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新建民用建筑工程室内环境污染调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对广州市天河区和白云区274个新建民用建筑工程室内环境空气质量进行了调查。结果表明,氡检测结果均合格。毛坯房中除人为因素造成5处测点氨超标外,其他检测指标均合格。在已装修过的房间中,甲醛有26个检测点、苯有41个检测点(其中10个为Ⅱ类民用建筑工程)、TVOC有25个检测点(其中4个为Ⅱ类民用建筑工程)的检测结果超过民用建筑工程室内环境污染物浓度限量标准值。  相似文献   

贵阳市民居室内外空气污染物分布及来源研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对贵阳市部分家庭室内外空气污染物进行了监测,并对其来源进行了分析.结果表明,除了CO浓度未超标外,SO2、NO2、PM10、CO2、甲醛和氨均出现不同程度的超标,超标率在0.5%~38%,最大超标倍数1.1~2.7,其中PM10的超标率和甲醛的超标倍数最明显.室内空气污染物中,PM10、CO、CO2和甲醛主要来自室内源的贡献,SO2则受室外源的影响大.污染物在室内不同房间之间具有较高的相关关系.  相似文献   

污染物的危害程度不仅与超标率和超标倍数有关,而且与污染物超标持续时间有关。同样高的污染物浓度,如果其持续时间长短不同,其对环境的生态效应是不同的。为此,在充分分析超标率、超标倍数所存在缺陷的基础上,通过实例分析对比,以直观图解的方式提出了一套新的污染物环境危害评价指标体系——超标强度指标体系。超标强度指标体系中涉及的主要概念和指标有标准面积、超标面积、超标持续时间、超标强度和综合超标强度。在阐述了各指标的概念含义和计算方法后,以同一组监测数据为例,用超标率和超标倍数与超标强度指标进行了对比评价。结果表明,用超标强度及其指标体系可以科学、准确区分和评判超标率、超标倍数指标体系所不能区分和评判的真实存在的客观事实,而且非常精确地给出了污染物超标持续时间。超标强度指标所涵盖的内容比超标率和超标倍数更丰富,评价的结果更准确,所反映的生态环境质量状况更客观准确、科学真实。超标持续时间表明了污染物超标状态的持续时间。  相似文献   

论述了室内空气污染的主要原因。主要污染物及其危害。并对室内空气污染现状进行了调查。结果显示住宅中甲醛超标率在33.3%-100%之间,甲醛最高超标10.9倍;总挥发性有机物(TVOC)超标率在55.6%-75.0%之间,最高超标24.0倍;氨超标率在33.3%-41.7%之间,最高超标5.1倍;氡未见超标,同时,对室内空气污染提出了具体防治措施。  相似文献   

目前经常使用的评价环境质量超标情况的主要指标为超标率,但它将环境监测抽样样本和样本总体相混淆,从而导致其不能客观评价环境质量的超标情况。基于概率统计论提出了一种新的指标——超标概率来评价环境质量的超标情况。利用抽样样本的特性,求出超标概率。由于环境监测样本抽样方式的不同,超标概率的计算公式也略有不同。为了说明该方法如何运用,以京杭大运河宿迁段水质为例,分析了每种污染物和整个京杭大运河宿迁段的超标情况。  相似文献   

分析了濠河水体中非离子氨在不同断面、不同月份、不同年际的变化情况 ,并指出其超标的原因及控制措施  相似文献   

1.预测因子的选择二水厂地处市区北部,全部为地下水,水质较差,占全市地下水总供水量的11.0%,因多年过量超采由本底值带出和人为污染的主要超标污染物是总硬度、溶解性总团体、硫酸盐、氯化物、硝酸盐氮和挥发酚.超标污染物主要是无机阴阳离子.统计结果表明,总硬度与溶解性总固体有很好的相关  相似文献   

