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基于河南省常规空气污染物、颗粒物组分等数据,开展烟花爆竹燃放对空气质量影响的定量评估。结果表明:2023年元宵节期间,河南省PM2.5质量浓度小时峰值为226μg/m3,仅次于2019年的239μg/m3,明显高于2022年的86μg/m3,正月十六重度及以上污染天数为历史最高值;烟花爆竹燃放造成K+、SO42-、Cl-浓度快速上升,对K+浓度影响最为显著,河南省K+小时峰值浓度较基准时刻平均上升了26.6倍;烟花爆竹燃放对河南省正月十五、十六PM2.5日均值贡献分别为31.5%、31.8%,使PM2.5质量浓度分别上升39μg/m3和57μg/m3,2 d的烟花爆竹燃放可使河南省2023年PM2.5年均质量浓度上升0.26μg/m3,造成...  相似文献   

为探究中国第十四届运动会(简称“十四运”)期间西安大气PM2.5中水溶性无机离子浓度水平及来源,利用高分辨率MARGA ADI 2080离子在线分析仪对西安“十四运”前、“十四运”期间和“十四运”后水溶性无机离子进行实时观测,分析了不同时段水溶性无机离子组分污染特征、pH变化及污染来源。结果表明,“十四运”前、“十四运”期间和“十四运”后PM2.5质量浓度分别为13.4、11.9、32.6μg/m3,SNA(NO-3、SO42-和NH+4三者统称)质量浓度分别为5.8、5.4、13.3μg/m3,占总水溶性无机离子的91.6%~93.6%。“十四运”前和“十四运”期间NO-3与SO42-质量浓度比分别为0.7和0.9,表明移动源的比例增加,主要受交通管控的影响。“十四运”后NO  相似文献   

为研究烟花爆竹集中燃放对江淮地区环境空气质量的影响,基于近地面常规空气质量参数、颗粒物组分参数、激光雷达监测等数据资料,系统分析了2022年春节期间烟花爆竹燃放对安徽省主要城市和县域环境空气质量的影响。研究表明,2022年春节期间安徽省环境空气质量总体好于2019—2021年平均水平,但受局部烟花爆竹燃放和不利气象条件(低温、小风、高湿、静稳)的叠加影响,产生的环境效应(颗粒物浓度峰值较高、影响范围较广)依然较为严重。重点区域(合肥和淮北)大气颗粒物组分中硝酸根离子(NO^(-)_(3))、硫酸根离子(SO ^(2-)_(4))和铵根离子(NH_(4)^(+))等主要离子占比有所下降(降幅为3.4%~12.1%),烟花爆竹燃放示踪组分(钾离子、氯离子、金属元素等)均出现了明显的峰值过程,且金属元素浓度占比涨幅明显高于水溶性离子。烟花爆竹燃放对颗粒物的垂直分布和传输沉降过程产生显著影响,燃放排放主要以球形细颗粒物为主;不利气象条件下的本地烟花爆竹燃放叠加周边污染传输影响是造成主城区空气质量显著恶化的主要原因。基于ρ(PM_(2.5))/ρ(CO)的比值法估算,集中燃放时段,烟花爆竹燃放对城建区PM_(2.5)质量浓度的绝对贡献范围为4~701μg/m^(3),平均值达159μg/m^(3);烟花爆竹燃放对PM_(2.5)质量浓度的贡献量和贡献率呈现皖中>皖北>皖南的分布特征。主城区的禁燃措施对于春节期间空气质量的改善起到了关键作用,同时需要加强城市周边区域的烟花爆竹燃放管控措施。  相似文献   

春节烟花爆竹燃放期间苏州市区PM2.5组分特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解春节期间烟花爆竹燃放对苏州市空气质量的影响,在苏州市南门监测点利用在线监测仪器(包括颗粒物分析仪、在线离子色谱、OC/EC分析仪和重金属分析仪)对环境空气中的PM2.5浓度水平、颗粒物水溶性离子、有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)和重金属浓度进行连续观测。通过比较烟花爆竹燃放时段和正常时段的PM2.5浓度水平和化学组成,分析并探讨烟花爆竹燃放对PM2.5浓度水平及其组分特征的影响。研究结果表明,大量烟花爆竹的集中燃放造成了PM2.5短时严重污染,最高质量浓度达到了571μg/m3,但随烟花爆竹燃放的减少,PM2.5浓度迅速降低。在烟花爆竹燃放高峰时段,SO42-、Cl-、K+、Mg2+和OC出现了明显的浓度峰值,SO42-质量浓度达到了93.2μg/m3,Cl-质量浓度达到了42.3μg/m3,K+质量浓度达到了115.6μg/m3,OC质量浓度达到了53.8μg/m3。另外,重金属浓度也出现了明显的峰值,Fe质量浓度达到了2.426μg/m3,Cu质量浓度达到了0.727μg/m3,Zn质量浓度达到了1.159μg/m3,Ba质量浓度达到了5.168μg/m3,Pb质量浓度达到了1.245μg/m3。烟花爆竹的燃放造成苏州市区环境空气中有毒有害物质的短期急剧上升,有必要限制烟花爆竹的燃放。  相似文献   

