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于2019年8—9月,采用大气预浓缩-气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对泰州市3个监测点位环境空气中57种挥发性有机物(VOCs)进行分析,并开展了VOCs组成特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)、VOCs来源及健康风险评价研究。结果表明:3个点位环境空气中φ(VOCs)范围为1.3×10^(-9)~46.9×10^(-9),平均值为8.5×10^(-9)。烷烃在VOCs中所占比例最大。各点位φ(VOCs)平均值依次为:工业园区>公园路>天德湖公园。公园路点位VOCs中苯系物受汽车尾气排放影响较大,天德湖公园和工业园区点位除了受汽车尾气排放影响,还受到有机溶剂和涂料的挥发影响,主要受本地污染主导。OFP中贡献最大的物质为乙烯,OFP值为5.5μg/m^(3),其次为烷烃。健康风险评价结果显示,各点位VOCs非致癌类风险均较低,处于安全范围内。各点位夏季环境空气中苯对人体均具有一定致癌风险。  相似文献   

于2019年在南通市采用TH-300B大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)在线分析仪对57种VOCs开展在线监测,对比分析了VOCs组分变化、季节变化、日变化特征,并用最大增量反应活性(MIR)估算了VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP),找到了南通市VOCs的优控物种。结果表明,2019年南通市VOCs平均体积分数为15.57×10^(-9),不同组分体积分数排序为:烷烃(9.65×10^(-9))>芳香烃(2.85×10^(-9))>烯烃(1.84×10^(-9))>炔烃(1.23×10^(-9)),总体表现为冬季高、夏季低的特征。和国内其他城市比较,南通市VOCs和各组分体积分数处于较低水平。烯烃和炔烃的日变化特征均呈现较明显的双峰分布,峰值位于7:00-8:00和19:00-21:00;烷烃的日变化特征均呈现较明显的单峰分布,峰值位于6:00-8:00;芳香烃的日变化特征在4个季节变化趋势有所不同。烷烃和芳香烃夜间体积分数均高于白天。VOCs的OFP年均值为108.17μg/m3,季节排序为:冬季(122.70μg/m^(3))>春季(116.15μg/m^(3))>秋季(111.26μg/m^(3))>夏季(82.58μg/m^(3))。VOCs优控物种为丙烷、乙烯、异戊烷、甲苯、间/对二甲苯,因此控制市区臭氧浓度的首要任务是控制机动车排放、加油站油气挥发和溶剂使用。  相似文献   

利用手工及自动监测数据,结合最大增量反应活性(MIR)系数法,对广州市大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染特征及臭氧生成潜势(OFP)进行了研究。结果表明:广州市大气VOCs总体积分数为73.85×10-9,其中,丙烷、甲醛、乙酸乙酯的体积分数最高,分别为5.59×10-9、4.87×10-9、4.25×10-9。组成特征分析结果显示,含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs)和烷烃为主要污染物种类,分别贡献了总VOCs的34.32%和32.34%。在空间分布上,各站点VOCs体积分数自南向北不断降低,番禺市桥站(南部,76.16×10-9)>公园前站(中部,75.58×10-9)>花都梯面站(北部,69.80×10-9)。广州市大气中甲醛和乙醛的比值为1.22,表明本地排放对广州市醛酮类化合物的贡献较大;乙苯和间/对-二甲苯的比值为0.35,表明广州市气团老化程度低,VOCs主要受本地排放影响;甲苯和苯的比值显示,公园前站苯系物主要受机...  相似文献   

2013年4月在广州市区对大气中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)进行了观测,对其变化特征和来源进行了分析。结果表明,观测期间测得的VOC总平均混合比为41.35×10~(-9),表现为烷烃芳香烃烯烃炔烃;利用PMF解析出观测时段内影响广州市区的9个VOCs主要来源,各源占比情况依次为:LPG排放老化VOC汽油挥发石化、未知源汽油车排放油漆溶剂柴油车排放天然源;与机动车相关和工业相关的来源分别占到了大气VOCs的46.8%和21.0%。  相似文献   

