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为了了解塔里木河下游9次应急输水的生态环境效益,利用MODIS—NDVI最大合成法、差值法,分析了塔里木河下游植被指数的年际变化情况,结果表明:(1)塔里木河下游地区植被覆盖度变化中增加区面积呈增加趋势。(2)2002年与输水初期相比,植被覆盖度增加区主要分布于上段和中段的老塔里木河及其文阔尔河河道两侧,下段河道覆盖度增加区仅零星分布于距河道0.3km左右的地势低洼区域。2003年以后,下段植被覆盖度增加区面积已达84.30km^2,是2002年的3.16倍,主要分布在距离河道0.5km左右的河道两侧。至2007年塔里木河下游河道两侧植被覆盖度增加区的变化是比较显著的,特别是下段植被覆盖增加区呈带状分布于距河道1.5km左右的范围内。植被指数遥感监测说明塔里木河下游地区的生态环境得到明显改善。  相似文献   

为研究山区河道工程扰动边坡植物群落演替规律,以石葵河生态治理工程区为研究对象,采用典型样地抽样调查法,对河道边坡植被恢复情况进行连续3年的调查.结果显示,在生态修复期内共发现105种植物,隶属38科97属,以禾本科、豆科和菊科为主;随着时间推移,功能群物种组成有明显波动,豆科植物占比下降,禾本科、菊科植物占比升高;优势物种发生改变,从初期多年生草本占绝对优势逐步向乔灌草共存的趋势演替;植物群落生物多样性指数均呈上升趋势.针对研究区生态修复,试提出以当地优势物种胡枝子+大青+狗牙根+牛筋草+羽芒菊为主的灌草结合植物配置模式.  相似文献   

基于典型时段骆马湖LandsatTM遥感影像,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)法对骆马湖水生植被进行分级研究.采用标准差分级方法,将骆马湖水生植被分为5个等级.研究结果表明,利用这种分级方法处理的图像能够较准确地反映骆马湖水生植被区域分布和等级分区,能够更准确地给出采砂区和生态保护区域的位置,增强湖区水生态环境保护工作的有效性和针对性.  相似文献   

李磊  李艳红 《干旱环境监测》2013,(4):154-159,183
选取艾比湖流域1990年、2001年、2011年同期(9月)3期I.and.satTM遥感影像,基于归一化植被指数NDVI,提取植被覆盖等级图,利用ArcGIS9.3和Fragstas3.3对该流域植被景观的变化进行了分析研究。结果表明:1990—2011年,该流域植被覆盖度变化明显,低植被覆盖区和较低植被覆盖区都有所减少,分别由1990年的34.05%和32.94%减少到2011年的32.8%和24.06%;较高植被覆盖区和高植被覆盖区有所增加,分别由8.49%和5.20%增长到15.13%和9.83%,但水域面积退化明显,由1990年的525.9765km2缩小至494.9876km2,减少了30.9889km2,退缩幅度达O.4%;最大斑块指数(LPI)由17.04上升到21.10,香农多样性指数(SHDI)和香农均势度指数(SHEI)分别由1.5387和0.8588增长到1.6395和0.9150。表明艾比湖流域景观格局混杂程度愈来愈高,空间异质性在逐年加强,总体空间格局向破碎化趋势发展。  相似文献   

植被覆盖指数(NDVI)时间序列数据集包含地表植被的长势、生长周期、时空变化等信息,其拟合重建结果可应用于物候信息提取、生态质量评价、人类活动扰动识别、覆被变化动态监测等方面。基于TIMESAT软件,选取物候参数提取和扰动识别2个应用场景,结合地面站点数据和Jacknife法模拟数据,对比分析非对称高斯函数拟合法(AG法)、双Logistic函数拟合法(D-L法)和Savitzky-Golay滤波法(S-G法)3种方法的拟合效果。结果表明:(1)3种方法拟合重建后提取的生长开始时间(SOS)、生长结束时间(EOS)、生长周期(LOS)等物候参数接近站点数据,AG法和D-L法保持NDVI时序曲线整体变化特征的能力较强,提取的SOS和EOS更接近站点数据;(2)人类活动扰动识别应用场景中,S-G法在滤波时能够最大限度地保留时序曲线细节变化,恢复速率相关系数达到0.618,回归估计标准差低于AG法和D-L法,因此识别精度最优。  相似文献   

