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成都市夏季近地面臭氧污染气象特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
利用2016年7月成都市8个环境监测站点的臭氧、NO_2的监测资料以及成都市国家基准气象站和基本气象站的观测资料,对成都市夏季臭氧、NO_2浓度和气象要素的日变化特征和臭氧污染过程进行了分析。研究结果表明:成都市臭氧污染受综合气象条件和NO_2浓度的影响,高温、低湿、强辐射有利于臭氧大量生成,NO_2浓度高低决定了臭氧浓度的峰值大小;在污染期间,大气边界层高度远高于本地平均水平,数值约为平均水平的2~3倍;成都市臭氧污染的主要影响因子存在地区差异,成都市区的臭氧主要来自于自身的光化学反应,而灵岩寺地区的臭氧来自于VOCs和大气水平输送。  相似文献   

针对太原市空气臭氧污染较为严重的问题,开展臭氧主要前体物醛酮化合物质量浓度及其变化规律研究.利用2,4-二硝基苯肼固相吸附/高效液相色谱方法,通过对太原市2019年冬季和夏季大气的醛酮化合物进行分析,发现太原市冬季总醛酮化合物的平均质量浓度为13μg/m3,低于夏季的27μg/m3.其中甲醛、乙醛和丙酮质量浓度最高,且...  相似文献   

京津冀区域臭氧污染趋势及时空分布特征   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:4  
为研究京津冀区域的臭氧(O_3)污染情况及其时空分布特征,对2013—2015年京津冀区域13个城市80个国家环境空气监测点位的监测数据进行了统计分析。结果表明:2013—2015年,京津冀区域O_3污染状况整体呈加重趋势,其中2014年污染状况最为严重。13个城市中O_3污染最严重的城市为北京和衡水,连续3年均超标,且处于上升态势中。区域内不同城市O_3污染趋势并不相同。京津冀区域O_3浓度变化呈明显的季节变化特征,春末和夏季的O_3污染最严重。O_3-8 h(臭氧日最大8 h均值)年均值的高值区主要分布在北京中北部、承德和衡水等,2013—2015年第90百分位O_3-8 h的高值区均集中分布在北京。O_3的浓度峰值时间要晚于NOx2~5 h。O_3在春、夏季呈单峰分布,白天15:00左右出现最大值,在秋、冬季浓度较低,全天波动不大。  相似文献   

大连市臭氧污染特征及典型污染日成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对大连市区10个空气监测子站的监测数据进行分析,探讨了大连市臭氧污染的时空分布、气象条件对臭氧污染的影响,对臭氧污染日进行了归类分析。结果表明,大连市臭氧污染主要出现在4—10月。在强紫外辐射、高温、低湿、低压和低风速的气象条件下,监测点位的臭氧浓度较高。臭氧污染日的日变化分为单峰型、双峰型和夜间持续升高型3种类型。通过对2015年的一次高浓度臭氧污染过程的气象条件、污染物浓度和污染气团轨迹进行分析,发现臭氧浓度在夜间持续升高现象与区域输送密切相关。  相似文献   

利用2016-2020年陕西省环境空气质量自动站的臭氧监测数据,分析西安市大气环境中臭氧污染的时间变化趋势及空间分布特征。从时间分布来看,西安市臭氧年均质量浓度呈先上升后下降的波动变化趋势,且浓度值略高于全国平均水平;臭氧月均浓度具有明显的季节变化特征,月超标天数和月均质量浓度均在6月达到峰值;臭氧质量浓度日变化规律在全年和四季完全一致,均呈单峰型,日内小时平均质量浓度超标最多时段集中在15:00-16:00;臭氧与NO2、CO均呈"此消彼长"的负相关关系。从空间分布来看,西安市12个国控评价点位的O3-8 h浓度分布变化大致分为单峰型和持续递减型,浓度主要集中在40~80 μg/m3;国控点和省控点的臭氧浓度时间分布趋势一致,空间分布存在区域性差异;全市20个区县(开发区)的臭氧污染呈现南北中心城区高、东西远郊区低的空间分布特征。总之,西安市臭氧污染的时空分布主要受到气象条件、污染物排放和城市布局差异的综合性影响。  相似文献   

