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以云南省锌采选和冶炼行业重金属类危险废物为对象,针对其产生种类与数量、处理方式及处置现状进行调查,采用物料衡算、实测法核算和经验估值等方法对锌冶炼过程中重金属类危险废物的产污和排放系数进行计算。结果表明,锌矿山采选过程产生的固体废物不属于危险废物;锌冶炼不同工段产污系数最大的危险废物为烟尘,在产能5万t/a的锌冶炼焙烧、电解锌、电炉炼锌和精馏过程中烟尘的产污系数分别为178.7 kg/t~268 kg/t、218 kg/t~312.6 kg/t、188.5 kg/t~230.9 kg/t、12.5 kg/t~21.7 kg/t;在产能≥5万t/a的锌冶炼焙烧、电解锌过程中烟尘产污系数分别为693 kg/t~863 kg/t、256.5 kg/t~384.7 kg/t,排污主要集中在电解锌工段。  相似文献   

南通市化工行业危险废物管理现状分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南通市化工行业危险废物产生现状为基础,对该行业危险废物的产生源、处置、利用、贮存和流向情况以及管理现状进行分析,阐述了产生问题的原因,提出了行业危险废物管理的对策建议.  相似文献   

农业土壤危险废物污染的风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从环境风险管理出发,探讨危险废物对农业土壤污染的途径,提出土壤危险废物污染的风险管理内容和方法,初步建立辽宁省农业土壤危险废物污染的预警指标体系。  相似文献   

从风险物质数量、风险诱发因素及风险防控能力角度出发,采用加权评分法,结合周边环境敏感受体情况,对沈阳市某化工园现状做环境风险评估。结果表明:JHYSD和XJHX的区域环境风险值贡献最大,分别为3.08和2.59,约占园区内总风险值的41.2%;该化工园综合环境风险值为13.57,构成该综合风险值的各分项大小不同,其中,RIS_(危险废物)分项环境风险最大,贡献率达到28.89%,其次为RIS_(大气),贡献率达27.34%,其余三者顺序为RIS_(化学品)RIS_水RIS_(累积)。  相似文献   

解析废气中二噁英监测采样的现状及不足,针对生活垃圾焚烧炉(炉排炉)、蓄热式焚烧炉(RTO)和危险废物焚烧炉(回转窑)3种不同类型焚烧炉,考察了采样过程中烟道类型、采样时间和采样时间间隔不同对二噁英监测的影响。结果表明,在水平烟道和垂直烟道采样测得二噁英排放浓度水平相当,有垂直烟道时,优先在垂直烟道采样;间隔采样和连续采样二噁英测定结果基本一致,为了便于操作,建议均采用连续采样方式;采样时间上,生活垃圾焚烧炉应保证超过1 h,蓄热式焚烧炉以2 h左右为宜;间歇投料危险废物焚烧炉应尽量满足2 h以上,条件不许可时,可通过增加采样流量缩短采样时间保证采样量,并在危险废物完全燃烧前结束采样工作。  相似文献   

列车车厢内的空气质量对乘客的健康和乘坐舒适度有明显影响.密闭车厢的内装材料所释放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)是影响车厢内环境空气质量的主要污染物.为研究25G型客车车厢内空气VOCs浓度的分布机理及扩散规律,采用环境测试舱法和扫描电镜(SEM)表征,对车厢主要内装材料(座椅坐垫、PVC地板、墙板等)的VOCs释放速率进行...  相似文献   

在分析国内外危险废物分级管理经验的基础上,结合健康风险的评估步骤,提出了基于全过程危险废物污染物释放情景的精细化-动态健康风险评价方法。充分考虑处理利用工艺、企业管理水平等因素对于危险废物中污染物释放概率和能力的影响,并基于污染物向环境介质的迁移转化,定量评估危险废物的健康风险。基于危险废物污染特性数据库和事故情景数据库,结合全过程信息采集技术,构建危险废物分级分类管理平台,进行涉废企业的风险级别划分,实施差异化管理,形成更加科学有效的危险废物全过程精细化管理体系。  相似文献   

危险废物生态毒性鉴别指标研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
生态毒性是危险废物的危险特性鉴别指标之一,生态毒性鉴别指标确定的基础是关于毒性化学物质和固体废物的生态毒理学(评估指标)研究.比较研究了国外毒性物质和危险废物的生态毒性鉴别指标及其制定的方法学,分析了中国的研究现状,对中国危险废物生态毒性鉴别指标制定的方法学提出了建议.  相似文献   

简述了印染废水处理污泥危险废物鉴别过程中有毒污染物的迁移转化及鉴别因子筛选。以采用活性染料的印染企业为例,从常用的原辅材料、使用的生产工艺、常用的废水处理工艺等几个方面来对印染废水处理污泥危险废物鉴别过程中有毒污染物的迁移及转化进行分析。提出危险废物鉴别工作任重而道远,危险废物鉴别的关键在于日常监管。  相似文献   