随着中国环境问题特别是大气环境问题的凸显,环境承载能力研究成为国内各界关注的热点。采用大气污染物年均质量浓度与新的空气质量标准比较的方法即超标倍数法,对全国330个地级城市进行大气环境承载力评价。评价结果表明,有70%的城市大气环境超载,大气环境承载形势严峻。超载最严重地区为京津冀及周边区域,长三角地区、中部大部分地区。PM2.5为大多数重点城市超载的首要污染物。通过对比大气环境承载指数与污染物排放总量、污染排放强度、人口、第二产业、地形、气象等因素的相关关系发现,不同地区主要影响因素不同,应该采取分区域、季节等差别化手段控制污染物排放,提高环境承载能力。  相似文献   

分析了濠河水体中非离子氨在不同断面,不同月份、不同年际的变化情况,并指出其超标的原因及控制措施。  相似文献   

为提高上海市氨排放清单的准确性,在资料更新的基础上,通过调查收集各类排放源信息和采用不同定量化方法获得排放量,对上海市氨工业排放源清单及其排放总量汇总统计。结果表明,该市工业源氨排放以城镇污水处理、固废处理、炼油行业为主,分别占全市工业源氨排放量的59.81%、20.85%和7.83%。这3大行业生产过程中氨等恶臭污染物的排放控制是上海市工业氨减排的重要方向。  相似文献   

室内氨气污染的净化试验研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
近几年 ,由于建筑施工使用含氨的添加剂和使用室内装饰材料 ,造成现代建筑物室内氨气 (NH3)污染问题 ,严重影响了人们的工作和生活。本研究采用改性的吸附材料 ,在管道系统和封闭空间两种不同工况条件下 ,对以改性吸附剂做吸附材料的氨气净化装置进行净化性能的评价 ,为室内氨气污染的净化治理提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

A funded research project was conducted during the period July1992 through November 1994. The project was designed to evaluateindoor and ambient air quality in and around buildings of different types and uses in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.Thirty intercity buildings and two outercity (background) siteswere carefully selected and monitored for air quality. Ten airpollutants, together with relevant meteorological parameters, were monitored indoor and outdoor at each site continuously andsimultaneously for a period of two weeks covering summer and winter seasons.This article discusses the results obtained for sulfur dioxide (SO2), ammonia (NH3) and formaldehyde (HCHO). Results of this investigation revealed that most sites had on the averageexceeded the recommended standards for SO2 and NH3 bothindoor and outdoor, with indoor levels being worse than outdoorduring winter time. Several sites also showed high levels of HCHO, with outdoor levels being consistently higher than indoor.Statistical and frequency analyses were performed on the collected data, showing seasonal and sector by sector variability, and outdoor-indoor correlations.  相似文献   

研究采用空气质量指数法对2014—2018年洛阳市大气污染变化特征进行了分析,构建了空气污染物浓度的影响指标体系,采用灰色关联法研究了空气污染物浓度与影响因子之间的关联度,得到了影响空气污染物浓度的主要指标因子,并提出了改善洛阳市空气质量的措施。结果表明:洛阳市空气质量指数类别主要为良和轻度污染。2014—2018年空气质量为优良的天数主要出现在春季、夏季和秋季,重度污染和严重污染主要出现在冬季。2018年PM10、PM2.5、NO2、SO2和CO这5项污染物浓度随时间变化呈"V"型,污染主要集中在1—5月和11—12月。O3浓度随时间变化呈倒"V"型,污染主要集中在4—9月。研究期内PM2.5、PM10和O3是主要污染物。市区总人口、工业(综合)能源消耗量、人均生产总值、城市机动车总数、城市房屋施工面积、人均公园绿地面积、建成区绿化覆盖率和一般工业固体废物产生量等8项指标因子与PM2.5、PM10和O3的浓度表现出高关联度或较高关联度。  相似文献   

