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试验了几种常用的干燥剂在冷原子吸疋地测定水中汞是,对蒸气的干燥性能及对测定灵敏度的影响。结果表明,以无水氯化钙和无水高氯酸镁效果最好。  相似文献   

为掌握超低排放改造后烟气处理装置对汞分布的影响,选择6台有代表性的超低排放火电机组进行现场测试。通过对火电机组入炉煤、炉渣、飞灰、脱硫石膏、末端烟气等样品的测试,得出不同燃烧产物中汞的分布:底渣和湿除出水的汞含量极微;电除尘底灰中的汞所占比重相对较大,平均汞含量占燃烧产物中总汞的比例可达57.97%。依据质量平衡原理,计算出不同超低排放改造工艺路线对汞的协同脱除效率为87.26%~95.60%,并分析了不同污染控制设备对汞排放的影响。  相似文献   

以某典型钢铁企业为研究对象,测定企业废气、废水、固废汞排放水平,并分析汞排放特征。研究表明,球团、烧结、高炉工艺废气排口烟尘中汞排放浓度和排放速率明显低于烟气;汞主要以气态形式排放,烧结工艺排口废气汞最高浓度分别是其他2个排口的7倍和3倍。球团、烧结、高炉、电炉四工艺环节中,烧结汞排放速率占四工艺汞排放速率总和的87%。半干法脱硫、氨法脱硫、石灰石石膏脱硫对废气中汞的去除效率分别为90.0%、78.7%和29.9%。企业废水排放未检出汞,脱硫产生固废汞含量明显高于除尘产生固废汞含量,脱硫灰汞含量是脱硫石膏的15倍。  相似文献   

大气中不同形态汞的采集和分析方法   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
作为一种环境优先污染物,汞对人体和其它生物毒性很大。大气是全球汞生物地球化学循环的重要场所。不同形态的汞由于理化性质不同,迁移转化过程及其对生态环境的影响也不同,准确测定大气环境中各种形态的汞对于了解其在大气中的行为具有重要意义。1990年以来,大气汞的采集和分析方法技术已经取得了长足进步,一些自动测汞仪、低汞空白和高时间分辨率的采样及分析技术相继出现,使得准确测定大气中不同形态的痕量汞成为可能。文章就国内外近10多年来在这些方面所取得的研究进展进行了回顾和总结,主要介绍了气态总汞、颗粒态汞、活性气态汞、甲基汞等的采集和分析方法。  相似文献   

在硝酸-重铬酸钾介质中,二价汞被氯化亚锡还原成金属汞,汞原子蒸气对253.7nm的紫外光具有选择性吸收作用,对该吸收光谱进行一介微分处理,汞微气浓度与微分光谱的峰值在一定浓度范围内成正比,据此可测定水和废水中汞的浓度。  相似文献   

针对近年来燃煤烟气汞污染控制技术的进步,概述烟气汞分析方法,综述烟气汞在线设备及技术的发展现状。通过将电厂排放废气中汞的手工检测和在线监测结果比对,对国内外汞在线仪器进行性能评估。  相似文献   

2 汞样的富集分离与试剂提纯除应用苏州站和苏州267厂研制的WGY—S1型测汞仪外,用其他仪器测定汞,目前一般均需对样品中汞进行富集才能测定.在遇到样品基体干扰时,又须将汞与基体分离.因此,汞样的富集与分离是汞的测定至关重要的一步.  相似文献   

结合当地气象条件,测定贵州省东部某燃煤电厂下风向环境空气汞浓度分布情况,同时测定该燃煤电厂周边表层土壤中汞含量,并对其污染程度进行评价,探讨了土壤汞与理化性质间的相关性。结果表明,该燃煤电厂下风向环境空气汞浓度远高于北半球大气气态总汞背景值,空气汞浓度在2.7 km范围内随距离的增大而增大,在2.7~5.0 km范围内汞浓度随距离的增大而减小。电厂周边表层土壤汞含量是贵州省A层土壤Hg背景值的8.5倍,存在中度到重度程度的污染,土壤Hg与土壤pH呈正相关性,但与土壤有机质未表现出相关性。  相似文献   

活性炭负载催化剂去除燃煤烟气中单质汞的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以贵州凯里褐煤进行燃烧实验,研究采用CoCl2(负载量20%)改性的活性炭去除烟气中的单质汞。颗粒态汞占烟气总汞的87%,而单质汞占气态汞的80.4%。改性活性炭吸附了气态汞中97%的单质汞,而吸收液只吸收了3%的单质汞。可见改性活性炭也能有效地吸附煤燃烧实验中的烟气汞。实验结果表明,煤中汞的释放率为59.5%,1kg的改性活性炭可以吸附208t煤所产生的烟气中的气态单质汞。  相似文献   

参考借鉴美国IEMGTP元素汞溯源协议中规定的4个溯源传递层级以及4种常用的成熟溯源质控方法,研究了在中国现有技术条件下,各种质控方法针对Hg-CEMS中元素汞发生器User generator进行质控的适用性。通过对不同质控方法的测试,显示通过可吸附元素汞的活性炭吸附管采样分析(美国EPA 30B方法)和通过汞渗透源两种对元素汞发生器进行质控的方法在中国目前是可行且科学、可靠的。同时对建立和完善中国的元素汞溯源协议和元素汞发生器质控方法提出了建议。  相似文献   

利用重量法测试原理,将氨法脱硫外排废气中烟尘监测滤筒用二次水经过超声波洗涤后过滤,在烘箱内于105℃烘干2 h后称量恒重,除去滤简中的硫酸铵成分,从而准确获得烟尘的含量.  相似文献   

