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简述了现场监测质量监督的重要性;明确了做好现场监测质量监督的前提条件;并从现场监测人员业务水平状况、现场监测准备、现场监测仪器日常管理、现场监测工作、数据、报告审核等5个环节详细论述了如何加强质量监督,提高现场监测的质量和效率.  相似文献   

分析了环境现场监测存在的质控体系不够完善,监测人员不够专业,监测技术相对落后,管理制度不够健全等问题.提出实现环境现场监测规范化建设,应从完善现场监测质量控制体系入手,加强监测队伍、监测装备、现场监测管理制度建设,改进和提高现场监测技术,以此满足和适应环保新形势对环境现场监测工作的要求.  相似文献   

地表水现场采样是环境监测的重要环节,文章从现场采样技术角度全面分析地表水基本项目采样布点、采集方法、样品保存和运输中容易出现的问题和解决方法,从完善现场监测入手,加强监测队伍建设和提高监测技术,以满足和适应环保新形势对环境监测现场工作的要求。  相似文献   

研究了基于移动终端设备的环境现场监测业务数据采集与管理,构建了面向现场监测业务需求的数据采集、存储和传输的业务流程管理,以及与实验室信息管理系统数据共享交互集成的现场监测业务管理和质量控制信息系统。以上海市环境监测中心的现场监测管理系统为例,展示了多媒体及GPS信息采集、仪器数据采集、监测结果录入、原始表单填报和监测布点等环境现场监测活动在移动终端设备上数据管理的具体应用实现。  相似文献   

通过分析环境监测面临的形势与发展趋势、引入社会第三方检测机构参与环境现场监测活动的风险,以及现场监测活动自身特点,论述了当前社会第三方检测机构参与环境现场监测活动,应采用由环境监测站领受任务,制定监测方案,指派现场负责人,负责方案的具体实施和全程质控管理,第三方检测机构在现场负责人的指导下完成具体的监测工作,并在此过程中接受现场负责人监督考核的管理模式。提出,社会第三方检测机构参与环境现场监测尚需完善法律体制,提升现场监测监管水平,促进各级环境监测站职能转变。  相似文献   

从现场监测方案的制订、现场负责人职责的转变、现场检测人员的能力保证与管理办法、奖惩制度的建立等4个方面,对当前社会检测机构参与环境现场监测活动的管理工作要点进行了阐述。指出,应由环境监测站制订现场监测方案,确定现场负责人,对现场检测人员进行监督、考核、纠正,并实施相应的奖惩手段,确保现场监测工作质量。  相似文献   

探讨了空气质量监测中现场空白的测定方法,通过对封口的现场空白与实验室对白比对及采样过程现场空白吸收管开口与封口对照试验,认为采样时应对现场空白吸收管作封口处理,才能体现现场空白的真实性。  相似文献   

通过多年来现场工作的体会,总结了现场监测能力的提升、保障机制的完善主要是从监测人员技能素质、经费、设备、车辆、制度等各方面协调配合才能从根本上解决现场监测过程中所遇到的困难和问题,从而推动环保事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

分析了地表水采测分离现场监测引入社会化服务后面临的质量监管难点,从建立监测人员能力考核和资质管理制度、制定质量监督和评估机制、完善现场采样监测质控要素和原始记录清单等3个方面讨论了采测分离模式现场监测的质控管理措施。在此基础上,制定了涵盖技术人员资质能力、机构监测能力、质控样品合格率、交接样品合格率和现场质量抽查结果等5个要素的量化评估方案,并明确了各要素包含的评价指数及权重。  相似文献   

工业废水的监测质量不仅取决于实验室的分析质量,还取决于现场的监测质量,而且现场的监测质量往往在监测全过程中起着主导作用.县级站从事工业废水现场监测的人员较少,大部分被测企业管理水平比较差,排污系统比较混乱,环境意识淡薄,致使监测任务较重.监测人员应坚持原则,忠于职守,采用灵活多样的采样方法和监测频次,力求准确地监测和计算废水排放量,提高现场综合分析判断能力,验证监测结果,以确保监测质量.  相似文献   

