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于2017年1、4、7、10月在南京市主城区采集了大气PM2.5样品,用BCR法对PM_(2.5)中重金属进行连续提取,采用电感耦合等离子体-质谱法进行测定,分析重金属在颗粒物中不同形态和分布特征。结果表明,PM_(2.5)中9种重金属质量比排序为:Fe Zn Pb Mn Cu Cr As Ni Cd。Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu、Mn、As主要分布在弱酸提取态; Ni在弱酸提取态、可氧化态和残渣态中分布较均匀,占比26%~37%;而Fe、Cr主要以残渣态存在,分布比例分别为71%和54%。PM_(2.5)中Zn的生物有效性系数 0.8,属生物可利用性元素,表明其在环境中迁移能力最强,其余8种重金属生物有效性系数为0.2~0.8。  相似文献   

为真实反映土壤中重金属的生态风险和环境效应,全国农用地土壤污染状况详查土壤检测要求测定土壤中重金属可提取态(氯化钙法)指标。针对农用地土壤污染状况详查分析质量控制工作要求,研制了土壤中重金属可提取态(氯化钙法)分析质量控制样品。土壤样品为采自江西省旱地农田的红壤,经除杂、干燥、球磨、筛分(0.250 mm)、混匀等加工处理后装瓶。采用重金属总量和重金属可提取态(氯化钙法)两大类指标评价土壤样品的均匀性,均匀性分析结果同时采用单因素方差分析法(F检验法)和相对标准偏差法(RSD法)评价。结果表明:土壤样品均匀性良好,样品最小取样量为4.0g。8家实验室对土壤中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn等8种元素开展联合定值。标准值为联合定值结果的总平均值(X-),标准值上、下限值分别为(X-+3S)和(X--3S),S为联合测定平均值的标准偏差,低于《全国土壤污染状况详查土壤样品分析测试方法技术规定》中分析方法检出限的元素不做量值评定。As、Cd、Cu、Ni和Zn等5种元素评定了标准值,含量范围为0.190 ~ 13.6 mg/kg。Cr、Pb和Hg等3种元素分析结果低于分析方法检出限,未能定值。研制的土壤分析质量控制样品已应用于土壤详查工作,在保证土壤详查检测结果准确可比等方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

在新疆焉耆县采集53个耕地土壤样品,测定其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn的质量比,基于GIS技术研究其空间分布格局,运用多元统计分析法区分其主要来源。结果表明:焉耆县耕地土壤中Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb和Zn的质量比平均值分别超过新疆灌耕土背景值的0.50、0.40、0.33、1.63和3.92倍;在研究区内As、Cd、Pb质量比呈现由北向南逐渐升高趋势,Cr、Cu、Zn质量比呈现由北向南降低趋势,Mn和Ni质量比出现西部高值区;耕地土壤中As、Cd、Ni和Pb的来源主要受人类活动的影响,Cu和Mn的来源主要受土壤地球化学作用的控制,Cr和Zn的来源可能受人为污染与自然因素共同控制。  相似文献   

徐州城市表层土壤中重金属的富积、分布特征与环境风险   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了徐州城市表层土壤的21个样品中30种元素的富集与分布特征。结果表明,与我国土壤元素的背景值(算术平均值)相比,表层土壤中Zn、Cd、As、Hg、Sb、Sn、Ag等元素富集大;Fe、Se、Sc、Ba、Bi、Pb、Cu、Ni、Cr、Mn、Mo、Be、Ti、Al、Ga、Li、Co等元素的富集较小。污染元素的空间分布特征显示了Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd等元素主要与交通运输等扩散污染源相关,而元素As、Sb的空间分布主要与工业污染源(点源)有关。环境风险指数的计算结果表明,表层土壤中重金属污染具有较大的环境风险,其中属于中等环境风险级别以上的样品占近40%,而且高风险区域主要集中在钢铁厂和化机厂等工业区范围内。  相似文献   

为了解北方某水库重金属污染状况,采用BCR连续提取法对该水库表层沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的赋存形态进行了分析,对其含量及空间分布进行了研究,结合重金属总量讨论了各元素的潜在环境风险。结果表明,该水库表层沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的平均质量比分别为65.20 mg/kg、36.69 mg/kg、137.5 mg/kg、2.38 mg/kg,与该地区土壤元素背景值、该地区水系沉积物平均值及全国水系沉积物平均值相比,4种重金属元素均有一定程度的累积,其中Cd累积最为严重。形态分析结果表明,Cd主要以醋酸可提取态及可还原态存在,具有很高的环境风险;Pb主要以极高比例的可还原态存在,潜在风险较高;Zn和Cu存在较大比例的酸可提取态及可还原态,也具有一定程度的潜在风险。各元素生物有效性即可提取态含量排序为:Cd>Cu>Pb>Zn。  相似文献   

