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持久性有机污染物(POPs)监测是开展履行《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》成效评估的重要内容之一。介绍了履约成效评估POPs监测的要求,综述了我国POPs监测能力建设和履约成效评估全球POPs监测进展。我国自2007年起开展了环境空气、水体和母乳中POPs的监测,所获得的监测数据可为评估我国POPs污染水平和环境与健康风险提供重要的技术支撑。还介绍了国外POPs监测动态,提出借鉴国外经验、建立环境和人体中POPs长效监测机制并开展持续性监测不仅是履约的需求,也可为保护我国生态环境和人体健康提供基础数据。  相似文献   

全球POPs监测计划实施进展及我国开展POPs监测实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
持久性有机污染物(POPs)因其具有高毒性、持久性以及远距离迁移性而引起国际社会的广泛关注,各国家和地区持续开展了一系列POPs监测活动。文章介绍了国际上一些影响重大的区域和跨区域POPs监测计划及其特点,并结合国内外POPs监测进展,提出我国开展POPs监测的对策与建议。  相似文献   

主动采样技术在中国大气POPs监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了履行斯德哥尔摩公约,查明持久性有机污染物(POPs)在中国大气环境介质的存在水平,该研究首次采用主动采样技术,在中国境内大尺度范围内进行了环境大气中POPs的监测工作.利用主动采样技术,可以在短时间内采集数百立方米的大气样品.分别利用玻璃纤维滤膜采集大气颗粒物(固相)中的POPs,同时使用聚氨酯泡沫(PUF)吸附气态的POPs.该采样技术还便于样品的运输和保存.研究表明,大气主动采样技术可以很好地运用于区域大气POPs的监测工作并填补了我国在POPs履约监测中专用仪器设备的空白.  相似文献   

新疆二噁英类POPs排放现状调查及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对新疆二噁英类POPs排放调查的基础上,归纳了新疆二噁英类污染物的主要来源和分布情况,分析了新疆二噁英类POPs排放源在环境监管中存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议,对今后新疆二噁英类POPs排放的管理、控制和削减有重要意义。  相似文献   

晋中市持久性有机污染物污染状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
持久性有机污染物具有高毒性、持久性、积聚性、流动性大等特点,可以造成人体内分泌系统紊乱、破坏生殖和免疫系统、诱发癌症,导致畸形、基因突变和神经系统等疾病。’通过对晋中市持久性有机污染物二恶英类的调查,了解晋中市二恶英类POPs排放源产生行业、区域分布、产生装置数量和产生量以及企业的生产工艺、规模、二恶英污染控制技术水平等,发现控制二恶英污染工作中存在的问题,确定晋中持久性有机污染物二恶英类重点管理地区和重点管理源,从而为日后监测、评估、治理、管理二恶英工作奠定了基础.  相似文献   

许月英 《干旱环境监测》2007,21(4):F0004-F0004
中国地域辽阔、涉及到二恶英类的行业众多,我国存在几乎所有的国际上已知二恶英类的各类污染源,因此,国家环保总局在2006年底下发了在全国开展持久性有机污染物调查的通知,要求在对我国二恶英类、杀虫剂类POPs的污染状况进行深入调查的基础上,进一步了解我国POPS污染现状,明确污染源和排放情况,逐步建立我国POPs污染源完善的管理机制和POPs污染源的动态信息库,形成相关的技术文件和监测技术体系。  相似文献   

环境中“新型”持久性有机污染物的质谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
“新型”持久性有机污染物逐渐受到环境科研工作者的重视,这类物质包括溴代阻燃剂、全氟化合物、多氯萘、多氯代正构烷烃和药物以及个人护理用品等,综述了目前对这类环境污染物的检测分析技术。  相似文献   

