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底泥生态疏浚是一项集工程、环境、生态等为一体的修复技术,本文在充分了解与认识国内外生态疏浚技术方法的基础上,通过采样分析的方法获取了南京上秦淮湿地底泥分布及污染情况数据,在此基础上提出了针对性的南京上秦淮湿地公园生态疏浚方案,并从生态疏浚分区、深度控制、疏浚方式、机械设备、技术关键点、疏浚后处理措施等方面提出了生态疏浚的具体措施。  相似文献   

滇池污染底泥环保疏浚一期工程实施后环境效益评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对滇池草海污染底泥环保疏浚一期工程实施前后水质、底质及水生生物的监测和分析,评价工程实施后对改善草海水质,减轻内源负荷及对水生态恢复的环境效益。结果表明,疏浚工程直接去除了草海污染底泥层,随污染层分别去除TN、TP20 538 t和1 716 t。疏浚后草海水体透明度由0.37 m提高到0.80 m,水体中的TN和TP由疏挖前的8.91 mg/L和1.07 mg/L降低到疏挖后的8.15 mg/L和0.69 mg/L。疏浚后新生界面层促使形成新的水—沉积物的平衡,水质与底质条件改善以及水下光照条件超过沉水植物恢复的需求,是疏浚后水生态呈现恢复趋势的机理。  相似文献   

疏浚后杭州西湖富营养化评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以综合营养状态指数(TLIc)法评价疏浚前后杭州西湖(Ⅰ~Ⅳ站)的富营养化水平,并与水体浮游动物生物量指标做相关分析。结果表明,Ⅰ站和Ⅳ站综合营养状态指数年平均值下降幅度较大,Ⅱ站和Ⅲ站TLIc年平均值下降幅度较小。疏浚促进了西湖中有机物的氧化分解,降低水体中高锰酸盐指数,抑制底泥中磷的释放。湖水TLIc值随浮游动物生物量升高而显著增大,并以轮虫生物量与TLIc值之间的正相关性最稳定。  相似文献   

长春南湖底泥疏浚前后水因子分析及动态变化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
监测了长春南湖底泥疏浚后的DO、NH4_N、NO2_N、NO3_N、BOD5、CODCr、TN、TP、SS、pH、SD和水温等12项水化学指标。用因子分析方法找出了底泥疏浚前后影响南湖水质的主要因子,分析了底泥疏浚前后南湖水质变化的特征和底泥疏浚对南湖水质的影响,分析结果表明,南湖疏浚前主要污染物是总磷,疏浚后总磷对水质的影响降低,悬浮物作用增大。  相似文献   

西南涌流域底泥重金属污染特征及潜在生态危害评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
西南涌流域近年来受到比较严重的污染,为了解受重金属污染状况,对该流域底泥重金属污染水平与特征进行了调查与分析,并在此基础上采用地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对西南涌流域底泥重金属污染程度与生态危害进行了评价。结果表明,西南涌流域底泥已不同程度受到重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr的污染,与珠三角土壤背景值相比,西南涌流域底泥重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr分别超标11.38、3.32、1.81、19.45、3.20倍;底泥中的Cu、Zn、Cr、Cd之间呈极显著正相关(r=0.615~0.964)。通过地累积指数法评价表明,西南涌流域底泥中的Cd为偏重污染,Cu、Zn为偏中度污染,Pb为轻度污染,Cr为无污染;潜在生态危害指数法评价结果表明,西南涌流域底泥重金属的潜在生态危害程度总体属中等,主要是由Cd的含量过高引起。  相似文献   

为研究湘江大源渡枢纽底泥中Cd、Pb的污染特征及其生态风险,采集6个断面的18个底泥样品,测定了沉积物中Cd、Pb的总量、化学形态及其生物有效性,并利用地积累指数法和单因子指数法评价其污染程度与等级.结果表明,湘江大源渡枢纽底泥中Cd、Pb存在很强的积累现象,尤其是Cd污染特别严重.各采样点底泥中Cd主要以碳酸盐结合态...  相似文献   

