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简述了小型餐饮服务业的特点,指出排污申报登记制度落实难、废水中各污染物排放量核定难及申报登记表设计欠合理是小型餐饮服务业在排污申报登记中存在的主要问题。提出,应加大宣传力度,进一步提高餐饮服务业业主以及广大公民的环保意识;制定较合理的排污量核算系数,修订申报内容;实行《排污申报登记注册证》制度,强化执法力度,以促进小型餐饮服务业全面实施排污申报登记制度。  相似文献   

对如何开展排污申报登记工作在完善体制,明确职能,加强培训,提高申报质量,加强申报核查工作等方面作了阐述。  相似文献   

分析了目前排污收费工作中存在的问题和实施排污收费工作改革的必要性,提出了完善收费程序和排污收费工作由“上门”征收变为企业申报缴纳,应确保依据公正,建立缓缴审批制度,提高人员素质。  相似文献   

简述了《排污费征收使用管理条例》对排污申报工作的要求。提出,各级环保部门应加大宣传力度,突出排污申报在排污收费与企业管理工作中的重要性;加大审核力度,督促排污者如实申报;加大核定力度,及时纠正排污申报中的违法行为;加大执法力度,依法保证及时、准确、合法、有序地开展排污申报工作,促使排污申报工作与排污收费工作真正融为一体。  相似文献   

分析了环保行政主管部门监测站在污染源监测工作中的地位与作用,指出环保主管部门监测站的主要任务是对辖区内排污单位的污染物排放监测工作质量进行监督,以促进排污单位认真监测、如实申报,保障区内污染源监测工作的规范,有序运行,并负责了解、掌握区内的总体污染物排放情况。  相似文献   

通过北京市169家国有大中型企业的固体废物申报登记试点,提出了固体废物申报登记的质量保证体系,规定了填报方法、技术标准、计量方法、三级审核验收制度和实验室的质量保证措施。  相似文献   

排污申报登记和许可证制度是我国环境管理工作由单一的浓度控制迈向总量控制的有效的管理制度之一。武威地区环保局在实施许可证的的全过程中,认真抓水功能区划,申报登记、总量规划分配、发放许可证,许可证运行管理各个环节,使排污许可证试点工作顺利进行,这对尚未实施许可证制度的地区有很好的借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

我国环境统计数据质量不高、质量保障体系缺乏、数据综合分析不足等问题都与环境统计人才队伍的规模、稳定性和综合素质密切相关。文章从环境统计持证上岗制度内部条件的规范化管理,到外部环境制度的推行等方面进行了SWOT分析。制定了以加强环境统计岗位管理、设置获取证书的缓冲期限、建立激励配套机制和完善培训考核机制4条途径为核心的环境统计持证上岗制度综合发展策略,对提高环境统计人员的综合素质,实现环境统计体系的制度化和规范化均具有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

根据我国现行的环境统计制度不适应社会主义市场经济发展存在的问题,提出了改革环境统计体制,加强环境统计基础建设,对环境统计实施有效监督,环境统计要为经济建设和环境建设服务,建立符合中国国情的现代化环境统计制度。  相似文献   

分析了饮食娱乐服务业排污收费制度执行难的问题。指出,经营业主环保法制观念淡薄、环境监理队伍力量不匹配、收费办法未能实现规范化、收费力度缺乏应有的“刚性”是造成排污收费制度执行难的主要原因。提出,应注重宣传教育,加强监理队伍建设,加大申报力度,规范征收程序,强化监督管理,以全面推进饮食娱乐服务业排污收费工作的进程。  相似文献   

作为环境统计的重大改革举措之一,国家重点监控企业环境统计数据直报于2013年开始在全国试运行。随着直报工作的逐步深入,如何在高时效的前提下确保数据质量是直报工作面临的关键问题。归纳了目前学术界对数据质量问题的认识及改进建议,分析了中国现行环境统计数据质量存在的主要问题和原因,结合环境保护部门目前正在试运行的国控源直报系统,客观分析了国控源直报系统在环境数据质量控制方面的具体做法和特点,并针对该项制度在全国层面的进一步实施提出了建议。  相似文献   

环境监测实验室水中砷、汞监测能力考核结果评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
报道了全国环境监测系统136个实验室地表水中As、Hg监测能力考核的结果。采用四分位稳健统计法处理各实验室的测定数据,砷和汞结果均满意的实验室为101家。分析了各实验室质量管理体系运行中存在的问题,质控环节的问题是质量体系运行中较为突出的问题。提出了综合数据结果和质量体系运行情况进行结果评价的方法。  相似文献   

概述了各地在构建水质自动监测管理系统上的探索和不足。构建了水质自动监测管理系统,统一应用平台,利用仪器仪表标识集,实施监测数据辅助审核,完善数据预警统计分析功能;通过平台对现场端仪器自动巡检,实现数据集中化管理,完善水质自动监测质量控制体系,满足了环境管理需求。  相似文献   