环境保护中工业废水辐射处理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简述了电子束辐照和γ射线辐照在处理工业废水中持久性有机污染物(persistent organic pollutants,POPs)的机理和重要进展.指出了环境保护中辐射技术的应用前景和存在的问题,提出化学方法和电子束辐射技术的联合工艺开发和应用成为环境污染治理新的发展方向.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(待续)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
持久性有机污染物的环境化学和生态毒理学是目前环境研究最活跃的领域之一。本文综述了持久性有机污染物的成分特性、对生物群的毒理效应、环境污染源、环境分析、环境行为、食物链传播、地区性或全球性的污染传输等问题。同时提出了对目前和将来持久性有机污染物研究的一些浅见。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物的环境化学和生态毒理学是目前环境研究最活跃的领域之一。本文综述了持久性有机污染物的成分特性、对生物群的毒理效应、环境污染源、环境分析、环境行为、食物链传播、地区性或全球性的污染传输等问题。同时提出了对目前和将来持久性有机污染物研究的一些浅见。  相似文献   

The Stockholm Convention, which aspires to manage persistent organic pollutants (POPs) at the international level, was recently ratified in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Despite this fact, there is in general a paucity of data regarding the levels of POPs in the environment in BiH. In the present study, screening for POPs was conducted in one of the country’s major rivers, the Bosna. A two-pronged approach was applied using passive samplers to detect the freely dissolved and bioavailable concentrations in the water phase and sediment analysis to provide an integrated measure of historical contamination. At several places along the river, the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were high and exhibited potential for both chronic and acute effects to biota. River water also showed elevated concentrations of PAH, up to 480 ng L?1 near the city of Doboj, and diagnostic ratios suggested combustion sources for the contamination present in both types of sample. The levels of the other contaminants measured—polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers—were generally low in the water phase. However, PCBs and some OCPs were present in river sediments at levels which breach the international criteria and thus suggest potential for ecological damage. Additionally, the levels of heptachlor breached these criteria in many of the sites investigated. This study presents the first screening data for some of these Stockholm Convention relevant compounds in BiH and reveals both low concentrations of some chemical groups, but significant point sources and historic contamination for others.  相似文献   

环境中药品和个人护理品的复合污染风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在环境中污染物常以混合物的形式存在,从而扩大或减小了其对环境和生物的效应。指出目前对药品和个人护理品(PPCPs)环境健康风险的研究多停留在单一物质表观层面,造成其风险值出现偏差。系统分析了PPCPs与有机和无机污染物之间的复合污染,提出加强复合污染毒性风险及致毒机理等方面的研究,为有效降低环境水体中PPCPs潜在的安全风险提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Forests were shown to play an important role in influencing atmospheric concentrations and transport of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment. World forests cover more than 4 billion hectares and contain up to 80% of the above ground organic carbon. Given the lipophilic nature of POPs, this suggests that forests can influence the environmental fate of POPs at a global scale. POP accumulation in forest canopies still presents points of concern given the complexity of these ecosystems. In particular, the role of ecological parameters such as LAI (leaf area index) and SLA (specific leaf area) and their dynamics during the growing season was not sufficiently investigated yet. This paper reviews, compares and interprets a unique case study in which air and leaf concentrations and deposition fluxes for selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in three different forest types exposed to the same air masses. In order to trace the air-leaf-soil path of these compounds, a dynamic model of POP accumulation into forest canopy was applied. The dynamics of the canopy biomass strongly affected the trend of leaf concentration with time. Growth dilution effect can prevent the more chlorinated compounds from reaching the partitioning equilibrium before litter fall, while the more volatile compounds can approach equilibrium in the range of few weeks. An amount of up to 60 ng of PCBs per square metre of ground surface was predicted to be stored in each of the selected forests at fully developed canopy. Dry gaseous deposition fluxes to forest canopy were estimated to reach a maximum value of about 0.5-1.5 ng m(-2) d(-1) during the spring period.  相似文献   

Although long-range atmospheric transport has been described as the predominant mechanism for exposing polar regions to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), recent studies have suggested that bird activity can also contribute substantially to contaminant levels in some environments. However, because the species so far reported have all been migratory, it has not been demonstrated conclusively whether locally elevated contamination represents transport from lower latitudes by the migrating birds or, alternatively, redistribution and concentration of contaminants that were already present in the high-latitude environments. The present study demonstrates, for the first time, that several POPs are present in elevated concentrations in an environment frequented by a non-migratory species (Adélie penguins) that spends its entire life in the Antarctic. Levels of POPs, such as p,p'-DDE, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordanes (CHLs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), were 10 to 100-fold higher in soil samples from penguin colonies than from reference areas. This significant difference is likely related to local penguin activity, such as a higher abundance of guano and the presence of bird carcasses. This hypothesis is also supported by a higher percentage of persistent congeners (PCB 99, 118, 138 and 153) in the soil from the colonies compared to the reference areas. This profile of PCB congeners closely matched profiles seen in penguin eggs or penguin blood.  相似文献   

