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基于2020年高精度遥感解译数据,选择贵阳市观山湖区和日本福知山市为典型山地代表,比较中日山地城市生产—生活—生态空间(三生空间)的景观格局。结果表明:日本福知山市“三生空间”的景观连通度和聚集度高于观山湖区,但景观破碎度和多样性程度低于贵阳观山湖区。在较低地形梯度带,日本福知山市“三生空间”的景观破碎化程度、连通度、多样性程度均高于贵阳观山湖区,但在较高地形梯度带,日本福知山市与观山湖区的景观指数呈相反特点。通过比较中日山地城市“三生空间”的景观格局,以期为中国山地城市空间优化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

刘建军  吴秀芹 《干旱环境监测》2002,16(4):210-211,222
利用1988-2000年新疆塔里木河下游TM影像解译的土地覆盖(土地利用图)和景观多样性指数、斑块重要值、破碎度、分维数等景观生态学指标,进行了塔里木河下游土地利用格局的空间分布和时间动态分析。  相似文献   

平顶山地区景观格局动态特征及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以平顶山地区为研究对象,利用平顶山地区1992年Landsat-TM影像和2006年中巴资源卫星遥感影像,运用景观生态学原理,借助遥感和GIS技术,选取景观多样性、景观优势度、景观均匀度、景观破碎度等指标指数进行分析,揭示平顶山地区近14 a来城市景观格局演变及其驱动力。研究结果表明:交通用地、工矿及居民点和耕地用地显著增加,林地、水域显著减少;除工矿及居民点外,该地区各类型斑块数量均有增加,其中林地增加最为显著;交通用地、工矿及居民点的破碎度降低,水域、林地、耕地的景观类型破碎度增高;耕地的分维数、形状指数呈下降趋势,而林地的分维数和形状指数呈上升趋势;平顶山地区景观多样性和均匀度都呈下降趋势,而优势度和破碎度增加;景观格局变化受人为因素影响较大,人口增加、经济发展、城镇化和工业发展是平顶山地区景观格局演变的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

刘建军  吴秀芹 《干旱环境监测》2002,16(4):210-211,222
利用 1 988— 2 0 0 0年新疆塔里木河下游TM影像解译的土地覆盖 (土地利用图 )和景观多样性指数、斑块重要值、破碎度、分维数等景观生态学指标 ,进行了塔里木河下游土地利用格局的空间分布和时间动态分析。  相似文献   

基于RS的荒漠景观空间格局的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用NOAA气象卫星五波段遥感数据作主要信息源,经图像增强处理和解译,获得区域景观类型图。在完成景观类型图的数字化输入手,采用景观生态学的方法,对研究区域进行景观空间格局指标的计算机测定,筛选、建立了一套度量景观生态空间格局变化的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

应用2007—2017年期间4个时间点的遥感影像数据,选取典型景观格局指数,对三亚市的景观空间格局动态特征进行分析,探求其驱动因素。研究表明:近十年来,三亚市内同种土地利用类型的空间聚集程度降低,空间分布逐渐趋向于分散,不同类型的土地之间相互融合度较高,形状趋于复杂化,景观类型分布趋势呈均衡化,景观的破碎化程度加强,景观复杂程度增高,土地利用的丰富程度逐渐加强。通过驱动因素分析,国家政策的导向、城市总体规划的实施、产业结构调整及自然环境的变化是影响三亚城市景观空间格局变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

拉林河为松花江干流右岸的一级支流,本研究从景观生态学的视角,选择自然植被净第一生产力、自然系统稳定性、景观优势度及景观多样性等指标,综合评估拉林河流域的生态系统完整性,研究表明由于人为活动干扰,拉林河流域天然植被生产力较本底值有所降低,流域景观以林地和耕地为主,上游以林地为主,下游以耕地为主,流域景观多样性处于适中水平,虽人为活动对流域生态系统产生一定干扰,自然生态系统仍具有一定的阻抗干扰的能力。  相似文献   