杭州市大气污染物排放清单及特征   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6  
以杭州市区为研究区域,通过调查整合多套污染源数据库及其他统计资料,研究文献报道及模型计算的各种污染源排放因子,获得杭州市区各行业PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NOx、CO、VOCs、NH3等污染物的排放量,建立了杭州市区2010年1 km×1 km大气污染物排放清单。结果表明,2010年杭州市区PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NOx、CO、VOCs和NH3的排放总量分别为7.96×104、4.02×104、7.23×104、8.98×104、73.90×104、39.56×104、3.32×104t。从排放源的行业分布来看,机动车尾气排放是杭州市区大气污染物最重要排放源之一,对PM10、PM2.5、NOx、CO和VOCs的贡献分别达到14.4%、27.1%、40.3%、21.4%、31.1%。道路扬尘、电厂锅炉、工业炉窑、植被、畜禽养殖对不同污染物分别有着重要贡献,道路扬尘对PM10和PM2.5的贡献分别为44.6%和20.0%、电厂锅炉对SO2和NOx的贡献分别为37.0%和25.7%、工业炉窑对CO的贡献为41.5%、植被排放对VOCs的贡献为27.1%、畜禽养殖对NH3的贡献为76.5%。从空间分布来看,萧山区和余杭区对SO2、NH3和植被排放BVOC的贡献要显著高于主城区;而主城区机动车对PM2.5、NOx和VOCs的贡献分别达到36.3%、56.0%和47.4%,较市区范围内显著增加,表明机动车尾气排放已成为杭州主城区大气污染最重要的来源之一。  相似文献   

成都市人为源挥发性有机物排放清单及特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于成都市实地调查和环境统计等活动水平数据,采用排放因子法和计算模型等,编制了2014年成都市人为源VOCs排放清单,并完成了空间分配和不确定性分析。成都市人为源VOCs排放量为15.8×10~4t,其中化石燃料固定燃烧源、工艺过程源、溶剂使用源、移动源、储存运输源、其他源排放量分别为0.5×10~4、3.8×10~4、6.0×10~4、4.9×10~4、0.4×10~4、2.2×10~4t,溶剂使用源为最大人为排放源,其次是移动源和工艺过程源。木材加工业为最大工业贡献源,然后依次是医药制造业、非金属矿物制品业、化学原料、化学制品制造业、汽车制造业等。成都市人为源82%的VOCs排放量分布于二、三圈层的工业园区,而中心城区主要为移动源和建筑施工所贡献,其排放分布已随建成区联片发展而形成整体。排放清单活动水平数据可靠性较高,而排放因子存在一定不确定性。  相似文献   

基于成都双流国际机场活动水平数据,采用排放因子法和计算模型等,编制了机场大气污染物排放清单,并完成了时空分配和不确定性分析,建立了高分辨率网格化排放清单。结果表明,成都双流国际机场标准起飞着陆(LTO)循环数为2.4×10~5次/a,CO、VOCs、NO_x、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、SO_2排放量分别为1.2×10~3、1.3×10~2、2.1×10~3、2.8×10、2.7×10、2.5×10~2t/a,且主要由飞机发动机排放;活动水平数据仅包括LTO循环数和地面保障设备两部分;污染物排放分布和跑道类型相关性较高;排放清单活动水平数据可靠性较高,而排放因子存在一定的不确定性。  相似文献   

常州市大气污染物排放清单及分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以点源、流动源、面源分类,在研究工业企业、机动车、建筑工地、秸秆焚烧等20多类排放源的基础上,建立2011年常州市大气污染物排放清单。结果表明:2011年该市大气污染物PM、PM10、PM2.5、SO_2、NO_x、CO、NH_3和VOCs的排放总量分别为13.514万t、6.746万t、2.67万t、5.975万t、12.316万t、66.595万t、1.64万t、9.026 1万t。道路、工业、建筑工地、机动车是颗粒物的主要排放来源;SO_2、NO_x、CO排放主要来自工业和机动车;NH_3的主要排放源为农业氮肥使用和畜禽养殖;VOCs的排放主要来自机动车、涂料、植被和工业。各行政区中,武进、溧阳、新北和金坛大气污染物排放量较大。  相似文献   

