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高氟饮用水脱氟技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合了国内目前使用的高氟饮用水脱氟技术,重点介绍两种已用于设备制作的脱氟技术--活性氧化铝和活化沸石。目的介绍了于高氟地区。对饮用水进行脱氟,对氟的地方病进行治理。  相似文献   

氟虽是人体所必须的微量元素之一,但过多过少均对人的健康有害。由于氟在自然界分布较广,有许多地区,特别是盐碱地区的水中氟含量超过了维持人们健康所需的标准。除氟已成为环境研究部门的一个重要课题。本文对近十年来水中氟的分离与富集的研究状况。根据目前所采用的分离方法加以归类总结。以求能对人们在实际应用中有所裨益。在研究工作方面,我们以羟基磷石灰为主要原料,与多孔基体制备成颗粒状的除氟剂,CaPOHI型和CaPOHI型柱填料。并研究用于选择性地分离富集水中的氟。研究结果表明:这两种型号的除氟剂除氟效果都很好,具有交换速度快交换容量较大,容易再生使用等优点,因此有一定的推广应用的价值。此外,我们还研究了以氢氧化物为共沉淀吸附剂,以阴离子表面活性剂-油酸钠为起泡剂,共沉淀泡沫浮选水中的氟离子,发现氢氧化铝和氢氧化锆可做氟的共沉淀吸附剂。该法具有分离速度快,富集效率高等优点。若用于工业废水的治理上,将会有一定的价值。  相似文献   

沸石除磷性能研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
室内静态实验表明:沸石的用量、反应时间、原水浓度、原水pH值、反应速度、磷的存在形式等是影响沸石除磷的主要因素;沸石能有效去除洗浴水、生活污水中的磷含量,是一种优良除磷新材料。  相似文献   

用活化沸石处理含铅废水的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对用活化沸石处理含铅废水进行了试验研究。探讨了活化沸石用量、废水酸度、接触时间等因素对除铅效果的影响。结果表明,在废水pH4~12、Pb2+0~100mg/L范围内,按铅/活化沸石重量比为1/200投加活化沸石进行处理,铅去除率大于98%。  相似文献   

赤泥中氟的赋存状态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用连续化学提取方法对赤泥中各形态的氟进行了提取,并对不同形态氟的迁移规律进行了研究.结果显示.从赤泥中可提取出五种形态的氟,即水溶态氟、可交换态氟、铁锰结合态氟、有机束缚态氟及残余态氟,其中残余态氟所占的比例最大,含量在60%~90%之间,然后依次是水溶态氟、可交换态氟、铁锰结合态氟、有机束缚态氟;赤泥的可给态氟化物(水溶态氟和可交换态氟)输出能力较强,对地下水影响较大,随着堆积时间的延长,赤泥的总氟含量有所降低,但可给态氟化物输出能力非但不减反而增强,赤泥堆放场对地下水的影响主要取决于赤泥中水溶态氟和可交换态氟含量的高低.  相似文献   

离子色谱法测定氟离子的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用离子色谱法测定水中的氟离子具有分离效果好、灵敏度高、时间短、费用低等优点,通过实验证明该方法简单可靠,能满足饮用水、地表水、地下水和雨水等样品分析的要求,有推广应用的价值。  相似文献   

本文叙述了“滤膜——碱溶——氟离子电极法”测定大气中总氟的分析方法.通过对比试验和加标回收试验,阐明了该法能完全溶解滤膜上的总氟物质,优于滤膜——酸溶——氟离子电极法.且方法可靠,简便易行.  相似文献   

根据高氟地区大面积饮用水及土壤深层及表层水溶氟单位面积随机取样分析含氟量,应用数理统计显著性检验方法检验,进取对照区及实验点在青铜峡高氟地区是可行的。通过大动物-绵羊野外放牧等实验,搞清了青铜峡地区的饮用水和土壤水溶氟的本底值;同时分清了工业氟污染及自然高氟污染对畜牧业的危害所占的比例。  相似文献   

氟离子电极空白值快速恢复方法周卫华(江苏省淮阴市环境监测站,淮阴223001)用酸性溶液清洗电极可加速电极功能恢复。经不同浓度的盐酸、硝酸、硫酸溶液清洗电极实验表明,盐酸溶液清洗效果较好,当盐酸溶液浓度为1×10-4mol/L时效果最好,电极空白值恢...  相似文献   

以我国氟病高发区之一的吉林省西北部为研究区域,对土壤中总氟含量、潜水氟含量与人体氟效应之间关系作了分析研究。研究表明,本区内土壤氟含量(背景氟),潜水氟含量(地下水)与人体氟效应在地理分布上呈明确的一致。特别是本区覆盖面最大的盐碱土和黑钙土总氟与潜水氟含量的  相似文献   