青岛市环境空气臭氧污染特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯静  董君  陶红蕾 《干旱环境监测》2013,(4):150-153,173
青岛市是国家环保部确定的臭氧试点监测城市之一。文章结合青岛市市南区东部和四方区空气子站2008—2011年的试点监测数据,从区域差异、时间变化等方面分析了青岛市的臭氧污染特征,结果表明:①二区域臭氧浓度的日分布均呈现“单峰型”,12:00~15:00是一天中臭氧污染最严重的时段;②每月监测累积值市南区东部呈现“双峰型”,四方区呈现“单峰型”;③二区域臭氧污染最突出的月份均为5月;④二区域臭氧平均浓度从高到低季节排序略有差异;⑤2009年二区域臭氧污染最严重,该年四季中春季臭氧污染最为突出。  相似文献   

基于2017年1月至2020年6月的江西省国控点臭氧监测数据和同期气象观测数据,研究江西省臭氧污染特征及其与气象条件的关系。结果表明:2017—2019年,江西省臭氧超标时间和质量浓度呈现出逐年增加的趋势; 4—6月和8—10月是江西臭氧污染高发期,其中8—10月臭氧污染最严重;臭氧1 h浓度日变化呈现"单峰"分布特征,早晚浓度低,上午09:00浓度快速上升,15:00达到峰值。除景德镇外,2017—2019年江西省臭氧污染在空间上总体呈现出南高北低的特征,2019年臭氧污染在空间上呈现出总体平均分布的特征。大体上,江西省11个设区城市臭氧超标天数比例的峰值在(30,35]℃日最高气温区间。晴朗天气时的地面低压系统与臭氧污染关联性强,江西省11个设区城市在日均地面气压(990,1 013.25]hPa、日均地面湿度(50%,70%]和日均地面风速(1,2]m/s条件下臭氧容易超标,臭氧超标时地面主导风向主要为北风和东北风。  相似文献   

胡晏玲 《干旱环境监测》2009,23(4):220-222,245
利用2009年夏季乌鲁木齐市近地面大气O3及其前体物的自动监测数据,分析了O3浓度的分布特征和时间变化规律。探讨O3与其主要前体物NO2和CO的相关关系。结果表明,乌鲁木齐市夏季的O3污染较轻;O3浓度呈单峰型分布,O3浓度昼间高,夜间低;昼间O3与其主要前体物都呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

基于2022年1—12月青岛市沿海区域臭氧(O3)自动监测数据和气象观测资料,对O3污染变化特征及影响因素进行了分析,结合后向轨迹聚类与潜在源区分析等方法,对O3外来输送通道及潜在源分布情况进行分析研究。结果表明:青岛市沿海区域O3污染主要集中在4—10月份,日变化特征呈单峰单谷趋势,峰值出现在15:00—16:00;气象因素中,地面短波辐射对O3浓度变化的相对贡献最大,偏南风易导致O3污染;受二氧化氮(NO2)滴定作用以及海陆风转换影响,沿海区域O3峰值与谷值均滞后青岛城区1 h左右;O3生成整体处于VOCs控制区,1-丁烯、正丁烷与异戊烷是O3污染期间导致O3浓度上升的关键组分;O3污染的主要潜在源区为长三角北部和黄海近岸海域,以及山东中南部地区。  相似文献   

中纬度平流层臭氧深度侵入是造成对流层至近地面臭氧浓度突增的原因之一。筛选春夏季臭氧浓度升高时段的高分辨率大气再分析数据ERA5,以位涡值的下沉趋势分析了对流层顶折叠位置及变化过程;以AIRS数据反演了臭氧浓度、一氧化碳浓度和相对湿度的垂直廓线,并估计了其分布及相关性;以近地表污染物浓度变化、HYSPLIT模型后向轨迹分析结果证实了臭氧侵入气团的运移轨迹和局地效应;通过激光雷达监测结果观测臭氧垂直浓度分布,确定了臭氧浓度最大值所处高度,判定了受影响近地点的浓度升高时刻;以边界层高度变化、气象条件分析结果及当地与周边城市地面监测数据的逐小时变化情况等综合信息,进行了区域确认和近地面影响判定。通过以上数值综合分析,对城市地区受平流层臭氧深度侵入影响的过程和具体时间进行了详细再现,可为排除非人为排放因素导致的近地表臭氧浓度增加提供回溯分析,为臭氧污染防控决策提供依据。  相似文献   