为了识别独山子石化基地大气VOCs大气化学反应活性和关键活性组份,2013年在研究区内高约25 m的楼顶采用在线的气相色谱仪进行了VOCs观测。结果表明,独山子石化基地大气VOCs的冬季OH消耗速率常数(L~(OH))为29.6×10~(-12)cm~3/分子·s,平均VOCs最大O3增量反应活性(MIR)为248.3 g/g,比乙烯的OH消耗速率常数(0.21×10~(-12)cm~3/分子·s)和最大O3增量反应活性(5.48 g/g)高出149倍和45倍,说明冬季独山子石化基地区域大气中VOCs的大气化学反应活性极强。大气VOCs的OH消耗速率常数(L~(OH))月变化呈现"L"型分布,其中烯烃的OH消耗速率常数(L~(OH))占比最大,占压倒性优势,1月和7月高达90%,其他月份也在70%~85%。冬季大气VOCs最大O_3增量反应活性(MIR)是夏季35倍,只因冬季寒冷且光照弱,使得O_3浓度不高,但导致PM_(2.5)浓度居高不下。  相似文献   

对桂林市城区大气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染特征,以及VOCs对臭氧(O3)和二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的生成潜势进行了研究。结果显示,研究期间,共检出VOCs物种78种,平均体积分数为21.32×10-9,表现为芳香烃(67.82%)烷烃(19.56%)卤代烃(7.50%)烯烃(2.86%)含氧挥发性有机物(1.41%)。VOCs体积分数空间分布呈现市中心和下风向郊区两个高值区。通过苯与甲苯的浓度比值发现,林科所VOCs主要来自交通源和生物源,师专甲山校区VOCs主要是来自交通源,其余测点VOCs主要来自交通源、工业源和外来传输源。分析乙苯和间/对二甲苯的浓度比值发现,电子科大尧山校区气团光化学年龄较大,光化学反应活性相对较强烈;旅游学院、华侨旅游经开区、大埠中心校气团光化学年龄较小,光化学反应活性相对较弱。VOCs对O3生成潜势最大的为芳香烃(93.81%),其次是烷烃(7.22%)和烯烃(4.75%);对SOA生成潜势最大的为芳香烃(97.45%),其次是烷烃(2.55%)。  相似文献   

Nigeria is one of the 13 low-latitude countries that have significant biomass burning activities. Biomass burning occurs in moist savanna, dry forests, and forest plantations. Fires in the forest zone are associated with slash-and-burn agriculture; the areal extent of burning is estimated to be 80% of the natural savanna. In forest plantations, close to 100% of litter is burned. Current estimates of emissions from land-use change are based on a 1976 national study and extrapolations from it. The following non-carbon dioxide (CO2) trace gas emissions were calculated from savanna burning: methane (CH4), 145 gigagrams (Gg); carbon monoxide (CO), 3831 Gg; nitrous oxide (N2O), 2 Gg; and nitrogen oxides (NOx), 49 Gg. Deforestation rates in forests and woodlands are 300 × 103 ha (kilohectare, or kha) and 200 × kha per year, respectively. Trace gas emissions from deforestation were estimated to be 300 Gg CH4, 2.4 Gg N2O, and 24 Gg NOx. CO2 emissions from burning, decay of biomass, and long-term emissions from soil totaled 125 561 Gg. These estimates should be viewed as preliminary, because greenhouse gas emission inventories from burning, deforestation, and land-use change require two components: fuel load and emission factors. Fuel load is dependent on the areal extent of various land uses, and the biomass stocking and some of these data in Nigeria are highly uncertain.  相似文献   

