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生态型城市建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑晓红 《干旱环境监测》2005,19(4):220-223,239
对生态型城市的提出背景、内涵和主要特点、生态型城市建设的必要性以及生态型城市建设中的主要问题进行了分析,提出了建设生态型城市所需开展的基础性研究和实践工作.  相似文献   

从"无废城市"建设的现实约束与政策背景出发,结合国际社会在"无废城市"建设过程中已经积累的经验与方案,探析中国"无废城市"建设的必要性和可行性。在对"无废城市"基本定义与关键环节把握的前提下,基于协同联动与系统集成原则对"无废城市"建设的基本结构与运作模式进行模型建构,并重点阐释了基于废弃物减量化原则创新设计"无废城市"产业与能源布局、基于废弃物资源化原则建构"无废城市"废弃物智能管理系统、基于简约适度绿色生活理念建立"无废城市"创新治理模式等主要建设思路。  相似文献   

城市作为人类经济社会活动的主要承载体,承担着低碳发展的重要任务。把城市低碳建设过程中的技术、资金、政策三个方面的指标作为投入,并选取总体、生产、生活三个方面的指标来描述产出,力图从投入——产出的角度全面系统地反映低碳城市建设水平和努力程度。建立低碳城市建设评价体系的目的是为了更好地将低碳城市这一概念具体化,为城市低碳建设和低碳发展提供科学依据和决策支持。  相似文献   

正中国环境报消息早在21世纪初,欧洲就开始了建设智慧城市的实践。2000年英国南安普顿市启动了智能卡项目,自此欧洲智慧城市建设的序幕正式拉开。2007年,欧盟提出并开始实施一系列智慧城市建设工程。欧盟对于智慧城市的评价标准包括智慧经济、智慧环境、智慧治理、智慧机动性、智慧居住和智慧人等6个方面。  相似文献   

我国正处在城市化急速发展的时期。城市从数量、规模等各方面都在膨胀,这给城市土地利用带来了一系列问题。本文在综合分析和田市城市土地利用现状和未来发展要求的基础上,为解决人类在高强度经济活动中,特别是在农村经济建设和城乡建设快速发展的条件下。针对如何解决土地资源的合理利用、环境恶化及持续发展之间的矛盾。提出了和田市未来合理开发利用土地资源、产业结构的调整、城市功能区的布局和进行城市建设等方面可行性方案。  相似文献   

随着建设和经济发展的加快,对市区空间的利用中广泛。空间狭窄,高层楼群、厂房和地下建筑等大量增加以及相应的城市用水量和“三废”排放,存在着互相制约、影响和作用的内在联系,特别是在人为因素的影响和作用下,发生了变化。因此,在城市城市中,合理开发利用产环境和防治污染,是整个城市建设工作中的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

运用景观生态学原理分析了我国城市建设的生态现状和生态设计内涵,并对城市和建筑的生态设计提出了一些思路和对策.  相似文献   

海绵城市建设是推动绿色低碳城市建设及可持续发展的重要保障措施,可以有效解决城市内涝、水资源短缺等问题,对于城市生态文明建设具有重要意义。以北京城市副中心点、线、面3种不同类型海绵体作为研究对象,利用2018年5—9月枯、丰水期采集到的345组地表水和地下水同步连续监测数据,分析了典型海绵体的地下水水化学特征及其形成机制,探讨了不同含水层之间的水力联系。同时,以Cl-为指示因子,结合其他水化学指标,研究分析了典型面状海绵体地下水与地表水之间的交互作用及影响程度。结果显示:在垂向上,埋深10 m和20 m含水层地下水之间联系密切,且受大气降水影响明显;埋深50 m和80 m含水层组地下水与其他含水层组无明显水力联系。在平面上,线状及面状海绵体地表水对地下水的影响距离为80~100 m;随着地层埋深的增加,地表水对地下水的影响程度减弱。  相似文献   

