particular, I focus on the concepts of the “atrophy of vigilance” from the risk communication literature and the message functions fulfilled for social media users. Two important results emerge from this analysis. First, Twitter content in the USA reflected a cautious approach, mainly suggesting an informative versus interpretive function and rarely mentioning risk or hazard outright. Second, this informative emphasis on risk dominated the content of tweets in the few days following the emergency but decreased substantially within 2 weeks afterwards; it was then overtaken by an interpretive risk emphasis. In addition, toward the end of this period, tweets were more likely to include hyperlinks to websites of traditional news outlets. Implications for the empirical study of social media and risk communication are discussed.  相似文献   

高速铁路对城市空间影响研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高铁作为一种交通运输方式正逐渐对城市空间产生深刻影响,其节点、线路及网络的属性作用于城市空间所对应的地域规模分别为高铁站区、所在城市、区域3个层次。按照以上思路总结评析国内外关于高铁对城市影响的理论和实证研究。在高铁站区层面,着重分析圈层用地布局与站区重建;在沿线城市层面,着眼于城镇化与轴线集聚的分析;在区域层面,分析通达性与区域一体化联动效应。在以上综合分析的基础上,构建高铁对城市空间影响的分析框架、指标体系等  相似文献   

The emerging academic field focused on sustainability has been engaged in a rich and converging debate to define what key competencies are considered critical for graduating students to possess. For more than a decade, sustainability courses have been developed and taught in higher education, yet comprehensive academic programs in sustainability, on the undergraduate and graduate level, have emerged only over the last few years. Considering this recent institutional momentum, the time is seemingly right to synthesize the discussion about key competencies in sustainability in order to support these relatively young academic programs in shaping their profiles and achieving their ambitious missions. This article presents the results of a broad literature review. The review identifies the relevant literature on key competencies in sustainability; synthesizes the substantive contributions in a coherent framework of sustainability research and problem-solving competence; and addresses critical gaps in the conceptualization of key competencies in sustainability. Insights from this study lay the groundwork for institutional advancements in designing and revising academic programs; teaching and learning evaluations; as well as hiring and training faculty and staff.  相似文献   


A growing body of literature argues that subjective factors can more accurately explain individual adaptation to climate change than objective measurers of adaptive capacity. Recent studies have shown that personal belief in climate change and affect are much better in explaining climate awareness and action than income, education or gender. This study focuses on the process of individual adaptation to climate change. It assesses and compares the influence of cognitive, experiential and structural factors on individuals’ views and intentions regarding climate change adaptation. Data from this study comes from a survey with 836 forest owners in Sweden. Ordinal and binary logistic regression was used to test hypotheses about the different factors. Results show that cognitive factors—namely personal level of trust in climate science, belief in the salience of climate change and risk assessment—are the only statistically significant factors that can directly explain individuals’ intention to adapt to climate change and their sense of urgency. Findings also suggest that structural or socio-demographic factors do not have a statistically significant influence on adaptation decision-making among Swedish forest owners. The study also offers valuable insights for communication interventions to promote adaptation. Findings strongly suggest that communication interventions should focus more strongly on building trust and addressing stakeholders’ individual needs and experiences.