Excess intake of fluoride through drinking water causes fluorosis on human beings in many States of the country (India), including Andhra Pradesh. Groundwater quality in the Varaha River Basin located in the Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh has been studied, with reference to fluoride content, for its possible sources for implementing appropriate management measures, according to the controlling mechanism of fluoride concentration in the groundwater. The area occupied by the river basin is underlain by the Precambrian Eastern Ghats, over which the Recent sediments occur. Results of the chemical data of the groundwater suggest that the considerable number of groundwater samples show fluoride content greater than that of the safe limit prescribed for drinking purpose. Statistical analysis shows that the fluoride has a good positive relation, with pH and bicarbonate. This indicates an alkaline environment, as a dominant controlling mechanism for leaching of fluoride from the source material. Other supplementary factors responsible for the occurrence of fluoride in the groundwater are evapotranspiration, long contact time of water with the aquifer material, and agricultural fertilizers. A lack of correlation between fluoride and chloride, and a high positive correlation between fluoride and bicarbonate indicate recharge of the aquifer by the river water. However, the higher concentration of fluoride observed in the groundwater in some locations indicates insufficient dilution by the river water. That means the natural dilution did not perform more effectively. Hence, the study emphasizes the need for surface water management structures, with people's participation, for getting more effective results.  相似文献   

Fluoride in groundwater is known to contaminate the water sources globally. Jharkhand, one of the states in the eastern part of India, is known to have excessive fluoride content in groundwater sources. The present work involves assessment of water quality with special reference to fluoride in Majhiaon block of Garwa district in Jharkhand. Iron, nitrate and arsenic were also tested for the water samples collected from site. Eight hundred forty samples were tested for fluoride on site using colourimetry method, and one tenth of the samples were brought to laboratory for iron, nitrate, arsenic and fluoride analysis. Results show that 402 samples were having fluoride above permissible limit. Iron and nitrate were found to be beyond permissible limits in 302 and 286 water samples, respectively. More than 50% of samples collected from school had fluoride levels above permissible limits. Arsenic was well within the limits. However, few samples shown were excessive of iron and nitrate.  相似文献   

受工业活动影响,上海市典型工业区表层土壤氟中位值普遍高于"七五"背景值。针对工业企业场地土壤氟化物高值现象,目前仍缺乏相关的管理标准体系,且基于总量的评估分析方法已无法满足日益增长的精细化管理需求。详细梳理了国内外氟化物相关标准体系,并对上海市土壤氟限值进行了探讨。基于上海市典型工业场地特征参数计算得到的土壤氟化物筛选值高于上海市土壤"七五"背景值,与上海市工业场地调查得到的土壤氟化物高值基本持平;第一类、第二类用地的氟化物筛选建议值分别为1 980、10 000 mg/kg。与氟化物相比,水溶态氟化物是影响作物体内氟含量的重要因素,且在淋溶等作用下会对地下水安全构成威胁。考虑到水溶态氟化物的环境行为与风险,建议针对农田土壤开展水溶性氟化物含量限值研究。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine the extent of bioaccumulation of fluorides in tissues of Helix aspersa maxima. The toxicity of fluorides administered orally on the energy balance of the snail's foot was investigated based on measurements of concentrations of adenine nucleotides and their metabolism degradation products. Quantitation of fluoride levels was done in soft tissues (foot, hepatopancreas) and shells of mature snails. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of purine compounds was performed in slices of foot from mature snails. Fluoride concentrations in pulverized shells were measured using an ion-selective electrode. Gas chromatography was used to determine fluoride concentrations in soft tissues (hepatopancreas and foot). Purines were measured in foot muscle slices with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Fluoride levels in soft tissues of the snail cannot serve as an indicator for biomonitoring purposes as no significant accumulation was observed during exposure to maximum allowable concentrations of fluoride in drinking water. Contrary to this, levels of fluoride in the shell rose significantly with this concentration of fluoride in drinking water. The effect of fluorides on energy metabolism of foot muscle was evidenced by elevated AMP levels, increased adenine nucleotide pool and reduced conversion of ADP to ATP. Exposure to rising F(-) concentrations was accompanied by decreasing values of the adenylate energy charge AEC. Determination of AMP or AEC in foot muscle of exposed snails seems to be a useful indicator of fluoride effects on metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Endemic fluorosis was detected in 31 villages in the Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh, Central India. Out of the 109 drinking water sources that were analyzed, about 67 % were found to contain high concentration of fluoride above the permissible level of 1.0 mg/l. Dental fluorosis among the primary school children in the age between 8 and 15 served as primary indicator for fluoride intoxication among the children. Urinary fluoride levels among the adults were found to be correlated with drinking water fluoride in 10 villages affected by fluoride. Intervention in the form of alternate safe water supply in five villages showed significant reduction in the urinary fluoride concentration when compared to the control village. Urinary fluoride serves as an excellent marker for assessing the effectiveness of intervention program in the fluoride-affected villages.  相似文献   