Recent research has again raised the issue regarding the potential health effects of long term exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the context of a risk-benefit analysis. There remains clear evidence of the beneficial effects of fish consumption on public health and in particular fatty fish with its essential fatty acids. In addition to providing fatty acids, fish fat constitutes an essential source to vitamin D for the northern Norwegian population. Norwegian Food Control Authorities have recommended that children and women of childbearing age should not consume fish liver due to the risk associated with high intake of POPs. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of fish liver intake on the levels of PCBs and chlorinated pesticides in a rural coastal community (n = 31) in northern Norway, applying a cross-sectional design. The geometric mean plasma levels of sum of PCBs (14 congeners) and p,p'-DDE was found to be 558 microg kg(-1) lipids and 179 microg kg(-1) lipids, respectively. These levels were not significantly affected by the reported intake of fish liver, when age and gender were considered. Age in particular, but also gender were significant predictors for most compounds. When merging the dataset with an urban population with considerable lower intake of fish liver, the intake of cod liver still did not significantly affect the levels of PCBs and p,p'-DDE when adjusted for age and gender. Age and gender remain the strongest predictors of plasma levels of POPs in this study whereas fish liver intake was not significantly associated with the POPs.  相似文献   

Different approaches are used to verify the adequacy of emission factors (EFs) and their use in emission inventories of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The applicability of EFs was tested using atmospheric dispersion modelling to predict atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and resulting toxic equivalents (SigmaTEQ) and particulate matter <10 microm (PM(10)) in two rural locations in northern England (UK). The modelling was based on general assumptions of fuel composition, consumption and heating needs to simulate emissions of POPs from the domestic burning of coal and wood where ambient measurements were made in the winter of 1998. The model was used to derive the local contribution to ambient air concentrations, which were estimated independently based on comparative air measurements. The results support the hypothesis that in both villages, the majority of PAHs and the lower chlorinated PCDFs were locally released. The situation for PCBs and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) was different. While the EFs show the release of both compound groups from the domestic burning of coal and wood, the ambient levels of these "legacy POPs" in the villages were still clearly dominated by other sources. Rural areas relying mainly on fossil fuels can exceed the proposed UK ambient air quality standard for benzo[a]pyrene during winter. The measured EFs were then used to estimate the importance of the domestic burning of coal and wood to national emission inventories for these compound classes. Extrapolations to the UK suggest that the domestic burning of pure wood and coal were minor emitters for chlorinated POPs but contributed strongly to PAH and PM(10) levels in 2000. Finally, the UK's national POPs emission inventories based on source inventories and EF, as used here, were compared to estimates derived using the increase in atmospheric concentration of selected POPs.  相似文献   

Butter is a readily collected, integrative and inexpensive sampling matrix for the spatial mapping of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) at the national or regional scale. As air-plant-animal transfers generally supply the POPs reaching butter lipid, this study used butter for an initial evaluation of the occurrence, levels and distribution of POPs (selected organochlorine pesticides and PCBs) in Iran, a country for which very little information on usage, emissions and environmental burdens of these compounds exists. Fifty samples from rural and urban areas, in the north, west and central regions of the country were collected from local farms in spring 2007. Concentrations of p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE varied widely by a factor of approximately 1000 and approximately 370 (8450 pg g(-1) lipid and 46 800 pg g(-1) lipid on average). The highest levels, found mainly in urban areas in the centre of the country, were amongst the highest reported in the world. PCB concentrations (4320 pg g(-1) lipid on average) varied by a factor of approximately 160 and were highest close to urban centres and lowest in the rural northwest. Although Iran is not known for widespread PCB usage in the past, concentrations were higher than a 'global average' reported in a butter survey in 2001. This simple sampling approach could be adopted in other regions where cows graze, as part of an initial screening to help meet obligations under the Stockholm Convention.  相似文献   

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