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基于我国新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情医疗废物应急管理与处置体系建立过程,分析疫情初期医疗废物管理与处置短板,预测医疗废物产生量随患者人数发展的变化,提出医疗废物突出问题的解决方案。结果表明:及时构建重大疫情医疗废物全过程应急管理与处置技术体系有利于促进医疗废物分类分流管理与处置,迅速提升医疗废物应急处置能力;修正湖北省涉疫情医疗废物和医疗废物平均产生系数分别为3.35 kg/(人·d)和5.15 kg/(人·d);截至2020年6月6日,全国医疗废物处置能力从疫情前的4 902.8 t/d增至6 245.4 t/d,湖北省具备的医疗废物处置能力由疫情前的180 t/d增至667.4 t/d;疫情期间积累的医疗废物应急管理与技术经验对后疫情时期建立和强化医疗废物应急管理与处置机制具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对热解焚烧技术处置医疗废物的特点,分析处置工艺运行参数对稳定工况的影响规律,确定医疗废物在热解焚烧技术炉内稳定焚烧的工艺参数,指出送风量与气化炉、燃烧炉的温度关系是焚烧系统控制的关键。通过对某型焚烧炉的测试,得到了送风量与气化炉和燃烧炉的温度关系曲线。测试结果表明,实时动态调控气化炉和燃烧炉的送风量,能够实现医疗废物的稳定焚烧。  相似文献   

主动采样技术在中国大气POPs监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了履行斯德哥尔摩公约,查明持久性有机污染物(POPs)在中国大气环境介质的存在水平,该研究首次采用主动采样技术,在中国境内大尺度范围内进行了环境大气中POPs的监测工作.利用主动采样技术,可以在短时间内采集数百立方米的大气样品.分别利用玻璃纤维滤膜采集大气颗粒物(固相)中的POPs,同时使用聚氨酯泡沫(PUF)吸附气态的POPs.该采样技术还便于样品的运输和保存.研究表明,大气主动采样技术可以很好地运用于区域大气POPs的监测工作并填补了我国在POPs履约监测中专用仪器设备的空白.  相似文献   

鉴于中小城市及县乡级医院不具备单独处理医疗废物的条件,本文从实际工作出发,介绍了FSL型热解焚烧炉对医疗废物无害化处置的工作原理,对其焚烧医疗废物产生的主要废气污染物进行了测试.测试结果表明FSL型热解焚烧炉废气污染物排放达到国家现行环保排放标准要求.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)监测是开展履行《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》成效评估的重要内容之一。介绍了履约成效评估POPs监测的要求,综述了我国POPs监测能力建设和履约成效评估全球POPs监测进展。我国自2007年起开展了环境空气、水体和母乳中POPs的监测,所获得的监测数据可为评估我国POPs污染水平和环境与健康风险提供重要的技术支撑。还介绍了国外POPs监测动态,提出借鉴国外经验、建立环境和人体中POPs长效监测机制并开展持续性监测不仅是履约的需求,也可为保护我国生态环境和人体健康提供基础数据。  相似文献   

许月英 《干旱环境监测》2007,21(4):F0004-F0004
中国地域辽阔、涉及到二恶英类的行业众多,我国存在几乎所有的国际上已知二恶英类的各类污染源,因此,国家环保总局在2006年底下发了在全国开展持久性有机污染物调查的通知,要求在对我国二恶英类、杀虫剂类POPs的污染状况进行深入调查的基础上,进一步了解我国POPS污染现状,明确污染源和排放情况,逐步建立我国POPs污染源完善的管理机制和POPs污染源的动态信息库,形成相关的技术文件和监测技术体系。  相似文献   

在研究2000—2014年滇池流域水污染排放的时空变化、水环境质量时空变化和生态环境时空演替基础上,结合滇池目前水环境质量监测工作要求,采用模型计算、指标特性分析、专家调查等方法,筛选出36个评价指标,分别表征滇池水环境质量的物理、化学、生物、营养、重金属、有机污染等特性,将滇池湖体4个监测点位优选出的评价指标监测数据输入水生态健康评价系统。结果表明,优选指标和评价体系能全面、准确、宏观地反映滇池水环境质量状况。将滇池评价指标由现有的94个压缩至36个,极大节省人力、物力,且更符合滇池水环境特点。  相似文献   

