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对云龙湖水质进行了调查与评价.在云龙湖东湖、西湖区各设置3个采样点,监测水体中TN、TP、Imn、NH3-N、DO和SD指标;分别使用模糊识别法和湖泊综合营养指数对水体进行水质评价与富营养化评价,结果表明,云龙湖水质级别为III类,其中TN、TP超标明显,水体呈现中度富营养化;不同功能区水质差异明显,东湖区水质优于西湖...  相似文献   

以徐州市云龙湖东西两湖区为对象,研究其不同功能区水质状况,从而为云龙湖水体保护提供理论依据。在云龙湖东湖、西湖区各设置3个采样点,监测水体中总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数和溶解氧指标;采用熵权法确定各水质指标权重,继而对水质进行定量综合评价。评价结果表明:云龙湖水体水质为III类,其中TN、TP超标明显,水体已呈现富营养化;不同功能区水质差异明显,东湖区水质优于西湖区,云龙湖功能区划分对水质有显著性影响。  相似文献   

福建泉州市东、西湖水体中氮的空间分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步探讨了东湖和西湖水体中氯的空间分布特征以及3种不同形态的氮与溶解氧的相关性.结果表明,(1)泉州东湖、西湖水体中总氮的平均含量分别为3.396、3.929mg/L,氨氮的平均含量分别为1.927、2.182mg/L,硝酸盐氮的平均含量分别为1.061、1.236mg/L,亚硝酸盐氮的平均含量分别为0.084、0.059 mg/L,东湖和西湖水体的主要氮素形式均是氨氮.(2)东湖出水口和位于动物园附近的采样点总氮、氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度较其它采样点高,入水口、湖区北部及湖心区采样点的氨氤和硝酸盐氮的分布趋势基本一致.西湖东南部采样点总氮、氨氯、硝酸盐氯和亚硝酸盐氮的含量都较其它采样点高.(3)东湖水体的DO浓度与氨氛、硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氯的含量都不具有相关性,而西湖水体的DO浓度与这3种形态氮显著相关.  相似文献   

水体中原生动物,轮虫、枝角类、桡足类统称为浮游动物。它们在水体上的种类及数量与水温,光照及水质息息相关。因此人们在进行水环境的生物监测时常把它(?)为监测对象之一,并把它的种类,数量及组成特征来作为反映水质状况好坏的一个指标。 为了提高监测结果的准确性,采样方法力求科学,而科学的采样方法又必须建立在对浮游动物在水体中分布规律充分了解的基础上。  相似文献   

水质自动监测与常规监测结果对比分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了系统研究水质自动监测数据与常规监测数据间差异问题,选取15个运行多年的国家地表水水质自动监测站,对p H、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(COD_(Mn))、氨氮(NH_3-N)及总磷(TP)5项监测指标开展了站房外常规监测、站房内常规监测与自动监测的对比实验研究。通过分析监测结果之间相对误差、相对偏差、水质类别变化发现,站房内常规监测、站房外常规监测与自动监测结果之间误差较小;同时通过误差统计分析及直方图分析发现,地表水水质自动监测系统监测结果与站房外常规监测结果之间误差整体属于随机误差(偶然误差)。研究得到了水质自动监测与常规监测数据一致可比的结论,为水质自动监测数据的应用提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

苏州河干流水质自动监测系统数据的可靠性分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
以苏州河干流水质自动监测系统为例,通过与实验室数据之间的统计分析,分析苏州河水质在线自动监测系统数据的可靠性。对比分析自动监测系统和实验室的温度、p H、DO、CODMn、NH3-N数据,自动监测系统数据合格,在0.01水平上两者不存在显著性差异,2种方法的结果高度相关,苏州河水质在线自动监测系统测定的数据真实可靠。在自动监测系统的维护中,要对系统关键部分进行不定期的清洗,特别是出现较可疑数据时,应及时寻找原因,解决问题。  相似文献   

运用多元统计方法,对东江中游水质自动站(河源临江站和惠州剑潭站)2009-2012年水质监测数据进行时空分异特征及影响因素研究。结果表明:水站水质在Ⅰ类~Ⅲ类之间;空间特征差异为 T 与 TB 差异不显著,pH 值、EC、DO、IMn、NH3-N 及 TP均存在极显著差异;水期体征差异为河源临江站除 DO各水期差异显著外,其他指标差异不明显,惠州剑潭站 pH值、EC、IMn与 TP各水期均呈显著差异,NH3-N 水期差异不显著。Pearson 相关性分析表明,T 是制约河源临江站水体 DO的主要相关因子,营养盐作用相对较低;惠州剑潭站水体 DO 与 T、TP及 IMn呈极显著负相关关系。通过因子分析,识别出影响惠州剑潭水质的主因子,量化了水体理化性质、地表径流及人为污染对水质变化的贡献。  相似文献   

