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国内外噪声自动监测系统研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先把环境噪声的人工监测方法和自动监测方法进行了对比,结果表明自动监测是环境噪声监测的必然趋势。在分析了目前国内外噪声自动监测研究的相关论文后,从城市环境噪声数据的性质、噪声自动监测系统的物理构成、噪声监测子站的布设、噪声自动监测有效时间的确定以及如何能从已得到的噪声数据中获得更多的信息这几个方面综述了目前国内外噪声自动监测相关研究的最新成果。并对其进一步的研究发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

北京市典型道路交通噪声排放特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用北京市道路交通噪声自动监测系统2013—2017年采集的等效连续A声级数据,对城市快速路、城市主干线、城市次干线、城市支路的代表性站点噪声排放情况进行了统计分析,结果显示,北京市不同等级的道路噪声排放具备一定的特征,排放水平从大到小依次为城市快速路城市主干线城市支路和城市次干线,道路噪声随时间变化存在较为一致的周期性排放特征,24 h变化特征比较明显。个别道路排放特征存在特异性,如城市主干线道路的一个代表监测站点噪声监测值出现了逐年下降趋势,分析发现,北京市非首都功能疏解对其噪声值的下降有一定贡献。采取一定的规划和管理措施有助于减少道路交通噪声的排放。  相似文献   

针对城市噪声污染多头管理、监测方法单一、治理效率低等问题,基于Android 4G技术城市环境噪声分布式监测设计思想,介绍智慧城市噪声分布式监测的应用方法。以移动终端作为传感器节点替代传统集中式噪声监测的分布式监测方法,依托云计算数据处理平台,解决了监测网络数据管理分散、定点检测站和一些手持检测设备收集数据引起的信息滞后的问题,有益于实现城市环境噪声污染数据分析、处理和融合等复杂功能,使各种质控任务和标准传递等复杂任务得到自动化执行与反馈,将对城市噪声污染联防联控起到积极推动作用。  相似文献   

常州市城市噪声自动监测系统建设与发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
相对手工监测而言,噪声自动监测更能真实反映城市声环境质量,随着自动监测技术的不断完善,环境噪声自动监测替代手工监测已成为必然趋势.重点介绍了常州市城市噪声自动监测系统,并对运行状况、存在问题及发展方法进行分析探讨.  相似文献   

道路交通噪声自动监测中最少监测时间研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以城市主干线为例,对长期道路交通噪声自动监测数据进行统计分析,得出道路交通噪声实施噪声自动监测时应采用的小时最少监测时间、日昼夜最少监测小时、季最少监测天数和年最少监测天数。  相似文献   

道路交通噪声自动监测中最少监测时间研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以城市主干线为例,对长期道路交通噪声自动监测数据进行统计分析,得出道路交通噪声实施噪声自动监测时应采用的小时最少监测时间、日昼夜最少监测小时、季最少监测天数和年最少监测天数。  相似文献   

综合比较了中国、日本、欧盟、美国和澳大利亚等国家或地区的环境噪声监测与评价方法,分析了声环境质量监测法、噪声地图预测法和噪声源监测法3种环境噪声评估方法的优缺点,认为声环境质量监测法适合现阶段中国环境噪声监测与管理需求,但下一步应结合噪声产生与传播预测方法改进中国声环境监测评价方法,增强对监测过程的质控,增加重点噪声源监测,以期更全面地反映城市声环境质量状况。  相似文献   

道路交通噪声最佳测量时间和时段研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对典型城市主干道进行长期噪声监测,对监测结果进行误差分析,得出城市主干道交通噪声短时间测量最佳时间及时段,提高工作效率的同时提高数据准确度。  相似文献   

南昌市城市噪声自动监测系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会文明和科技的进步,人们对生活、学习、工作的环境质量要求越来越高,环保部门在环境监测手段和数据综合分析技术等方面也提出了更高的要求。城市噪声自动监测系统能实时反映环境噪声状况,以便分析、掌握城市噪声污染时空分布和变化规律及趋势,在城市声环境的治理和监控中发挥有效作用。本文根据南昌市的实际情况,重点介绍了南昌市城市噪声自动监测系统。  相似文献   

北京城市声环境自动监测系统监测点位布设方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
噪声自动监测相对手工监测而言,更能真实反映城市声环境质量,随着噪声自动监测技术的不断完善,自动监测替代手工监测已成为必然趋势.但目前我国城市声环境自动监测系统正处于起步阶段,国内还没有对声环境自动监测系统的点位布设提出成熟、合理的方案.文章结合北京市声环境自动监测系统建设的实际工作情况,对监测系统总体框架、自动监测点位布设的原则及方法等进行了阐述并提出近期需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

中国环境空气苯系物类挥发性有机物监测能力现状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解和评价中国环境空气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的监测能力和技术水平,以量化的手段评估环境空气VOCs监测数据质量,促进实验室质量管理水平提升,笔者以环境空气VOCs中的苯系物为代表,组织31个省、自治区、直辖市216家各级各类生态环境检验检测机构开展了实验室比对,利用稳健统计技术分析评价实验结果。结果表明:环境空气苯系物类VOCs比对结果的整体合格率为68.5%,省级站、地市级以上站、社会化检测机构合格率分别为86.7%、75.4%和46.9%。可见现阶段中国环境空气苯系物类VOCs整体检测能力仍有提升的空间,社会化机构的检测技术水平尚待提升。建议地方部门加强对环境空气VOCs监测的技术培训,尽快提高VOCs监测技术水平,保障VOCs监测数据质量,同时强化对社会化检测机构的监督管理,督促其提升服务水平。  相似文献   