The increasing municipal solid waste (MSW) generation along with the high fraction of organic waste and a common disposal of open dumping is the current scenario in many areas in Thailand. As a response to this problem, the country’s Pollution Control Department (PCD) aims to reduce the MSW generation rate to less than 1 kg/capita/day, increase the collection efficiency, and improve the recovery of recyclables. For many years, more than 60% of the solid waste disposal system in Thailand has been carried out by open dumping. According to the survey conducted by this study, in 2004 there were 425 disposal sites (95 landfills; 330 open dumps) in Thailand and an estimated methane emission of 115.4 Gg/year was generated based on this practice. It has been estimated that the anticipated methane emission in Thailand will rise from 115.4 Gg/year to 118.5 Gg/year if the largest open dumpsites in provinces with no existing landfill are upgraded to sanitary landfill; and it will increase to 193.5 Gg/year if the existing sanitary landfill is upgraded to integrated waste management facilities. Moreover, Bangkok metropolitan have the highest methane emission (54.83 Gg/year) among all the regions in Thailand. The methane emission forecast of 339 Gg/year by 2020 (based on LandGEM methodology) provides a stimulus to create a comprehensive plan to capture and utilize methane as an energy source.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the trend of generation, composition, and management of municipal solid waste, and estimates the carbon emissions arising from municipal solid waste management in Beijing. The correlation analysis conducted shows that the generation of municipal solid waste in Beijing has been growing steadily, showing high correlations (r > 0.9) to the total GDP, per capita income, and the population. Food waste showed an increasing trend since 1990. Compared with the results of an investigation in 1990, ash and woodchips content in 2003 declined from 56% to 17%, while the percentage of paper and plastic increased from 10% to 29% over the same period. The calorific value of the municipal waste also increased, from 2,686 kJ/kg in 1990 to 4,667 kJ/kg in 2003, indicating that the waste is suitable for incineration. Currently, the source separation ratio of municipal waste is approximately 15%. About 94% of all the collected solid waste goes to the landfill while 4% is composted and 2% is incinerated. A moderate garbage collection fee is applied to both permanent and temporary residents in Beijing, but the willingness to pay for solid waste collection and treatment is still low. Under current treatment mode, the total amounts of carbon emission from waste disposal sites and incineration increased with the increase of municipal solid waste, from 29.8 Gg in 1990 to 84.5 Gg in 2003, including 83.3 Gg of CH4 and 22.0 Gg of CO2. The data availability and methodological challenges in monitoring the quantity and characteristics of municipal solid waste are discussed.  相似文献   

The Gambia has successfully completed a national greenhouse gas emissions inventory based on the results of a study funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/Global Environment Facility (GEF) Country Case Study Program. The concepts of multisectoral, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary collaboration were most useful in the preparation of this inventory. New data were gathered during the study period, some through regional collaboration with institutions such as Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA-TM) Energy Program and the Ecological Monitoring Center in Dakar, Senegal, and some through national surveys and the use of remote sensing techniques, as in the Bushfires Survey. Most of the data collected are used in this paper. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/International Energy Agency (IPCC/OECD/IEA) methodology is used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions. Many of the default data in the IPCC/OECD/IEA methodology have also been used. Overall results indicate that in the biomass sectors (agriculture, forestry, and land-use change) carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted most, with a total of 1.7 Tg. This is followed by methane (CH4), 22.3 Gg; carbon monoxide (CO), 18.7 Gg; nitrogen oxides (NOx), 0.3 Gg; and nitrous oxide (N2O), 0.014 Gg. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) was used as an index to describe the relative effects of the various gases reported here. Based on the emissions in The Gambia in 1993, it was found that CO2 will contribute 75%, CH4 about 24.5%, and N2O 0.2% of the warming expected in the 100-year period beginning in 1993. The results in this analysis are limited by the shortcomings of the IPCC/OECD/IEA methodology and scarce national data. Because the methodology was developed outside of the developing world, most of its emissions factors and coefficients were developed and tested in environments that are very different from The Gambia. This is likely to introduce some uncertainties into the results of the calculations. Factors and coefficients that are country-or region-specific are likely to provide more accurate results and should be developed. The surveys were conducted either during the wet season or just at the end of the wet season. This seasonal factor should contribute to variations in the results, particularly in the livestock numbers and composition survey. Use of one-time survey data is also likely to introduce uncertainty into the results.  相似文献   

