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以我国干旱区典型内陆湖泊流域——新疆艾比湖流域为研究区,对其平原区1990--2005年的景观格局动态变化特征进行了研究。结果表明,1990--2005年,研究区农田、湿地及人居地景观的面积增加,其中以农田景观的面积增加量最大;而林地、草地、沙地、戈壁和盐碱地景观的面积呈减少趋势,其中草地、盐碱地和林地景观面积减少较多;各景观类型中以盐碱地、林地、草地和戈壁的转出率较高,而以农田、人居地的转入率较高;研究区景观组份构成没有大的变化,戈壁依然是研究区景观的基质。景观格局变化对区域生态环境的影响主要表现为:农田斑块数量和面积的增加,加大了区域水资源利用压力;林地、草地斑块面积减少,使得平原区绿洲遭受风沙的危害性增大;沙地、戈壁和盐碱地面积减少,使绿洲不同区域生态环境呈现不同变化特征;湿地斑块面积略有增加,对减少艾比湖流域沙尘危害较为有利。  相似文献   

通过分析塔里木盆地孤立绿洲民丰县气温、降水2个气象要素的相关资料得出,从20世纪50年代至90年代,气温呈上升趋势,而夏秋两季降水量随温度上升而上升。从气象要素的历史变化和季节分布特征看,塔里木盆地的孤立绿洲整体环境状况仍处于比较差的阶段。此分析结论对合理利用本地气候资源具有实际意义,并且能够为研究干旱区气候变化提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区建设及效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
艾比湖是典型的干旱区湖泊,具有特殊湿地的干旱生态系统.晚更新世晚期开始,由于气候逐渐变干,艾比湖不断萎缩.20世纪50年代至80年代末,由于湖区人口的激增及其对水土资源的不合理开发利用,加速了湖泊干缩的进程,80年代后期至今,随着新疆北部的气候向暖湿转变,以及湖区人口和耕地增长趋缓,艾比湖湖面出现波动扩张态势.本文对艾比湖湿地自然保护区的建设及效益情况进行了阐述.  相似文献   

以色列JacobBlaustein荒漠研究院(BIDR)隶属于本·古里安大学,位于大学主校园所在地白沙瓦市南50km处的SedeBoqer校园。SedeBoqer是位于Negev荒漠腹地的小绿洲,其周围的荒漠环境为该院开展荒漠研究提供了得天独厚的便利条件。BIDR是以色列国家级荒漠综合研究中心,在国际荒漠研究方面具有较高的知名度,目前已初步形成国际干旱区研究中心,对全世界有关科研人员开放。其下属荒漠环境研究中心、能源与环境物理中心、水资源研究中心、荒漠生物农业中心4个所系级机构和遥感实验室、荒漠…  相似文献   

结合新疆绿洲城市及城镇的自然特点及发展实际,从加强城市环境功能区划工作的角,探讨了对绿洲城市及城镇的环境管理问题。  相似文献   

新疆是我国降水最少、产水能力最低的地区,自然灾害主要是干旱。本文基于实测降水、径流数据,依据全国第三次水资源调查评价形成的新疆降水、径流等值线图,形成干旱分布图,并构建年尺度面降水、径流系列。采用干旱分布图和系列数据,按不同空间尺度量化分析了研究区干旱状态和演变规律。新疆多年平均降水深为157.7 mm,单位面积产水量48.5 mm, 80%以上的面积属干旱、半干旱区,南疆较北疆干旱、山区相对湿润、平原干旱。在气候变暖的背景下,呈现不同程度湿化趋势,但气象干旱和水文干旱的气候形态并未发生改变。近30 a的相对丰水期,由于经济社会用水量的不断增加,加之高温导致的径流年际波动加剧,使新疆面临更为严峻的干旱形势。  相似文献   

近年来,随着旅游业的快速发展,赛里木湖旅游开发活动产生的生态环境问题越来越突出.本文对赛里木湖旅游资源开发过程中引发的环境问题进行分析和探讨,针对目前赛里木湖自然资源破坏严重的现状,提出了合理的开发利用和保护对策.  相似文献   