对电解铝企业产生的阳极残渣、阳极残极浸出毒性进行了鉴别。鉴别结果表明:电解铝企业产生阳极残渣浸出液中氟化物(不含氟化钙)平均质量浓度为140 mg/L,最高达244 mg/L,且超标试样数达到《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》中相应规定,鉴别该废物属于危险废物,应按照危险废物进行管理;阳极残极浸出液中氟化物(不含氟化钙)平均质量浓度为74 mg/L,无超标试样数,该废物不属于具有氟化物浸出毒性的固体废物,建议仍按一般固体废物进行管理。  相似文献   

Fluoride in fractionated soil samples of Ajmer district,Rajasthan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The natural abundance of fluoride in soils of the Ajmer distict, Rajasthan was examined. From undisturbed soil, the top 15 cm of the profile was examined and the soil split into fractions based on sand, silt and clay particle size. Clay contained a high amount of fluoride, whereas sand and silts are enriched with much less fluoride. The relation between the soil fractions in observed clay fraction fluoride content matched groundwater fluoride variation. However, the enrichment of fluoride material extracted from the largest soil fraction had considerably lower amounts of clay relative to that from the smaller fractions.  相似文献   

通过离子选择电极法测定Fe3+和Al3+不同含量的土壤样品中水溶性氟化物试验,研究Fe3+和Al3+对测定的干扰与消除方法,证实了在总离子强度调节缓冲溶液共存下,Fe3+和Al3+对土壤提取液中水溶性氟化物检测结果存在不同程度的负干扰。选择6种代表性土壤样品,在水溶性氟化物提取液中加入20 mg/L的Al3+和100 mg/L的Fe3+做干扰试验,比较了分取不同体积土壤提取液对氟化物检测结果的影响,结果表明,对水溶性ρ(Fe3+)和ρ(Al3+)高的土壤样品,可选择减少提取液取样体积来消除干扰。选取的5种标准样品测试结果与标准值相符,干扰消除方法具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   

Fluoride in high concentration in groundwater has been reported from many parts of India. However, a systematic study is required to understand the behavior of fluoride in natural water in terms of local hydrogeological setting, climatic conditions, and agricultural practices. The present study is an attempt to assess hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in parts of Palar river basin pertaining to Kancheepuram district Tamil Nadu to understand the fluoride abundance in groundwater and to deduce the chemical parameters responsible for the dissolution activity of fluoride. The study area is geologically occupied by partly sedimentary and partly crystalline formations. A total of 50 dug cum borewell-water samples, representing an area of 2,628.92 km2. The results of the chemical analyses in September 2009 show fluoride abundance in the range of 1 to 3.24 mg/l with 86% of the samples in excess of the permissible limit of 1.5 mg/l. Presence of fluoride-bearing minerals in the host rock, chemical properties like decomposition, dissociation, and dissolution, and their interaction with water are considered to be the main causes for fluoride in groundwater. Chemical weathering with relatively high alkalinity favors high concentration of fluoride in groundwater. Villagers who consume nonpotable high fluoride water may suffer from yellow, cracked teeth; joint pains; and crippled limbs and also age rapidly.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the risk for caries and fluorosis in a desertification area, applying the calcium/fluoride concentration ratio of underground water and the quality of water in a selected geographical region. This study was performed in the municipality of São João do Rio do Peixe, located in the tropical semiarid lands of Brazil. A total of 111 groundwater samples were collected. Fluoride concentration varied from 0.11 to 9.33 mg/L. Thirty percent of all samples analyzed showed values above 1.5 mg/L, while 64 % were above the ideal limit of 0.7 mg/L. Mean calcium concentration was 47.6 mg/L, and 14.4 % of all samples presented values above the WHO acceptable limits. The proportional value of calcium/fluoride in water showed that only 12 % of the samples were suitable for dental caries prevention with minimal risk for dental fluorosis. Mapping of the fluoride distribution indicated that approximately 2,465 people could be affected by dental fluorosis and 1,057 people might be affected by skeletal fluorosis. It can be concluded that, in addition to fluoride, many water parameters were not suitable for the drinking water. Mapping out calcium/fluoride ratio may indicate areas of water suitability for caries control, whereas the fluoride concentration solely can indicate the areas with the risk for fluorosis. This approach can be relevant for health authorities for identifying communities where dental caries or dental fluorosis is prevalent.  相似文献   

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