基于网格空间数据的晋陕蒙接壤区生态环境综合评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
晋陕蒙接壤区是典型的生态过渡带、生态脆弱带。文章在调查研究的基础上 ,选取了 1 3个评价指标 ,应用层次分析法确定其权重 ,并将各个因子分级标准化和定量赋值 ,再用加权求和法得到每个评价单元的环境质量综合评价指数。根据环境综合评价指数将环境质量分为较好 (≥ 8)、一般 (≥ 6~ <8)、较差 (≥ 4~ <6)、恶劣 (<4) 4级。结果表明 :晋陕蒙接壤区的环境质量大多处于较差等级 ,较好、一般、较差、恶劣等级的面积比例分别为 2 .2 % ,2 8% ,5 7.4%和1 2 .4%  相似文献   

城市生态环境安全评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市作为一种典型的复合生态系统。其生态环境具有相当的脆弱性,因此如何改善生态质量和维护生态安全已成为城市发展要解决的主要问题之一。本文从生态环境状况和生态安全2个方面对张家港市生态环境安全进行评价和研究,计算了生物丰度指数、植被覆盖指数、水网密度指数、土地退化指数、污染负荷指数等5个指标,计权确定该市生态环境质量指数为48.7,评价等级为一般;同时选择了资源安全评价、环境安全评价、生物安全评价和灾害安全评价等4个要素,确定该市生态系统安全指数为0.44。  相似文献   

利用2021—2022年Sentinel-2卫星搭载的多光谱成像仪(MSI)遥感数据,通过SNAP遥感软件提供的植被生物物理参数处理模块(Biophysical Processor),反演了苏州消夏湾生态安全缓冲区的5种植被生物物理参数,包括植被吸收光合有效辐射比例(FAPAR)、植被覆盖度(FVC)、叶面积指数(LAI)、冠层叶绿素含量(CCC)和冠层含水量(CWC),开展植被生态环境监测评估研究。结果表明,该生态安全缓冲区2021年建成并投入运行后,植被覆盖度和生物量有所增加,区域植被冠层结构有所改善,植被生物物理参数从一定的角度反映了消夏湾生态安全缓冲区发挥了生态涵养成效。该研究方法能在大尺度上快捷、高效地反演植被生物物理参数,可为通过植被遥感动态监测评估生态安全缓冲区的生态功能提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

以河南省大别山水土保持国家重点生态功能区为研究区,基于RS与GIS获取2012年和2017年研究区植被覆盖、土地利用、土壤侵蚀等遥感解译数据,从生态功能、生态结构和生态压力3个方面,采用综合指数法,对研究区生态状况进行动态监测与评价。结果表明,2012—2017年间,研究区土地利用结构发生较明显的变化,林草地覆盖率上升9.85%,耕地和建设用地面积比上升13.23%,水域湿地面积比变化不大;植被覆盖指数上升 62.74%,中度以上土壤侵蚀面积比略有增加;生态状况变化度ΔF=4.95,整体生态状况等级由良变为优,生态状况变化度评级为显著变好。  相似文献   