潘集矿区塌陷水域水质评价及其综合利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采煤塌陷水域是淮南潘集矿区一种特殊的地表水体.为了对潘集矿区塌陷水域进行水质评价和提供水资源综合利用的理论基础,选择了潘一矿区典型的两个塌陷水域,采用格网法布设39个采样点对水质进行全面采样监测,分析了水体的重金属元素和部分理化指标并运用数学模糊综合评判法对水质进行了评价.结果表明,封闭性较好的l'水域水质由水体中间向两岸呈递减趋势,中间断面水质为Ⅲ类;与泥河连通的2#水域水质较差,所有监测断面水质均为Ⅳ、Ⅴ类.由于矿业污染源的影响,导致2#水域的重金属元素污染强度高于1#水域.各塌陷水域均已受到不同程度污染,然而丰富的塌陷水资源若合理保护和综合开发利用可带来显著的环境效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

为了解无锡市地下水水质状况,于2010年10—12月对无锡地区145口地下水井进行采样分析。以地理信息系统为技术手段,对不同土地利用类型和地下水类型的水污染物监测结果进行综合评价。结果表明,无锡全市地下水达标率为45.52%,整体水质情况处于"较好"级别;NH3-N、Mn和Fe为无锡市地下水的主要污染物;无锡市农业和建设用地区域地下水的污染程度整体要高于水体和林地区域;承压层的地下水污染较为严重。提出,无锡市管理部门应根据地下水污染现状,对地下水资源进行动态监测(包括水量和水质监测),并采取强有力的保护与治理措施,以实现区域水资源的持续利用。  相似文献   

地表水水质自动监测数据技术评估   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
对地表水水质自动监测站取水口直接采样和模拟水样,用自动监测和实验室方法监测相应的指标,对两者的监测结果进行比较,研究和分析两者之间差异的原因,评估自动监测数据,提出建议。  相似文献   

In order to promote pollutant monitoring and preservation of water resources, we evaluate the spatiotemporal trends in recent water quality conditions in Japanese rivers. Trend analysis is conducted on the 92 major rivers in Japan using the available water quality data recorded from 1992 to 2005 and the characteristics of major pollutants in these rivers are analyzed. Spatial and temporal analysis of trends for six water quality indicators is conducted using the Mann Kendall test, a non-parametric statistical method. The indicators analyzed are biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and pH. The majority of sampling locations monitoring BOD, COD, TN and TP show trends toward decreasing concentrations over time. Many sampling locations show increasing DO concentrations. Our results show that water quality in Japanese rivers has improved dramatically over the past decade, although there are still problems in some places, most notably in the Hokkaido, Kanto, Kinki and Kyushu regions. The improvements seen in water quality appear to be the result of improved wastewater treatment and other water quality improvement efforts achieved through government initiative.  相似文献   

In this paper limnological status of river Suswa was observed for a period of two years. A water quality Beck modified Khanna Bhutiani model (BMKB model) was developed to calculate DO (dissolved Oxygen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand). The model was developed to calculate DO and BOD by using DO/BOD of same place and upstream in previous season which results in Single output. This model gives the seasonal value on the basis of previously taken upstream and downstream observations/concentrations of DO and BOD. The model was calibrated and verified for the water quality data (Physico-chemical data) of samples collected from river Suswa in different seasons. The model gave good agreement between data observed by it and the data observed manually, thus substantiating the validity of the model. Only minor differences were observed in physical, chemical and heavy metals of all the four sampling stations during the course of study.  相似文献   

The concern over ensuing freshwater scarcity has forced the developing countries to delve for alternative water resources. In this study, we examined the potential of stagnant surface water bodies (SSWBs) as alternative freshwater resources in the densely populated Chittagong metropolitan area (CMPA) of Bangladesh??where there is an acute shortage of urban freshwater supply. Water samples were collected at 1-month intervals for a period of 1 year from 12 stations distributed over the whole metropolis. Samples were analyzed for pH, water temperature (WTemp), turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids, total solids, total hardness, dissolved oxygen (DO), chloride, orthophosphates, ammonia, total coliforms (TC), and trace metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, As, and Fe) concentrations. Based on these parameters, different types of water quality indices (WQIs) were deduced. WQIs showed most of CMPA-SSWBs as good or medium quality water bodies, while none were categorized as bad. Moreover, it was observed that the minimal water quality index (WQIm), computed using five parameters: WTemp, pH, DO, EC, and turbidity, gave a reliable estimate of water quality. The WQIm gave similar results in 72% of the cases compared with other WQIs that were based on larger set of parameters. Based on our finding, we suggest the wider use WQIm in developing countries for assessing health of SSWBs, as it will minimize the analytical cost to overcome the budget constraints involved in this kind of evaluations. It was observed that except turbidity and TC content, all other quality parameters fluctuated within the limit of the World Health Organization suggested standards for drinking water. From our findings, we concluded that if the turbidity and TC content of water from SSWBs in CMPA are taken care of, they will become good candidates as alternative water resources all round the year.  相似文献   

