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为了认可或确保连续排放监测系统的质量 ,美国EPA要求检验连续排放监测系统的性能技术指标。通过检验 ,评价系统在工厂现有条件下的运行状况。进行校准漂移检验或相对准确度检验时 ,实际上也检查了系统采集烟气的能力、系统对线路电压波动时的响应和系统对管道振动以及环境温度、环境大气压变化的敏感程度。系统的性能技术指标检验 ,不是在实验室的控制条件下对系统的性能进行评价 ,而是在工厂运行条件下的现场对系统的性能进行评价。出于竞争的目的 ,连续排放监测系统的销售商必须要保证安装的系统能满足技术条件的要求 ,因为性能技术指…  相似文献   

火电厂烟气自动化监测系统的比对监测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了火电厂烟气自动化在线监控系统按照《固定污染源烟气连续监测系统技术要求及检测方法》(HJ/T 76-2001),以及《固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法》(GB/T 16157-1996)和《固定污染源排气中二氧化硫的测定定电位电解法》(HJ/T 57-2000)对大气污染物中颗粒物、二氧化硫和流速进行了比对监测,结果表明,颗粒物、二氧化硫和流速的测定结果均符合规定要求.  相似文献   

全国火电厂二氧化硫污染现状及其控制对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
火电行业飞速发展的同时引发了二氧化硫的大量排放。文章在总结全国火电厂二氧化硫排放现状的基础上提出,火电厂二氧化硫是全国二氧化硫排放大户,其排放量占全国工业二氧化硫排放量的42%,且有逐年递增的趋势,而其去除率却一直保持一个较低的水平;大型火电厂又是电厂中二氧化硫的排放大户,且主要集中在广东、江苏、河北、山东、河南等几个省,这几个省应成为火电厂二氧化硫排放的重点监控对象。文章最后提出了电厂减排二氧化硫的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

火电厂运行的过程中,容易造成空气污染,增加了环境保护的压力。近几年,我国在火电厂内采用烟气脱硫、脱硝技术,用于降低排放烟气中二氧化硫、氮氧化物的含量,改善排放烟气的污染状况。烟气脱硫、脱硝技术在火电厂烟气治理中发挥重要的作用,有利于减轻排放烟气造成的污染。因此,文章以火电厂为研究背景,分析烟气脱硫、脱硝技术的应用。  相似文献   

沈阳殡葬行业烟气环境污染物排放现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对9家火化场11台火化设备的运行状况进行监测,以火化废气环境污染因子烟尘、二氧化硫、一氧化碳、氮氧化物、氨气、硫化氢及烟气黑度为测试研究对象。火化设备中70%以上排放大气环境污染物超标,且50%排气筒高度低于15米,属于低空排放,对周边大气环境造成较重影响,全市90%火化场尚未安装烟气除尘净化设施,应引起上级主管部门和环境保护管理部门重视。  相似文献   

我国从一九八三年开始先后分别在三十四个城市建设大气污染自动监测系统(以下简称“系统”)。目前绝大多数城市的“系统”都在投入运行,有少数城市的“系统”因各种原因已停止运行。在全国三十四个系统中,自一九八七年以后,多数“系统”的污染监测仪器(也称为一次仪表)先后更换为美国热电子公司和莫尼特公司制造的,一次仪表完全采用我国自己制造的已为数不多了。投入运行的自动监测系统,按着技术规范要求上报监测数据发挥效益的并非多数。有的系统站点少,有的长期处于试运转状态,有的由于人员、技术、  相似文献   

烟气连续监测系统的相对准确度检测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
阐述了HJ/T76—2001《固定污染源排放烟气连续监测系统技术要求及检测方法》标准中烟气连续监测系统的相对准确度计算和相对准确度计算中存在的问题。对存在问题中的重复性或复现性的假设、B类不确定度的忽略、标准分析方法平均值的采用和偏差检验进行了探讨。  相似文献   

2012年1月—2013年12月在鸭河口水库设南河店、安庄、库心、坝下4个监测站,在其下游白河盆窑段面设1个监测站,进行水质的生物监测和理化监测。按水样采集标准方法采样,采用营养状态指数法和污水生物系统法对鸭河口水库水质进行营养状态评价。结果表明,浮游藻类有7门40科90属208种(含变种),其硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻所占的百分比依次为57.79%、23.60%和11.62%;浮游藻类污染指示种5门19科25属36种(含变种),中污型藻类指示种占污染指示种的80.56%;浮游动物有28科30属36种(含变种),仅检出1种β-中污型指示种;除总氮超标外,其他理化指标和微生学指标均符合Ⅰ类水质标准。综合评定,南阳市饮用水水源区水质处于中营养状态。  相似文献   

