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上海部分城市污水处理厂现状调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对上海市部分城市水污水处理厂的工艺特点,处理能力,污染物去除率,废水排放达标率进行了调查与分析,指出,必须加强对城市污水处理厂的监督监测,并就污水处理厂的建设,改造提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

比较了GB18918—2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》与相关行业和国家标准的特点,指出执行GB18918—2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》的关键应是充分了解和掌握被执行对象所处的地理位置、建厂年限、处理工艺、污染物排放去向及用途等基本信息。提出选择控制项目的确定、监测能力的开发、大气污染物的配套治理手段和超标项目的配套管理办法是执行GB189182002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》时尚需深入解决的问题。  相似文献   

本文就污染物排放总量控制所必须进行的监测网络建设;计量设备配置;污水流量和污染物浓度同步监测,监测频度、监测计量;规范制定提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

浅谈污染物总量监测的技术性与可行性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实现“九五”环境保护目标,国家开始组织实施污染物排放总量控制。江苏省为实施污染物排放总量控制,率先制订了《江苏省排放污染物总量监测规范(工业废水部分)》。国家发布的新的《污水综合排放标准》即GB8978-1996提出的日平均浓度概念也包含了总量控制...  相似文献   

指出城镇污水处理厂总量减排存在的问题,提出从水量核查、水质核查和运行状况核查等3方面对城镇污水处理厂现场核查,以此对城镇污水处理厂COD减排进行核算。  相似文献   

采用气相色谱质谱法对淄博市16家代表性污水处理厂污泥中有机污染物的赋存状况进行了分析研究,并运用风险商值(RQ)法对污泥中多环芳烃(PAHs)的生态风险进行了评价。结果表明,淄博市污水处理厂污泥中有机污染物的含量为1.35~35.89 mg/kg,平均值为11.48 mg/kg,不同有机污染物百分含量排序为邻苯二甲酸酯>苯酚类>卤代烃类>PAHs>硝基苯类>胺类>氯苯类>苯系物>硝基酚类=氯酚类>醚类。与其他地区相比,淄博市污水处理厂污泥中各类有机污染物的含量总体处于中低水平。此外,同一区县内的不同污水处理厂污泥中的有机污染物含量相近、种类及分布特征相似,不同区县间的有机污染物含量差异显著。风险评价结果显示,除极少数污水处理厂污泥中的萘、苊、芴、芘、苯并[b]荧蒽、总PAHs(∑PAHs)处于高风险水平外,淄博市污水处理厂污泥中的PAHs单体、∑PAHs总体处于中低风险水平。  相似文献   

文章围绕青海省城镇污水处理厂污泥中生物种类繁多的特点,提出了通过物理、化学、生物方法对污水处理厂污泥中的污染物进行处理并综合利用。  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类极其复杂的有机污染物,衍生物种类较多,1976年美国环保局因其致癌、致畸、致突变将其中的16种列为优先控制污染物。城市污水处理厂作为一个地区污染物迁移和转化的重要媒介,在控制和截断PAHs进入天然水体的过程中扮演着重要的角色。因此,研究污水处理厂中PAHs的浓度水平对于了解和控制PAHs进入天然水体和通过污泥进入到土壤中进而通过食物链危害人类健康具有重要的意义。文章综述了污水处理厂污水和污泥中PAHs的前处理技术、分析方法、浓度水平、生态风险以及国内外污水处理厂污泥土地利用现状。  相似文献   

纪庄子污水处理厂有机污染物处理效益评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市大型污水处理厂,要大量处理水质组成极其复杂、多变的工业废水和生活污水、对其处理效益,国外多以GC、MS的鉴定结果予以评价.国内这方面的工作也已开始。 纪庄子污水处理厂,日处理污水量26万吨,是我国目前最大的城市二级污水处理厂之一。 为了充分利用水资源,急需对污水厂处理毒性较大的,尤其是难降解的有机污染物的效益,作出评价。  相似文献   

对乌鲁木齐市城镇污水处理厂主要污染物的排放量进行统计,并对主要减排因子化学需氧量和氨氮的处理效率及减排量进行核算,及时掌握和了解城镇污水处理厂的废水达标排放和减排效果,为环境管理提供准确的科学依据。  相似文献   

