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化工危险源环境安全监测和应急响应系统的研发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析化工危险源环境污染的危害性,提出了将工业无线传感器网络技术、视频监控技术和自动控制、无线通讯、地理信息系统(GIS)、数据库及网络工程等计算机技术应用于化工危险源的监测和监控,建立一个化工危险源的环境安全监测和应急响应系统的必要性。概述了系统的需求分析和架构,详细介绍了系统的组成、功能和关键技术,探讨了如何将该系统应用于泰州某化工公司危险源的环境监控和应急管理。  相似文献   

中小城市空气质量预报试验与问题研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
当前中国大气污染形势严峻,迫切需要开展环境空气质量预报预警业务工作。为调研国内中小城市开展空气质量预报的基础条件和业务需求,促进全国城市空气质量业务体系建设,中国环境监测总站组织8个典型中小城市,利用基于数值预报基础的统计模式预报系统开展了空气质量预报实验工作。在此基础上,针对开展全国预报业务体系建设所需的中小城市预报方法、基础条件、人员技术水平等方面进行专项调研,并对国内中小城市开展空气质量预报能力建设和业务工作面临的问题、困难提出了建议和参考对策。  相似文献   

阐述了当前我国大型危险化工企业危险源监测及预警系统建设的现状与不足,以泰州梅兰集团为例,提出了大型危险化工企业危险源监测及预警系统的建设目标及原则,应急预警处置系统的主要内容、标准与要求。  相似文献   

做好突发性污染事故应急监测的几点看法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从建立完善的危险源档案及预警方案,合理配置设备、建立应急监测网络,加强领导、强化监测队伍能力建设及制定详细的应急监测工作程序四个方面,阐述了如何才能做好突发性环境污染事故的应急监测工作。  相似文献   

应用混合加权地某城区的环境空气质量进行评价,并与均值型和上海医科大学空气质量指数模式相比较,认为用模型比较多个监测点的环境空气质量的优劣比均值型和上海医科大学指数模式均优越。  相似文献   

<正>《江苏省危险化学品安全综合治理实施方案》日前正式发布,对全省危化品整治做出制度安排。《方案》明确,涉及危化品的各行业安全风险和重大危险源要得到管控,人口密集区危化品企业搬迁工程基本完成;全面落实"减化"要求,加大低端落后化工企业淘汰力度;到2020年,全省化工企业入园率达50%以上。全省危化品安全综合治理工作今年1月起开始,至2019年11月结束。《方案》明确,摸排危险化学品安全风险、重点排查危险源。遏制较大以上和有重大影响的危化  相似文献   

社会环境检测力量是我国环境监测工作重要而有益的补充,阐述了浙江省环境检测市场化调研结果及存在问题,总结了浙江省在推进"行业自律"和"两个自愿"为原则的市场化检测能力评估工作的实践,旨在为各地开展环境检测市场化管理提供参考。  相似文献   

地市级环境监测站历史转型期管理体制与职能定位探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对30多家地市级环保局"三定"方案调查研究,分析并列举了环境保护历史转型期地市级环保局分管监测工作机构模式,对环境监测管理体制、职能定位不同的设计、规划,提出了当前环境管理体制与环境监测管理中存在的各类问题。围绕建设"先进的环境监测预警体系"是环境监测历史转型的根本任务,研究提出了单列型、合署型监测管理与履职型、拓展性、创新性监测职能定位建设模式。  相似文献   

关于《国家环保局关于进一步加强环境监测工作的决定》的说明国家环保局监督管理司为了认清形势、分析问题、研究对策,指导我国环境监测工作的发展,从1992年开始,我司先后对4个省、33个地、市、县环保局、监测站及有关部门监测站进行了调研,编写了调研报告。在...  相似文献   

根据对构建岸边小型水质自动监测系统的前期调研,从项目的具体建设、资金投入、后期运维、运作风险等角度多方面考虑,最终采用BOO模式构建岸边小型水质自动监测系统。通过将项目具体实施与传统方式构建岸边小型水质自动监测系统进行利弊比较,认为在当前国情下以BOO模式构建岸边小型水质自动监测系统利大于弊,对于政府和承包商是双赢的合作方式。  相似文献   