基于2017—2020年山东某沿海城市集中式饮用水水源水质监测数据,采用单因子评价法和美国环保局(USEPA)的健康风险模型对该市集中式饮用水水源水质进行综合评价。结果表明,2017—2020年该市集中式饮用水水源地Ⅲ类以上水质比例为98.7%;总健康风险年均值为4.11×10-6,超过英国皇家协会、瑞典环保局和荷兰环境部的可接受风险水平限值(1×10-6),低于USEPA(1×10-4)和国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)(5×10-5)的可接受风险水平限值,风险等级为Ⅰ级,处于低风险水平。该市水源地健康风险主要来自致癌物,致癌物健康风险为:砷>镉。2017—2020年该市集中式饮用水水源地水质健康风险分级稳定在Ⅰ级,并呈逐年降低趋势。通过对比分析,水质与健康风险评价结论不尽相同,健康风险评价可作为现阶段水质评价的有益补充,进一步说明水源地的水质状况和健康风险,为生态环境管理及居民生活提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Mentougou District acts as a crucial component in the ecological buffer in western Beijing mountainous areas, Beijing, China. Using two Landsat MSS/TM images acquired on July 14, 1979 and July 23, 2005, the vegetation coverage of Mentougou District was calculated based on normalized difference vegetation index and spectral mixture analysis (NDVI-SMA) model. Its temporal and spatial changes were analyzed according to digital elevation model (DEM) image, social and economic data. The results showed that the vegetation coverage decreased from 76.4% in 1979 to 72.7% in 2005. Vegetation degradation was probably the result of human disturbance, such as outspreading of resident areas, and coal and stone mining activities, while vegetation restoration might be contributed by the combined effects of both natural processes and ecological construction effort. Vegetation changes were closely related to topographical characteristics. Plants at high altitude were more stable and less degraded than the plants at low altitude, while the plants on steep slope or northwest aspect were more vulnerable to degradation. During the period of 26 years, landscape appeared to become more fragmental, and ecological quality of the land seemed deteriorated sharply in that highly-covered vegetation area has been decreased by 24%.  相似文献   

为科学评估河流修复效果,研究修复河流中底栖动物物种多样性和生态功能恢复特征,以浙江省浦江县浦阳江干流为研究对象,分别对2个近自然河段、2个城区修复河段和3个郊区修复河段在修复后1,3,4和5年的水质和底栖动物恢复状况进行调查研究。采用广义最小二乘法(GLS)模型探索底栖动物物种多样性(总物种丰富度、EPT丰富度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数)和功能多样性[功能丰富度、功能均匀度和Rao的二次熵指数(RaoQ)]与恢复年份和修复河段类型的相关性。结果表明,修复后河流的NH 3-N和TP浓度显著低于修复前(p<0.001),修复河段和整个调查河段的底栖动物物种多样性和功能多样性总体上随修复年份的增加呈上升趋势。GLS模型分析结果表明,相对于修复河段类型,修复年份对河流修复效果起着更为重要的作用,此外,郊区河段对修复后RaoQ功能多样性指数的改变作用显著(p<0.001)。提出,修复河段底栖动物多样性的恢复与恢复年份和河段受到的干扰类型密切相关。  相似文献   

