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结合我国污染场地的普遍特征以及场地初步调查的基本目标,从布点前期准备、布点原则、布点程序和布点方法等方面详细探讨了污染场地土壤初步调查的点位布设方法;并从采样准备、采集方法、采集程序以及现场记录等环节探讨了现场样品采集的注意事项和要求,以期为污染场地环境调查的土壤监测和采样提供借鉴。  相似文献   

论述污染场地调查之前开展场地水文地质调查的重要性。通过案例说明,水文地质调查能够查明场地内各土层的渗透性,判断相对隔水层和透水层的分布特征,这些信息为建立场地水文地质模型、设计污染土壤取样范围和深度、确定地下水监测井设置深度和滤网位置提供科学依据,从而有效节约调查经费,提高调查结果的准确性。  相似文献   

场地环境污染的电动修复技术研究现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在综述国内外场地污染土壤电动修复技术的研究现状和趋势的基础上,针对场地土壤电动修复中常见问题,包括电极设置方式、化学增强试剂的选择、土壤类型和污染程度等影响去除效率的因素及处理效果和能耗等进行阐述,探讨当前我国场地土壤电动修复技术研发的重点,以促进场地污染土壤修复技术的发展和应用.  相似文献   

结合重点行业企业用地调查工作实践,分析了我国场地调查土壤中污染物监测分析方法标准现状和存在的问题,包括缺少一些行业特征污染物、重金属形态分析和现场快速检测技术标准,以及部分方法的可比性和适用性较差等,提出了结合污染场地环境调查土壤基质的特点及风险评估与治理修复的需求,加快制定缺失的行业特征污染物和重金属形态分析方法标准,及时修订和完善现行分析方法体系,增强标准的可比性、适用性和可操作性等建议.  相似文献   

环境地球物理在污染场地调查中的现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
简述了国内外对不同污染场地调查环境地球物理方法的研究现状及成果,指出了目前存在的问题.针对污染场地调查污染深度浅、污染浓度低的特点,提出了建立重金属污染在浅层迁移的数学物理模型和提高设备检测精度的必要性.对环境地球物理方法在环境领域的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

污染场地的优控筛选是国家和地区污染场地管理的关键环节,有利于提高污染场地修复的高效性和经济性。研究以污染源强、污染途径脆弱性和受体敏感性作为筛选的主要因素,构建了基于综合环境风险的优控重金属污染场地筛选方法。通过调查某市15个砷渣污染场地,利用综合环境风险指数法分析区域不同污染场地的危害程度,据此推算不同污染场地危害 程度大小次序,并设置不同情景进行敏感性分析,从而筛选出某市优控砷渣污染场地名单。结果表明:污染场地H15和H12在不同权重情景下均处于高危害程度水平,为优控污染场地;H2在多数情景下危害程度较高,确定为备选优控污染场地。  相似文献   

以成都平原某废弃铅蓄电池污染场地为例,调查识别典型工业场地主要污染物空间分布特征和剖面迁移特征。结果表明:场地主要潜在Pb污染源有建筑垃圾、土壤及残留废水,潜在污染途径为大气降尘、含Pb废水排放;建筑垃圾中Pb、Cd、As等污染严重;场地内酸液暂存池和清洗池地表水中Pb、Cd超标严重,均为劣Ⅴ类;场地内及周边环境地下水中Cd、Cr污染较重;区内表层土壤中Pb、Cd污染严重,且呈面源性,距循环水池及酸液暂存池1.2 m处土壤中Pb含量远高于周边区域。  相似文献   

制订我国污染场地土壤风险筛选值的几点建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国大中城市陆续开展污染企业搬迁,环境管理上要求对搬迁场地进行商业开发前必须开展场地环境调查、风险评估和修复,客观上要求有一套场地环境评价标准和污染土壤修复标准.针对目前国内污染场地标准缺失及盲目引用国外相关筛选值出现的误区,分析了美国、荷兰和英国土壤筛选值差异的主要原因,为合理借鉴国外土壤筛选值及其制定方法学...  相似文献   

通过分析我国污染场地含水层监测现状和污染场地环境管理需求,指出我国污染场地含水层监测的不足之处并探讨了我国污染场地含水层监测技术研发趋势.当前,我国污染场地含水层监测主要以地下水监测为主,且监测仪器设备简陋陈旧、技术手段落后,不能满足数量日益增长的污染场地环境管理需求,急需发展一批新型、高效、经济、实用的监测技术和监测...  相似文献   

膜界面探测器是一项采用直接推进技术,可实时提供场地地下挥发性有机物近乎连续分布信息的直接感测工具。以某历史上从事有机氯农药生产的废弃工业场地为例,运用该技术,配置土壤电导率传感器、电子捕获检测器以及氢火焰离子化检测器,对该场地中潜在污染区域进行快速筛选调查,初步确定了土壤和地下水中挥发性有机物污染的热点区域及其三维分布和地层信息,为后续进一步调查方案优化、场地概念模型建立及后续修复方案设计等提供了重要的信息。  相似文献   