在分析黑充域水资源开发利用利用现状的基础上,阐明了近年来由于中游地区增加了用水量,造成下游水资源短缺,使原已很脆弱的生态环境日趋恶化,威胁着额浏纳绿洲的生存。同时提出了现阶段防治下游生态环境恶化的基本措施,以供流域综合规划参考。  相似文献   

从西北地区的地理位置和气候条件入手,讨论该区生态退化的原因,分析退化后所造成的影响,最后提出了一些恢复措施.  相似文献   

新疆水能、风能、光能资源丰富,合理开发利用资源,大力开发新能源、可再生能源和节能、提高能效是新疆实施可持续发展的需要。开发清洁发展机制(CDM)项目有着巨大潜力,对降低一次能源消耗,减少环境污染,促进节能减排具有重要意义。本文对此进行了论述。  相似文献   

Land use change resulted in land degradation is a focus of research on global environmental changes and plays a significant role in the stability and economic development of oases in arid regions of China. Jinta Oasis, a typical oasis of temperate arid zone in northwestern China, was investigated to assess land-use change dynamics during 1988–2003 with the aid of satellite remote sensing and GIS, and to explore the interaction between these changes and oasis environment. Six land-use types were identified, namely: cropland, forestland, grassland, water, urban or built-up land, and barren land. The results indicate that cropland, urban/built-up land, and barren land increase greatly by 30.03, 13.35, and 15.52 km2, respectively; but grassland and forestland areas decrease rapidly by 58.06, and 1.76 km2, respectively. These results also show that obvious widespread changes in land-use occur within the whole oasis over the study period and result in severe problems of environmental degradation (i.e. land desertification, decline of groundwater, and vegetation degeneracy).  相似文献   

Ecological security has become so important that it will affect the national security and social sustainable development. In this paper, a case study on the ecological security indexes of modern oasis landscapes in Beitun Oasis, Xinjiang, was carried out. The spatial neighbouring parameters, such as the contiguous length, measure of area and patch quantity of oasis landscape patches, affected by desert landscape patches were calculated by using GIS-based buffer analysis, the method of calculating ecological security indexes of oasis landscape was developed, and the dynamic changes of patterns and ecological security indexes of the oasis landscapes since recent 30 years were analyzed. The results showed that soil salinization or alkalization and paludification were major factors affecting the ecological security in Beitun Oasis. Therefore, measures should be taken actively to prevent and control secondary salinization and paludification. The ecological security indexes of the oasis landscape in 1972, 1990 and 2005 were 78.91, 82.28 and 83.86, respectively, which showed the degree of security is improving, and the environment was developing harmoniously between human and nature. The methods of evaluating ecological security based on the spatial neighbouring relations between landscape patches can be used to reflect preliminarily the ecological security patterns of landscapes.  相似文献   

The Yanqi Basin, one of the most productive agricultural areas, has a high population density in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Land use changes, mainly driven by oasis expansion, significantly impact ecosystem services and functions, but these effects are difficult to quantify. The valuation of ecosystem services is important to clarify the ecological and environmental changes caused by agriculturalization of oasis. This study aimed to investigate variations in ecosystem services in response to land use changes during oasis agricultural expansion activities in the Yanqi Basin from 1964 to 2009. The methods used were based on formula of ecosystem service value (ESV) and ESV coefficients. Satellite data were combined with the ESV coefficients to quantify land use changes and ecosystem service changes in the study area. Sensitivity analysis determined the effect of manipulating the coefficients on the estimated values. The results show that the total ESVs in the Yanqi Basin were $1,674, $1,692, $1,471, $1,732, and $1,603 million in 1964, 1973, 1989, 1999, and 2009, respectively. The net deline in ESV was $71 million in the past 46 years, but the ESVs of each types of landscape changed significantly. The aggregated ESVs of water areas and wetlands were approximately 80 % of the total ESV. Water supply and waste treatment were the two largest service functions and contributed approximately 65 % of the total ESV. The estimated ESVs in this study were elastic with respect to the value coefficients. Therefore, the estimations were robust in spite of uncertainties on the value coefficients. These significant changes in land use occur within the entire basin over the study period. These changes cause environmental problems, such as land degradation, vegetation degeneracy, and changes in aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The impact of fossil fuel subsidies on environmental degradation has not been adequately examined in the existing literature. However, environmental degradation is often suggested as one of the causes of climate change. This paper examines the factors driving environmental degradation, emphasising the role of fossil fuels, in 35 emerging and developing countries. The ecological footprint is used as a proxy for environmental degradation. Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), the results show that an increase in fossil fuel subsidies leads to an increase in ecological footprint. Specifically, a 10% increase in fossil fuel subsidies will increase the ecological footprint by between 0.3% and 1.5%. The results further suggest that variables such as population size, real GDP per capita, urbanisation and the non-dependent population also boost environmental degradation. It is also shown that primary energy supply per capita, industry share, resource rent and globalisation have a positive effect on environmental degradation. However, the global oil price and human capital development do not have a significant impact on environmental degradation. The implications of these empirical findings are analysed in the paper.  相似文献   

