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正由江苏省环境保护厅、省社会信用体系建设领导小组办公室编制的《江苏省环保信用体系建设规划纲要(2016—2020年)》日前在全国首发。到2020年,江苏将全面建立环保守信激励和失信惩戒机制,采取"百分制量化评价"等方式实现对污染企业的奖惩。环保信用体系建设是加强社会信用体系建设的重要举措。在环境管理中引入信用机制,通过将环境信用信息与其他  相似文献   

根据机动车环保检验相关指标的性质差异,将机动车环保检验机构信用评价模型设计为目标层、准则层、指标层3个层次,涵盖16个评价指标。应用层次分析法,构造目标成对比较矩阵,计算各层次权重,求得各指标对信用评价的影响程度,从而建立信用评价指标体系模型。量化分析结果显示,准则层中质量管理、文明服务的权重分别为0.506 5、0.265 1,对评价结果影响较大;而机构管理、规范作业的权重分别为0.142 4、0.086 1,对评价结果影响较小。  相似文献   

以辐射环境监测作为环境监管基础,提出了辐射环境监测能力评估体系以及评估指标,并对全国省级环保系统辐射环境监测机构的能力进行了初步统计分析,为提高我国辐射环境监测能力,掌握目前辐射环境监测能力和核与辐射应急能力提供依据。  相似文献   

系统采用符合SOA体系架构的设计思想及当前业界主流的Java2EE技术架构,引入互联网+技术,设计了污染源监测信息公布的基础环境,开发构建新疆维吾尔自治区企业自行监测数据和监督性监测数据统一采集、处理、评价与发布的监管平台,面向自治区各级环保行政主管部门、社会公众和污染源企业提供服务,能够实现新疆重点污染源监测数据与环保部污染源监测数据管理系统互联共享。  相似文献   

结合电镀企业竣工环保验收监测工作实践,对单位产品基准排水量和排气量的计算和评价,电镀标准中对污染物处理设施排气量的规定,第一类污染物在不同采样点评价标准的选择,重金属排放总量计算以及后续电镀企业废水、废气、污泥监管中存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

论"两大体系建设"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1如何认识环境监管体系?环境问题以其变化性、复杂性、不确定性、长期性和冲突性的特点标志其是一个系统的问题,也因此要求环境管理必须用系统的思维方式,采用系统的解决方案构建环境管理支撑体系。当前,环保事业已经进入以环境优化经济增长的新阶段,环境监管工作面临着前所未有的良好发展机遇,在刚刚结束的第六次全国环保大会上,温家宝总理强调做好新形势下的环保工作,关键是要加快实现“三个转变”,明确指出要“不断加强环保监管能力建设。要建立先进的环境监测预警体系,全面反映环境质量状况和趋势,准确预警各类环境突发事件。”曾培炎副…  相似文献   

从法律层面,法规、规章层面,地方性法规层面,技术标准和规范层面,中长期规划性文件层面等方面分析中国地下水环境保护体系的现状,针对地下水立法滞后,存在法律空白,处罚力度不足,管理部门责任不明等问题,提出,应完善地下水环境保护监管体制,健全地下水环境监测和评价制度,建立地下水资源市场调节机制。  相似文献   

通过对国内外现行和正在研制的碳中和相关标准进行梳理和归纳,结合碳中和实现路径中标准的运用实践,探究我国不同行业、不同领域碳中和标准体系建设现状。指出我国的碳中和标准体系建设存在着顶层设计和统筹机制不完善、政策与标准发展不协调、技术研发与标准结合不紧密等问题,提出了强化统筹规划和顶层设计、构建标准实施和监管体系、加快制定急需技术标准、建设绿色产品认证制度、构建绿色金融标准体系,以及推进国际交流与合作等标准化工作建议。  相似文献   

我国环境监测方法标准体系现状分析及建设思路   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
对中国环境监测方法标准技术体系发展进程、现状进行了研究,分析了中国现有的环境监测方法标准体系中存在的问题和不足。结合当前新环保法实施对环保标准工作的形势要求,针对中国环境监测方法标准体系的特点,提出了"十三五"期间建设完善环境监测方法标准体系的探讨性建议。  相似文献   

