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污水处理厂氮排放特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了更好地掌握污水处理厂运行和排放情况,在全国南方、北方分别选取3个省共11个城市122家污水处理厂,于2013年8—10月进行了专项监测。结果表明:75?4%的污水处理厂氨氮出水质量浓度小于2 mg/L,氨氮平均去除率达90?2%,但总氮的平均去除率仅为55?5%,污水处理厂排水中仍存在较多非氨氮形态的氮污染进入环境。氨氮排放达标的污水处理厂中,有约20%的总氮排放未达标。65?5%的污水处理厂出水氨氮占总氮的比例低于10%,而84?4%的污水处理厂进水中氨氮占总氮的比例高于50%。总氮是影响污水处理厂达标排放的主要污染因子。  相似文献   

我国城镇污水处理厂污泥处置问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国城镇污水处理厂污泥处置现状,阐述在城镇污水处理厂污泥处置过程中存在的问题,对如何解决这些问题进行了研究,提出相应对策措施.  相似文献   

以我县某污水处理厂为例,分析了城市污水处理厂对环境造成的污染主要表现为恶臭、噪声、污泥和出水不达标等四个方面.针对其中恶臭和噪声两种污染,简单地叙述了以建园林式厂区和全封闭污水处理厂为核心的解决方案.  相似文献   

通过污灌对土壤,农作物,地下水污染调查试验及试验论证,预测分析了污水处理厂污水资源化后对环境的影响。  相似文献   

指出城镇污水处理厂总量减排存在的问题,提出从水量核查、水质核查和运行状况核查等3方面对城镇污水处理厂现场核查,以此对城镇污水处理厂COD减排进行核算。  相似文献   

文章围绕青海省城镇污水处理厂污泥中生物种类繁多的特点,提出了通过物理、化学、生物方法对污水处理厂污泥中的污染物进行处理并综合利用。  相似文献   

通过介绍日本对琵琶湖流域水资源的保护,阐述了完善排水系统、提高流域污水集中处理率,对保护流域水资源环境所发挥的作用.指出了流域污水集中处理,分期分批地建设污水管网和污水处理厂,制订水环境保护目标,分期实施,逐步到位,是我国治理经济发达、人口密集地区水环境污染的有效策略.  相似文献   

纪庄子污水处理厂有机污染物处理效益评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市大型污水处理厂,要大量处理水质组成极其复杂、多变的工业废水和生活污水、对其处理效益,国外多以GC、MS的鉴定结果予以评价.国内这方面的工作也已开始。 纪庄子污水处理厂,日处理污水量26万吨,是我国目前最大的城市二级污水处理厂之一。 为了充分利用水资源,急需对污水厂处理毒性较大的,尤其是难降解的有机污染物的效益,作出评价。  相似文献   

通过两次采集北京某大型污水处理厂的水样,采用HPLC-MS技术对水样中的10种PPCPs进行分析.结果显示,进水口水样中PPCPs浓度为7122.92ng/L,其中咖啡因的检出浓度最高(4490.54ng/L),污水处理厂对咖啡因的去除率大于90%(浓度为78.01ng/L).与文献报道值比较发现,该污水处理厂出水水样中PPCPs的浓度与其他国家报道的浓度基本上处于同一数量级,但污水中PPCPs的去除率都普遍低于国际水平.因此,需加强对污水处理厂水样中PPCPs的监测,完善污水处理的工艺.  相似文献   

污染物总量监测中的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了污染物总量监测是以各污染物排放口监测为基础的区域排污量的整体系统测量工程这一概念。提出对工艺成熟运行稳定的污水处理厂污染排放总量监测可用每日人工采样监测与可靠的流量测量来实现,并以扬子石化污水处理厂污水监测为例加以论证。  相似文献   

分析和统计的86家印染工业企业当中,废水总排口中的总锑超标率为25.6%,质量浓度0.050 mg/L以下较低排放浓度所占比例最大,达62.8%。印染废水锑排放源主要有涤棉和涤纶化纤类布料的染色、印花工艺废水,碱减量工艺废水等,工业液碱、废酸以及硫酸铝污水处理剂等原料当中含锑浓度较高。印染废水经污水处理厂集中纳管深度处理后,锑排放浓度较低,锑去除效率最高达到88.0%,大大降低了环境地表水体锑污染的风险。  相似文献   