An opinion piece published in Nature proposed a global network for agricultural monitoring [J. Sachs, R. Remans, S. Smukler, L. Winowiecki, S. J. Andelman, K. G. Cassman, D. Castle, R. DeFries, G. Denning, J. Fanzo, L. E. Jackson, R. Leemans, J. Leemans, J. C. Milder, S. Naeem, G. Nziguheba, C. A. Palm, J. P. Reganold, D. D. Richter, S. J. Scherr, J. Sircely, C. Sullivan, T. P. Tomich and P. A. Sanchez, Nature, 2010, 466, 558-560.]. Whilst we agree with Sachs et al. that monitoring of agricultural systems is a critically important activity of global significance, especially given increasing problems with global food security and the potential impacts of agriculture on the environment [J. Cribb, The Coming Famine. The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid It, CSIRO Publishing and University of California Press, Melbourne and Oakland, 2010.], we argue in this paper that their generic, mandated monitoring framework has a high probability of failure or at best will be highly inefficient. We base this conclusion on our recently published examination of the factors influencing the success or failure of monitoring programs worldwide [D. B. Lindenmayer and G. E. Likens, Effective Ecological Monitoring, CSIRO Publishing and Earthscan, Melbourne and London, 2010.]. We briefly outline what we believe are three serious flaws in the monitoring framework proposed by Sachs et al. We then suggest an alternative approach that we argue would be more effective, more efficient, and have a greater chance of successfully addressing key issues in sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

用AQUA800辨别分析仪同时测定地面水中的氨、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、氯化物、正磷酸盐、总硬度和硅酸盐,是一种简便、迅速、准确、可靠的测定方法,样品无需预处理,精密度试验其变异系数分别为1.24%、2.18%、2.02%、2.67%、2.35%、3.57%、4.78%,加标回收率分别为103.5%、101.0%、95.0%、99.2%、97.6%、101.5%、98.0%,方法检测限分别为氨0.022mg/L,硝酸盐0.015mp/L,亚硝酸盐0.002tug/L,氯化物0.47mg/L,正磷酸盐0.015mg/L,总硬度17.6mg/L,硅酸盐0.55mg/L,能满足地面水中辨别分析仪同时测定氨、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐点化物、正磷酸盐、总硬度和硅酸盐分析测定的要求。  相似文献   

建立了王水水浴消解-原子荧光法测定土壤中砷汞的方法,确定还原剂为硼氢化钾,测砷和汞时硼氢化钾的最优质量分数分别为2%和0.05%,载流为5%盐酸。该法砷和汞分别在质量浓度0.0~40.0μg/L和0.00~4.00μg/L范围内线性良好,相关系数均0.999 5,砷和汞的检出限分别为0.009和0.001 mg/kg,相对标准偏差分别为3.90%和2.67%,加标回收率分别为94.1%~107.6%和92.0%~104.0%。采用本法对国家标准土壤样品和东海县部分农田土壤样品进行测定分析,结果良好,表明该法操作简单、灵敏度高、实用性好,适用于土壤中砷和汞的测定。  相似文献   

Possible bioaccumulation of pesticides in crop produce may cause ailing effect on animal and human. Thus there is a need to evaluate these chemicals in the soil and crop produce at harvest. Metsulfuron-methyl is a post-emergence herbicide. It is highly active to control broad-leaf weeds in cererals, pasture and plantation crops. Metsulfuron-methyl was applied at 3, 4, 5, and 8 g a.i. ha(-1) rates, after 30 days of sowing in wheat as post-emergence herbicide. Soil samples treated with metsulfuron-methyl were collected after 30 and 60 days along with control and at harvest after herbicide application and analyzed for residues by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) using photo diode array detector at 220 nm. Wheat grains and straw samples were sampled at harvest. At harvest the residue level of metsulfuron-methyl in soil was found below the detection limit at 3-5 g a.i. ha(-1) application rates and 0.002 microg g(-1) at 8 g a.i. ha(-1), respectively. No residues of metsulfuron-methyl were detected in wheat grains at 3-4 g a.i. ha(-1) rates. However 0.002 microg g(-1) residues were detected in wheat straw at 5 and 8 g a.i. ha(-1) application rates. It can be concluded that metsulfuron-methyl application at 3-4 g a.i. ha(-1) can be safely applied to the wheat crop as post-emergence herbicide.  相似文献   

A subset of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), which contain 4-6 annulated rings, has been documented as the source of carcinogenicity in animal skin painting studies of petroleum products and asphalt fumes (M. L. Machado, P. W. Beatty, J. C. Fetzer, A. H. Glickman and E. L. McGinnis, Fundam. Appl. Toxicol., 1993, 21, 492; T. A. Roy, S. W. Johnson, G. R. Blackburn and C. R. Mackerer, Fundam. Appl. Toxicol., 1988, 10, 466). Because of the chemical complexity of these materials, it has been difficult to identify the specific compounds within this broad range of PACs responsible for their carcinogenicity. An alternative approach using luminescence spectroscopy was taken in this study to quantify, without identification, a subset of these compounds that appears to cause cancer. The fluorescence response at a specific wavelength pair was obtained for 39 laboratory asphalt fume condensates from animal skin painting studies, yielding a linear correlation coefficient of R2 = 0.96 between the fluorescence response in these materials and the carcinogenicity found in animal studies. In the absence of other asphalt fume condensates from animal studies, 17 petroleum oils were also evaluated using this method and compared with the available animal skin painting data. The details of the method include a clean-up step that removes the highly polar compounds and spectral subtraction of two- and three-ring PAC interference, both of which add to the fluorescence response, yet were not found to contribute to a carcinogenic response from skin painting studies. Full scan fluorescence plots also produce a fingerprint which can be used to assess contamination, such as coal tar products or mixtures of materials, that are not defined as asphalt, yet may be present in the working environment.  相似文献   