以滇池草海污染底泥疏挖及处置工程为例,分析了湖库底泥疏挖项目环境影响评价因素识别与评价重点,探讨了施工期对水域水质及周围景观影响、施工期恶臭、噪声等的环境影响评价要点,底泥堆放对地下水与土壤环境影响、堆放恶臭对环境影响的评价要点,及疏挖工程的环境效益与运营期对周围生态环境影响分析的要点。针对该类工程在疏挖、余水处理和污染底泥堆存过程中的二次污染问题,提出了切实可行的二次污染防治对策。  相似文献   

南通市区河流底泥营养物质污染特征及环境风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南通市区的学田河、南川河、法伦寺河、城山河及西山河为研究对象,测定了河流表层底泥中的有机质、总氮、氨氮、硝氮、总磷、无机磷及活性有机磷等营养物质指标,分析了污染最重的监测点的污染原因。此外,采用有机指数法、营养物质比值法进行了环境风险评价。得出各条河流底泥均为肥污染级,尤其污染最重的是西山河;各研究河流底泥的碳氮比都很高,说明其营养物质主要来源于周围环境;学田河和西山河底泥的氮磷比较高,说明它们的富营养化程度相对较高。通过回归分析,得出学田河、南川河、法伦寺河及城山河底泥中有机质与总氮及南川河有机质与总磷之间具有良好的线性相关性。  相似文献   

对克拉玛依石化公司炼油厂达标排放废水库水和底泥中的10种重金属做了监测与评价,研究了其重金属的分布特征。水样的综合污染指数P为0.564,表现为轻度污染,其中Fe和Hg为主要污染分担者,其他重金属处于尚清洁范围。模糊综合评价法评价结果废水库为Ⅲ类水质。底泥地累积指数评价结果表明,Hg和Cd为中度污染,Pb为轻度污染。潜在生态风险指数法评价表明,Cd的单因子生态风险指数为133.2,为较重生态风险,Hg的单因子生态风险指数为225.9,为重度生态风险。除Pb和Cr外,Cu、Zn、Ni、As和Hg都低于全国多数湖泊底泥含量。  相似文献   

苏南地区农村河塘底泥中重金属污染调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对苏南地区农村河塘底泥中重金属的污染物状况及分布特征进行了调查,分别在镇江、宜兴和常州采集了农村居民生活区、农田附近和养殖厂周围13个底泥样品,对底泥中的5种重金属Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb、Cr质量比进行了分析研究,并利用Hakason生态风险指数法评价了底泥中5种重金属对其所在水域的污染程度,对水域和周围环境造成的潜在风险影响.结果表明,苏南地区部分农村河塘底泥已受到轻度的重金属污染,部分采样点Cd、Cu和Zn已达到中度污染;不同类型底泥的重金属的污染程度趋势为:居民生活区>养殖厂周围>农田附近.  相似文献   

应用3S技术研究了太湖底质与水质总磷(TP)的分布情况,并结合水华频次分析了其相关性。结果表明:2016—2018年,太湖底质TP年均值在433~537 mg/kg波动,水质TP年均值从0.064 mg/L上升至0.087 mg/L。从空间分布来看,底质TP、水质TP和水华频次均呈现“西高东低”的规律,太湖西部区尤其是竺山湖区是需要开展治理的重点区域。3年间,太湖西部区水质TP上升,而底质TP与入湖河流TP下降,说明内源磷污染是太湖西部区水质TP升高的主要原因,须加强科学清淤。  相似文献   

