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一起河流砷污染事故的处置与监测分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了大沙河砷污染事故的处置和监测分析。多介质排查监测摸清了污染的范围和程度,为治理工作提供了科学依据,污染治理措施有效控制了污染的扩散;监测数据表明,治理措施将水中砷污染物沉降至河床使污染水质达标排放。吸附了大量砷化合物的底泥被清理并进一步处置,多介质跟踪监测应持续进行直至不存在潜在危害。  相似文献   

介绍了近几年南宁市环境空气质量监测的发展状况和对空气污染的治理措施.  相似文献   

叙述了打风室噪声的产生,治理措施和治理效果。  相似文献   

介绍了美国和中国在汽车尾气控制方面采取的措施及汽车气治理技术的特点和发展过程。  相似文献   

本文论述了胜利电厂污染源和污染治理措施回顾评价的方法和内容。回顾评价采用现场调查,与一期环评报告进行对比分析的方法进行,重点放在污染源、污染治理措施的调查分析上。  相似文献   

选取我国 HJ-1 B卫星红外相机为遥感数据源,在介绍了温排水卫星遥感监测的技术流程和基本原理之后,重点论述了海表温度反演的算法和基准温度提取的基本原则。以2013年1月17日大亚湾核电站和2013年5月22日田湾核电站2景 HJ-1 B红外相机数据为应用实例,说明了卫星遥感监测可作为开展核电站温排水影响监测与热污染评价的首选技术方向和主要监测手段,阐述了其在核电站温排水影响后评估中的作用和意义。  相似文献   

沙尘暴的基本特征和成因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从时空分布、气象要素变化等方面介绍了沙尘暴的基本特征,简要叙述了沙尘暴的危害,并从大风、沙尘物质及不稳定空气条件等方面初步分析了沙尘暴的成因,进一步提出了一些治理措施。  相似文献   

综述了环境污染的治理方法,侧重介绍了生物技术在三废治理、土壤及地下水污染治理中的应用,并介绍了一些污染治理技术的典型应用。  相似文献   

为掌握新疆石化企业的废水贮用现状,对新疆几个石化企业废水蓄水库运营状况及排水灌溉利用方式进行了调查分析。提出了石化企业废水冬贮及灌溉利用系统的未来管理重点和改进方向。并提出,解决新疆未来石化类工业园区排水出路问题时应注重技术进步,倡导循环经济和生态工业园区模式,因地制宜确定排水方案,应积极推进排水受纳区环境保护与资源化利用相结合的石化企业排水模式。  相似文献   

餐饮油烟污染是店群矛盾的一个主要方面,必须治理油烟达标排放,但涉及的问题方方面面.武汉市理顺了关系,采取了措施,治理了油烟,加强了管理,在前几年监督治理的基础上,近两年来,已在市区治理了餐饮油烟数百家,并向全市全面铺开,打响了一场治理餐饮油烟污染的攻坚战.  相似文献   

简述了小城镇战略定位及污水处理重要性和紧迫性,指出我国小城镇污水处理的现状及压力,分析了适宜于小城镇污水处理的生态塘组合处理工艺作为一项高效实用的环保技术的优势和发展趋势,并通过生态塘湿地系统在南京汤泉镇污水处理中的应用实例分析,介绍了构建生态塘系统的关键设计参数及其工艺特点,为小城镇生态保护与建设污水处理厂提供技术支撑和示范样板。  相似文献   

根据建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测相关标准规范要求和实践经验,总结了石油炼制项目竣工环境保护验收监测实践工作中的若干常见问题。根据石油炼制项目污染物来源和特点,分析了加热炉废气监测、恶臭VOCs治理、含油污水监测、防渗措施和地下水监测以及污水处理"三泥"(含油污泥、气浮浮渣、剩余的废活性污泥)和碱渣处置等常见重点难点问题,在此基础上提出了一些对策和建议,为今后开展验收监测检查工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