To estimate the greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields of Cambodia, the methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines, IPCC coefficients, and emission factors from the experiment in Thailand and another country were used. Total area under rice cultivation during the years 2005–2006 was 2,048,360 ha in the first crop season and 298,529 ha in the second crop season. The emission of methane from stubble incorporation with manure plus fertilizer application areas in the first crop season was estimated to be 192,783.74 ton higher than stubble with manure, stubble with fertilizer, and stubble without fertilizer areas. The fields with stubble burning emitted the highest emission of methane (75,771.29 ton) followed by stubble burning with manure (22,251.08 ton), stubble burning with fertilizer (13,213.27 ton), and stubble burning with fertilizer application areas (3,222.22 ton). The total emission of methane from rice field in Cambodia for the years 2005–2006 was approximately 342,649.26 ton (342.65 Gg) in the first crop season and 36,838.88 ton (36.84 Gg) in the second crop season. During the first crop season in the years 2005–2006, Battambang province emitted the highest amount of CH4 (38,764.48 ton) and, in the second crop season during the years 2005–2006, the highest emission (8,262.34 ton) was found in Takeo province (8,262.34 ton). Nitrous oxide emission was between 2.70 and 1,047.92 ton in the first crop season and it ranged from 0 to 244.90 ton in the second crop season. Total nitrous oxide emission from paddy rice field was estimated to be 9,026.28 ton in the first crop season and 1,091.93 ton in the second crop season. Larger area under cultivation is responsible for higher emission of methane and nitrous oxide. Total emission of nitrous oxide by using IPCC default emission coefficient was approximately 2,328.85 ton. The total global warming potential of Cambodian paddy rice soil is 11,723,217.03 ton (11,723 Gg) equivalents of CO2.  相似文献   

Abstact Aboveground biomass, aboveground litterfall, and leaf litter decomposition of five indigenous tree stands (pure stands ofPinus brutia,Pinus nigra,Cedrus libani,Juniperus excelsa, and a mixed stand ofAbies cilicica,P. nigra, andC. libani) were measured in an eastern Mediterranean evergreen needleleaf forest of Turkey. Measurements were converted to regional scale estimates of carbon (C) stocks and fluxes of forest ecosystems, based on general non-site-specific allometric relationships. Mean C stock of the conifer forests was estimated as 97.8± 79 Mg C ha−1consisting of 83.0 ± 67 Mg C ha−1in the aboveground and 14.8 ± 12 Mg C ha−1in the belowground biomass. The forest stands had mean soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) stocks of 172.0 ± 25.7 Mg C ha−1and 9.2 ± 1.2 Mg N ha−1, respectively. Mean total monthly litterfall was 376.2± 191.3 kg C ha−1, ranging from 641 ± 385 kg C ha−1forPinus brutiato 286 ± 82 kg C ha−1forCedrus libani. Decomposition rate constants (k) for pine needles were 0.0016 forCedrus libani, 0.0009 forPinus nigra, 0.0006 for the mixed stand, and 0.0005 day−1forPinus brutiaand Juniperus excelsa. Estimation of components of the C budgets revealed that the forest ecosystems were net C sinks, with a mean sequestration rate of 2.0 ± 1.1 Mg C ha−1 yr−1ranging from 3.2 ± 2 Mg C ha−1forPinus brutiato 1.6 ± 0.6 Mg C ha−1forCedrus libani. Mean net ecosystem productivity (NEP) resulted in sequestration of 98.4 ± 54.1 Gg CO2 yr−1from the atmosphere when extrapolated for the entire study area of 134.2 km2(Gg = 109 g). The quantitative C data from the study revealed the significance of the conifer Mediterranean forests as C sinks  相似文献   

Measurements of landfill methane emission were performed at nine solid waste disposal sites in Thailand, including five managed sanitary landfills (four deep and one shallow landfills) and four unmanaged landfills (three deep and one shallow dumpsites). It was found that methane emissions during the rainy season were about five to six times higher than those during the winter and summer seasons in the case of managed landfills and two to five times higher in the case of unmanaged landfills. Methane emission estimate using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Model was compared with the actual field measurement from the studied disposal sites with methane correction factors and methane oxidation factors that were obtained by error function analysis with default values of half-life parameters. The methane emissions from the first-order decay model from the IPCC Waste Model yielded fair results compared to field measurements. The best fitting values of methane correction factor were 0.65, 0.20, 0.15, and 0.1 for deep landfills, shallow landfills, deep dumpsites, and shallow dumpsites, respectively. Using these key parameters in the case of Thailand, it was estimated that 89.22 Gg of methane were released from solid waste disposal sites into the atmosphere in 2006.  相似文献   