为探讨中国葡萄主产区土壤重金属污染状况及生态风险,从吐鲁番盆地葡萄园采集了101个土壤样品,测定As、Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb和Hg等6种元素的浓度。利用地质累积指数(I_(geo))、潜在生态风险指数(RI)和生态风险预警指数(I_(ER)),对葡萄园土壤重金属污染状况及其潜在生态风险进行了评估。结果表明:吐鲁番盆地葡萄园土壤中6种元素的平均含量均小于《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB 15618—2018)中的筛选值,但As、Cd、Cr、Hg的平均含量分别为新疆灌耕土背景值的1.05、1.58、1.49、1.15倍。各元素I_(geo)平均值排序为Cd(0.0)Cr(-0.02)As(-0.53)Hg(-0.62)=Pb(-0.62)Ni(-0.88),均表现为无污染;单项生态风险指数排序为CdAsNiHgCrPb,均呈现轻微生态风险;RI平均值为17.33,属于轻微生态风险;I_(ER)平均值为-4.87,属于无警态势。Cd是吐鲁番盆地葡萄园土壤中污染水平及生态风险级别最高的重金属,应予以关注。总体上,当前研究区葡萄园土壤中6种重金属的含量处于安全范围内。  相似文献   

通过在丰水期对贵州省某流域城市河段悬浮物和沉积物中的重金属含量进行测定,运用单因子指数法、生态风险评价法、因子分析法,初步探讨了该河段Cu、Zn、Pb、Hg、Cd、Cr、Ni及As等8种重金属元素的含量分布、污染特征、潜在生态风险及主要来源。检测结果显示,沉积物和悬浮物中Hg、Cd、Zn、Pb、As的平均含量较高,是贵州省土壤背景值的1.02~16.97倍。单因子指数评价结果表明:在沉积物中,Zn、Pb、As为轻度污染,Hg和Cd为重度污染;在悬浮物中,Cu、Pb、As为轻度污染,Zn为中度污染,Hg和Cd为重度污染。潜在生态风险指数评价结果显示,Hg和Cd的生态风险最大,为主要污染元素。研究区沉积物样品综合生态风险指数(RI)介于183.27~1 393.96,平均值为912.06,总体处于严重生态风险等级;悬浮物样品RI值介于341.53~612.38,平均值为436.85,总体处于重度生态风险等级。其中,沉积物样品重金属平均生态风险等级高于悬浮物样品,支流样品重金属生态风险等级总体上低于干流下游样品。根据因子分析法分析结果,初步推测沉积物及悬浮物Hg、Cd、Cr、Ni含量主要受工...  相似文献   

在麟游县郭家河煤矿下风向500 m范围内布设10个土壤采样点,测定其表层土中Zn、Cr、Pb、Cu、Cd、Hg和As7种元素的质量比,利用土壤综合质量影响指数法和富集因子法评价该煤矿周边土壤重金属影响状况,并应用Spearman相关分析法和主成分分析法分析污染来源。结果表明:Cu、Pb、Zn和Hg 4种重金属的平均质量比均高于陕西省土壤(A层)背景值和麟游县土壤环境背景值;距矿区10 m~150 m范围内7种元素富集状况受人类活动的影响较大;矿区Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、As和Hg元素均来自煤矿开采导致的"三废"污染及农药、化肥的使用,Cr主要受成土母质的控制。  相似文献   

采用数理统计学、克里金插值等方法研究安徽淮北采煤沉陷区土壤中Cu、Zn、Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb、As和Hg等元素空间分布及其行为特征.结果表明:土壤中Zn平均值是农用地土壤污染风险筛选值的1.1倍,其他元素未超过筛选值.Cu富集在工业园区南部,Zn、As富集在两河交汇处、工业园区南部,Cd、Pb和Hg富集在沉陷区西部,Cr、Ni富集在沉陷区东部、西部;土壤剖面上Cu最大值出现在80 cm处,Ni最大值在40 cm处,其他元素最大值均在20 cm处.土壤中元素迁移程度为Cu最高,Zn、Cr、Hg和As最低;土壤中Cd活化率较高,达到27.1%,易被植物吸收富集.  相似文献   