巢湖水质状况及污染防治措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了娟湖湖区水质状况,指出工业废水和生活污水以及农田过量地使用化肥和农药等是导致巢湖水质经的主要原因,并担子同相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍射流曝气活性污泥法在外贸冷藏厂废水治理中的应用。此法既适用于大流量的污水处理,也适用于小流量的污水处理,运行方式灵活,日常运行费用较低。经调试运行结果表明,处理效果明显,并取得了一定的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) analysis and regression modeling techniques were used to identify surface water areas impacted by fecal pollution from human sources, and to determine the effects of land use on fecal pollution in Murrells Inlet, a small, urbanized, high-salinity estuary located between Myrtle Beach and Georgetown, South Carolina. MAR analysis was performed to identify areas in the estuary that are impacted by human-source fecal pollution. Additionally, regression analysis was performed to determine if an association exists between land use and fecal coliform densities over the ten-year period from 1989 to 1998. Land-use variables were derived using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques and were used in the regression analysis.MAR analyses were conducted by comparing the frequency and patterns of antibiotic resistance found in Escherichia coli isolates derived from surface water samples and from sewage sources in the Murrells Inlet sewage collection system. The MAR results suggest that the majority of the fecal pollution detected in the Murrells Inlet estuary may be from non-human sources, including fecal coliforms isolated from areas in close proximity to high densities of active septic tanks.A MAR Index, which measures the frequency of antibiotic resistance, was calculated for each of twenty-three water samples and nine sewage samples. The antibiotic resistance pattern comparisons were performed using cluster analysis. Although the MAR indices indicated that several surface water sites had potential human-source contamination, the cluster analysis suggests that only one sampling site had MAR patterns that were similar to those found in the sewage samples. This site was in close proximity to several large pleasure boats as well as a sewage collection system lift station, but was not near areas with active septic tanks. The results of the regression analysis also suggest that sewage sources and rainfall runoff from urbanized areas may contribute to fecal pollution in the estuary.  相似文献   

Organic sewage pollution is the major stressor that affects benthic communities in the coastal waters. In the present study involving a once-off sampling (July–August 2003) of a sewage treatment plant (STP) outfall and areas 6 km farther into the sea, we tried to estimate the severity of organic pollution on marine macrobenthos over a pollution gradient in the inshore waters (station depths, 5–30 m) off a heavily urbanized tropical city, on the east coast of India. Multivariate ordination analyses revealed two different groups of faunal assemblages. Group I is associated with sites impacted by the sewage outfall and group II with the locations 3–6 km away in the open sea. Polychaetes and amphipods were the predominant fauna with significant taxonomic differences between the assemblages. Despite the homogeneity in sediment texture, the two-fold increase in sediment organic matter near the sewage outfall area supported r-strategists, while group II locations favoured K-strategists. Approximation through benthic opportunistic polychaetes amphipods (BOPA) index and information on the key taxa responsible for the observed assemblage patterns corroborated these findings. Thus, the present findings revealed how organic sewage pollution influences benthic diversity in coastal waters by supporting communities of opportunistic characteristics. We advocate inclusion of community traits and compatible analytical tools (statistical approaches) in studies of similar nature so that the observations could be compared and broad remedial measures could be evolved.  相似文献   

推荐了污水和工业废水中COD的快速测定方法,与标准法相比,缩短1.5h的回流时间,节省了水电,以硝酸银代替了硫酸汞,避免了汞污染,扩大了测定范围,具有较好的精密度和准确度,适于大批水样测定,很有推广价值.  相似文献   

洋河下游农灌区农作物受灾与水质污染的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据情况调查设计严密而合乎逻辑的监测方案:在农灌水质标准缺乏的情况下,根据监测数据和有关资料找出致害污染物;对本次监测数据和历年常规监测数据进行分析,确定污染源;最后提出防治污染的对策。结论是致死污染物为阿特拉津和乙草胺.而高锰酸盐指数、pH和悬浮物的超标是致害的重要有关因素;致害污染物主要来源了宣化区废水;严格监控农药厂废水、兴建污水处理厂和改善农灌措施是防治污染的途径。后来的事实完全证实了本结论和对策的正确性。  相似文献   

自行监测是排污许可制度的重要技术支撑。针对火力发电行业自行监测质量参差不齐的现实情况,笔者依据国家颁布的技术指南和行业检测机构实践经验,在调查研究全国有代表性的21家火力发电厂自行监测开展情况的基础上,对制度、方案、机制、管理等方面的关键问题进行了探讨,提出了加强企业自行监测制度建设、借助专业机构支撑、创新监测监督联合机制、发挥集团管控作用等方面的措施建议。  相似文献   

采用统计学方法对新疆某污水处理厂A2/O工艺进行进水水质数据分析,发现数据存在严重自相关现象,运用主成分消除法和岭回归消除法以消除自相关性。结果表明:TN和TP是污水厂提标改造的关键;碳源匮乏和缺氧区存在溶解氧(DO)是TN去除不佳的主要原因;适当提高污泥浓度(MLSS)和水力停留时间(HRT)是强化TP去除的措施;温度是影响脱氮除磷的主要因素。将温度模型与自相关磷模型相结合,可提高磷模型精度,有利于出水TP的预测。降低DO、增加外碳源,控制MLSS为3 500 mg/L~4 500 mg/L、HRT为5.4 h~8.0 h、厌氧区和好氧区DO为0.3 mg/L和2 mg/L、污泥龄(SRT)为11 d~12 d,可提升工艺脱氮除磷效果。  相似文献   

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