During periods of two weeks in February and June 2010 the performance of portable air treatment units (PATUs) was evaluated in a primary school classroom using indicators of indoor air quality. Air samples were collected in an undisturbed setting on weekend days and in an occupied setting during teaching hours. In the first week PATUs were turned off and in the second week they were turned on. On weekend days PATUs reduced indoor levels of PM-10 by 87% in February and by 70% in June compared to weekend days when PATUs were turned off. On schooldays, indoor PM-10 was increased by 6% in February and reduced by 42% in June. For PM-2.5 reductions on weekend days were 89% in February and 80% in June. On school days PM-2.5 was increased by 15% in February and reduced by 83% in June. Turning on the PATUs reduced total VOC by 80% on weekend days and by 57% on school days (but not in June). No influence on formaldehyde, NO(2), O(3) and molds was observed. PATUs appeared to be less effective in removal of air pollutants when used in an occupied classroom compared to an unoccupied setting. Our study suggests that such devices should be tested in real-life settings to evaluate their influence on indoor air quality.  相似文献   

Determinations of PCB were carried out as part of a project aimed at developing cleanup methods for PCB-containing elastic sealant used in outdoor joints between concrete blocks. The goals of the project were to develop methods, which minimise the spread of PCB to the outdoor environment and to indoor air, and which keep the PCB levels as low as reasonably possible in the workplace environment whilst removing the elastic sealant. The following PCB determinations were carried out: (1) concentration in the elastic sealant; (2) concentration in the concrete close to the sealant; (3) concentration in soil; (4) concentration in the indoor air; and (5) concentration in the air in the workplace environment. The cleanup process consisted of a number of different steps: (1) cutting the elastic sealant with an oscillating knife; (2) grinding the concrete with a mechanical machine; (3) sawing the concrete with a mechanical saw and (4) cutting the concrete with a mechanical chisel. In all these different steps a high capacity vacuum cleaner connected to the machines was used. The elastic sealant contained 4.7 to 8.1% total PCB of a technical product with a composition most similar to Clophene A40. The concrete close to the sealant (first 2 mm) contained 0.12 and 1.7% total PCB at two different places. The pattern of the PCB in the concrete resembled that of the sealant. PCB concentrations in the soil from the ground close to the building were 0.1 and 0.3 ppm at two different places before the remedial action. The source of the PCB in the soil is most likely the sealant as the PCB pattern is similar for the two materials. The PCB levels in the workplace air at the beginning of the project, when the techniques were not fully developed, were generally above the occupational exposure limit of 10 micrograms m-3 (up to 120 micrograms m-3). Later when the techniques were optimised to better take care of dust and gases produced during the cutting and grinding etc., the levels were below or close to 10 micrograms m-3. The pattern of the PCB in the workplace air was different from that of the sealant and contained higher levels of lighter components. The PCB concentrations in the indoor air were measured before and during the remedial process. The levels were around 600 ng m-3 and there was no significant increase during the removal of the sealant. The PCB level after the remedial action will be measured later. The pattern of the PCB in the indoor air was different from that of the sealant as well as from that of the workplace air. Higher levels of the lighter PCB were present indoors compared to the composition in both workplace air and in sealant. Extracts of PCB were analysed by GC-MS with a SIM method (selected ion monitoring). Standard procedures were used for extraction of solid materials. For the air samples an OVS tube was used with XAD-2 as adsorbent. The filter and adsorbent were extracted with toluene. This work shows that it is important to perform remedial action of PCB-containing elastic sealant as: (1) there is a spread of PCB to the indoor air giving high enough concentrations to make this the main PCB load on humans living in the apartments studied in this project; (2) large amounts are spread to the soil from these sealants; and (3) many of the PCB-containing elastic sealants used need to be changed from a functional perspective.  相似文献   

在对室内空气氨气的采样过程中不可避免地会将室内空气中共存的甲醛引入到氨吸收液中,考察了不同浓度甲醛的共存对使用靛酚蓝法测定室内空气氨含量的影响情况,分析了影响产生的原因,提出了相应的建议,可供从事室内环境检测的工作人员参考。  相似文献   