根据南通市1996年-2010年经济增长与环境质量的相关数据,建立典型环境指标排放量与人均GDP关系的模型.结果表明,工业废气排放量、废水排放量和工业固废产生量与人均GDP之间为“N型”曲线关系;SO2排放量与人均GDP之间为“倒U型”曲线关系.表明环境管理和各项污染物减排措施在一定程度上遏制了由于经济发展带来的环境污染,但仍然需要高度重视,进一步完善环保政策,严格执法和加大处罚力度,增加环保投入,以确保环保问题得到有效解决.  相似文献   

统计了2014年以来江苏省国控企业不达标情况。从企业和环境保护部门两方面对国控企业不达标原因进行了分析。指出,企业应承担起污染治理的主体责任,健全企业环境保护制度;加强污染治理技术的研发及提高运维管理队伍的专业化水平,以适应新环保法的要求;环境监管部门强化执法宣传及违法行为的查处力度,让企业主动守法;加强国控企业环境信息的公开及宣传力度,形成良好的社会公众监督氛围;省级人民政府应积极落实国家生态文明建设的总规划,开启新的里程碑。  相似文献   

饮用水病原微生物污染是公共卫生面临的主要威胁之一,微生物监测在水质监测中的必要性日益受到人们的认可。在实际工作中,一般是通过检测指示微生物间接反映病原微生物的存在。通过调研国内外各组织、机构颁布的水质标准发现,近年来,我国环境质量标准和污染物排放标准中对于指示微生物的选择有从总大肠菌群向粪大肠菌群和大肠埃希氏菌(E.coli)转变的趋势,而美国环保署、欧盟、世界卫生组织、澳大利亚国家健康与医疗研究委员会等根据最新的流行病学证据,强调了大肠埃希氏菌(E.coli)、肠球菌(Enterococci)与粪便污染的相关性更强,可用于替代大肠菌群。建议我国在后续水质标准中对微生物指标进行增补修订时,参考国外经验,形成集成多种指示微生物与多种特定病原体的监测指标体系,以更好地保护环境功能和民众健康。  相似文献   

In this paper, I develop an optimization model for integrated coastal management in which decisions arise from an area-based algorithm that minimizes predicted damage caused by beach erosion and inshore flooding, while accounting for economic, social, and environmental losses. The model favors the involvement of stakeholders in coastal management, but does not use complicated assessment procedures for non-economic indicators or relative weights to combine economic, social, and environmental indicators. Instead, the integration between economic activities or properties and the environmental status and landscape is represented objectively and non-linearly by referring to initial and sustainability conditions, combined with budgetary and environmental constraints. The model successfully accounted for both human and environmental dynamics by depicting delayed effects, neighborhood externalities, and feedback effects. It calculated a single optimal value for each integrated coastal management strategy, which permitted the support of future decisions and the evaluation of past decisions. The model’s insights were based on reliable estimates, with reliability determined by calculating the confidence level. The model was successfully applied to Italy’s Comacchio coastal municipality, where it revealed the priorities for optimal beach nourishment, dune fixation, and residential and holiday housing development based on budget constraints, beach losses, flood damage, pollution impacts, and land-use constraints.  相似文献   

Green Public Procurement (GPP) plays an important role in facing the challenge of reducing the environmental impacts from construction sector-related products, services and works, and creating environmental and innovative value for society in favour of a greener and more sustainable economy. The European Commission recently developed GPP criteria for the “office buildings” category. In parallel, Building Sustainability Assessment (BSA) tools help estimate a building's impact on the environment based on a life cycle approach. Many of the aspects and measurable indicators included in BSA tools are clearly related to the criteria covered by GPP. However, other important ones are missing and should be integrated to ensure green procurement initiatives. This study critically reviews the GPP criteria proposed for office buildings and crosschecks them with the sustainability indicators included in three BSA tools to reinforce the GPP framework for the office buildings sector. It provides, on the one hand, an evaluation of the rate of improvement achieved in the tools when applying GPP criteria and, on the other, a proposal for a weighting system for awarding points to the offers in tenders. The results will help contracting authorities to introduce more objectivity into the tendering process and to make informed decisions while evaluating bidders' proposals.  相似文献   