Mean values of eight contaminants in Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) eggs were calculated for 15 Great Lakes sites for the 5 year period 1998–2002. The sites were ranked according to the concentrations of each of seven compounds relative to fish flesh criteria for the protection of piscivorous wildlife, and a single overall rank of contamination was calculated for each site. Based on this weighted ranking scheme, we found that sum PCBs, dioxin and DDE contributed the most (60.2, 30.5% and 8.5%, respectively) to the overall rankings. The weighted ranking scheme showed that eggs from Channel-Shelter Island (Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron), Strachan Island (St. Lawrence River) and Gull Island (northern Lake Michigan) ranked as the three most contaminated sites, while Agawa Rocks (eastern Lake Superior), Chantry Island (southern Lake Huron) and Port Colborne (eastern Lake Erie) ranked as the three least contaminated sites. Two of the three most contaminated sites are Areas of Concern; none of the three least contaminated sites are Areas of Concern.  相似文献   

石油烃污染场地已经成为国内外重点关注的工业污染场地类型之一。国内基于人体健康风险的污染场地管理模式及分层次评估方法已经展现雏形,为风险管理者提供了基于人体健康的土壤石油烃风险筛选值和管制值,也为污染场地的防治与修复工作提供了决策支持。在前人研究的基础上,梳理了国内土壤环境质量标准体系的建立与发展历程,分析了石油烃类污染物检测方法的现状与未来发展趋势,并着重对比与分析了各标准制订的石油烃及其指示化合物的风险评估筛选值。目前面临的关键问题:①完善石油烃监测指标体系及分析方法是精准获得风险评估结果的前提。现有石油烃馏分指标划分较为宽泛,有必要参考国外先进标准体系,逐渐完善石油烃馏分指标划分及其配套的定量分析方法。②新颁布的国家建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准在前期场地调查中具有一定的普遍适用性,但是考虑到地域建筑物参数、人群暴露参数等的差异性,在后期场地调查中还需要因地制宜地制定适合污染场地的具体修复目标值,并针对关键性参数作定量化解析。  相似文献   

环境监测业务管理系统的设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以郑州市环境监测中心站监测业务流程为例,从技术路线、系统结构设计、系统功能分析和技术实现等方面分析并介绍了环境监测业务管理系统的特点和开发时需解决的技术问题。探讨了建立基于B/S结构、J2EE技术架构、创新的组件装配方式、Oracle9i数据库、中间件和多层体系结构等多项先进技术进行系统实现的设计方案。  相似文献   

简述了当前静力触探的现状与发展。介绍了国际最新研制的RCPTU(电阻率孔压静力触探)探头和多功能静力触探技术在污染场地评价、地下水污染和垃圾填埋场地下水位高度评估等环境领域的应用及工程实例。指出了多功能静力触探测试技术研究中存在的问题,展望了其应用前景。  相似文献   

The identification of contamination “hotspots” are an important indicator of the degree of contamination in localized areas, which can contribute towards the re-sampling and remedial strategies used in the seriously contaminated areas. Accordingly, 114 surface samples, collected from an industrially contaminated site in northern China, were assessed for 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and were analyzed using multivariate statistical and spatial autocorrelation techniques. The results showed that the PCA leads to a reduction in the initial dimension of the dataset to two components, dominated by Chr, Bbf&Bkf, Inp, Daa, Bgp, and Nap were good representations of the 16 original PAHs; Global Moran’s I statistics indicated that the significant autocorrelations were detected and the autocorrelation distances of six indicator PAHs were 750, 850, 1,200, 850, 750, and 1,200 m, respectively; there were visible high–high values (hotspots) clustered in the mid-bottom part of the site through the Local Moran’s I index analysis. Hotspot identification and spatial distribution results can play a key role in contaminated site investigation and management.  相似文献   

基于Web-GIS的饮用水水质监控系统利用Intemet/Intranet技术、GIS技术、数据库技术和环境保护技术,建立了完善的水污染监测与管理网络体系,实现了水源地污染空间信息、属性信息的综合管理.首先介绍了此系统的需求目标,在此基础上阐述了系统的体系结构、数据库设计和主要功能.  相似文献   

Groundwater and soil contamination caused by light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) spills and leakage in petroleum industry is currently one of the major environmental concerns in North America. Numerous site remediation technologies, generally classified as ex situ and in situ remediation techniques, have been developed and implemented to clean up the contaminated sites in the last two decades. One of the problems associated with ex situ remediation is the cost of operation. In recent years, in situ techniques have acquired popularity. However, the selection process of the desired techniques needs a large amount of knowledge. Insufficient expertise in the process may result in unnecessary inflation of expenses. In this study, petroleum waste management experts and Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers worked together to develop an expert system (ES) for the management of petroleum contaminated sites. Various AI techniques were used to construct a useful tool for site remediation decision-making. This paper presents the knowledge engineering processes of knowledge acquisition, conceptual design, and system implementation in the project. The expert system was applied to a real-world case study and the results show that the expert system can generate desired remediation alternatives to assist decision-makers. The application case study constitutes partial validation of the prototype expert system.  相似文献   

The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) collects data that are used to statistically assess the environmental condition of large geographic regions. These data are then posted on the EMAP web site so that anyone can use them. Databases used for the statistical analyses, "analytical" databases, differ in design from the "general-use" databases used by a secondary audience. Their scope is usually restricted in time, in geographic extent, and in type and content of data, often being limited to a single scientific discipline. Their structure may be more horizontal than vertical, so that statistical programs can import the data easily. Their design is strongly influenced by the nature of the scientific analysis because the goal is to create a good computing environment for that analysis. We illustrate these aspects of design with an analytical database for estuaries in the U.S. mid-Atlantic region.  相似文献   

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