This study uses social constructionism as a basis for understanding the effectiveness of communication about wildfire risk between agency officials and wildland–urban interface (WUI) residents. Risk communication literature demonstrates a well-documented difference in the way land managers and stakeholders conceptualize risk. This is especially true of fire because management of these hazards have changed so drastically in past decades; fire managers have typically struggled to clearly articulate the current management policy to the public or integrate their specific knowledge in the risk management process. This study contributes to an understanding of how WUI residents construct communication about wildland fire and agency effectiveness in communicating the new era of fire inclusion. Specifically, we explore the personal and professional sources of information residents’ use to understand their fire risk and the subjects they would like more information about. We also explore the continued viability of Smokey Bear, the most enduring symbol of fire management.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, including India, governments have implemented programs for improvement of environment and health in rural settlements through the provision of a subsidized household toilet with specifications selected and benchmarked from the experts’ perspective with only partial consideration of users’ perception. Provision of household toilets with specifications or service quality as perceived by users is a requirement for the sustainability and sustained use of toilet infrastructure. Users do not judge only the overall quality of a service but also base their judgment on a few attributes which are either perceived to be relatively more important or where there is a wider gap between expectation and perception . This paper presents a review of the service quality attributes of the household toilet as found in the relevant literature and provides a step-by-step approach for identifying appropriate attributes based on users’ perspective. While an initial list of attributes was developed based on literature review, initial selection and modifications of the attributes’ definition and units were carried out as per our judgment. This list was further modified through focus groups discussions and incorporating expert opinions. The final list of attributes is selected based on the stated importance level of attributes as perceived by users. The study finds that the attributes prioritized by the users are different from the experts. While government policies emphasize on the construction of toilet, maintenance of toilet is found an important issue for the users.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the technology purchasing decisions of a mid-sized firm (500 employees) that increase the energy efficiency of its computing systems while meeting its business objectives. For example, if company growth requires implementation of a more robust and up-to-date customer tracking system and includes hiring 10 new employees, what course should be followed to ensure a reduction in energy consumption as well as the achievement of company business goals? Should the company purchase a couple of additional servers with limited capacity for growth or should the company replace 20 aging rack servers with six state-of-the-art servers for consolidation and the hosting of virtual machines? And should the company supply the new employees with new cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors or recycle some that have been in storage? There are several alternatives that the firm can use to achieve its goals. This paper evaluates four energy efficiency technologies with respect to their impact on the reduction in energy consumption as well as internal organisational processes and human aspects. A proposed research effort is expected to contribute to energy efficiency literature by capturing adoption decisions from a market – end-user – perspective, and the outcome of this study is proposed to give insights to energy efficiency programme managers into designing more accurate energy efficiency programmes.  相似文献   

While environmental regulations are designed to ensure that organizations comply with minimum environmental standards, organizations may be compelled to pay penalties if they exceed the set standard. This study provides explanations on the effectiveness of a forced internalization of external environmental cost in a brewery in South Africa. A review of relevant literature indicates the apathy of organizations to internalize environmental costs. To see whether this apathy still holds, this paper uses the contingency theory approach to management accounting to analyze a case study on the effectiveness of forced internalization of brewery wastewater treatment cost by a municipality in South Africa. Findings reveal that the policy forced brewery managers to develop a waste-reduction strategy to improve production efficiency while limiting the volume of brewery wastewater and chemical oxygen demand emissions discharged to municipal waste treatment plant. A significant implication of this study is the forced internalization of wastewater treatment cost and the use of resources more efficiently and sustainably in production by the brewery as a result of the municipality’s policy to demand extra fees when agreed minimum wastewater discharges are exceeded. The importance of this policy is that it brought about improvements to the environmental, social, and economic performances of the brewery. The study suggests that environmental regulators should look beyond mere regulatory and monitoring roles to formulate policies to ensure that organizations take responsibility for external environmental costs they have created.  相似文献   

In the present study, Laudakia nupta were selected as a case study and were examined using the Maxent method to evaluate the potential distribution and most suitable areas. All occurrence records of the species have been gathered from literature and recent updated checklists of lizards of Iran. The final model of L. nupta showed a good performance (AUC = 0.962; SD = 0.011) indicating that the most suitable areas are situated in the western Zagros Mountains in Iran. The situation of the suitable areas in the western Zagros, while the remaining southeastern areas are of low suitability, is controversial and needs more investigation with different criteria such as molecular and other systematic methods. Precipitation of the wettest quarter is the most effective factor for the species presence and I can assume this importance is directly related to the growth of plant in the habitat as main source of food.  相似文献   

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