研究探讨了环境监测站内部网络 (Intranet)建设方案、Web数据库开发应用方案、网站的规划方法、结构与内容 ,对其经济性、技术合理性、适用性作了阐述。  相似文献   

概述了建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测点位的布设、监测因子的选择及监测频次的确定。  相似文献   

本文论述了胜利电厂污染源和污染治理措施回顾评价的方法和内容。回顾评价采用现场调查,与一期环评报告进行对比分析的方法进行,重点放在污染源、污染治理措施的调查分析上。  相似文献   

A network of five water quality monitoring stations has been established in Long Island Sound, measuring temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen since 1999. The stations are located in areas of extreme water quality degradation (western Long Island Sound) as well as in pristine areas (eastern Long Island Sound). The data from these stations are collected every 15 minutes and posted to the project web site in real time as provisional data. After subsequent quality assurance procedures, the data are archived to the project File Transfer Protocol (FSP) site for downloading by the user community. The network of stations is in part supported logistically by a number of partners, including state and local agencies, schools, and non-governmental organizations. Data from the monitoring programs of some of these partners are also published to the project website providing a more comprehensive and complete picture of the status of the Sound than can be provided independently. This repository of information is used by marine educators, resource managers, scientists, and the general public, each with a different end purpose. We use the data from two of the stations to show that these high frequency time series measurements can be used to complement and enhance other monitoring programs within the Sound, documenting in greater detail the occurrence and duration of hypoxic events.  相似文献   

In any water quality-monitoring project there are several critical success factors that must be adequately addressed in order to ensure the implementation and realization of the monitoring objectives. Site selection is one of these critical success factors. The monitoring sites must be selected to comply with the monitoring and data quality objectives. In the real world, ideal monitoring setting conditions are difficult to achieve, and compromises must be made in order to locate the monitoring stations that best represent the environment to be monitored. Site-specific characteristics are all the environmental, logistical and management factors particular to the monitoring site, that could influence the fulfilment of the monitoring and data quality objectives. Therefore, during the site selection process, it is essential to properly consider and evaluate these site-specific characteristics. The SSC cycle was developed with this goal in mind, to assist the monitoring team to systematically address site-specific characteristics. The cycle is a methodology to organize the site-specific characteristics in different categories, and to ensure a comprehensive overview of these characteristics throughout the project life cycle.  相似文献   

阐述了航道建设项目施工期环境监测的目的和意义,结合污染环节分析,提出了施工期环境监测方案的内容,包括地表水、大气、噪声、生态监测的布点原则、监测项目和频率、分析方法等,以及对环境监测所有环节实施的全程序质量保证与质量控制措施。  相似文献   

简述了我国危险废物(含医疗废物)处置项目的状况,分析了该类项目竣工环保验收监测工作面临的压力,通过实践总结出了存在的问题和难题,主要包括监测期间工况监督内容及方法、焚毁去除率的测定方法、填埋场建设和运行情况的考核手段以及此类项目潜在环境风险的防范手段等,在进行分析的基础上提出了一些解决对策和方法,为监测人员做好验收监测工作提供了很好的借鉴,同时也提出了目前相关标准规范尚未规定但需引起管理部门重视的内容。  相似文献   

The field site network (FSN) plays a central role in conducting joint research within all Assessing Large-scale Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods (ALARM) modules and provides a mechanism for integrating research on different topics in ALARM on the same site for measuring multiple impacts on biodiversity. The network covers most European climates and biogeographic regions, from Mediterranean through central European and boreal to subarctic. The project links databases with the European-wide field site network FSN, including geographic information system (GIS)-based information to characterise the test location for ALARM researchers for joint on-site research. Maps are provided in a standardised way and merged with other site-specific information. The application of GIS for these field sites and the information management promotes the use of the FSN for research and to disseminate the results. We conclude that ALARM FSN sites together with other research sites in Europe jointly could be used as a future backbone for research proposals.  相似文献   

Prioritizing the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) targeted R&D program supporting weapons-complex clean-up has been problematic. Considering issues common to all R&D evaluation, linking R&D prioritization to clean-up project prioritization, the latter aligned with institutional goals, offers a pragmatic solution. This method is illustrated with results of a clean-up prioritization model of DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory site.  相似文献   

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