采用归一化植被指数、景观多样性指数、景观均匀度指数等技术指标,评价那棱格勒河下游绿洲的生态环境现状。结果表明:那棱格勒河下游绿洲区主要为中植被覆盖(覆盖度30%~60%)区域,占绿洲区总面积的42.83%;低植被覆盖类型(覆盖度10%~30%)和高植被覆盖类型(覆盖度60%)次之。极低植被覆盖(覆盖度10%)区域最少,占绿洲区总面积的3.96%。稀疏草地和荒漠为该区域的优势景观,自然生产力等级低,生态系统受外界干扰后难以恢复,极易发生退化与沙化,系统的恢复稳定性与阻抗稳定性都较弱。  相似文献   

土地利用变化是蝴蝶多样性丧失的重要原因,为探究森林转变为茶园与菜园后蝴蝶多样性的变化特点,于2019年4—10月采用样线法在江苏宝华山逐月调查了上述3种土地利用类型下的蝴蝶多样性。调查结果显示,共监测到蝴蝶5科47属62种;森林的Shannon Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数均高于茶园和菜园,但Simpson优势度指数茶园最高;功能丰富度指数(Fric)、二次熵指数(RaoQ)都是森林显著高于其他2种土地利用类型,但菜园的Fric显著高于茶园;功能离散度指数(Fdiv)和功能均匀度指数(Feve)3种土地利用类型间无显著差异。蝴蝶群落物种和功能多样性与植被类型及其时空变化有明显的相关性,土地利用变化等人类活动对蝶类群落多样性有破坏作用。  相似文献   

基于淮北中湖采煤沉陷区2005年、2014年和2018年的遥感影像进行地表景观解译,研究治理前后该区景观格局变化特征及生态效应。结果表明:治理前,该区耕地破碎化加剧、景观优势最大并持续减弱,沉陷积水区水体呈聚集化趋势;治理后,景观基质由耕地变为水体,林地、草地面积显著增加且景观优势上升,人工湖泊水体聚集程度高。区域景观破碎化减弱且中部比西北部破碎化程度低,景观蔓延度较稳定,景观多样性增加,边缘正效应增强,生态环境质量上升。在资源枯竭型矿区城市的生态治理中要合理优化水-陆景观格局,改善生态系统结构,减缓城市发展中的景观破碎化。  相似文献   

通过对兵团土地利用空间格局变化分析,选择合适的土地利用政策保护生态环境。运用RS和GIS技术对兵团近10年土地利用/覆被变化及景观格局空间变化进行分析,并在此基础上运用Markov模型对未来30年土地利用变化进行预测。2000—2010年,新疆生产建设兵团景观多样性升高,连通性增强,形状愈来愈简单,景观格局整体变化不大;草地、灌丛、湿地、荒漠和冰川/永久积雪面积减少,耕地和城镇面积增加,森林保持稳定;人为干扰对土地利用结构的变化具有重要作用,土地利用强度受人为活动影响的同时受土地利用政策影响;在未来30年间耕地和城镇面积继续增加,除森林基本保持不变外其他土地利用类型均减小。兵团城镇用地与草地和耕地之间的矛盾逐渐显现,势必引起兵团生态格局的变化。因此,必须实行合适的土地利用政策保护环境。  相似文献   

Regional landscape ecological security is an important issue for ecological security, and has a great influence on national security and social sustainable development. The Pearl River Delta (PRD) in southern China has experienced rapid economic development and intensive human activities in recent years. This study, based on landscape analysis, provides a method to discover the alteration of character among different landscape types and to understand the landscape ecological security status. Based on remotely sensed products of the Landsat 5 TM images in 1990 and the Landsat 7 ETM+ images in 2005, landscape classification maps of nine cities in the PRD were compiled by implementing Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System technology. Several indices, including aggregation, crush index, landscape shape index, Shannon’s diversity index, landscape fragile index, and landscape security adjacent index, were applied to analyze spatial–temporal characteristics of landscape patterns in the PRD. A landscape ecological security index based on these outcomes was calculated by projection pursuit using genetic algorithm. The landscape ecological security of nine cities in the PRD was thus evaluated. The main results of this research are listed as follows: (1) from 1990 to 2005, the aggregation index, crush index, landscape shape index, and Shannon’s diversity index of nine cities changed little in the PRD, while the landscape fragile index and landscape security adjacent index changed obviously. The landscape fragile index of nine cities showed a decreasing trend; however, the landscape security adjacent index has been increasing; (2) from 1990 to 2005, landscape ecology of the cities of Zhuhai and Huizhou maintained a good security situation. However, there was a relatively low value of ecological security in the cities of Dongguan and Foshan. Except for Foshan and Guangzhou, whose landscape ecological security situation were slightly improved, the cities had reduced values in landscape ecological security, with the most decreased number 0.52 in Zhaoqing. Results of this study offer important information for regional eco-construction and natural resource exploitation.  相似文献   