The relative abundance of ant species was measured by pit-fall trapping at 44 sites in southern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona, U.S.A.. Sites were selected for study based on documentation of a history of disturbance or protection from disturbance, exposure to varying intensities of livestock grazing, dominance by an exotic species of plant and vegetation change resulting from disturbance or restoration efforts. Ant community composition, relative abundances of species, and species richness were the same on disturbed and undisturbed sites. None of the metrics based on hypothesized responses of ants to disturbance clearly distinguished between disturbed and undisturbed sites. Ant communities on sites where restoration efforts have resulted in distinct differences in vegetative cover and composition were similar to the ant communities on degraded unrehabilitated sites on the same soil type. Ant communities in riparian cottonwood gallery forests in Arizona and New Mexico were similar but differed from the assemblages in exotic salt cedar and native ash riparian woodlands. Ant species exhibited remarkable resistance to human-induced disturbances in these rangeland areas. In grasslands dominated by the South African grass, Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees, large seed harvesting ants, Pogonomyrmex spp., were greatly reduced in abundance compared to native grasslands. Other ant metrics were not different in E. lehmanniana grasslands and native grasslands. We conclude that ants cannot be used as indicators of exposure to stress, ecosystem health or of rehabilitation success on rangeland ecosystems. Ants are also not useful indicators of faunal biodiversity in rangeland ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study compared performance of four change detection algorithms with six vegetation indices derived from pre- and post-Katrina Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery and a composite of the TM bands 4, 5, and 3 in order to select an optimal remote sensing technique for identifying forestlands disturbed by Hurricane Katrina. The algorithms included univariate image differencing (UID), selective principal component analysis (PCA), change vector analysis (CVA), and postclassification comparison (PCC). The indices consisted of near-infrared to red ratios, normalized difference vegetation index, Tasseled Cap index of greenness, brightness, and wetness (TCW), and soil-adjusted vegetation index. In addition to the satellite imagery, the “ground truth” data of forest damage were also collected through field investigation and interpretation of post-Katrina aerial photos. Disturbed forests were identified by classifying the composite and the continuous change imagery with the supervised classification method. Results showed that the change detection techniques exerted apparent influence on detection results with an overall accuracy varying between 51% and 86% and a kappa statistics ranging from 0.02 to 0.72. Detected areas of disturbed forestlands were noticeable in two groups: 180,832–264,617 and 85,861–124,205 ha. The landscape of disturbed forests also displayed two unique patterns, depending upon the area group. The PCC algorithm along with the composite image contributed the highest accuracy and lowest error (0.5%) in estimating areas of disturbed forestlands. Both UID and CVA performed similarly, but caution should be taken when using selective PCA in detecting hurricane disturbance to forests. Among the six indices, TCW outperformed the other indices owing to its maximum sensitivity to forest modification. This study suggested that compared with the detection algorithms, proper selection of vegetation indices was more critical for obtaining satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Restoration of urban streams and rivers has increased rapidly in developing countries in recent years. Estimating river health provides a new perspective on evaluating the ecological conditions of streams and rivers. The Suzhou Creek restoration project in Shanghai, China is a milestone for environmental protection. Based on the environmental and ecological data, including 17 indicators in five categories, collected from March 11 to April 20, 2007, the river health index (RHI) for Suzhou Creek was constructed and analysed to quantify the ecosystem of this urban river after a restoration project. The RHI scores of 34 sites ranged from 19.24 to 33.36, i.e. from poor to good. There were no significant RHI differences among stream orders, while differences in land use resulted in significant differences in channel flow status (B12), channel alteration (B21), channel sinuosity (B22), bank stability (B23), bank profile type (B25) and riparian vegetative zone width (B31). River restoration led to improved hydrological condition and channel physical form, while ammonia nitrogen (B44) and indicator scores of the presence of macro-invertebrate families (B51) were the lowest of any indicator. This case study supports the use of river health assessment as a supplement to water quality analysis in China.  相似文献   

Disturbance to the physical–chemical properties of soil caused by pipeline installation was evaluated using two soil quality indices to identify the scale of disturbance and the restoration cycle. The integrated soil quality index (SQI) was used to evaluate soil property changes in different pipeline zones (0, 10, 20, and 50 m from the pipeline) at sites 1 and 2. The soil restoration index (SRI) was used to estimate soil recovery from three pipelines with different recovery periods (2, 6, and 8 years) at site 3. The results showed that the adverse effects of pipeline construction on soil properties mainly occurred in the right-of-way (ROW) areas and the impaired zones were in the order trench?>?piling and working areas?>?20 and 50 m. The soil restoration cycle may be complete within 6 years of construction. At site 3, the SRI in the ROW area of a pipeline after 6 years of restoration was close to 100 %, showing full soil recovery. However, the SRI in the disturbed areas of a pipeline after 2 years of restoration was much lower than that after 6 years of restoration, indicating that the soil was still recovering from the disturbance. The topography may change the intensity of disturbance in different areas due to the movement patterns of heavy machinery and traffic routes. There were local variations in the SQI within the pipeline zones, with flat areas suffering greater disturbance than hilly areas, indicating that topography should be considered in a pipeline’s environmental impact assessment.  相似文献   

通过统计分析及空间插值等方法,使用气象和遥感数据,分析2001—2021年黑龙江省林区主要植被生长季的气候条件及植被生态质量变化特征。结果表明:2001—2021年黑龙江省林区生长季降水量、平均气温和日照时数分别呈增加、增加和减少趋势。在水分、热量整体逐步增加的背景下,气候条件有利于改善植被生态质量。2021年生长季大部分林区植被生态质量为优和良等级;与多年平均比较,85%以上的林区呈偏好趋势,尤其是中部、东南部部分林区呈很好趋势。植被生态质量指数平均每10 a增大43,99%以上的林区呈提高趋势,特别是北部、东南部及中部部分林区改善明显。  相似文献   