Wastewater reuse can significantly reduce environmental pollution and save the water sources. The study selected Cheng-Ching Lake water treatment plant in southern Taiwan to discuss the feasibility of wastewater recycling and treatment efficiency of wastewater treatment units. The treatment units of this plant include wastewater basin, sedimentation basin, sludge thickener and sludge dewatering facility. In this study, the treatment efficiency of SS and turbidity were 48.35–99.68% and 24.15–99.36%, respectively, showing the significant removal efficiency of the wastewater process. However, the removal efficiencies of NH3–N, total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are limited by wastewater treatment processes. Because NH3–N, TOC and COD of the mixing supernatant and raw water are regulated raw water quality standards, supernatant reuse is feasible and workable during wastewater processes at this plant. Overall, analytical results indicated that supernatant reuse is feasible.  相似文献   

焦化废水中的溶解性有机物(DOM)作为废水污染物和毒性的主要来源受到广泛关注。厌氧-缺氧-好氧(A-A-O)生物法联合混凝沉淀工艺在焦化废水处理中被广泛应用。于2018年4,7和11月分别采集4座焦化废水处理厂废水,采用光谱学分析手段和水生生物急性毒性试验对A-A-O联合混凝沉淀处理过程中焦化废水的DOM和毒性变化进行分析。结果表明,焦化废水中含有大量不饱和芳香性物质,其中类色氨酸、络氨酸物质占主导,其次为类溶解性微生物代谢产物、类富里酸物质和类腐殖酸类物质;未经处理的焦化废水对藻类和大型溞的急性毒性等级为中毒至高毒。A-A-O联合混凝沉淀处理可去除90%以上的类色氨酸、络氨酸和类富里酸物质,但对类腐殖酸类物质去除率相对较低,仅为约80%,关键去除段为缺氧段和好氧段;该工艺对焦化废水急性毒性削减率为80.51%~94.30%,关键削减段为厌氧段。Pearson相关性分析结果显示,焦化废水溶解性总有机碳(TOC)、类腐殖酸类物质荧光组分C1和类富里酸类物质荧光组分C4与废水急性毒性存在显著正相关关系,可利用其作为水样急性毒性初筛的指示性指标。可为焦化废水生化处理的效能优化和废水毒性控制及安全评估提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

No doubt, operator is one of the main fundaments in wastewater treatment plants. By identifying the inadequacies, the operator could be considered as an important key in treatment plant. Several methods are used for wastewater treatment that requires spending a lot of cost. However, all investments of treatment facilities are useable when the expected efficiency of the treatment plant was obtained. Using experienced operator, this goal is more easily accessible. In this research, the wastewater of an urban community contaminated with moderated, diluted and highly concentrated pollution has been treated using surface and deep aeration treatment method. Sampling of these pilots was performed during winter 2008 to summer 2009. The results indicate that all analyzed parameters were eliminated using activated sludge and surface aeration methods. However, in activated sludge and deep aeration methods in combination with suitable function of operator, more pollutants could be eliminated. Hence, existence of operator in wastewater treatment plants is the basic principle to achieve considered efficiency. Wastewater treatment system is not intelligent itself and that is the operator who can organize even an inefficient system by its continuous presence. The converse of this fact is also real. Despite the various units and appropriate design of wastewater treatment plant, without an operator, the studied process cannot be expected highly efficient. In places frequently affected by the shock of organic and hydraulic loads, the compensator tank is important to offset the wastewater treatment process. Finally, in regard to microbial parameters, existence of disinfection unit is very useful.  相似文献   