Chemical contaminants were assessed in Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia during pre-remediation (baseline) and 3 years of remediation of a former coking and steel facility after nearly a century of operation and historical pollution into the Sydney Tar Ponds (STP). Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls, metals, and inorganic parameters measured in sediments and total suspended solids in seawater indicate that the overall spatial distribution pattern of historical contaminants remains unchanged, although at much lower concentrations than previously reported due to natural sediment recovery, despite remediation activities. Measured sediment deposition rates in bottom-moored traps during baseline were low (0.4–0.8 cm?year?1), but during dredging operations required for construction of new port facilities in the inner Sydney Harbour, sedimentation rates were equivalent to 26–128 cm year?1. Measurements of sediment chemical contaminants confirmed that natural recovery rates of Sydney Harbour sediments were in broad agreement with predicted concentrations, or in some cases, lower than originally predicted despite remediation activities at the STP site. Overall, most measured contaminants in sediments showed little temporal variability (4 years), except for the detection of significant increases in total PAH concentrations during the onset of remediation monitoring compared to baseline. This slight increase represents only a short-term interruption in the overall natural recovery of sediments in Sydney Harbour, which were enhanced due to the positive impacts of large-scale dredging of less contaminated outer harbor sediments which were discharged into a confined disposal area located in the inner harbor.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of sediments is a growing concern in most parts of the world, and numerous studies focussed on identifying contaminated sediments by using a range of digestion methods and pollution indices to estimate sediment contamination have been described in the literature. The current work provides a critical review of the more commonly used sediment digestion methods and identifies that weak acid digestion is more likely to provide guidance on elements that are likely to be bioavailable than other traditional methods of digestion. This work also reviews common pollution indices and identifies the Nemerow Pollution Index as the most appropriate method for establishing overall sediment quality. Consequently, a modified Pollution Index that can lead to a more reliable understanding of whole sediment quality is proposed. This modified pollution index is then tested against a number of existing studies and demonstrated to give a reliable and rapid estimate of sediment contamination and quality.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine samples of recent bottom sediments were collected from Mabahiss Bay, north of Hurghada City, Red Sea, Egypt. The collected samples were subjected to a total digestion technique and analyzed by absorption spectrometer for metals including Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Co, Cu, and Mn. Concentration data were processed using correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis. Multivariate statistical analysis classified heavy metals in the study area into different groups. The pollution level attributed to these metals was evaluated using geoaccumulation index and contamination factor in order to determine anthropogenically derived sediment contamination. The results of both geoaccumulation index and contamination factor results reveal that the study area is not contaminated with respect to Zn, Ni, Cu, and Mn; uncontaminated to moderately contaminate with Pb; and moderately to strongly contaminate with Cd. The high contents of Pb, Cd, and Co in the study area result from various anthropogenic activities including dredging, land filling, localized oil pollution, using of antifouling and anticorrosive paints from fishing and tourist boats, and sewage discharging from various sources within the study area.  相似文献   

Cu, Pb, and Hg concentrations were determined in surface sediment samples collected at three sites in San Jorge Bay, northern Chile. This study aims to evaluate differences in their spatial distribution and temporal variability. The highest metal concentrations were found at the site “Puerto”, where minerals (Cu and Pb) have been loaded for more than 60 years. On the other hand, Hg does not pose a contamination problem in this bay. Cu and Pb concentrations showed significant variations from 1 year to another. These variations seem to be a consequence of the combination of several factors, including changes in the loading and/or storage of minerals in San Jorge Bay, the dredging of bottom sediments (especially at Puerto), and seasonal changes in physical–chemical properties of the water column that modify the exchange of metals at the sediment–water interface. Differences in the contamination factor and geoaccumulation index suggest that pre-industrial concentrations measured in marine sediments of this geographical zone, were better than geological values (average shale, continental crust average) for evaluating the degree of contamination in this coastal system. Based on these last two indexes, San Jorge Bay has a serious problem of Cu and Pb pollution at the three sampling locations. However, only Cu exceeds the national maximum values used to evaluate ecological risk and the health of marine environments. It is suggested that Chilean environmental legislation for marine sediment quality—presently under technical discussion—is not an efficient tool for protecting the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

简述了太浦河界标断面2020年水质考核目标以及区域水污染现状。指出,界标断面水质主要超标因子为DO和TP,农业面源污染、工业污染、生活污水处理相对滞后、内源污染、部分黑臭河道河段清淤不彻底是导致区域水污染的主要因素。提出,要推进农业面源污染治理,强化工业污染源治理,加强区域性污染物控制以及生活污染源整治,促进河湖生态系统恢复,加强自动监测站管理工作。  相似文献   

就滇池草海综合整治对草海水生生态的变化进行分析研究。分析结果表明 ,滇池草海经综合整治特别是经过底泥疏浚后 ,草海水体及生态环境发生了变化 ,水生生物物种的演变趋势正向良性方向发展。  相似文献   

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