为了解兰州市大气PM2.5中金属元素的污染水平和分布,于2013年冬季和春季在兰州市区4个在线监测点进行PM2.5样品采集,利用ICP-MS分析金属元素浓度。结果表明,Pb、B元素含量高于200 ng/m3,V、Fe元素含量在100~200 ng/m3,其余元素含量低于100 ng/m3,其中Pb含量最高,平均含量达到373.8 ng/m3.各监测点元素含量在冬季和春季各有不同,整体上是冬季高于春季。金属元素在兰州市区的空间分布与兰州市工业排放和气象因素有关,工业排放为主导因素。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence ofhigh levels of pesticides in groundwater and rainwater in TheProvince of Limburg in The Netherlands. In groundwater samplesin particular the presence of triazines – atrazine, simazine and propazine – was observed; besides these pesticides, dieldrin has also been observed. Atrazine and simazine were found to exceed the groundwater standard of 100 ng L-1. In the rainwater samples, the presence of 13 of 23 different analyzed pesticides was observed. A number of pesticides werefound in high concentrations; e.g. atrazine (>200 ng L-1). Two pesticides detected in rainwater (+-HCH and atrazine) were found to exceed the groundwater standard. Seven pesticides in rainwater were found to exceed the target value and three pesticides the maximum tolerable risk value (DDT, heptachlor and heptachlorepoxide A), which are used as ecotoxicological standards in The Netherlands.Nitrate in 15 of 16 analyzed natural springs was found toexceed the guideline value for nitrate in drinking waterof 50 mg L-1, up to levels of about 200 mg L-1. Nitrate concentrations in rainwater samples were observed up to 4.5 mg L-1. A risk analysis of exposure to high pesticide levels in groundwater or rainwater has been performed using the model HESP. For atrazine levels due todeposition of rainwater in two different locations, exceedance of the T.D.I. level of 0.5 g kg-1 day-1 based on WHO criteria was observed for children using both an urban and a rural scenario and use of groundwater as drinking water.  相似文献   

A multiresidue method was developed for the estimation of 15organochlorine pesticides in water. 50 samples of drinking watersupplied by the Municipal Corporation to the residential areasof Delhi and 20 ground water samples from nearby villages usedfor irrigation were monitored for the presence of organochlorineinsecticides by the method developed. Although, organochlorinepesticides were detected in the ground water and irrigationwater samples, the levels of pesticides were below the MaximumContaminant Level as prescribed by WHO. No organochlorineinsecticides were detected in any of the drinking water samples.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine if any detectable trends in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulphate (SO4-S) concentrations and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) in throughfall (TF) and soil water (SW) could be found during 1990–2010 and to relate them to recent changes in decreased acid deposition. The study was conducted in seven boreal coniferous forest sites: four of which are managed and three unmanaged forests sites. Generally, temporal trend showed a significant decrease in SO4-S concentrations in bulk precipitation (BP), TF and SW. At some of the sites, there was an increasing tendency in BP and TF in the DOC concentrations. This feature coincides with decreasing SO4-S concentration, indicating that SO4-S may be an important driver of DOC release from the canopy. However, a slightly increased temperature, larger senescing needle mass and consequently increased decaying activity in the canopy may partly explain the increasing trend in DOC. In SW, no consistent DOC trend was seen. At some sites, the decreased base cation concentrations mostly account for the decrease in the ANC values in SW and TF.  相似文献   