在国内一个电厂的烟道上安装了超声波流速仪,进行了参比测试实验、在线校准实验、半年连续运行实验。参比测试结果显示,超声波流速仪对烟道截面流速的代表性好,在烟道直管段长度不够的情况下速度场系数精密度为1.88%,修正后与参比方法的相对误差为0.57%;在线校准实验显示,超声波流速仪零点和量程稳定性好,6个月没有明显漂移;连续运行实验期内有效数据采集率为99.9%,且与锅炉负荷相关性高。实验表明,采用超声波流速仪可以提高烟气流速测量的技术水平和可靠性,降低质量控制的难度和费用。  相似文献   

烟气排放连续监测技术的发展及应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了烟气排放连续监测系统及其分析技术的发展与应用历程,对直接测量法、抽取测量法和遥感测量法等3种主要连续监测技术的应用情况、技术特点进行了介绍和对比分析。指出烟气连续监测技术有由抽取测量法向直接测量法发展的趋势,进而向遥感测量法发展;分析技术则以光学技术为主导,向全谱分析和线状光谱技术方向发展;测量范围逐渐向低浓度发展,追求更高的准确度和精密度;监测因子更多,除常规烟尘、SO2、NOx外,CO2、H2S、HC l、HF、Hg等物质也将逐步纳入监测范围;技术可靠、系统简洁、操作简便是连续监测技术的发展方向,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

One of the primary adverse environmental impacts associated with power generation facilities and in particular thermal power plants is local air quality. When these plants are operated at inland areas the dry type cooling towers used may significantly increase ambient concentrations of air pollutants due to the building downwash effect. When one or more buildings in the vicinity of a point source interrupt wind flow, an area of turbulence known as a building wake is created. Pollutants emitted from relatively low level sources can be caught in this turbulence affecting their dispersion. In spite of the fact that natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plants have lower air emission levels compared to other power plants using alternative fossil fuel, they can still create significant local air pollution problems. In this paper, local air quality impacts of a natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant located in a coastal area are compared with those of another natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant having identical air emissions but located in an inland area taking into account differences in topography and meteorology. Additionally, a series of scenarios for the inland site have been envisaged to illustrate the importance of plant lay-out configurations paying particular attention to the building downwash effect. Model results showed that different geometrical configurations of the stacks and cooling towers will cause remarkable differences in ambient air pollutant concentrations; thus it is concluded that when selecting a plant site, a detailed site-specific investigation should be conducted in order to achieve the least possible ambient air pollution concentrations with the given emissions.  相似文献   

The Singrauli region in the southeastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India is one of the most polluted industrial sites of Asia. It encompasses 11 open cast coalmines and six thermal power stations that generate about 7,500 MW (about 10% of India’s installed generation capacity) electricity. Thermal power plants represent the main source of pollution in this region, emitting six million tonnes of fly-ash per annum. Fly-ash is deposited on soils over a large area surrounding thermal power plants. Fly-ashes have high surface concentrations of several toxic elements (heavy metals) and high atmospheric mobility. Fly ash is produced through high-temperature combustion of fossil fuel rich in ferromagnetic minerals. These contaminants can be identified using rock-magnetic methods. Magnetic susceptibility is directly linked to the concentration of ferromagnetic minerals, primarily high values of magnetite. In this study, magnetic susceptibility of top soil samples collected from surrounding areas of a bituminous-coal-fired power plant were measured to identify areas of high emission levels and to chart the spatial distribution of airborne solid particles. Sites close to the power plant have shown higher values of susceptibility that decreases with increasing distance from the source. A significant correlation between magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal content in soils is found. A comparison of the spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility with heavy-metal concentrations in soil samples suggests that magnetic measurements can be used as a rapid and inexpensive method for proxy mapping of air borne pollution due to industrial activity.  相似文献   

从资料核查、在线监测设备核查、集控系统核查及现场核查4个环节详细介绍了火电厂总量减排现场核查的要点。对核查中出现的问题进行总结及分析,为同类环境管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of emission reductions at two coal-fired power plants in northwestern Colorado on a nearby wilderness area. Control equipment was installed at both plants during 1999–2004 to reduce SO2 and NOx emissions. One challenge was separating the effects of local from regional emissions, which also declined during the study period. The long-term datasets examined confirm that emission reductions had a beneficial effect on air and water quality in the wilderness. Despite a 75 % reduction in SO2 emissions, sulfate aerosols measured in the wilderness decreased by only 20 %. Because the site is relatively close to the power plants (<75 km), the slow rate of conversion of SO2 to sulfate, particularly under conditions of low relative humidity, might account for this less than one-to-one response. On the clearest days, emissions controls appeared to improve visibility by about 1 deciview, which is a small but perceptible improvement. On the haziest days, however, there was little improvement perhaps reflecting the dominance of regional haze and other components of visibility degradation particularly organic carbon and dust. Sulfate and acidity in atmospheric deposition decreased by 50 % near the southern end of the wilderness of which 60 % was attributed to power plant controls and the remainder to reductions in regional sources. Lake water sulfate responded rapidly to trends in deposition declining at 28 lakes monitored in and near the wilderness. Although no change in the acid–base status was observed, few of the lakes appear to be at risk from chronic or episodic acidification.  相似文献   