本文就陕西省两次土壤背景值中五种土类的八种元素(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ni、Cr、Hg、As)的数据进行了显著性检验。其方法如下: (1)平均值的比较——采用成组比较法:总体分布类型为正态或对数正态分布的,经F检验后,再分别进行t检验(σ~=σ~2,n<30)或u检验(σ~2≠σ~2,n>30)。检验结果表明:几种土类中多数元素其平均值无差异或显著差异,三种土类中Pb、Hg两元素的平均值有差异或显著差异。 (2)原始数据的比较——采用异常值剔除法  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the contents of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), aluminium (Al), and iron (Fe) (aqua regia-extractable) in 27 soil plots (54 samples) from Manresa, NE Spain, and to establish relationships between heavy metals and some soil properties. The main soil types were surveyed and the median concentrations (mg kg(-1)) obtained were Cd 0.28, Cu 20.3, Pb 18.6, Zn 67.4, Al 22,572, and Fe 21,551. Element concentrations for these soils were lower than the published values for the Valencia region (Spain) and Torrelles and Sant Climent municipal districts (Catalonia, Spain). In terms of soil properties, the results of this study suggest that, in Manresa soils, both trace element adsorption and retention are influenced by several properties such as clay minerals, carbonates, organic matter, and pH. All element contents were positively correlated with clay content. Pb and Zn were negatively correlated with pH and CaCO(3).  相似文献   

The dust samples from 52 different locations in central roads of Samsun City were collected in a study area of 40 km long for the purpose of determining total metal concentrations of dust samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations of Cu, Pb, Co, Zn, Ni, Mn, and Cd were found in the ranges of 11.92–352.43, 5.47–223.57, 4.52–41.69, 40.85–173.10, 18.71–131.29, 133.19–179.13, and 0.02–6.16 mg/kg, respectively. The results showed that metal levels were higher around the industrial area than other locations. Principal component analysis was also carried out to ascertain the possible contributing factors towards the metal concentrations. Validation of the analytical results was tested by analysis of the BCR 032 Moroccan phosphate rock certified reference material.  相似文献   

The metal concentrations of As, Be, Cr, Hg, Mn, and Ni in ambient air were measured at four sites in Japan from October 1997 to March 2006. The mean metal concentration data measured from the four sites (K1, K2, M, and Y) are found on the order of Mn > Cr–Ni > As > Hg > Be. The concentrations of Mn with the highest mean value were fairly variable across four sites such as 45.9 ± 42.8 (K1), 25.6 ± 19.4 (K2), 22.5 ± 19.7 (M), and 25.4 ± 19.8 ng m???3 (Y). In contrast, the concentrations of Be with the lowest mean value were less variable across four sites with means of 0.03 to 0.04 ng m???3. Inspection of the seasonal patterns indicates the peak occurrence of most metals during spring, although relative dominance during winter is seen at the most polluted area (K1). Evaluation of long-term patterns indicates that the noticeably high values of metals in the early stage of study reduced gradually across the years, although the metal concentration levels in most areas were affected significantly by anthropogenic activities. However, efforts to control pollution levels seemed to gradually contribute to a decrease in metal concentration levels of all study sites through the years.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of metal-contaminated soil depends on how precisely one can predict the solubility of metals in soils. Responses of plants and soil organisms to metal toxicity are explained by the variation in free metal ion activity in soil pore water. This study was undertaken to predict the free ion activity of Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, and Pb in metal-contaminated soil as a function of pH, soil organic carbon, and extractable metal content. For this purpose, 21 surface soil samples (0–15 cm) were collected from agricultural lands of various locations receiving sewage sludge and industrial effluents for a long period. One soil sample was also collected from agricultural land which has been under intensive cropping and receiving irrigation through tube well water. Soil samples were varied widely in respect of physicochemical properties including metal content. Total Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, and Pb in experimental soils were 2,015?±?3,373, 236?±?286, 103?±?192, 29.8?±?6.04, and 141?±?270 mg kg?1, respectively. Free metal ion activity, viz., pZn2+, pCu2+, pNi2+, pCd2+, and pPb2+, as estimated by the Baker soil test was 9.37?±?1.89, 13.1?±?1.96, 12.8?±?1.89, 11.9?±?2.00, and 11.6?±?1.52, respectively. Free metal ion activity was predicted by pH-dependent Freundlich equation (solubility model) as a function of pH, organic carbon, and extractable metal. Results indicate that solubility model as a function of pH, Walkley–Black carbon (WBC), and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-extractable metals could explain the variation in pZn2+, pCu2+, pNi2+, pCd2+, and pPb2+ to the extent of 59, 56, 46, 52, and 51 %, respectively. Predictability of the solubility model based on pH, KMnO4-oxidizable carbon, and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-extractable or CaCl2-extractable metal was inferior compared to that based on EDTA-extractable metals and WBC.  相似文献   

水中二氧化氯,氯,亚氯酸根和氯酸根区分测定法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为了保护人类健康制定卫生规范,同时为ClO2的研究和应用提供基础手段,必须要建立一种能准确区分测定水中ClO2,Cl2,ClO^-12,ClO^-3浓度的方法。回顾了现有水中ClO2,Cl2,ClO^-2和ClO^-3的区分测定方法,评述了各种测定方法的优缺点和适用性,指出了目前在区分测定这恨氧化物的方法中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的途径。  相似文献   