This study is carried out to evaluate potentially toxic metal concentrations (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, and Zn) together with their spatial distribution, degree of pollution, and potential ecological risk in Kor river sediments (southwest Iran) using sediment quality guidelines, geoaccumulation index (I geo), Hakanson potential ecological risk index (RI), and standard methods of statistical analysis. The study area stretches some 140 km from the Drodzan Dam to Bakhtegan Lake, a stretch of river where different industrial and domestic activities (e.g., petrochemical complex, oil refinery, industrial meat processing complex, Marvdasht city sewage) and ecological value overlap with each other. Calculated geoaccumulation index indicate that 50 % of the stations are moderately to very extremely polluted. The potential ecological risk for nine investigated metals in Kor river is Hg (948)?>?Mo (51.9)?>?Ni (37.8)?>?Cd (29.8)?>?As (22)?>?Cu (16.6)?>?Pb (13.3)?>?Zn (3.3)?>?Cr (1). Results show that sediments in parts of Kor river sediments are heavily affected by effluents discharged from industrial plants and other parts are affected by agriculture and urban runoff from nearby lands. These phenomena may cause a risk of secondary water pollution under sediment disturbance and/or changes in the physical–chemical characteristics of the aquatic system.  相似文献   

Changes in tree and understory plant diversity and community composition in two sites at different disturbance levels were studied on the Anaikatty hills, Western Ghats. Systematic sampling using small scale permanent quadrates (50 x 20 m for trees, 5 x 5 m for shrubs/saplings, 1 x 1 m for herbs/seedlings) enumerated 3,376 individuals of trees (106 species), 8,599 of individuals shrubs (122 species) and 16,659 individuals of herbs (145 species). Among the two sites, species richness and diversity were highest for low disturbed stand (98 and 3.9, respectively) compared to high disturbed site (45 and 2.71, respectively). Result of cluster analysis showed that two distinct clusters were formed on the basis of disturbance of the area in concordance with our field observation. A total of 37 species were common to both sites, sixty one species exclusively found in low disturbed site and eight species were pertained to highly disturbed site. Mann-Whitney test based on Monte Carlo approximation at 95% confidence levels indicated that both populations were not entirely different. The clear difference was only observed for average basal area of trees, density of seedlings, number of species, density and diversity for shrubs and number of species and diversity for herb. The species composition were different in two stand i.e., Nothopegia racemosa-Albizia amara-Maba neilghrrensis in low disturbed stand and Albizia amara-Pleiospermium alatum-Bauhinia racemosa in high disturbed stand. The major disturbance factors identification using spearman rank correlation indicated that the disturbance in low disturbed habitats were mostly from past logging followed by cutting and illicit felling and grazing, while in high disturbed habitats, it was human presence, past logging and lopping and fuel wood collection.  相似文献   

At present, most estuarine ecological risk studies are based on terrestrial ecosystem models, which ignore spatial heterogeneity. The Daliao River estuary has representative characteristics of many estuaries in China, and we used this estuary as the study area to formulate an estuarine ecological risk evaluation model. Targeting the estuary's special hydrodynamic condition, this model incorporated variables that were under the influence of human activities and used them as the major factors for partitioning sections of the river according to risk values. It also explored the spatial and temporal distribution laws of estuarine ecological risk. The results showed that, on the whole, the ecological risk of the Daliao River estuary area was relatively high. At a temporal level, runoff was the main factor resulting in differences in ecological risk, while at the spatial level, the ecological risk index was affected by pollutants carried by runoff from upstream, as well as downstream pollution emissions and dilution by seawater at the mouth of the sea. The characteristics of this model make it possible to simulate the spatial and temporal risk distribution in different regions and under different rainfall regimes. This model can thus be applied in other estuarine areas and provides some technical support for analysis and control of ecological destruction in estuary areas.  相似文献   

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