长期以来,中国农村环境保护工作基础相对薄弱,国家环保部门于2014年出台《农村环境质量综合评价技术规定(试行)》。研究利用2015—2016年安徽省域的农村环境监测数据,将安徽省重点生态功能区考核县域的数据与其他县域监测数据进行分类整理,采用该技术规定开展农村环境质量综合评价,对评价体系的3个级别指标层面的评价结果进行对比,并通过2组数据的差异性分析,深度剖析评价体系各级指数的结果合理性,验证该评价技术规定的区域适用性;同时,根据各级指标对比中发现的问题,对评价体系的相关指标提出修改完善建议。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的齐齐哈尔地区地下水水质评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了人工神经网络基本原理,介绍了BP网络的地下水水质评价模型.在传统的评价方法基础上,根据各评价因子对环境和人类影响程度不同,给水质监测指标分组,从实用角度对水质进行评价.与传统评价方法相比,该评价模型在某评价因子数值极大的情况下,也能准确反映地下水的污染情况,并且通过GIS技术利用评价结果得到地下水水质分布图,从空间反映地下水水质变化规律.  相似文献   

全球POPs监测计划实施进展及我国开展POPs监测实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
持久性有机污染物(POPs)因其具有高毒性、持久性以及远距离迁移性而引起国际社会的广泛关注,各国家和地区持续开展了一系列POPs监测活动。文章介绍了国际上一些影响重大的区域和跨区域POPs监测计划及其特点,并结合国内外POPs监测进展,提出我国开展POPs监测的对策与建议。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a mathematical model for life-cycle inventory analysis (LCI) of waste incineration in Switzerland. In order to model conventional and new incineration technologies adequately, fundamental aspects of the different technologies relevant for the LCI are discussed. The environmental impact of these technologies strongly depends on the assessment of the long-term emissions of the solid incineration residues and is therefore related to value based decisions about the time horizon considered. The article illustrates that the choice of the landfill model has a significant influence on the results of life-cycle assessment of waste incineration.  相似文献   

For highly urbanized cities where there is a scarcity of land available for landfilling, incineration of refuse is a feasible solution for solid waste disposal. After incineration, about 20% by weight of fly ash and other residues are produced and disposed of by landfill. Leachate tests carried out on samples of fly ash show that the heavy metal concentrations of the leachate are in excess of the permissible limits set by WHO. Lime and cement are used to stabilize the fly ash. The concentrations of heavy metals in the leachates of lime and cement treated fly ash are non-detectable. In additional to pollution control, the lime and cement treated fly ash significantly improves the properties of soft clay.  相似文献   

As a result of increasing environmental concerns on offshore dumping, dredging spoils arising from reclamation and harbour works will create another problem of disposal. The spoils are usually not suitable for use as landfill materials as they have little bearing capacities. The disposal problem could, however, be reduced if there is an alternative use for it. This paper describes a laboratory study on the use of dredging spoils together with limestone as raw materials for the production of cementitious building materials. Different compositions of the raw materials were ground and incinerated to produce cement. The cementitious material produced after incineration was also mixed with ordinary Portland cement for use as blended cement. The study shows that dredging spoils could be used to produce cement satisfying the strength requirements for masonry cement. When used as blended cement, it can replace up to 30% by weight of ordinary Portland cement without reducing the strength.  相似文献   

通过研究日本、美国、欧盟、联合国环境保护署关于杀虫剂类POPs的申报管理机制,分析我国关于化学品、污染物和固体废物的申报、登记制度,欲建立我国杀虫剂类POPs动态申报机制.我国杀虫剂类POPs动态申报以各级环保部门为管理主体,以杀虫剂类POPs的生产单位和流通机构、各级环保部门、知情群众为申报主体,以杀虫剂类POPs的...  相似文献   