In recent years, climate change has caused a significant impact on the human living environment, and the greenhouse effect caused by gases such as carbon dioxide cannot be ignored. From the viewpoint of environmental management, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has the functions of value judgment, prediction, and behavioral orientation on the possible impact of strategic planning. Integrating climate change factors into the SEA process can help planners and decision-makers better highlight the importance of climate change in policy and planning stages. Therefore, by combining the development of the SEA of China with relevant international experience, we explore the integration of climate change factors into the SEA framework and construct a technical procedure for such an assessment. A suggestive assessment indicator system for the SEA based on low-carbon targets was established for evaluating the impact of the implementation of strategic planning on low-carbon development goals. The objective is to mitigate the impact of climate change via the SEA and to ensure that the assessment plays an important role in tackling climate change and promoting sustainable development.  相似文献   

对截止至2021年6月报道的长江源区气候、水资源、水质、藻类、大型无脊椎动物和鱼类资源等水生态系统健康相关研究进行了综述,以期为进一步开展长江源区水生态系统健康研究与生态保护提供参考和依据。研究结果表明:①长江源区水生态相关研究主要关注于气候变化,其次为水资源变化和草地退化。②1948—2019年,长江源区全年平均气温呈上升趋势,增长速度为0.2~0.5℃/10 a;春季和冬季降水量呈增加趋势,增长速度分别为1.1~26.6 mm/10 a和0.2~9.1 mm/10 a;全年平均径流量呈增加趋势,增长速度为11.8~79.6 m3/(s·10 a);蒸发量呈增加趋势,增长速度为7.6~71.6 mm/10 a。③1969—2002年,冰川面积减少了68.1 km2,年均减少2.0 km2。1969—2015年,格拉丹东冰川面积减少了14.9~79.0 km2,减少速度为0.5~10.0 km2/a。1975—2015年,湖泊面积增加了2.7~831.6 km2,增速为0.3~96.2 km2/a。④1986—2015年,大部分河段水质为Ⅱ类及以上,且无明显年际变化。⑤针对水生生物的调查和研究非常匮乏。总体而言,长江源区水生态系统健康状况良好。近年来其气象因子以及水资源状况有所改变,未来气候变化可能会进一步影响长江源区水生态系统健康状况。今后亟须加强对长江源区的本底调查,完善基础数据,关注气候变化对水资源和水质的影响,并探索气候变化对水生生物的影响。  相似文献   