室内空气中甲醛测定比对试验的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了检验化学酚试剂比色法与便携式甲醛测定仪测定室内空气中甲醛方法间有无显著性差异,用2种方法做了比对试验,并对2种方法的相关性、精密性进行了分析。结果表明,2种分析方法无显著性差异。便携式甲醛分析仪具有操作简单、携带方便、直观性强等优点,有利于民用建筑室内环境中甲醛的测定。  相似文献   

对2018—2020年春季江苏省臭氧(O 3)污染特征进行了分析。结果表明,江苏省ρ(O 3)均超过二级标准限值,分别超出5.6%,11.3%和8.8%,沿江区域ρ(O 3)略高于苏北区域;ρ(O 3-1 h)日变化呈“单峰型”,峰值呈逐年上升趋势,非污染日苏北区域ρ(O 3-1 h)均高于沿江区域,主要时间段体现在夜间至次日早晨,污染日中午至傍晚时段,沿江区域ρ(O 3-1 h)高于苏北区域;日ρ(O 3)高频区间为80~120μg/m 3,频率约为20%,沿江区域高频区间为60~120μg/m 3,苏北区域高频区间为80~140μg/m 3,频率均超过15%。沿江和苏北区域日ρ(O 3)在临界区间的出现频率偏差不大,O 3污染潜在风险相当;江苏省ρ(O 3)超标率呈逐年递增趋势,超标现象主要集中在4—5月;O 3作为首要污染物且超标的占比逐年升高,而PM 2.5作为首要污染物且超标的占比逐年降低,江苏省春季空气质量影响因子逐渐从PM 2.5转为O 3;平均>90%的O 3污染日为轻度污染,受O 3影响空气质量达到中度污染的占比较小,平均<10%,未出现因O 3导致的重度或严重污染日。  相似文献   

During a monitoring campaign concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in indoor air of 79 dwellings where occupants had not complained about health problems or unpleasant odour. Parameters monitored were the individual concentration of 68 VOCs and the total concentration of all VOCs inside the room. VOCs adsorbed by Tenax TA were then analysed by means of thermal desorption, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The analytical procedure and quantification was done according to the recommendation of the ECA-IAQ Working Group 13 which gave a definition of the total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentration. Using this recommendation TVOC-concentrations ranged between 33 and 1600 microg m(-3) with a median of 289 microg m(-3). Compounds found in every sample and with the highest concentrations were 2-propanol, alpha-pinene and toluene. Save for a few samples, all concentrations measured have been a factor 2 to 10 lower, compared to data from similar studies. Only a few terpenes and aldehydes were found exceeding published reference data or odour threshold concentrations. However, it has been found that sampling and analysing methods do have a considerable impact on the results, making direct comparisons of studies somewhat questionable. 47% of all samples revealed concentrations exceeding the threshold value of 300 microg TVOC m(-3) set by the German Federal Environmental Agency as a target for indoor air quality. Using the TVOC concentration as defined in the ECA-IAQ methodology is instrumental in assessing exposure to VOCs and identifying sources of VOCs. The background concentrations determined in this study can be used to discuss and interpret target values for individual and total volatile organic compounds in indoor air.  相似文献   

对黄河中上游能源化工区近地面和边界层顶气象流场及该区域大气污染长距离输送产生的跨界环境影响趋势特征进行了分析。结果表明,该区域近地面和边界层顶的流场总体上为西北向东南流动,大气污染物长距离输送可能影响的区域主要为华中地区;区域冷空气的活动对其大气污染物的清除起重要作用;通过CALPUFF模型的模拟结果表明,该区域SO2的影响程度和范围明显大于NO2,在区域内部存在污染物浓度较高的区域,但未对区外造成显著跨界环境影响。  相似文献   

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