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从生态空间的监管需求出发,利用高分辨率卫星数据获取不同生态系统类型的分布状况,分析2012—2017年青岛市生态空间的演变格局,从水源涵养、水土保持、生物多样性维护3个方面评价青岛市生态空间的服务功能变化情况。结果表明:2012—2017年,青岛市生态空间的生态系统结构变化明显,主要表现为森林和城镇面积显著增加,草地、农田、裸地及海洋面积明显减少;水源涵养、水土保持、生物多样性维护功能的生态状况指数的增长率分别为2.63%、0.36%、2.55%,说明生态空间的生态系统服务功能得到提升,生态状况总体呈变好趋势。  相似文献   

Restoration of urban streams and rivers has increased rapidly in developing countries in recent years. Estimating river health provides a new perspective on evaluating the ecological conditions of streams and rivers. The Suzhou Creek restoration project in Shanghai, China is a milestone for environmental protection. Based on the environmental and ecological data, including 17 indicators in five categories, collected from March 11 to April 20, 2007, the river health index (RHI) for Suzhou Creek was constructed and analysed to quantify the ecosystem of this urban river after a restoration project. The RHI scores of 34 sites ranged from 19.24 to 33.36, i.e. from poor to good. There were no significant RHI differences among stream orders, while differences in land use resulted in significant differences in channel flow status (B12), channel alteration (B21), channel sinuosity (B22), bank stability (B23), bank profile type (B25) and riparian vegetative zone width (B31). River restoration led to improved hydrological condition and channel physical form, while ammonia nitrogen (B44) and indicator scores of the presence of macro-invertebrate families (B51) were the lowest of any indicator. This case study supports the use of river health assessment as a supplement to water quality analysis in China.  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem conservation as a broad theme came into existence during the 1970s under the Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The Indian Government followed this approach and chose the method to segregate the landscape for conservation of the ecosystem as well as for the development of the local economy and its people. We have examined the effect of this policy and concurrently developed a theoretical modeling approach to understand how human behavior is changing under shifting political, socioeconomic and environmental conditions. A specific focus has been on how the landscape is changing in the mountains of the Indian Himalayan region where about 10% of the total geographical area is converted into protected landscape for conservation of biodiversity. For local people living in the Himalayan mountains in India, agriculture is the main land use activity and is strongly linked to the forests in providing sustainability. There are several branches in the rural ecosystems where the local people's economy was centered. These include agriculture, animal husbandry, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation, forest resource collection, tourism and other occupations. The greatest proportion of the population was engaged in the agriculture sector, whose contribution is high in the rural economy (61%); followed by animal husbandry (19%), forest resource collection for economic gain (18%), and medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation (1.5%). However, three decades ago the animal husbandry branch of the rural ecosystem was contributing the maximum share towards rural household income (40%) followed by tourism (35.2%), and lastly agriculture (14%). The desire of farmers to secure the optimum output from agricultural land use has resulted in an increase for resource collection from the forests. The people's perception (n = 1,648) regarding overall changes occurring in the region was varied and most showed that the current trend within rural ecosystems has emerged because of the implementation of conservation policies/creation of national park and biosphere reserve (80%), followed by limitation (22%), climate (20%), population growth (7%), national economy (10%) and least by socioeconomic change (5%). The theoretical agent model developed here draws attention to agent/farmer behavior and land resource use for his livelihood in the temporal dimension. The current study would be helpful to introduce new approaches for the development of the methodological and theoretical aspects associated with the complex human and ecosystem interactions in the Himalayan mountains for sustainable landscape development.  相似文献   

在近岸海域环境管理从污染控制管理发展为生态环境综合管理的情况下,厘清近岸海域生态环境监测技术体系并加以完善十分必要。通过对中国环境监测和管理发展的梳理得出,中国近岸海域生态环境监测技术体系在生态环境、污染和损害等方面已有一定的基础;研究国内外环境监测和管理的发展趋势发现,中国近岸海域生态环境监测技术体系在河口区域、生态恢复力、风险源、灾害、海域使用影响、湿地损害、生物入侵、环境风险源方面需要不断完善,质量保证和质量控制方面也需要加强。  相似文献   

“实施山水林田湖草生态保护和修复工程,全面提升自然生态系统稳定性和生态服务功能”是习近平生态文明思想的重要创新成果,为开展生态环境保护修复工作提供了重要指引和根本遵循。2019年以来,江苏省开展山水林田湖草生态保护修复省级试点工程共5类59个工程项目。在总结了试点地区工作经验做法的基础上,针对存在的生态保护修复和绿色发展协同理念认识不足、生态修复保护整体性和系统性不够、生态修复经验总结及全周期管理有待加强、打破界限的体制机制改革创新亟需完善等问题及难点,提出了相应的工作政策建议,以期打造全国生态保护修复的江苏样板。  相似文献   