在国内海绵城市大范围建设的背景下,施工过程控制是保证海绵设施使用效果的重要阶段。为保证施工质量和提高施工效率,文章结合实际施工,介绍了植草沟的施工技术,详细说明了施工工艺过程和操作控制要点,并总结了在城市中的应用效果,对海绵城市的施工应用和管理具有一定参考性。  相似文献   

21世纪中国城市环境地质问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从全球环境的角度对中国城市的环境地质问题进行了研究.文中分析了当今全球主要环境问题,探讨了全球环境变异对中国城市地质环境的影响,详细研究了现代城市工程经济建设中引起的环境工程地质问题.  相似文献   

长株潭城市群是湖南省的核心增长极,是"资源节约型社会、环境友好型社会"社会建设综合配套改革试验区,但伴随高速的工业化发展和城市化进程,长株潭面临着严峻的资源约束和环境压力。文章从土地利用格局、经济社会发展、环境质量状况、主要污染物排放和资源能源利用等方面入手,综合分析了长株潭城市群的环境压力,主要体现在长株潭城市群城市化与土地需求的矛盾凸显,"摊大饼"的扩张模式带来生态风险;重工业和污染排放集聚,累积性污染突出;环境空气质量和地表水环境质量形势不容乐观;资源能源利用方式粗放等。结合城市群区域规划,提出了长株潭城市群在新型城镇化建设中应采取的生态环境保护措施建议。  相似文献   

Urban metabolism components define the energy and material exchanges within a city and, therefore, can provide valuable information on the environmental quality of urban areas. Assessing the potential impact of urban planning alternatives on urban metabolism components (such as energy, water, carbon and pollutants fluxes) can provide a quantitative estimation of their sustainability performance. Urban metabolism impact assessment can, therefore, contribute to the identification of sustainable urban structures with regards, for example, to building types, materials and layout, as well as to location and capacity of transportation and infrastructural developments. In this way, it enables the formulation of planning and policy recommendations to promote efficient use of resources and enhance environmental quality in urban areas.The European FP7 project BRIDGE (sustainaBle uRban plannIng Decision support accountinG for urban mEtabolism) has developed a decision-support system (DSS) that systematically integrates urban metabolism components into impact assessment processes with the aim of accurately quantifying the potential effects of proposed planning interventions. The DSS enables integration of multiple spatial and non-spatial datasets (e.g. physical flows of energy and material with variables of social and economic change) in a systematic manner to obtain spatially defined assessment results and to thus inform planners and decision-makers. This multi-criteria approach also enables incorporation of stakeholders' perceptions in order to prioritise decisive assessment criteria. This paper describes the methodological framework used to develop the DSS and critically examines the results of its practical application in five European cities.  相似文献   

分析了"城市环境综合整治定量考核"制度在指标设置、考核标准及实施过程中存在的问题,指出其对"城市环境综合整治定量考核"结果的公正性产生了影响。提出在"十二五"城考指标调整中应适当增加环境质量的比重,体现对不同地区、不同级别的城市采取分级管理、分类指导原则,并加强对环保工作的规范化和能力建设的考核,进一步提高城市环境管理水平的对策与建议。  相似文献   

The relationship between ecological footprint and economic complexity has important policy implications for environmental sustainability. Furthermore, institutional quality can be an imperative tool to ensure environmental sustainability, and it may also moderate the nexus between economic complexity and ecological footprint. Therefore, this study investigates the linkage between economic complexity, institutional quality, disaggregated energy consumption, and economic growth on environmental degradation in emerging countries from 1984 to 2017. In addition, it also probes the moderating effect of institutional quality in the nexus between economic complexity and footprint. To do so, the study applies an advanced econometric approach, cross-sectional autoregressive distributed lags (CS-ARDL) estimator, for short-run and long-run estimation, that allows heterogeneity in the slope parameters and dependencies across countries. The analytical outcomes demonstrate that economic complexity increases environmental degradation by exacerbating ecological footprint, while a high level of economic complexity mitigates ecological footprint. The findings of the study unfold that institutional quality supports environmental sustainability by reducing the ecological footprint. The outcomes also indicated that institutional quality promotes environmental sustainability by moderating the nexus between economic complexity and ecological degradation. Moreover, renewable energy is found to decrease ecological footprint, whereas non-renewable energy use leads to intensifying the ecological footprint. It was also found that there is an inverted u-shaped association between ecological footprint and economic growth. Based on the results, the study suggests that emerging countries should accelerate economic complexity along with a stronger institutional framework to combat environmental issues without compromising sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   