应用阿克苏市国家基准站及2个环保局监测站2015年大风沙尘天气过程前后PM10浓度变化及其与污染源、NECP全球再分析资料、风、监测站周边环境等关系进行分析.结果表明,阿克苏市春季沙尘天气的首要污染物均为PM10,PM10的变化曲线呈正态分布,春季中度及以上污染日均出现在污染日当日或次日.造成阿克苏市沙尘天气污染源分本地型、外来型以及二者共同影响型三种.本地型沙尘污染强度取决于北风风速大小及强风持续时间,PM10浓度变化与风速呈正相关.而外来型污染多发生在本地型沙尘天气之后,"东灌"冷空气裹挟沙尘进入南疆盆地,造成地面加压,浮尘天气造成PM10浓度增大,并持续数天.总结出沙尘天气污染预警的几个必要条件,后续在地区环保局、县局监测站建立的情况下,为分析阿克苏地区"八县一市"污染物与气象因素的关系提供借鉴,同时为实际的空气质量预警提供参考.  相似文献   

简述了南京化学工业园区水环境现状,以及水污染应急设施建设情况。指出了目前存在园区企业生产废水预处理设施运行不稳定、化工园污水处理厂废水处理工艺亟待优化提高、园区储罐众多污染隐患巨大、化工园区内河流水质受到污染等问题,提出了水污染应急体制、环境安全风险防范机制、企业水污染防范设施、环境应急演练制度、环境应急事件处置工作信息交流平台、化工园区环境预警监控、监测网络等水环境污染防范与应急处置体系建设构想。  相似文献   

浅议现代垃圾填埋场的大气污染及监测分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
造成垃圾填埋场大气污染的两大类污染物,其对环境、人体、动植物、器物和材料都有一定的危害,文章针对现代垃圾填埋场的大气环境污染,以硫化氢、氨、甲硫醇等重点大气污染因子为监测对象,结合实践总结了一部分垃圾填埋场的大气污染监测方案,包括布点原则、采样频率和时间、采样方法和分析技术,该监测方案可为现代垃圾填埋场的大气污染监测提供参考.  相似文献   

The Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) is used daily across Canada for evaluating forest fire danger. Fuel-type information is one of the inputs required by the models used in the CFFDRS. In this project, three fuel-type maps with a 25 m resolution were produced for a pilot study area located in Alberta using land cover only; land cover and biomass; and, land cover, biomass and leaf area index data derived from satellite imagery. The relationships between inputs and fuel types were determined mainly by the opinions of forest fire scientists and incorporated into a computer program using fuzzy set methodology. Not all the CFFDRS fuel types could be distinguished using these inputs; three of the coniferous types had to be grouped into one common fuel type. Overall accuracy was between 74 and 83% based on ground-truth comparisons. The most accurate map resulted from land cover and biomass data. Detailed accuracy assessment indicated that the overall accuracy increased up to 86% if ambiguous fuel type identification was considered. No combination of inputs was able to define a fuel type with absolute certainty, which is a reflection of differing expert opinions and the small number of inputs used to produce the maps.  相似文献   

Gaussian-based dispersion models are widely used to estimate local pollution levels. The accuracy of such models depends on stability classification schemes as well as plume rise equations. A general plume dispersion model (GPDM) for a point source emission, based on Gaussian plume dispersion equation, was developed. The program complex was developed using Java and Visual basic tools. It has the flexibility of using five kinds of stability classification schemes, i.e., Lapse Rate, Pasquill–Gifford (PG), Turner, σ–θ and Richardson number. It also has the option of using two types of plume rise formulations – Briggs and Holland’s. The model, applicable for both rural and urban roughness conditions, uses meteorological and emission data as its input parameters, and calculates concentrations of pollutant at the center of each cell in a predefined grid area with respect to the given source location. Its performance was tested by comparing with 4-h average field data of continuous releases of SO2 from Dadri thermal power plant (Uttar Pradesh, India). Results showed that the Turner scheme used with Holland’s equation gives the best outcome having a degree of agreement (d) of 0.522.  相似文献   