This study quantified spatiotemporal patterns of CH4 and N2O emissions from livestock and poultry production in Turkey between 1961 and 2007. CH4(enteric) (from enteric fermentation), CH4(manure) (from manure management), and N2O(AWM) (from animal waste management) emissions in Turkey were estimated at 1,164, 216, and 55 Gg in 1961 and decreased to 844, 187, and 39 Gg in 2007, contributing a share of roughly 2% to the global livestock-related CH4 emissions and %1.5 to the global N2O(AWM) emissions, respectively. Total CO2-eq emissions were estimated at 50.7 Tg in 1961 and declined from a maximum value of 60.7 Tg in 1982 to a minimum value of 34.5 Tg in 2003, with a mean emission rate of 48 Tg year???1 due to a significant reduction in the number of ruminant livestock. The highest mean share of emissions belonged to West Black Sea (14% and 16%) for CH4(enteric) and CH4(manure) and to North East Anatolia (12% and %13) for N2O(AWM) and total CO2-eq emissions, respectively. The highest emission density was 1.7 Mg km???2 year???1 for CH4(enteric), 0.3 Mg km???2 year???1 for CH4(manure), and 0.07 Mg km???2 year???1 for the total CO2-eq emissions in the West and North East Anatolia regions and 0.09 Mg km???2 year???1 for N2O(AWM) in the East Marmara region. Temporal and spatial variations in CH4(enteric), CH4(manure), and N2O(AWM) emissions in Turkey were estimated using regression models and ordinary kriging at a 500-m resolution, respectively.  相似文献   

Land cover changes affect ecological landscape spatial pattern, and evolving landscape patterns inevitably cause an evolution in ecosystem functionality. Various ecological landscape variables, such as biological productivity (plant biomass and stock capacity), soil nutrients (organic matter and N content) and water source conservation capacity are identified as landscape function characteristics. A quantitative method and digital model for analyzing evolving landscape functionality in the headwaters areas of the Yangtze River, China were devised. In the period 1986–2000, patch transitions of the region's evolving landscapes have been predominantly characterized by alpine cold swamp meadow, with the highest coverage tending to be steppified meadow or steppe, and desertification landscape such as sand and bare rock land expansion. As the result of such changes, alpine swamp areas decreased by 3.08 × 103 km2 and the alpine cold sparse steppe and bare rock and soil land increased by 6.48 × 103 km2 and 5.82 × 103 km2, respectively. Consequently, the grass biomass production decreased by 2627.15 Gg, of which alpine cold swamp meadows accounted for 55.9% of this loss. The overall stock capacity of the headwaters area of the Yangtze River decreased by 920.64 thousand sheep units, of which 502.02 thousand sheep units decreased in ACS (Alpine cold swamp) meadow transition. Soil organic matter and N contents decreased significantly in most alpine cold meadow and swamp meadow landscape patches. From 1986 to 2000 the total losses of soil organic matter and total N in the entire headwaters region amounted to 150.2 Gkg and 7.67 Gkg. Meanwhile, the landscape soil water capacity declined by 935.9 Mm3, of which 83.9% occurred in the ACS meadow transition. In the headwater area of the Yangtze River, the complex transition of landscape resulted in sharp eco-environmental deterioration. The main indication for these changes involved the intensity of the climate in this region is becoming drier and warmer, resulting in a gradual degradation of the permafrost.  相似文献   

采集了南京市2012年冬季4个功能区的PM2.5、PM10、TSP样品,对不同粒径大气颗粒物中的颗粒态汞测试。结果表明,南京冬季大气颗粒物TSP中汞的质量浓度为49.26 pg/m3~257.14 pg/m3,平均质量浓度为161.27 pg/m3;PM10中汞的质量浓度为44.82 pg/m3~228.29 pg/m3,平均质量浓度为147.38 pg/m3;PM2.5中汞的质量浓度为35.98 pg/m3~178.58 pg/m3,平均质量浓度为104.10 pg/m3。不同功能区大气颗粒态汞质量浓度的分布趋势为:交通综合区>旅游区>住宿综合区>商业区。大气颗粒态汞60%以上存在于可吸入肺的PM2.5中,细颗粒物富集汞的能力比粗颗粒物强。  相似文献   

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