Given the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China, environmental problems have gradually become major constraints that hinder its sustainable economic development. Moreover, China's pollution abatement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have been severely affected by pressures coming from domestic environmental appeals and international environmental diplomacy. By using integrated data from the Chinese Industrial Enterprise and the Chinese Enterprise Environmental Survey and Reporting databases, this study constructs comprehensive indicators of pollutant discharge intensity and carbon emissions index at the enterprise level and uses the panel fixed effect model, Kaya identity, and mediation effect model to assess the effects of environmental regulations on pollution abatement and collaborative emissions reduction from the micro-perspective. Results show that these regulations can abate the pollution emissions of Chinese industrial enterprises and verify the effectiveness of environmental policies. These regulations can also efficiently reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of enterprises through pollution abatement. In other words, environmental regulations facilitate a collaborative emissions reduction of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from enterprises. Such collaborative emissions reduction effect is also influenced by the energy structure and consumption of enterprises. This paper presents empirical evidence and policy basis for further improving China's environmental regulation policy system and achieving coordinated progress in China's economic development and environmental governance.  相似文献   

江苏省环境监测站标准化建设成效评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
江苏省在2013年底通过了国家环境监测站标准化建设整体验收,成为全国第一个整体达到国家建设标准的省份。在总结江苏省主要建设经验的基础上,为定量评估江苏省各级环境监测站标准化建设成效水平,以《国家环境监测站标准化验收评分办法》评价指标为基础,尝试构建环境监测站建设成效评价指标体系,并应用层次分析法确定指标及其权重,共设1项一级指标、5项二级指标和12项三级指标。通过专家综合决策打分,确定各项评价指标的权重值,赋值计算综合成效评价指数。结果表明,全省实验室条件、仪器设备、监测数据、论文发表、能力认证等方面发展迅速,但人员扩编有待进一步加强。该方法为政府部门考核财政资金投入绩效、优化管理决策提供了定量评价参考。  相似文献   

Our premise is that measures of ecological indicators and habitat conditions will vary between reference standard sites and reference sites that are impacted, and that these measures can be applied consistently across a regional gradient in the form of a Regional Index of Biological Integrity (RIBI). Six principles are proposed to guide development of any RIBI: 1) biological communities with high integrity are the desired endpoints; 2) indicators can have a biological, physical, or chemical basis; 3) indicators should be tied to specific stressors that can be realistically managed; 4) linkages across geographic scales and ecosystems should be provided; 5) reference standards should be used to define target conditions; and 6) assessment protocols should be efficiently and rapidly applied. To illustrate how a RIBI might be developed, we show how four integrative bioindicators can be combined to develop a RIBI for forest riparian ecosystems in the Mid-Atlantic states: 1) macroinvertebrate communities, 2) amphibian communities, 3) avian communities, and 4) avain productivity, primarily for the Louisiana waterthrush (Seirius motacilla). By providing a reliable expression of environmental stress or change, a RIBI can help managers reach scientifically defensible decisions.  相似文献   

Canada has established a National Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN). The Network's operating objective is to understand what changes are occurring in the ecosystems and why. Each site is designed to have long-term multidisciplinary monitoring programs in place with supporting research and manipulation experiments. About 85 sites have been incorporated into the network. A Directory of EMAN Sites is available and a list of the Goals, Objectives and Deliverables (GODs) for many sites is also available. Information can be obtained on the EMAN's website at http://www.cciw.ca/eman/. The network is operated in conjunction with a program of developing national environmental indicators, with increasing emphasis on indicators of sustainable development. A series of environmental assessments are being produced that are issue and/or area focused. The assessment are designed as support for policy decisions. The national coordinating office supports the overall program of data gathering, reporting environmental indicators and produce assessments.  相似文献   

企业环境监测工作的现状及发展初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
剖析了企业环境监测工作的现状,明确了企业环境监测工作的工基本立足点,在面临大中型国有企业主业副业剥离的情况下,对企业环境监测机构在市场经济条件下如何面对自己的生存进行了探讨,并提出企业环境监测工作的发展设想。  相似文献   

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