To tackle China’s pervasive water pollution, tremendous efforts are needed to achieve more and better information. However, resources for information collection (e.g., water quality monitoring, field experiments, etc.) are very limited for large watersheds with significant nonpoint source pollution. Thus, it is crucial to identify the priority of information acquisition. Based on the theory of value of information (VOI), a stochastic optimization approach was developed in this study to evaluate the importance of information. The approach was applied to several key polluted water bodies in China (e.g., Lake Taihu, Lake Chaohu, and Lake Dianchi). The major findings include: (1) because of the severe pollution and large uncertainty, the VOI for the targeted water bodies is substantial; (2) when the uncertainty is significant, a stricter regulation would result in a higher VOI, and therefore provide more incentives for data collection; (3) due to the interaction among different information sources, collecting multiple types of information simultaneously could be more valuable than collecting one after another; and (4) the importance of a specific type of information could vary significantly across watersheds. The proposed approach can be readily extended to more complex models and more sophisticated watershed cases. It could effectively support watershed management in China, as well as in other countries.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市汽车尾气污染状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对乌鲁木齐市主要街道受汽车尾气污染的调查和综合分析得到CO、NOx、HC的污染规律,主要街道路中心空气中CO、NOx日均值已超出国家大气环境质量二级标准,市区主要街道的人行道空气中NOx含量已超出二级标准,Ⅱ、Ⅲ类道路人行道空气中CO含量已超标;在三类街道中,Ⅰ类街道车流量最大,Ⅱ类次之,Ⅲ类最少,而汽车排放尾气对街道空气污染状况为Ⅲ类最重、Ⅱ类次之、Ⅰ类最轻。  相似文献   

宁波市环境空气中VOCs污染状况及变化趋势分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
基于近7年来的连续监测数据,对宁波市环境空气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染状况及变化趋势进行了初步分析。研究表明:在宁波市环境空气中检测出94种VOCs,其主要成分是饱和烷烃、芳烃、烯烃、卤代烃、卤代芳烃、含氧有机物等,有37种属有毒有害物质,其中苯系物含量最高;宁波市环境空气中苯系物的污染程度与国内外城市基本处于同一水平,近年来的污染状况变化不大,没有明显恶化;空间分布特征显示一类保护区VOCs的排放以天然源为主,二类各功能区VOCs的排放由天然源和局部人为污染源共同形成,三类区以工业污染源排放为主;时间变化趋势显示VOCs在冬季和春季的平均浓度比其他季节高,VOCs的日变化基本呈现2个主浓度峰值特征,跟城市交通流量变化具有很好相关性。  相似文献   

Elevated particulate matter concentrations in urbanlocations have normally been associated with local trafficemissions. Recently it has been suggested that suchepisodes are influenced to a high degree by PM10sources external to urban areas. To further corroboratethis hypothesis, linear regression was sought betweenPM10 concentrations measured at eight urban sites inthe U.K., with particulate sulphate concentration measuredat two rural sites, for the years 1993–1997. Analysis ofthe slopes, intercepts and correlation coefficientsindicate a possible relationship between urban PM10and rural sulphate concentrations. The influences of winddirection and of the distance of the urban from the ruralsites on the values of the three statistical parametersare also explored. The value of linear regression as ananalysis tool in such cases is discussed and it is shownthat an analysis of the sign of the rate of change of theurban PM10 and rural sulphate concentrations providesa more realistic method of correlation. The resultsindicate a major influence on urban PM10 concentrations from the eastern side of the UnitedKingdom. Linear correlation was also sought using PM10 data from nine urban sites in London and nearby ruralRochester. Analysis of the magnitude of the gradients andintercepts together with episode correlation analysisbetween the two sites showed the effect of transportedPM10 on the local London concentrations. This articlealso presents methods to estimate the influence of ruraland urban PM10 sources on urban PM10 concentrations and to obtain a rough estimate of thetransboundary contribution to urban air pollution from thePM10 concentration data of the urban site.  相似文献   

浅议地下水污染治理技术方法及进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张倩 《干旱环境监测》2008,22(3):174-178
简要介绍了地下水污染治理技术的沿革,包括物理法、水动力控制法、抽出—处理法和原位处理法,着重阐述了目前研究最多的原位处理法,即原位物化法、原位生物法和反应性渗透墙技术。并提出应该在学习国外先进技术的基础上,开发研究适合我国国情的地下水污染治理技术。  相似文献   

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