科学监管评价生态保护红线区生态环境是合理利用自然资源和充分保护生态环境的基础,对推动国家生态文明建设具有重要意义。该研究基于“天-空-地”一体化获取多源数据,结合GIS和RS空间分析,从生态系统格局和质量、人类活动、环境限制4个方面选取25个指标,构建了生物多样性维护生态保护红线区监管评价体系,并以泰山生态保护红线区为例进行分析研究。结果表明:2000—2015年,研究区生态系统格局、生态系统质量、人类活动状况3个分指数得分及生态环境综合得分均呈现先降后升的趋势,就综合得分而言,2000—2005年、2005—2010年得分降幅分别为18.73%和5.24%,2010年得分最低(41.97分),而2010—2015年得分增幅为81.63%,2015年得分为76.23分,生态环境综合得分评价等级由Ⅱ级升为Ⅰ级。其中城乡居民和工矿用地面积占比、生态系统破碎度和分离度、植被生物量是影响研究区生态环境的关键指标,相关部门应加强对研究区边界处人类活动的监管,并注重生态系统完整性和植被生长状态的保护。该监管评价体系具有较强的实践性、科学性和可操作性,可为生态保护红线区的监管评价提供新思路。  相似文献   

总结了江苏生物多样性保护管理工作取得的主要进展、典型做法及有益经验,分析了生物多样性现状特点,针对法规制度亟需加强、典型生境连通较差、基础能力尚显薄弱、物种入侵不容忽视、开发矛盾仍未根治等问题,提出,完善生物多样性管理政策制度、优化保护空间格局、加大自然生态系统保护修复、深化生物多样性本底调查评估、构建多级生物多样性观测网络、加强入侵物种监督管理、探索生物多样性可持续利用机制、提升生物多样性保护宣贯力度等对策建议,以期为新时期江苏生物多样性保护策略的制定提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Urban green spaces play a significant role in management of physical activity, psychological well-being, and public health of urban residents. With the expansion of urban areas in Turkey during the past decades, urban green spaces have been fragmented and dispersed causing impairment and environmental degradation. The purpose of this study is to model urban green space distribution by focusing on the landscape fragmentation in city of Osmaniye using remote sensing and geographic information system technology. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and urban landscape ratio (ULR) were used to assess the proximity and spatial arrangement of urban green spaces within the neighbor landscapes to quantify the urban land use effect. The geospatial analysis results showed that increase in total built-up area and population has significantly decreased the urban green space cover because of high levels of landscape fragmentation in urban city center. Also, due to high levels of landscape fragmentation, approximately 45% of the Osmaniye city is estimated to become urbanized by 2030. This study demonstrated the benefits of directional vegetation index application with geospatial analyses in characterizing the environmental quality for planning and management of urban green spaces. This approach could be used for determining the future urban land development scenarios correlating with regional planning procedures.  相似文献   

The Prairie Ecozone contains 5% of Canada's land area and represents 16% of the Great Plains of North America. Current estimates indicate that 25–30% of original Canadian grassland habitats remain, largely concentrated in southeastern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan with fragments distributed throughout southern Manitoba. The size, distribution and condition of native grasslands serve as valuable indicators of the ecological integrity and the sustainability of those landscape types. With so little native grasslands remaining, areas that conserve grasslands serve as core sites for indicators such as gaps in ecosystem and wildlife habitat protection, i.e. which ecosystems are well-represented, poorly represented or have no representation. Such gap analyses helps to determine where protection efforts need to be placed in the future. Overall, about 3.5% of the Prairie Ecozone of Canada is under some form of conservation area status. This paper reports, relative to the ecoregions and political jurisdictions of the Prairie Ecozone, on the amount and distribution of various types of conservation areas and native grasslands. Relationships between the occurrence of conservation areas and grasslands are presented. Implications for conservation area planning and management are discussed within regional, national and international contexts. The issue of which characteristics of conservation areas should be assessed and monitored to address conservation objectives for sustainability is also discussed.  相似文献   