研究利用主动土壤干燥技术,配合微波消解、原子荧光分光光度法,在短时间内完成大量不同用途土壤,如湿地、山林、农田耕地、沙石地等样品中砷的测定。采集的新鲜土壤样品经初筛,过滤、筛分等处理后,利用主动烘干技术,模拟自然干燥状态,可以快速烘干不同含水量的大量样品。该方法避免了因自然风干产生的实验室间的交叉污染,可以短时间处理大量样品;利用微波消解法进行前处理,再利用原子荧光分光光度法进行样品测定。该研究对52个土壤样品中的砷进行了测定,砷含量在2.70~27.3mg/kg。方法的最低方法检出限可以达0.001mg/kg。  相似文献   

A field experiment for the comparison of the efficiency of canisters and adsorption multibed tubes for sampling atmospheric highly volatile hydrocarbons at ppbv levels is described. The canister was passivated by the Summa process and the adsorption tubes were filled with Carbotrap C, Carbotrap B and Carbosieve S-III. The sampling with the adsorption tubes was performed at ambient temperature and at -10°C. The highest concentrations were generally obtained with canisters but these results are very similar to those obtained with refrigerated multibed adsorption tubes. Both methods appear to be equivalent for most of the highly volatile hydrocarbons encountered in moderately polluted urban areas. In contrast, sampling with ambient temperature tubes provides lower concentrations. This study has also shown that K2CO3 drying efficiently removes humidity from air samples allowing the obtention of reliable concentration data on highly volatile hydrocarbons at ppbv levels. These drying tubes can easily be re-conditioned and tested for blanks and memory effects, which greatly facilitates the control of external contamination and sample cross-contamination.  相似文献   

运行方式对人工快渗系统水质净化效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以天然砂作为主要渗滤介质,建立污水处理人工快速渗滤系统(CRI).分别以洗浴污水、生活污水和受污染河水作为研究对象,在相同的水力负荷条件下,用两种不同的运行方式(定期投配一定量的污水、淹水和落干交替运行)对不同水质的污染物去除效果进行了对比研究.结果表明,通过缩短淹水周期,加大系统淹水和落干的频率,可以明显改善CRI系统的污染物去除效果.  相似文献   

Evaluation of analytical methods employed for wet weight (live or preserved samples) of benthic macroinvertebrates reveals that centrifugation at 140 x gravity for one minute yields constant biomass estimates. Less relative centrifugal force increases chance of incomplete removal of body moisture and results in weighing error, while greater force may rupture fragile macroinvertebrates, such as mayflies. Duration of specimen exposure in ethanol, formalin, and formol (formaling-ethanol combinations) causes significant body weight loss with within 48 hr formalin and formol cause less body weight loss than ethanol. However, as all preservatives tested cause body weight loss, preservation time of samples collected for comparative purposes should be treated uniformly. Dry weight estimates of macroinvertebrates are not significantly affected by kind of preservative or duration of exposure. Constant dry weights are attained by oven drying at 103 °C at a minimum of four hours or vacuum oven drying (15 inches of mercury pressure) at 103 °C for a minimum of one hour. Although requiring more time in preparation than oven drying and inalterably changing specimen body shape, freeze drying (10 microns pressure, -55 °C, 24 hr) provides constant dry weights and is advantageous for long term sample storage by minimizing curatorial attention. Constant ash-free dry weights of macroinvertebrate samples are attained by igniting samples at 500–550 °C for a minimum of one hour with slow cooling to room temperature in desiccators before weighing.  相似文献   

Cyclic wetting and drying of soils due to changing weather conditions is characterised by a well-documented hysteresis in the relationship between the pressure or matric potential and the water content in the soil. Hysteresis manifests itself through a difference in drying and wetting curves. Its presence suggests that there is dissipation of energy associated with intermittent wetting and drying of the soil, which can be released in the form of heat. In this paper, we discuss a model for evaluation of the energy dissipation rate due to soil-moisture hysteresis. The model has three main ingredients: (a) a hysteresis constitutive relationship between soil-water potential and moisture content in the soil, which is modelled by the Preisach operator; (b) a lumped form of Darcy’s law assuming that the water flux is proportional to the difference of potentials in the soil and on its surface; (c) a rainfall term governing the evolution of the outer potential, which is modelled by a periodic forcing or a Poisson process. We propose a combination of analytic and numerical methods to evaluate the energy dissipation rate and how it is affected by the variation of rain parameters, such as the frequency of arrivals of rain cells and their shape, intensity and duration.  相似文献   

Orthodox black tea is obtained from fresh leaves followed by withering, rolling, fermentation and drying. The presence of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was studied in fresh leaves and at various stages of manufacturing. Benzo(a)pyrene (2A: probable human carcinogen) was found in dried tea leaves only whereas, naphthalene (2B: probable human carcinogen) was present during all the stages of manufacturing. Dry tea leaves showed higher content of total 16 PAHs (∑PAHs) about 3 and 211 times than present in withered and dried leaves, respectively. Chrysene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, indendo[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]pyrene and benzo[a]antracene were not found during manufacturing stages of tea.  相似文献   

烟尘监测时采样滤筒的质量控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了合格滤筒的筛选方法和采样滤筒在实验室分析中的质量控制,分析了影响滤筒称量恒重的原因,指出空气湿度、冷却时间和烘干时间对滤筒称量恒重都有影响.  相似文献   

微波技术在环境试样处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综述了微波技术在样品消解、干燥以及溶剂萃取和解吸、生色反应、形态分析、微波雾化等方面的应用。比较了微波技术优于传统预处理技术之处。经分析认为该技术具有广阔的推广和应用前景。  相似文献   

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