建立了用快速、简单、廉价、有效、可靠及安全(Qu ECh ERS)的方法净化、GC/ECD法测定沉积物中有机氯农药和多氯联苯的分析方法。目标化合物质量浓度在1.0~100μg/L范围内线性良好,相关系数均0.999,检出限为0.08~0.17μg/L。以沉积物标准样品SRM1944为研究对象,用Qu ECh ERS方法和传统方法进行提取比较,并用沉积物样品进行验证,回收率为87.8%~100.3%。方法快速、简单、可靠、安全。  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity of the Rapel reservoir surface waters is analyzed through Landsat images. The image digital counts are used with the aim or developing an aprioristic quantitative sample design.Natural horizontal stratification of the Rapel Reservoir (Central Chile) is produced mainly by suspended solids. The spatial heterogeneity conditions of the reservoir for the Spring 86-Summer 87 period were determined by qualitative analysis and image processing of the MSS Landsat, bands 1 and 3. The space-time variations of the different observed strata obtained with multitemporal image analysis.A random stratified sample design (r.s.s.d) was developed, based on the digital counts statistical analysis. Strata population size as well as the average, variance and sampling size of the digital counts were obtained by the r.s.s.d method.Stratification determined by analysis of satellite images were later correlated with ground data. Though the stratification of the reservoir is constant over time, the shape and size of the strata varys.  相似文献   

Pennsylvania-style light traps were used to capture adult Trichoptera from the St. Marys, St. Clair, Detroit and Niagara rivers, Canada. Adequate biomass was acquired in single, 2-h collections to permit triplicate gas chromatographic analyses of 1–4 g samples for 36 organochlorine contaminants. Contaminant levels varied unpredictably but relatively little among samples taken at monthly intervals over the summer. Samples collected simultaneously from the two sides of the Detroit R. reflected local sediment contaminant patterns, suggesting limited dispersal by adults. Genus-specific differences in contaminant concentrations within the Hydropsychidae and Leptoceridae probably reflect differences in larval habitats and manner of feeding. Contaminant concentrations and relative composition paralleled published reports of contaminants in sediments from collection locations. St. Marys R. caddisflies contained contaminant levels indistinguishable from samples collected at reference sites. St. Clair R. samples contained high levels of compounds associated with petrochemical industries located in the river's upstream reaches. High levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and most other contaminants in Detroit R. samples reflected industrial loadings near Detroit, Michigan. Niagara R. samples contained elevated concentrations of PCBs and pesticides. Cluster analysis grouped samples into five clusters each with unique contaminant composition. These also corresponded to geographic origin: St. Marys, St. Clair, Detroit and upper and lower Niagara rivers. The relative ease of collection and consistent results obtained render adult Trichoptera potentially valuable candidates for surveys of aquatic contamination over a broad range of geographical and ecological conditions.  相似文献   

U.S. EPA Region IX is supporting bioassessment programs in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada using biocriteria program and Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (R-EMAP) resources. These programs are designed to improve the state, tribal and regional ability to determine the status of water quality. Biocriteria program funds were used to coordinate with Arizona, California and Hawaii which resulted in these states establishing reference conditions and in developing biological indices. U.S. EPA Region IX has initiated R-EMAP projects in California and Nevada. These U.S. EPA Region IX sponsored programs have provided an opportunity to interact with the States and provide them with technical and management support. In Arizona, several projects are being conducted to develop the State's bioassessment program. These include the development of a rotational random monitoring program; a regional reference approach for macroinvertebrate bioassessments; ecoregion approach to testing and adoption of an alternate regional classification system; and development of warm-water and cold-water indices of biological integrity. The indices are projected to be used in the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) 2000 water quality assessment report. In California, an Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) has been developed for the Russian River Watershed using resources from U.S. EPA's Non-point Source (NPS) Program grants. A regional IBI is under development for certain water bodies in the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. Resources from the U.S. EPA Biocriteria program are being used to support the California Aquatic Bioassessment Workgroup (CABW) in conjunction with the California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG), and to support the Hawaii Department of Health (DoH) Bioassessment Program to refine biological metrics. In Nevada, R-EMAP resources are being used to create a baseline of aquatic information for the Humboldt River watershed. U.S. EPA Region IX is presently working with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) to establish a Nevada Aquatic Bioassessment Workgroup. Future R-EMAP studies will occur in the Calleguas Creek watershed in Southern California, and in the Muddy and Virgin River watersheds in southern Nevada, and the Walker River watershed in eastern California and west-central Nevada.  相似文献   

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