为了科学评估北京市平原区造林工程的生态影响,利用高分卫星数据获取2018—2020年北京市平原区造林面积、分布及变化信息,分析了造林工程的空间格局特征,并采用形态空间格局分析(MSPA)方法及最小累积阻力(MCR)模型,构建了北京市平原区生态网络,通过情景模拟分析造林工程对生态源地、生态廊道产生的影响。结果显示,2018—2020年北京市平原区造林工程主要沿西北东南方向实施,实现了对原有林地资源分布不均衡问题的解决。热点建设区域为北部的延庆及东南部的通州、大兴,呈现由城市边界逐步向市中心蔓延的发展趋势。在不考虑其他因素对土地利用的影响的前提下,造林工程的实施使平原区林地面积增长了9.8%。通过情景模拟发现,造林工程的实施使生态网络向连通、完整、均衡方向发展。其中,生态源地面积增长了131.0 km2,主要生态源地连通性提升了41.1%,生态廊道的分布由主要分布在西北部山区向西北、东南两个方向均有密集分布转变。综上,造林工程的生态环境效应显著,造林工程的实施对生态环境质量改善具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sustainable development or sustainability has been highlighted as an essential principle in urban master planning, with increasing recognition that uncontrollable urbanization may well give rise to various issues such as overexploitation of natural resources, ecosystem destruction, environmental pollution and large-scale climate change. Thus, it is deemed necessary to modify the existing urban and regional administrative system so as to cope with the challenges urban planning is being confronted with and realize the purpose of urban sustainability. This paper contributed to proposing a mechanism which helps to make urban planning with full consideration of issues with respect to sustainable development. We suggested that the integration of urban planning, SEA and ecological planning be a multi-win strategy to offset deficiency of each mentioned political tool being individually applied. We also proposed a framework where SEA and ecological planning are fully incorporated into urban planning, which forms a two-way constraint mechanism to ascertain environmental quality of urban planning, although in practice, planning and SEA processes may conditionally be unified. Moreover, as shown in the case study, the integration of the three political tools may be constrained due to slow changes in the contextual factors, in particular the political and cultural dimensions. Currently within the context of China, there may be three major elements which facilitate integration of the three political tools, which are (1) regulatory requirement of PEIA on urban planning, (2) the promotion or strong administrative support from government on eco-district building, and (3) the willingness of urban planners to collaborate with SEA experts or ecologists.  相似文献   

Sustainable development or sustainability has been highlighted as an essential principle in urban master planning, with increasing recognition that uncontrollable urbanization may well give rise to various issues such as overexploitation of natural resources, ecosystem destruction, environmental pollution and large-scale climate change. Thus, it is deemed necessary to modify the existing urban and regional administrative system so as to cope with the challenges urban planning is being confronted with and realize the purpose of urban sustainability. This paper contributed to proposing a mechanism which helps to make urban planning with full consideration of issues with respect to sustainable development. We suggested that the integration of urban planning, SEA and ecological planning be a multi-win strategy to offset deficiency of each mentioned political tool being individually applied. We also proposed a framework where SEA and ecological planning are fully incorporated into urban planning, which forms a two-way constraint mechanism to ascertain environmental quality of urban planning, although in practice, planning and SEA processes may conditionally be unified. Moreover, as shown in the case study, the integration of the three political tools may be constrained due to slow changes in the contextual factors, in particular the political and cultural dimensions. Currently within the context of China, there may be three major elements which facilitate integration of the three political tools, which are (1) regulatory requirement of PEIA on urban planning, (2) the promotion or strong administrative support from government on eco-district building, and (3) the willingness of urban planners to collaborate with SEA experts or ecologists.  相似文献   

Ecosystems and their components provide a lot of benefits for the welfare of human beings. Coupled with increasing socioeconomic development, most of the rapidly developing and transitional countries and regions have been experiencing dramatic land use changes. This has resulted in a large amount of forestland, grassland, and wetland being occupied as residential and industrial land or reclaimed for arable land, which in turn results in a sharp deterioration of ecosystem services around the world. Shandong Province, an economically powerful province of China, was chosen as a case study in order to capture the impact of socioeconomic development on ecosystem services. By way of the study, land uses and their changes were categorized between 1980 and 2006, and the ecosystem services capital and changes of 111 counties of Shandong Province in different phases were evaluated, as well as the total ecosystem services capital, followed by the zoning of ecosystem services function region of Shandong Province. We found that the counties in mountainous areas and wetlands, where generally the prefectural-level cities are located with a rapid socioeconomic development, experienced a successive deterioration of ecosystem services especially during the 2000s. Finally, three conservation strategies for managing and improving ecosystem services were proposed and discussed with the aim of achieving coordinate and sustainable development of the socioeconomy, environment, and ecosystems not only in Shandong Province but also in other provinces of China, as well as in other developing and transitional countries and regions.  相似文献   

开展快速可靠的水生态监测并预测其变化趋势,对保护水生态环境具有重要的价值。近年来,环境DNA宏条形码技术(简称环境DNA技术)的快速发展弥补了传统形态学生物监测的缺陷,显著提升了水生生物群落的监测能力。与机器学习、遥感和云服务等技术结合,环境DNA技术不仅能大尺度、高频率、高灵敏度、自动化地获取生态监测信息,而且能准确地识别水生态系统的变化趋势,进而改变对水生态系统的认识与管理方式。因此,研究着重总结了环境DNA技术在水生态监测中的应用,分析了环境DNA技术与机器学习、卫星遥感等跨学科合作的潜在机遇,基于环境DNA技术简单、便捷的优势,提出了社会公民参与水环境保护的生态监测新思路。  相似文献   