To overcome the shortcoming of existing studies, this paper put forward a statistical vegetation–climate relationship model with integrated temporal and spatial characteristics. Based on this model, we quantitatively discriminated on the grid scale the relative role of climate change and human activities in the desertification dynamics from 1986 to 2000 in Yulin region. Yulin region’s desertification development occurred mainly in the southern hilly and gully area and its reverse in the northwest sand and marsh area. This spatial pattern was especially evident and has never changed thoroughly. From the first time section (1986–1990) to the second (1991–1995), the desertification was developing as a whole, and either in the desertification development district or in the reverse district human activities’ role was always occupying an overwhelmingly dominant position (they were 98.7% and 101.4%, respectively), the role of climate change was extremely slight. From the second time section (1991–1995) to the third (1996–2000), the desertification process was reaching a state of stability, in the desertification development district the role of climate change was nearly equivalent to that of human activities (they were 46.2% and 53.8% separately), and yet in the desertification reverse district, the role of human activities came up to 119.0%, the role of climate change amounted to ?19.0%. In addition, the relative role of climate change and human activities possessed great spatial heterogeneity. The above conclusion rather coincides with the qualitative analysis in many literatures, which indicates that this method has certain rationality and can be utilized as a reference for the monitoring and studying of desertification in other areas.  相似文献   

The Yellow River is the second longest river in China and the cradle of the Chinese civilization. The source region of the Yellow River is the most important water holding area for the Yellow River, about 49.2% of the whole runoff comes from this region. However, for the special location, it is a region with most fragile eco-environment in China as well. Eco-environmental degradation in the source region of the Yellow River has been a very serious ecological and socially economic problem. According to census data, historical documents and climatic information, during the last half century, especially the last 30 years, great changes have taken place in the eco-environment of this region. Such changes are mainly manifested in the temporal-spatial changes of water environment, deglaciation, permafrost reduction, vegetation degeneracy and desertification extent, which led to land capacity decreasing and river disconnecting. At present, desertification of the region is showing an accelerating tendency. This paper analyzes the present status of eco-environment degradation in this region supported by GIS and RS, as well as field investigation and indoor analysis, based on knowledge, multi-source data is gathered and the classification is worked out, deals with their natural and anthropogenic causes, and points out that in the last half century the desertification and environmental degradation of this region are mainly attributed to human activities under the background of regional climate changes. To halt further degradation of the environment of this region, great efforts should be made to use land resources rationally, develop advantages animal agriculture and protect the natural grassland.  相似文献   

简述了环境保护新特征的系统诊断,指出面对环境保护呈现的新特征,环境监测管理及建设存在环境监测的各项技术、标准、规范、管理措施滞后于社会经济基本现代化的发展要求,体制机制滞后于环境保护的发展要求,服务能力滞后于公共服务的需求,质量管理滞后于严格的环境管理需求等问题。提出,应从传统的环境监测向资源环境承载力监测预警转变,从条块管理向垂直管理的体制转变,从监测信息相对封闭向监测信息主动公开转变,由单纯依靠自身监测向依靠各部门和全社会监测转变,从污染物总量监测为主向污染物总量,环境质量监测并重转变,从实验室质控为主向全过程质控转变,从以生态,环境为核心的环境监测向以人为本的环境监测转变。  相似文献   

Climate change adaptation reduces adverse effects of climate change but may also have undesirable environmental impacts. However, these impacts are yet poorly defined and analysed in the existing literature. To complement this knowledge-gap, we reviewed the literature to unveil the relationship between climate change adaptation and environmental impact assessment, and the degree to which environmental impacts are included in climate change adaptation theory and practice. Our literature review showed that technical, social and economic perspectives on climate change adaptation receive much more attention than the environmental perspective. The scarce interest on the environmental impacts of adaptation may be attributed to (1) an excessive sectoral approach, with dominance of non-environmental perspectives, (2) greater interest in mitigation and direct climate change impacts rather than in adaptation impacts, (3) a tendency to consider adaptation as inherently good, and (4) subjective/preconceived notions on which measures are good or bad, without a comprehensive assessment. Environmental Assessment (EA) has a long established history as an effective tool to include environment into decision-making, although it does not yet guarantee a proper assessment of adaptation, because it is still possible to postpone or even circumvent the processes of assessing the impacts of climate adaptation. Our results suggest that there is a need to address adaptation proactively by including it in EA, to update current policy frameworks, and to demand robust and reliable evaluation of alternatives. Only through the full EA of adaptation measures can we improve our understanding of the primary and secondary impacts of adaptation to global environmental change.  相似文献   

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