Different approaches are used to verify the adequacy of emission factors (EFs) and their use in emission inventories of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The applicability of EFs was tested using atmospheric dispersion modelling to predict atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and resulting toxic equivalents (SigmaTEQ) and particulate matter <10 microm (PM(10)) in two rural locations in northern England (UK). The modelling was based on general assumptions of fuel composition, consumption and heating needs to simulate emissions of POPs from the domestic burning of coal and wood where ambient measurements were made in the winter of 1998. The model was used to derive the local contribution to ambient air concentrations, which were estimated independently based on comparative air measurements. The results support the hypothesis that in both villages, the majority of PAHs and the lower chlorinated PCDFs were locally released. The situation for PCBs and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) was different. While the EFs show the release of both compound groups from the domestic burning of coal and wood, the ambient levels of these "legacy POPs" in the villages were still clearly dominated by other sources. Rural areas relying mainly on fossil fuels can exceed the proposed UK ambient air quality standard for benzo[a]pyrene during winter. The measured EFs were then used to estimate the importance of the domestic burning of coal and wood to national emission inventories for these compound classes. Extrapolations to the UK suggest that the domestic burning of pure wood and coal were minor emitters for chlorinated POPs but contributed strongly to PAH and PM(10) levels in 2000. Finally, the UK's national POPs emission inventories based on source inventories and EF, as used here, were compared to estimates derived using the increase in atmospheric concentration of selected POPs.  相似文献   

Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and related compounds such as PCBs, brominated flame retardants, organochlorine pesticides and PAHs is regarded as an important environmental risk factor for humans. Recently concerns about POPs resulted in the international protocol called the Stockholm Convention on POPs. Air quality standards (indoor, outdoor and occupational) for PAHs and other POPs will also be applied in the EU in the future. This will bring requirements for monitoring, to check for compliance and to reduce human exposures to POPs. This can occur from point sources and in various microenvironments, indoors, outdoors and in workplaces. Monitoring can be undertaken either by an active (pumped) method or using a passive (diffusive) air sampling (PAS) device. To date, PAS for POPs have mainly been used as integrating (long-term) samplers for ambient (outdoor) air. However, there are several reasons to develop PAS for monitoring of POPs in occupational and indoor environments. We discuss the potential advantages, limitations and developments needed, so that PAS can be used reliably and routinely indoors and in occupational settings for POPs.  相似文献   

The study was focused on understanding the mercury contamination caused by a cement plant. Active and passive biomonitoring with epiphytic lichens was combined with other instrumental measurements of mercury emissions, mercury concentrations in raw materials, elemental mercury concentrations in air, quantities of dust deposits, temperatures, precipitation and other measurements from the cement plant's regular monitoring programme. Active biomonitoring with transplanted lichens Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf was performed at seven of the most representative sites around the cement plant and one distant reference site for periods of 3, 6 and 12 months. In situ lichens of different species were collected at the beginning of the monitoring period at the same sites. Mercury speciation of the plant exhaust gas showed that the main form of emitted mercury is reactive gaseous mercury Hg2?, which is specific for cement plants. Elemental mercury in air was measured in different meteorological conditions using a portable mercury detector. Concentrations in air were relatively low (on average below 10 ng m?3). In situ lichens showed Hg concentrations comparable to lichens taken from the background area for transplantation, indicating that the local pollution is not severe. Transplanted lichens showed an increase of mercury, especially at one site near the cement plant. A correlation between precipitation and Hg uptake was not found probably due to a rather uniform rainfall in individual periods. Dust deposits did not influence Hg uptake significantly. Lichens vitality was affected over longer biomonitoring periods, probably due to some elements in dust particles, their alkalinity and the influence of other emissions. Mercury uptake measured in vital transplanted lichens was in a good correlation with the working hours (i.e. emitted Hg quantity) of the kiln. The study showed that selected lichens could be used to detect low to moderate Hg emissions from a cement plant and that the biomonitoring procedure could be further standardized and used as part of an environmental monitoring programme.  相似文献   

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