Concentrations of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, propionaldehyde, i-pentanal, and butyraldehyde in residential indoor air in Hangzhou were determined. The mean concentration of the total carbonyl compounds in summer was 222.6 μg/m3, higher than that in winter (68.5 μg/m3). The concentration of a specific carbonyl in indoor air was higher than the outdoor air measurement, indicating the release of carbonyls from the indoor sources. Formaldehyde and acetone were the most abundant carbonyls detected in summer and winter, respectively. Multiple regression analysis indicated that carbonyl concentrations in residential indoor air depended on the age of decoration and furniture, as well as their concentrations in outdoor air. In addition, a primary estimation showed that the health risks of carbonyls in summer were higher than those in winter.  相似文献   

Fish were collected in late 1995 from 34 National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program (NCBP) stations and 12 National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) stations in the Mississippi River basin (MRB), and in late 1996 from a reference site in West Virginia. The NCBP sites represented key points (dams, tributaries, etc.) in the largest rivers of the MRB. The NAWQA sites were typically on smaller rivers and were selected to represent dominant land uses in their watersheds. The West Virginia site, which is in an Eastern U.S. watershed adjacent to the MRB, was selected to document elemental concentrations in fish used for other aspects of a larger study and to provide additional contemporaneous data on background elemental concentrations. At each site four samples, each comprising (nominally) 10 adult common carp (Cyprinus carpio, 'carp') or black bass (Micropterus spp., 'bass') of the same sex, were collected. The whole fish were composited by station, species, and gender for analysis of arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and selenium (Se) by atomic absorption spectroscopy and for cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) by inductively-coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. Concentrations of most of the elements examined were lower in both carp and bass from the reference site, a small impoundment located in a rural area, than from the NCBP and NAWQA sites on rivers and larger impoundments. In contrast, there were few overall differences between NCBP sites NAWQA sites. The 1995 results generally confirmed the continued weathering and re-distribution of these elemental contaminants in the MRB; concentrations declined or were unchanged from 1984-1986 to 1995 at most NCBP sites, thus continuing two-decade trends. Exceptions were Se at Station 77 (Arkansas R. at John Martin Reservoir, CO), where concentrations have been elevated historically and increased slightly (to 3.8-4.7 microg g-(1) in bass and carp); and Pb, Cd, and Zn at Station 67 (Allegheny R. at Natrona, PA), where levels of these metals were high in the past and increased from 1986 to 1995.  相似文献   

Chemistry of groundwater in Gulbarga district, Karnataka, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Groundwater quality of Gulbarga District is extensively monitored for two years of study period from October 1999 to September 2001. Twenty-five different sampling stations were selected for the study purpose in the city and five selected villages in the district. Gulbarga districts lies in the northern plains of Karnataka State, covers an area of 16,244 km2 and lies between 16°-11′ and 17°-19′N latitude and 76°-54′E longitude The study revealed that the water sources in the area are heavily polluted. The major water quality parameters exceeding the permissible limits during all the seasons are total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, alkalinity and MPN (Bacterial count) and other parameters have shown distinctive variation in different stations and season. Most of these parameters are correlated with one another. Statistical analysis of the data is presented.  相似文献   

In this study, some heavy metals concentrations (Zn, Pb, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni) and other physico-chemical parameters were studied during October 2001 to September 2003 in Karanja reservoir, Bidar district. Water quality parameters were collected monthly basis whereas heavy metals were analyzed by Atomic Adsorption Spectrometer (AAS). Heavy metals have shown within the permissible limits, except Fe and Ni were recorded higher values in southwest monsoon, where as Mn has showed higher concentration in northeast monsoon in and summer. All other physico-chemical parameters are with in the permissible limit. Water is moderately hard and reservoir is productive.  相似文献   

Cattle in the Kempen area (in the province North-Brabant, the Netherlands) were investigated for cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper in livers and kidneys. The animals originated from farms located within a 20 km radius around several zinc refinery plants. The local soil is polluted with zinc and cadmium because of a thermal refining process used in the past.Mean cadmium organ concentrations were 2.5 times, and mean lead organ concentrations were 1.5 times higher than the concentrations found in controls. Copper levels tended to be decreased, but zinc levels did not differ from controls.The observed cadmium and lead organ concentrations did not indicate intoxication of the animals, but 22% of the kidneys and 3% of the livers investigated trespassed the maximum tolerance limit of cadmium with regard to human consumption.Continuous control of cadmium organ contents in organs from slaughtercattle kept in cadmium-polluted areas is recommended.  相似文献   

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