In this article the water pollution control policies of these countries and their effects on emitters are analyzed. In the Netherlands, local water control boards levy pollution charges on both direct and indirect emitters. The charges are based upon measured emissions and actual treatment costs and they vary among the boards. Discharges into surface waters are by permission only. West German law sets nationally uniform rates only for direct emitters and some pollutants, irrespective of treatment costs. The States (Länder), however, may make indirect emitters liable to pay as well. In France, river basin agencies charge emitters and grant discounts where abatement facilities have been installed. Further policy instruments are tax cuts, subsidies, and standards set on local and national levels. France, in this complex policy, also uses contrats de branche where government and industries agree by contract on pollution abatement. Evidence shows that all these policies have reduced water pollution. As emissions decrease, problems of overcapacity might occur where collective water treatment plants have been installed already. Moreover, investment in additive abatement technology may inhibit the introduction of low-waste, integrated technologies. Yet the development of the latter, though expensive in the short run, should enable industry to meet more stringent standards in the future.  相似文献   

选取上海市7家未安装气-气换热器的国控燃煤电厂作为研究对象,从煤质、除尘器、脱硫协同脱除作用以及锅炉工况负荷等方面探讨对颗粒物浓度排放系数 K值产生的影响,得出上述因素通过改变脱硫进口颗粒物浓度值影响 K值,当脱硫进口颗粒物浓度较低、波动范围较小时,其 K值也维持相对稳定的状态;当脱硫进口颗粒物浓度较高、波动范围较大时,其 K值也会发生较大的变化等结论。  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of empirical models for the prediction of various trace metals i.e., Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn and Pb found in the leachates generated from the ash ponds of various thermal power plants. The dispersion phenomenon of these trace metals followed first order reaction rate kinetics. The empirical models for individual trace metals derived from the lab scale models data correlate well with the real field data with regression coefficients varying from 0.93 to 0.98. The predicted concentrations of the trace metals varied within ±3% of the observed values in the leachates generated from the ash ponds of four thermal power plants with standard deviation varying from 0.001 to 0.032. The empirical models derived from the study can be applied for prediction of trace metals in leachates generated from similar thermal power plants.  相似文献   

为验证二氧化碳排放量的测试技术适用性及可行性,获取燃煤电厂机组碳排放特征,系统比较不同测试方法之间碳排放量的差异,对某典型火电机组二氧化碳排放开展测试,结果表明,不同测试原理及设备二氧化碳排放实测体积分数均较为接近。测试机组CO2实测体积分数为11.28%~14.21%,与负荷变化呈一定的正相关关系,不同负荷下基准氧含量(体积分数6%)基本无变化。测试机组排放量与负荷正相关,使用了缺省值的指南排放量最高,与其他方法排放量相对偏差均值为31.6%;使用入炉煤实测数据的指南排放量差异不大,相对偏差为0.1%;使用入炉煤实测数据的2版指南排放量高于直接测量法,相对偏差均值为4.9%;直接测量各类方法间相对偏差均值为1.0%,其中在线法与手工法间相对偏差均值为1.2%。CO2排放强度与负荷负相关,实验条件下,机组负荷越高,碳排放强度越低。  相似文献   

介绍一套"固定污染源CEMS相对准确度计算模板",模板由后台运算单元和面板单元组成,把参比方法与CEMS同时段测定值组成的数据对输入或贴入该模板,即可生成相对准确度的计算结果。该模板适用于固定污染源CEMS气态污染物二氧化硫和氮氧化物浓度及氧含量准确度的计算,可减轻监测技术人员的劳动强度,提高计算结果的准确性。  相似文献   

Waste incineration power plants have become the best option in face of the increasing amount of garbage in China's cities. However, constructing waste incineration power plants will cause “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) effect in the public. To identify variables causing this effect and measure the effect quantitatively, we designed and carried out a random survey in four metropolises in China. Of the 3133 questionnaires distributed, 3066 are thought to be effective. Males, persons with higher educational levels, or with higher income, or having underaged children in their families, or thinking their neighborhoods are upscale ones are willing to pay more to avoid the construction of waste incineration power plants in their surroundings than others. In addition, provided that the respondents deem that the construction of waste incineration power plants would have an impact on their lives, they are willing to pay more no matter they own their departments or not. Finally, the estimated willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid the waste incineration power plants is 105 yuan to 133 yuan per month. Hence, the government should treat the NIMBY syndrome well in the construction of waste incineration power plants, with WTP being one perspective to persuade the public.  相似文献   

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