Although waste from coffee processing is a valuable resource to make biogas, compost, and nutrient-rich animal food, it is usually dumped into nearby water courses. We carried out water quality assessment at 44 sampling sites along 18 rivers that receive untreated waste from 23 coffee pulping and processing plants in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia. Twenty upstream sampling sites free from coffee waste impact served as control, and 24 downstream sampling sites affected by coffee waste were selected for comparison. Physicochemical and biological results revealed a significant river water quality deterioration as a result of disposing untreated coffee waste into running water courses. During coffee-processing (wet) season, the highest organic load (1,900?mg/l), measured as biochemical oxygen demand, depleted dissolved oxygen (DO) to a level less than 0.01?mg/l, and thus curtailed nitrification. During off season, oxygen started to recuperate and augmented nitrification. The shift from significantly elevated organic load and reduced DO in the wet season to increased nitrate in the off season was found to be the determining factor for the difference in macroinvertebrate community structure as verified by ordination analysis. Macroinvertebrate diversity was significantly reduced in impacted sites during the wet season contrary to the off season. However, there was a significant difference in the ratio of sensitive to pollution-tolerant taxa in the off season, which remained depreciated in the longer term. This study highlights the urgency of research exploring on the feasibility of adopting appropriate pollution abatement technologies to implement ecologically sound coffee-processing systems in coffee-growing regions of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

The application of different multivariate statistical approaches for the interpretation of a complex data matrix obtained during the period 2004-2005 from Uluabat Lake surface water is presented in this study. The dataset consists of the analytical results of a 1 year-survey conducted in 12 sampling stations in the Lake. Twelve parameters (T, pH, DO, [Formula: see text], NH(4)-N, NO(2)-N, NO(3)-N, [Formula: see text], BOD, COD, TC, FC) were monitored in the sampling sites on a monthly basis (except December 2004, January and February 2005, a total of 1,296 observations). The dataset was treated using cluster analysis, principle component analysis and factor analysis on principle components. Cluster analysis revealed two different groups of similarities between the sampling sites, reflecting different physicochemical properties and pollution levels in the studied water system. Three latent factors were identified as responsible for the data structure, explaining 77.35% of total variance in the dataset. The first factor called the microbiological factor explained 32.34% of the total variance. The second factor named the organic-nutrient factors explained 25.46% and the third factor called physicochemical factors explained 19.54% of the variances, respectively.  相似文献   

Various industrial facilities in the city of Varanasi discharge their effluent mixed with municipal sewage into the River Ganges at different discharge points. In this study, chemometric tools such as cluster analysis and box–whisker plots were applied to interpret data obtained during examination of River Ganges water quality. Specifically, we investigated the temperature (T), pH, total alkalinity, total acidity, electrical conductivity (EC), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate nitrogen (N), phosphate (PO 4 2? ), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in water samples collected from six sampling stations. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis was conducted using Ward’s method. Proximity distance between EC and Cr was the smallest revealing a relationship between these parameters, which was confirmed by Pearson’s correlation. Based on proximity distances, EC, Cr, Ni, Fe, N, COD, temperature, BOD, and total acidity comprised one group; Zn, Pb, Cd, total alkalinity, Cu, and phosphate (PO 4 2? ) were in another group; and DO and pH formed a separate group. These groups were confirmed by Pearson’s correlation (r) values that indicated significant and positive correlation between variables in the same group. Box–whisker plots revealed that as we go downstream, the pollutant concentration increases and maximum at the downstream station Raj Ghat and minimum at the upstream station Samane Ghat. Seasonal variations in water quality parameters signified that total alkalinity, total acidity, DO, BOD, COD, N, phosphate (PO 4 2? ), Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe, Pb, and Zn were the highest in summer (March–June) and the lowest during monsoon season (July–October). Temperature was the highest in summer and the lowest in winter (November–February). DO was the highest in winter and the lowest in summer season. pH was observed to be the highest in monsoon and the lowest in summer season.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition that protozoa is very useful in monitoring and evaluating water ecological healthy and quality. In order to study the relationship between structure and function of protozoan communities and water qualities, six sampling stations were set on Lake Donghu, a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake. Microbial communities and protists sampling from the six stations was conducted by PFU (Polyurethane foam unit) method. Species number (S), diversity index (DI), percentage of phytomastigophra, community pollution value (CPV), community similarity and heterophy index (HI) were mensurated. The measured indicators of water quality included total phosphorus (TP), dissolved oxygen (DO), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH(4)(+), NO(2)(-) and NO(3)(-). Every month water samples from stations I, II, III, IV were chemically analyzed for a whole year, Among the chemically analyzed stations, station I was the most heavily polluted, station II was the next, stations III and IV had similar pollution degrees. The variable tendencies of COD, TP, NH(3), NO(2)(-), NO(3)(-), and DO during the year was approximately coincident among the six stations. Analysis from the community parameters showed that the pollution of station 0 was much more serious than others, and station V was the most slight. Of the community parameters, CPV and HI were sensitive in reflecting the variables of the water quality. Community similarity index was also sensitive in dividing water qualities and the water quality status of different stations could be correctly classified by the cluster analysis. DI could reflect the tendency of water quality gradient, species number and percentage of Phytomastigophora was not obvious in indicating the water quality gradient.  相似文献   