中小城市空气质量预报试验与问题研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
当前中国大气污染形势严峻,迫切需要开展环境空气质量预报预警业务工作。为调研国内中小城市开展空气质量预报的基础条件和业务需求,促进全国城市空气质量业务体系建设,中国环境监测总站组织8个典型中小城市,利用基于数值预报基础的统计模式预报系统开展了空气质量预报实验工作。在此基础上,针对开展全国预报业务体系建设所需的中小城市预报方法、基础条件、人员技术水平等方面进行专项调研,并对国内中小城市开展空气质量预报能力建设和业务工作面临的问题、困难提出了建议和参考对策。  相似文献   

苏州河干流水质自动监测系统数据的可靠性分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
以苏州河干流水质自动监测系统为例,通过与实验室数据之间的统计分析,分析苏州河水质在线自动监测系统数据的可靠性。对比分析自动监测系统和实验室的温度、p H、DO、CODMn、NH3-N数据,自动监测系统数据合格,在0.01水平上两者不存在显著性差异,2种方法的结果高度相关,苏州河水质在线自动监测系统测定的数据真实可靠。在自动监测系统的维护中,要对系统关键部分进行不定期的清洗,特别是出现较可疑数据时,应及时寻找原因,解决问题。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to statistically evaluate the significance of seasonal groundwater quality change and to provide an assessment on the spatial distribution of specific groundwater quality parameters. The studied area was the Mount Nif karstic aquifer system located in the southeast of the city of Izmir. Groundwater samples were collected at 57 sampling points in the rainy winter and dry summer seasons. Groundwater quality indicators of interest were electrical conductivity (EC), nitrate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, some heavy metals, and arsenic. Maps showing the spatial distributions and temporal changes of these parameters were created to further interpret spatial patterns and seasonal changes in groundwater quality. Furthermore, statistical tests were conducted to confirm whether the seasonal changes for each quality parameter were statistically significant. It was evident from the statistical tests that the seasonal changes in most groundwater quality parameters were statistically not significant. However, the increase in EC values and aluminum concentrations from winter to summer was found to be significant. Furthermore, a negative correlation between sampling elevation and groundwater quality was found. It was shown that with simple statistical testing, important conclusions can be drawn from limited monitoring data. It was concluded that less groundwater recharge in the dry period of the year does not always imply higher concentrations for all groundwater quality parameters because water circulation times, lithology, quality and extent of recharge, and land use patterns also play an important role on the alteration of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

基于GIS的污染源自动监测数据综合分析系统设计和实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于地理信息系统(GIS),将污染源在线监测数据信息与空间地理信息相结合,建立北京市重点锅炉烟气、污水处理厂两类主要污染源和水环境质量等大量在线监测数据的监控和综合分析系统。系统不仅实现了对重点污染源在线监测数据的实时监控、数据展示、统计分析、超标报警等常规业务功能,还在污染源扩散模拟展示、污染源与环境质量信息相互作用的空间综合分析等方面进行了初步研究,为进一步提高北京市的污染源监控管理和自动监测数据利用水平做出了创新性的技术尝试。  相似文献   

Water quality has degraded dramatically in the Chocancharava River (Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina) due to point and non-point sources. This paper aims to assess spatial and temporal variations of physical and chemical parameters of the river. Six sampling sites and six sampling campaigns were developed. During the period 2007–2008, wet and dry seasons were included. A statistical analysis was carried out with 23 physical and chemical variables. Then, a new statistical analysis was carried out including the Riparian Corridors Quality Index and the physical and chemical variables (24 variables). Considering a multivariate system, analysis of variance, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used. From the statistical analysis, the river was divided into two zones with different degrees of contamination. The most polluted zone is due to pollution inputs of urban, industrial and agricultural sources. This area showed a remarkable deterioration in water quality, mainly due to wastewater discharges. According to Riparian Quality, better results were found in sections of poor water quality, due to the fact that the river bank forest was less degraded downstream of the sewage discharge.  相似文献   

In some previous papers a probabilistic methodology was introduced to estimate a spatial index of risk of groundwater quality degradation, defined as the conditional probability of exceeding assigned thresholds of concentration of a generic chemical sampled in the studied water system. A crucial stage of this methodology was the use of geostatistical techniques to provide an estimation of the above-mentioned probability in a number of selected points by crossing spatial and temporal information. In this work, spatial risk values were obtained using alternatively stochastic conditional simulation and disjunctive kriging. A comparison between the resulting two sets of spatial risks, based on global and local statistical tests, showed that they do not come from the same statistical population and, consequently, they cannot be viewed as equivalent in a statistical sense. At a first glance, geostatistical conditional simulation may appear to represent the spatial variability of the phenomenon more effectively, as the latter tends to be smoothed by DK. However, a close examination of real case study results suggests that disjunctive kriging is more effective than simulation in estimating the spatial risk of groundwater quality degradation. In the study case, the potentially ‘harmful event’ considered, threatening a natural ‘vulnerable groundwater system,’ is fertilizer and manure application.  相似文献   

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