本文用强酸型阳离子交换树脂732~#(60—100目)对地表水中微量铜、铅、锌、镉进行预浓缩。该树脂因粒度较细,交换速度很快,操作采用静态交换,静态浸洗,与动态法相比,分析过程大大缩短。操作不需要特殊的树脂柱。用500ml的水样便可达到100倍的浓缩倍数。  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is a straightforward way to manage waste, however the disposal of process byproducts, mainly bottom and fly ash, is still a problem, because of their hazardous contents. Fly ash is a byproduct of many other processes that involve combustion to produce energy. In this paper we present and discuss a new method for MSWI fly ash inertization, mainly based on the use of colloidal silica as a stabilization agent for metals. In the patented procedure, fly ash of different provenance can be used to produce an inert and non-hazardous material, that can be reused. In fact to make the recovery process more efficient, landfilling should be totally avoided. For this reason, to enhance the possibility of reuse, a washing process, for salts recovery, is proposed as a final step of the inertization procedure. The obtained inert material is called COSMOS (COlloidal Silica Medium to Obtain Safe inert), and it is composed of calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, silicon oxide and a wide quantity of non-soluble amorphous compounds. COSMOS does not contain any corrosive salts. This makes it extremely interesting for cement industry applications with several other advantages, and environmental benefits. The new proposed inertization procedure appears very promising, because it allows MSWI fly ash to be considered a valuable resource. Thanks to the obtained results, a demonstration project, in the frame of LIFE+, has been funded by the European Commission (LIFE+ 2008 project ENV/IT/000434, ).  相似文献   

以牛骨为原料,氯化锌为活化剂制备牛骨基炭,通过静态吸附试验研究了牛骨炭对水中Hg(Ⅱ)的吸附效果并确定了影响吸附性能的因素。研究结果表明:牛骨炭对Hg(Ⅱ)的最佳吸附时间约为2h、吸附温度为25℃、pH值为1、投加量为0.1g、吸附溶液的最大初始浓度为600mg/L,其最大吸附容量Q^0为43.1mg/g,吸附行为符合Freundl—ich吸附等温模型;通过BET分析和扫描电镜(SEM)等手段表征了牛骨炭的孔结构参数及形貌特征,经分析,所制备牛骨炭的孔径分布为中孔。  相似文献   

我国危险废物经营单位监测中的技术问题和建议   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根据2007—2013年对持环保部发证的危险废物经营单位开展监督性监测的实际情况和工作经验,从关注焚烧企业的二口恶英监测、加强危险废物企业日常监测、开展危险废物鉴别技术方法研究等方面,探讨我国危险废物监测技术上现存的主要问题和发展方向,对今后全国各省自行组织危险废物许可证的审核和监督性监测等相关工作给出了建议。  相似文献   

对电解铝企业产生的阳极残渣、阳极残极浸出毒性进行了鉴别。鉴别结果表明:电解铝企业产生阳极残渣浸出液中氟化物(不含氟化钙)平均质量浓度为140 mg/L,最高达244 mg/L,且超标试样数达到《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》中相应规定,鉴别该废物属于危险废物,应按照危险废物进行管理;阳极残极浸出液中氟化物(不含氟化钙)平均质量浓度为74 mg/L,无超标试样数,该废物不属于具有氟化物浸出毒性的固体废物,建议仍按一般固体废物进行管理。  相似文献   

This risk assessment on vinyl chloride was carried out specifically for the marine environment, according to the methodology laid down in the European Union (EU) risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and the Technical Guidance Documents for New and Existing Substances (TGD, 1996). Vinyl chloride is used for the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The study consisted of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programmes in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by the ratio of the Predicted Exposure Concentration (PEC) and the Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total 6 studies for fish, 3 studies for invertebrates and one for algae have been evaluated. The appropriate assessment factors have been used to calculate a PNEC of 210 microg/l based on short-term exposure. For coastal waters and estuaries a worst case PEC of 0.15 microg/l is derived. For river waters a typical and worst case PEC of <0.008 and 0.4 microg/l is derived, respectively. These concentrations, which do not take into account any dilution within the sea, correspond to safety margins from 500 to 250,000 between the aquatic effect and the exposure concentration. Vinyl chloride is not a 'toxic, persistent and liable to bioaccumulate' substance sensu the Oslo and Paris Conventions for the Prevention of Marine Pollution (OSPAR-DYNAMEC). It can be concluded that the present use of vinyl chloride does not present a risk to the marine aquatic environment.  相似文献   

In the developing world, environmental chemical exposures due to hazardous waste sites are poorly documented. We describe the approach taken by the Blacksmith Institute's Toxic Sites Identification Program in documenting environmental chemical exposures due to hazardous waste sites globally, identifying sites of concern and quantifying pathways, populations, and severity of exposure. A network of local environmental investigators was identified and trained to conduct hazardous waste site investigations and assessments. To date, 2,095 contaminated sites have been identified within 47 countries having an estimated population at risk of 71,500,000. Trained researchers and investigators have visited 1,400 of those sites. Heavy metals are the leading primary exposures, with water supply and ambient air being the primary routes of exposure. Even though chemical production has occurred largely in the developed world to date, many hazardous waste sites in the developing world pose significant hazards to the health of large portions of the population. Further research is needed to quantify potential health and economic consequences and identify cost-effective approaches to remediation.  相似文献   

比较、归纳、总结了生活垃圾和工业危废焚烧项目在生产工艺、污染源产生及治理、污染物排放标准等方面的异同点,提出必须重视废气排污口设施与在线监测仪器的安装,应完善事故防范措施与应急预案等检查要求,为环保部门验收监测、监督管理工作提供技术支持.  相似文献   

依据2017年环境统计数据, 分析了长江经济带工业危险废物的污染及处理特征:长江经济带危废产生 量较大的省份是江苏、浙江、云南、湖南和四川;危废种类主要是来源于化工、钢铁、有色和造纸行业的废酸、有色金属冶炼废物、废碱和焚烧处置残渣;各地对危废的处理情况各有优劣。根据以上特征,提出加强对重点 区域的监管和调度,针对特定行业和危废种类,建议出台最佳可行的处理技术,建立区域之间危废管理大平台,促进区域危废处理优势互补和均衡发展,挖掘企业自行处理能力,减轻危废集中处理压力。  相似文献   

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