Approaches linking biodiversity assessment with landscape structure are necessary in the framework of sustainable rural development. The present paper describes a methodology to estimate plant diversity involving landscape structure as a proportional weight associated with different plant communities found in the landscape mosaic. The area occupied by a plant community, its patch number or its spatial distribution of patches are variables that could be expressed in gamma plant diversity of a territory. The methodology applies (1) remote sensing information, to identify land cover and land use types; (2) aspect, to discriminate composition of plant communities in each land cover type; (3) multi-scale field techniques, to asses plant diversity; (4) affinity analysis of plant community composition, to validate the stratified random sampling design and (5) the additive model that partitions gamma diversity into its alpha and beta components. The method was applied to three Spanish rural areas and was able to record 150-260 species per ha. Species richness, Shannon information index and Simpson concentration index were used to measure diversity in each area. The estimation using Shannon diversity index and the product of patch number and patch interspersion as weighting of plant community diversity was found to be the most appropriate method of measuring plant diversity at the landscape level.  相似文献   

In natural boreal forests, disturbances such as fire and variation in surficial deposits create a mosaic of forest stands with different species composition and age. At the landscape level, this variety of stands can be considered as the natural mosaic diversity. In this paper, we describe a model that can be used to estimate the natural diversity level of landscapes. We sampled 624 stands for tree species composition and surficial deposits in eight stand-age classes corresponding to eight fire episodes in the region of Lake Duparquet, Abitibi, Québec at the southern fringe of the Boreal Forest. For six surficial deposit types, stand composition data were used to define equations for vegetation changes with time for a chronosequence of 230 years for four forest types. Using Van Wagner's (1978) model of age class distribution of stands, the proportion of each forest type for several lengths of fire cycle were defined. Finally, for real landscapes (ecological districts) of the ecological region of the Basses-Terres d'Amos, the proportion of forest types were weighted by the proportion of each surficial deposit type using ecological map information. Examples of the possible uses of the model for management purposes, such as biodiversity conservation and comparisons of different landscapes in terms of diversity and sensitivity to fire regime changes, are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological security has become so important that it will affect the national security and social sustainable development. In this paper, a case study on the ecological security indexes of modern oasis landscapes in Beitun Oasis, Xinjiang, was carried out. The spatial neighbouring parameters, such as the contiguous length, measure of area and patch quantity of oasis landscape patches, affected by desert landscape patches were calculated by using GIS-based buffer analysis, the method of calculating ecological security indexes of oasis landscape was developed, and the dynamic changes of patterns and ecological security indexes of the oasis landscapes since recent 30 years were analyzed. The results showed that soil salinization or alkalization and paludification were major factors affecting the ecological security in Beitun Oasis. Therefore, measures should be taken actively to prevent and control secondary salinization and paludification. The ecological security indexes of the oasis landscape in 1972, 1990 and 2005 were 78.91, 82.28 and 83.86, respectively, which showed the degree of security is improving, and the environment was developing harmoniously between human and nature. The methods of evaluating ecological security based on the spatial neighbouring relations between landscape patches can be used to reflect preliminarily the ecological security patterns of landscapes.  相似文献   