Growing urban populations, combined with environmental challenges, have placed significant pressure on urban planning to supply housing while addressing policy issues such as sustainability, affordability, and liveability. The interrelated nature of these issues, combined with the requirement of evidence-based planning, has made decision-making so complex that urban planners need to combine expertise on energy, water, carbon emissions, transport and economic development along with other bodies of knowledge necessary to make well-informed decisions. This paper presents two geospatial software systems that can assist in the mediation of complexity, by allowing users to assess a variety of planning metrics without expert knowledge in those disciplines. Using Envision and Envision Scenario Planner (ESP), both products of the Greening the Greyfields research project funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI) in Australia, we demonstrate a workflow for identifying potential redevelopment precincts and designing and assessing possible redevelopment scenarios to optimise planning outcomes.  相似文献   

城市绿色发展竞争力评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出城市绿色发展竞争力概念,探讨环境质量与经济社会发展水平之间的关系,从城市空气环境质量、地表水环境质量、声环境质量、集中式饮用水源地水质和生态环境质量等"硬环境"着手,结合衡量城市经济发展程度的工业GDP指标,构建评价指标体系,用单位工业GDP的环境代价来表征城市绿色发展竞争力水平,并以安徽省省辖市为例进行了实例研究。  相似文献   

Sustainable urban development focuses on enhancing urban well-being, while also balancing the demands of urban social and economic development, natural resource consumption, and environmental pollution. This work used general data envelopment analysis to assess the urban sustainability efficiency (USE) and sustainability potential (SP) in Lanzhou and Xiamen, two cities that are characteristic of urban areas in western and eastern China. The assessment indicator system included important natural and urban welfare factors as input and output indices, respectively. The results showed that overall urban sustainability efficiency increased in Lanzhou and Xiamen from 1985 to 2010, but that the sustainability of natural resources clearly decreased. The urban sustainability efficiency of Xiamen was higher than that of Lanzhou, and the sustainability potential of Xiamen was lower than that of Lanzhou; this indicates that Xiamen performed better in terms of urban sustainable development. The urban sustainability efficiency in Xiamen has increased with increasing urban population, and the rate and scale of economic development have been higher than in Lanzhou. The assessment and analysis performed in this study show that cities with different natural resources and development characteristics have different forms, patterns, and trajectories of sustainable development.  相似文献   

The construction of urban transportation infrastructure is bound to have an impact on air pollution. The purpose of this paper is to verify whether strengthening the construction of urban transportation infrastructure can reduce haze pollution. The core innovation of this paper is that the fixed asset investment of urban municipal public facilities and urban road areas are used as the proxy indicator of transportation infrastructure, which is rarely adopted in the existing literature. The relationship between transportation infrastructure and haze pollution is discussed, and the endogenous problems caused by variables omission are also considered. Based on the panel data of 13 prefecture-level cities of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region from 2005 to 2016, we use the slope index as the instrumental variable for urban transportation infrastructure, with the two-stage least squares method (2SLS) applied. The results suggest that: (i)increasing urban transportation infrastructure investment can significantly improve the air quality of the sample cities and mitigate haze pollution levels; (ii)After using the instrumental variable to alleviate endogenous bias, the inhibitory effect is more obvious; (iii)Compared with the fixed asset investment in the construction of public facilities, the increase of urban road area has a better effect on the improvement of haze pollution. What we learned from the conclusions is: traffic management department should strengthen the transportation infrastructure construction to realize the balance between urban construction and environmental protection.  相似文献   

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