Ecological monitoring and its associated research programshave often provided answers to various environmental management issues. In the face of changing environmental conditions, ecological monitoring provides decision-makers with reliable information as they grapple with maintaining a sustainable economy and healthy environment. The EcologicalMonitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) is a national ecological monitoring network consisting of (1) about 100 casestudy sites across the country characterized by long-term multi-disciplinary environmental work conducted by a multitudeof agencies (142 partners and counting); (2) a variety of lesscomprehensive yet more extensive monitoring sites; (3) a network where core monitoring variables of ecosystem change aremeasured; and (4) geo-referenced environmental observations. Environment Canada is the co-ordinating partner for the network through the EMAN Co-ordinating Office. EMAN's mission is to focus a scientifically-sound, policy-relevant ecosystem monitoring and research network based on (a) stabilizing a network of case-study sites operated by a varietyof partners, and (b) developing a number of cooperative dispersedmonitoring initiatives in order to deliver unique and needed goods and services. These goods and services include: (1) an efficient and cost-effective early warning system which detects,describes and reports on changes in Canadian ecosystems at a national or ecozone scale; and (2) cross-disciplinary and cross-jurisdictional assessments of ecosystem status, trends and processes. The early warning system and assessments of ecosystem status, trends and processes provide Environment Canada and partner organizations with timely information thatfacilitates increasingly adaptive policies and priority setting. Canadians are also informed of changes and trends occurring in Canadian ecosystems and, as a result, are betterable to make decisions related to conservation and sustainability.  相似文献   

Maryland is growing at a very rapid pace. Compounding the problems associated with rapid growth is the scattered pattern of development that consumes an excessive amount of land and fragments the landscape. As land use changes, wildlife habitat and migration corridors are lost and normal ecosystem functions are disturbed or destroyed. While land use planners and developers are attempting to minimize such impacts, they do not always know where key natural lands and corridors are situated. The Green Infrastructure Assessment (GIA) provides this information and can be used to identify a greenway network that will protect the most critical lands in the state before they are gone foreover. Using GIS and principles of landscape ecology, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources is identifying an interconnected network of "hubs" and "corridors" that are now the focus of state and local agency deliberations and revisions. Elements of the network are being prioritized for conservation and restoration activities based on ecological parameters (e.g., sensitive species, important wetlands or riparian zones, etc.) and threat parameters (e.g., protection status, development pressure, etc.). The goal of GIA is to help identify an ecologically sound open space network, and ultimately, to incorporate the agreed upon network into state and local land conservation planning.  相似文献   

With rapid population growth and rural to-urban migration in many Chinese cities, a large amount of natural lands have been converted to urban and agricultural lands recently. During this process of land conversion, economic development and quality of life improvement are considered as major goals, and their influences on ecological systems have often been neglected. The degradation of natural ecological systems due to land use change, however, has become severe,and may require immediate attentions from urban planners and local governments. Taking HaDaQi industrial corridor, Heilongjiang Province, China,as a case study area, this paper examined the trend of land use changes during 1990–2005, and quantified their influences on natural eco system service values. In particular, this study applied two major valuation methods, and examined whether different valuation methods generate significantly different results. Analysis of results suggests that human dominated land uses (e.g., urban and agriculture)have expanded rapidly at the cost of natural lands (e.g., wetlands and forest). Due to these land use changes, the total ecosystem service value decreased 29% (2.26% annually) from 1990 to 2005 when the first method was applied, and this rate is estimated to be 15.7% (1.13% annually)with the second approach. Moreover, the annual rate of ecosystem service value decline during 2000–2005 is about four times higher than that in 1990–2000 with both methods, suggesting much more severe ecosystem degradation during 2000–2005.  相似文献   

Because natural ecosystems and ecosystem services (ES) are both critical to the well-being of humankind, it is important to understand their relationships and congruence for conservation planning. Spatial conservation planning is required to set focused preservation priorities and to assess future ecological implications. This study uses the combined measures of ES models and ES potential to estimate and analyze all four groups of ecosystem services to generate opportunities to maximize ecosystem services. Subsequently, we identify the key areas of conservation priorities as future forestation and conservation hotspot zones to improve the ecological management in Chongqing City, located in the upper reaches of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Results show that ecosystem services potential is extremely obvious. Compared to ecosystem services from 2000, we determined that soil conservation could be increased by 59.11%, carbon sequestration by 129.51%, water flow regulation by 83.42%, and water purification by 84.42%. According to our prioritization results, approximately 48% of area converted to forests exhibited high improvements in all ecosystem services (categorized as hotspot-1, hotspot-2, and hotspot-3). The hotspots identified in this study can be used as an excellent surrogate for evaluation ecological engineering benefits and can be effectively applied in improving ecological management planning.  相似文献   

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