This study is planned to perform a sanitary survey of the largest sewage treatment plant in Riyadh, KSA, fortnightly for 6 months to examine its effluent quality as an example for the growing dependence on reuse of treated municipal wastewater in agricultural irrigation purposes to cope with increasing water shortage. The biological and physico-chemical parameters of 12 wastewater samples from the plant were examined using standard methods. The physico-chemical analysis indicated that the surveyed municipal wastewater treatment plant contained some of the studied parameters, such as turbidity, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand and residual chlorine above the maximum permissible wastewater limits set by the Saudi Standards. However, heavy metal concentrations in all samples were lower than the recommended standards. Total and faecal coliform counts were above the permissible limits indicating poor sanitation level. Fifty percent of all wastewater samples were contaminated with faecal coliforms but, surprisingly, Escherichia coli were only detected in 8.3 % of the samples. Regular monitoring and enhancement of microbial and physico-chemical parameters of the wastewater quality served by different wastewater treatment plants for reuse in agricultural irrigation is recommended to preserve the environment and public health.  相似文献   

简述了印染废水处理污泥危险废物鉴别过程中有毒污染物的迁移转化及鉴别因子筛选。以采用活性染料的印染企业为例,从常用的原辅材料、使用的生产工艺、常用的废水处理工艺等几个方面来对印染废水处理污泥危险废物鉴别过程中有毒污染物的迁移及转化进行分析。提出危险废物鉴别工作任重而道远,危险废物鉴别的关键在于日常监管。  相似文献   

为了准确评估厌氧-缺氧-好氧(A2/O)处理工艺对废水毒性的削减效率,采用斑马鱼胚胎急性毒性实验、发光细菌急性毒性实验和小鼠L929细胞毒性实验进行测试,结合理化指标,通过毒性当量(TU)法、平均毒性(AvTx)法、毒性指数(TxPr)法、最敏感测试(MST)法和潜在生态毒性效应(PEEP)法对常州市6家污水处理厂(生活污水、综合废水、化工废水、制药废水)进水和出水的生物毒性进行了评价。结果表明,斑马鱼胚胎的毒性敏感程度最高,3种受试生物的毒性评价结果具有较好的一致性。理化达标的污水处理厂出水仍存在一定的生物毒性效应,出水毒性较大的是综合污水处理厂,排入受纳水体后可能会对周围的生态环境产生潜在的生态风险。A2/O处理工艺对各污水处理厂进水的毒性削减较好,其中对制药废水的毒性削减最高,AvTx、TxPr、MST和PEEP的毒性削减率分别为99.45%、99.64%、99.48%和69.66%。与AvTx、TxPr、MST法相比,PEEP法能够更综合地评价废水毒性。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic compounds that are able to disrupt the endocrine system of wildlife species are a major cause for concern and have led to a demand for new screening methods. The identification and quantification of endocrine disruptor compounds at wastewater treatment plant is of major interest to assess the endocrine activity of wastewater treatment plant discharges into the environment. This study consists of a preliminary survey of concentrations of previously selected endocrine disruptor compounds, undertaken to establish environmental concentrations and to support a biological program assay exposing freshwater fish to them. Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (APEs, bisphenol A and 17 β-estradiol) were measured in samples from a wastewater treatment plant located in Lisbon (Portugal), using recent commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits and also LC-MS/MS. The results show that the wastewater treatment plant treatment process is efficient on the removal of target endocrine disruptor compounds. However, environmentally significant concentrations are still present in the treated effluent. The results also show that enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit is suitable for routine analysis of the selected compounds. The results are also useful since the wastewater treatment plant is located in a Mediterranean region, which results in an effluent with its own characteristics.  相似文献   

苏北农村主要水体氮磷污染及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于大量使用化肥及排放各类污水已造成苏经农村主要水体搂磷严重污染,并具有氮素富营养型及水文期变化特征。防治污染的方法是采用一些针对性措施对污染严重水域进行直接治理;加强监测,掌握污染动态,推广测土配方的施肥技术;加强对各类污水的治理。  相似文献   

随着工业点源废水治理达标排放的实现,非点源废水已成为连云港市地表水环境污染的主要因素。通过现场调查、理论计算,结合连云港市第一次全国污染源普查结果和相关统计资料,核算出连云港地区非点源废水污染物的排放量。  相似文献   

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