为了探讨三维变分法(3DVAR)对成渝城市群冬季PM2.5重污染模拟的改善效果,采用3DVAR对成渝城市群2017年12月至2018年1月的空气质量数值模拟结果进行资料同化,对比评估嵌套网格空气质量预报模式(NAQPMS)原始数据与同化再分析数据的准确率,并分析成渝重污染特征。研究结果显示,3DVAR在PM2.5、PM10和NO2的同化实验中均取得较好的改善效果,成渝地区检验站点各污染物相关系数(r)的平均提升比例依次为44%、90%和332%,r改善的站点占检验站点总数的比例分别为98%、100%和82%;检验站点均方根误差(RMSE)的平均下降比例分别为15%、37%和31%,RMSE改善的站点占检验站点总数的比例为65%、98%和84%。与原始模拟结果相比,同化结果能够更准确地反映成渝地区冬季重污染期间的PM2.5和PM10空间分布特征。  相似文献   

构建江苏省“天地车人”一体化监控系统,利用道路遥感监测、定期排放检验、路检路查和停放地监督抽测、重型柴油车远程排放监控等手段发现高排放车辆,通过系统检测与维护(I/M)制度,对机动车进行全天候、全方位实时监控及闭环管理,同时开展非道路移动机械的登记和管理,并对5000 t以上的加油站进行油气回收在线监控。通过大数据分析开展机动车排放数据的深入挖掘,以期为重污染天气的应急管理及政府决策提供有效技术支撑。  相似文献   

对泉州市移动通信GSM基站和TD—SCDMA基站电磁辐射状况进行监测与分析。通过理论计算预测基站电磁辐射安全距离,对典型敏感目标、典型基站进行电磁辐射的监测,结果与理论预测情况相符。选取302个GSM基站和306个TD—SCDMA基站进行电磁辐射的监测,结果表明,各基站电磁辐射满足单个项目管理低于目标限值0.08W/m2的标准。分析表明,基站在正常运行时,对周围的电磁辐射环境影响能满足国家相应标准的要求。  相似文献   

A network of five water quality monitoring stations has been established in Long Island Sound, measuring temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen since 1999. The stations are located in areas of extreme water quality degradation (western Long Island Sound) as well as in pristine areas (eastern Long Island Sound). The data from these stations are collected every 15 minutes and posted to the project web site in real time as provisional data. After subsequent quality assurance procedures, the data are archived to the project File Transfer Protocol (FSP) site for downloading by the user community. The network of stations is in part supported logistically by a number of partners, including state and local agencies, schools, and non-governmental organizations. Data from the monitoring programs of some of these partners are also published to the project website providing a more comprehensive and complete picture of the status of the Sound than can be provided independently. This repository of information is used by marine educators, resource managers, scientists, and the general public, each with a different end purpose. We use the data from two of the stations to show that these high frequency time series measurements can be used to complement and enhance other monitoring programs within the Sound, documenting in greater detail the occurrence and duration of hypoxic events.  相似文献   

提出一种基于大数据监管平台的通信基站监督监测技术模式,利用大数据监管平台实现监督监测对象的自动筛选、开展线上全流程监测、自动分析比对监测结果,并将该技术模式用于2019年和2020年广东省10.5万个通信基站的监督监测。结果表明,通信基站备案基础信息的相符率为75.3%~98.6%;社会化监测机构关键点位电磁环境监测结果相符率为60.0%~92.3%。该结果可用于评估广东省通信基站建设单位备案的基础信息相符性结果和社会化监测机构监测质量。  相似文献   

住宅小区噪声监测是近年来房地产验收过程中的重要环节,围绕新建住宅小区噪声验收监测方法、评价标准、布点原则等方面进行初步探讨,并根据某住宅小区噪声验收监测实例,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This study suggests a shift in focus from studying environmental discomfort in urban strategic stations, from which average results for the city or specific results for selected sites are deduced, and from measuring environmental conditions in fixed monitoring stations to a study in which we monitor, with mobile portable sensors, the exposure of people to environmental sources of discomfort while performing their daily life activities. Significant variations in sense of discomfort were measured in this study, and almost half of this variability was found to be explained while four independent environmental variables were considered: air quality (concentrations of CO), noise level, climatic variables (thermal load), and social loads. The study conducted in the city of Tel Aviv, which suffers from hot, humid summers and cool winters, and noise levels that reach the average levels of 85 dB, and relatively lower levels of exposure to the other potential stressors. These levels of combined exposures result in moderate levels of discomfort for young, healthy people once they experience the more stressing environments in the city. It is shown also that noise from other people is the most salient source of discomfort in Tel Aviv. Levels of discomfort accumulate during the working hours, either due to the impact of social loads or noise, but the subjects showed good coping abilities that enabled them to recover in late afternoons. It seems that thermal load does not have immediate impact, but rather cumulative ones, mainly during transitional seasons when subjects are less adaptive to extreme changes in weather.  相似文献   

River water quality sampling frequency is an important aspect of the river water quality monitoring network. A suitable sampling frequency for each station as well as for the whole network will provide a measure of the real water quality status for the water quality managers as well as the decision makers. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is an effective method for decision analysis and calculation of weighting factors based on multiple criteria to solve complicated problems. This study introduces a new procedure to design river water quality sampling frequency by applying the AHP. We introduce and combine weighting factors of variables with the relative weights of stations to select the sampling frequency for each station, monthly and yearly. The new procedure was applied for Jingmei and Xindian rivers, Taipei, Taiwan. The results showed that sampling frequency should be increased at high weighted stations while decreased at low weighted stations. In addition, a detailed monitoring plan for each station and each month could be scheduled from the output results. Finally, the study showed that the AHP is a suitable method to design a system for sampling frequency as it could combine multiple weights and multiple levels for stations and variables to calculate a final weight for stations, variables, and months.  相似文献   

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