大同市地表水及工业废水中氯苯和酚类化合物的监测   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
对流经大同市的主要河流和重点工业污染源所排放废水中的氯苯和酚类化合物做了分析测定.对酚类化合物的测定方法进行了改进.研究表明,大同市污染源对御河氯苯类污染物贡献较小,焦化厂酚类化合物排放量较高.  相似文献   

Samples of breast muscle from 32 species of waterfowl collected from 123 sites across Canada were analyzed for chlorobenzenes (CBz), chlordane-related compounds (CHL), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCH), DDT, mirex, dieldrin, PCBs and mercury. ΣDDT, ΣCBz and ΣPCB were the compounds most frequently found above trace levels. ΣHCH and ΣMirex were detected the least often. Mercury was detected in all of the mergansers, over 50% of dabbling, bay and sea ducks, and in less than 2% of the geese analysed. The highest levels of contaminants were generally found in birds feeding at higher trophic levels such as sea ducks and mergansers. With the exception of a few samples of mergansers and long-tailed ducks from eastern Canada, which contained ΣPCB concentrations of 1.0–2.4 mg kg−1, ΣPCB levels were less than 1 mg kg−1 wet weight. Only one merganser from eastern Canada had a ΣDDT concentration (2.6 mg kg−1 ww) which was greater than 1 mg kg−1 ww. The highest ΣCHL (0.10 mg kg−1 ww) was also found in mergansers from eastern Canada. Levels of total mercury in breast muscle were either low (< 1 mg kg−1 ww) or below detection limits with the exception of a few samples of mergansers from eastern Canada which contained mercury concentrations of 1.0–1.5 mg kg−1 ww. Health Canada determined that the organochlorine and mercury levels found in samples of breast muscle of ducks and geese analysed in this study did not pose a health hazard to human consumers and therefore these waterfowl were safe to eat.  相似文献   

Sixty home made wine and sixty-four grape samples were collectedfrom five territories in Jordan, where grapes and wine aremostly producted. The collected samples were analyzed for themost used organochlorine pesticides (OCP) and organophosphorouspesticides (OPP) in Jordan, as well as for four heavy metals(Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb). The results showed that OCPs residues weredetected in 73% of the wine samples but no OPPs residue weredetected which is due to generally shorter half life of thelater pesticide. Grapes showed higher incident of contaminationthan wine, however, OCPs and OPPs with both short and longhalf-lives were detected. The OPPs were detected in only8.3% of the analyzed grape samples. Heavy metals showed higher valuesin grapes than in the wine samples and it was attributed toremoval of solids during wine preparation processes or throughcontamination of wine during storage. Most of the samples werebelow toxic limit.  相似文献   

宽甸土壤及部分农作物中硼的分布及污染分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
用ICP-MS测定了辽宁宽甸23个土壤样品中的硼。背景地区和污染地区的土壤硼含量分别在 39.2~82.4mg/kg和133~1195mg/kg之间。其中硼矿开采区的土壤硼含量高达1195mg/kg。还用同样的方法分析了背景地区和污染地区几种农作物中硼的含量,结果表明,背景地区的大豆、土豆、玉米和豆角的硼含量(干基)分别为:37.4~47.9、5.8~6.3、24.4~25.5和1.24~2.74mg/kg,而污染地区相应农作物的硼含量分别为:34.0、12.0~12.8、40.7和2.48~2.64mg/kg。  相似文献   

汞污染具有生物积累性,因而得到社会广泛关注。研究监测和评估了郑州市城区土壤和绿色植物叶片中汞浓度、分布、污染水平等。研究发现郑州市主城区土壤总汞浓度为0. 150~0. 958 mg/kg,平均浓度为0. 448 mg/kg;郑州市主城区绿色植物叶片总汞浓度为0. 017~0. 249 mg/kg,平均浓度为0. 107 mg/kg;土壤和叶片中汞浓度按功能区排序为交通枢纽区工业区商业区行政区高教区住宅区。采用地累积指数法对郑州市80个土壤样品的汞污染水平进行评估,结果显示60%受到轻度污染,35%受到偏中度污染,5%受到中度污染。研究较为全面地分析了土壤汞污染的现状及浓度,为郑州市土壤汞污染防治提供参考。  相似文献   

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