Water Quality Changes in Chini Lake, Pahang, West Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of the water quality changes of Chini Lake was conducted for 12 months, which began in May 2004 and ended in April 2005. Fifteen sampling stations were selected representing the open water body in the lake. A total of 14 water quality parameters were measured and Malaysian Department of Environment Water Quality Index (DOE-WQI) was calculated and classified according to the Interim National Water Quality Standard, Malaysia (INWQS). The physical and chemical variables were temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), turbidity, chlorophyll-a, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS), ammonia-N, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate. Results show that base on Malaysian WQI, the water in Chini Lake is classified as class II, which is suitable for recreational activities and allows body contact. With respect to the Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS), temperature was within the normal range, conductivity, TSS, nitrate, sulphate and TDS are categorized under class I. Parameters for DO, pH, turbidity, BOD, COD and ammonia-N are categorized under class II. Comparison with eutrophic status indicates that chlorophyll-a concentration in the lake was in mesotrophic condition. In general water quality in Chini Lake varied temporally and spatially, and the most affected water quality parameters were TSS, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, sulphate, DO, ammonia-N, pH and conductivity.  相似文献   

River water quality sampling frequency is an important aspect of the river water quality monitoring network. A suitable sampling frequency for each station as well as for the whole network will provide a measure of the real water quality status for the water quality managers as well as the decision makers. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is an effective method for decision analysis and calculation of weighting factors based on multiple criteria to solve complicated problems. This study introduces a new procedure to design river water quality sampling frequency by applying the AHP. We introduce and combine weighting factors of variables with the relative weights of stations to select the sampling frequency for each station, monthly and yearly. The new procedure was applied for Jingmei and Xindian rivers, Taipei, Taiwan. The results showed that sampling frequency should be increased at high weighted stations while decreased at low weighted stations. In addition, a detailed monitoring plan for each station and each month could be scheduled from the output results. Finally, the study showed that the AHP is a suitable method to design a system for sampling frequency as it could combine multiple weights and multiple levels for stations and variables to calculate a final weight for stations, variables, and months.  相似文献   

This study reports the spatio-temporal changes in water quality of Nullah Aik, tributary of the Chenab River, Pakistan. Stream water samples were collected at seven sampling sites on seasonal basis from September 2004 to April 2006 and were analyzed for 24 water quality parameters. Most significant parameters which contributed in spatio-temporal variations were assessed by statistical techniques such as Hierarchical Agglomerative Cluster Analysis (HACA), Factor Analysis/Principal Components Analysis (FA/PCA), and Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA). HACA identified three different classes of sites: Relatively Unimpaired, Impaired and Less Impaired Regions on the basis of similarity among different physicochemical characteristics and pollutant level between the sampling sites. DFA produced the best results for identification of main variables for temporal and spatial analysis and separated eight parameters (DO, hardness, sulphides, K, Fe, Pb, Cr and Zn) that accounted 89.7% of total variations of spatial analysis. Temporal analysis using DFA separated six parameters (E.C., TDS, salinity, hardness, chlorides and Pb) that showed more than 84.6% of total temporal variation. FA/PCA identified six significant factors (sources) which were responsible for major variations in water quality dataset of Nullah Aik. The results signify that parameters identified by statistical analyses were responsible for water quality change and suggest the possibility of industrial, municipal and agricultural runoff, parent rock material contamination. The results suggest dire need for proper management measures to restore the water quality of this tributary for a healthy and promising aquatic ecosystem and also highlights its importance for objective ecological policy and decision making process.  相似文献   

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