The construction of roads is one of the most widespread forms of natural landscape modification. Over the last 20 years, dozens of road constructions have been assessed in Slovakia, which makes it possible to talk about methodological positives and negatives. A special feature of Slovakia is that many planned or renovated roads are located in protected areas or are in contact with them (including Natura 2000 sites). Therefore, it is important to understand the scope of the roads' ecological impacts and find ways for their appropriate evaluation and incorporation into the Environmental Impact Assessment process. For this reason, the Ecological Impact Assessment methodology can be used as a basis for our research, which consists of three stages. In the first stage (scoping), a buffer circumventing the proposed road is created to determine the area for impact prediction and evaluation. Subsequently, the landscape structure and baseline landscape conditions are discussed, a map of current landscape structure is created and the current ecological status of the affected area is calculated. In the second stage (the evaluation of ecological resources), important ecological parts of the landscape are delineated. This step is based on the importance of previous information and its vulnerability, and leads to the mapping of the road ecological impact zone. In the third stage (impact assessment), important ecological parts are spatially correlated with the proposed road construction. Finally, the significance of ecological impacts of the activity is evaluated by applying specific criteria (duration, reversibility, magnitude, size and road ecological impact zone significance). A scale is proposed for each criterion to evaluate the total significance of impacts. In this way, detailed significant ecological impacts can be found which will help lead to proposed correct mitigation measures and a post-project analysis.  相似文献   

为了厘清改革开放以来忻州市各类生态系统及生态系统格局的时空特征,使用忻州全市1980、2000、2018年的土地利用和覆盖(LULC)二级分类数据,经过土地转移矩阵和景观格局指数计算,探讨分析了忻州市改革开放以来近40年的LULC及格局的长时间序列时空变化特征,以揭示忻州市的生态环境变化态势。研究区近40年来以城镇用地和其他建设用地增加为主,其他各类减少,城镇化和人口增长带来的土地和生态压力主要集中在草地、耕地以及湿地上;其中2000—2018年的变化更剧烈,人类活动对自然的干扰加剧,但同时在这一阶段已经开始了森林、湿地的保护,开展经济发展与生态文明同步建设。  相似文献   

This article analyzes landscape pattern in the WesternGhats mountain ranges in south-western India at two scales,comparing small-scale, detailed studies of landscapepattern, with broader, regional-scale assessments of theWestern Ghats. Due in large part to their inaccessibility,relatively little is known about the landscapes of thisbiodiverse region, which also supports some of the highestpopulation densities in the world. A broad-scale NDVI-basedIRS 1B satellite image classification is used to analyzenorth-south and east-west trends across the entire WesternGhats and western coast of India, an area over 170 000 km2. Northern and eastern landscapes are morefragmented compared to the southern and western slopes.Western slopes also have greater landscape diversity withland cover types more interspersed compared to the easternslopes. These differences can be related to north-south andeast-west variations in rainfall and plant distribution. Data from thirteen landscapes 10–50 km2 in area, arefurther utilized to analyze trends in landscape pattern, anddescribe the geographical distribution of major natural andmanaged ecotope types. At this scale, very high levels ofintra-ecotope type variability in landscape pattern areencountered for all land cover types. Results at these twoscales are integrated to suggest a hierarchical stratifiedapproach for monitoring land cover and biodiversity in the region.  相似文献   

This study is designed to develop an alternative evaluation method for ecological green space. It offers criteria for identifying ecological green space on building sites. The grey decision-making method is applied to assess the greening project at the first step. The evaluation items are rebuilt by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method at the second step. The range of standard values and the weighting values are also obtained by AHP. Grey classes are identified using the whitening weight function of the grey number. The evaluation system of the ecological green space is framed by grey clusters. We considered the factors of building environment and the scale of building sites in the ecological greenery of green building sites.This study proposes a new model to solve the problems hard to be quantified. Especially for those ecological benefits are too close to decide. Architects and landscape architects can input the engineering data and the design information into the ecological greenery assessment system. The identification and assessment system of green space is fit for Taiwan area. We will obtain the best greening project by the maximum value of absolute degree of grey incidence (max{varepsilon ( ij )}) in grey-decision making. The maximum value of synthetic clustering coefficient (max{sigma ( k )}) in grey clustering assessment reflects the quality and variation of green space.  相似文献   

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