徐州市地处四省交界,大气污染物来源复杂,颗粒物污染在气象条件不利时较为显著。通过地面观测数据、颗粒物组分连续观测、源解析及轨迹溯源等方法,对徐州市2019—2021年颗粒物变化特征进行了全面分析,以定量解析各类污染源的贡献,识别对颗粒物贡献显著的化学成分。结果表明:PM2.5各组分质量占比中二次无机盐和有机碳相对较高,其中二次无机盐SNA(SO■、NO-3、NH+4)占比达到59.1%~62.7%;水溶性离子总浓度逐年降低,但Mg2+和Ca2+浓度2021年分别同比增加2%和12.5%,说明扬尘污染存在反弹。秋冬季水溶性离子明显较高,Cl-浓度明显高于其他季节,表明徐州市秋冬季受移动源、燃煤源和二次有机气溶胶共同影响。PM2.5中OC与EC质量浓度比为4.88~8.40,说明徐州市颗粒物受多源影响,柴油、汽油机动车尾气排放以及燃煤排放对颗粒物贡献较大。后向轨迹分析表明,污染严重的1月污染物主...  相似文献   

为了解春节期间烟花爆竹燃放对乌鲁木齐市区PM2.5及其组分的影响,利用超级站在线监测仪器(包括颗粒物分析仪、在线离子色谱、激光雷达和重金属分析仪)对环境空气中的PM2.5浓度、颗粒物水溶性离子和重金属浓度进行连续监测.结果表明,大量烟花爆竹的集中燃放造成了PM2.5短时严重污染,最高质量浓度达到了423μg/m3.烟花...  相似文献   

于2018年冬季在广州城区磨碟沙站点开展细颗粒物(PM2.5)样品采集,并获得PM2.5中水溶性离子、含碳组分、稳定碳氮同位素的组成及时间变化特征,重点讨论了PM2.5浓度升高时段的化学组成特征变化,进而利用稳定碳氮同位素变化特征探究了主要污染来源。结果表明:采样期间,研究站点PM2.5平均质量浓度为22.1μg/m3,共出现两个PM2.5浓度水平升高时段,所对应的平均质量浓度分别达46.0μg/m3和63.0μg/m3。风速降低、温度升高等不利气象条件是导致上述时段PM2.5浓度上升的重要原因。在上述时段,伴随着PM2.5浓度的升高,NO-3和NH+4浓度均出现显著升高,NO-3与SO2-4的摩...  相似文献   

为研究烟花爆竹燃放对哈尔滨市区空气质量的影响,及时捕捉污染过程的变化趋势并分析污染的成因,2016年2月7—9日对哈尔滨市区内4个监测点位(省监测站、松北商大、动力和平路和省农科院)颗粒物浓度变化趋势进行解析,同时结合单颗粒气溶胶飞行质谱仪、3D可视激光雷达等相关仪器分析结果进一步确定污染成因。结果表明,连续监测期间4个监测点位均出现重度污染时段,且与除夕夜烟花爆竹集中燃放时间高度吻合,说明烟花爆竹的集中燃放会在短时间内造成严重的大气污染;同时烟花爆竹的燃放会对颗粒物化学组分造成明显的影响,受影响最大的是Mg~(2+)和Cl~-,且在燃放期有机碳、元素碳、混合碳占比升高。  相似文献   

基于伊宁市“十三五”期间大气国控监测点位数据,分析伊宁市“十三五”期间环境空气质量变化特征并提出建议对策。结果表明:“十三五”期间,伊宁市空气优良率在78.9%~86.3%,重污染天气在3~17 d,重污染天气仍频发;PM2.5年均浓度在38~47μg/m3,年均值均超标。影响空气质量的主要污染物为PM2.5、PM10和CO。与三大区域相比,伊宁市SO2和CO污染程度相对较重,燃煤型的污染特征显著。此外伊宁市采暖季空气污染较重,PM2.5、SO2、CO等污染物浓度显著高于非采暖季,采暖季主要污染物呈现双峰变化特征。  相似文献   

于2019年1月27日—3月18日及2020年1月27日—3月18日对西安市细颗粒物(PM2.5)的碳组分浓度进行了在线观测,对比分析了非疫情与疫情期间各常规污染因子、气象要素、PM2.5中有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)的污染特征。结果表明:非疫情与疫情期间西安市的气象条件总体水平较为相近。疫情期间的二氧化硫(SO2)、臭氧(O3)浓度相对升高。重污染天气下,除PM2.5外,其他污染物浓度均降低,说明疫情管制对重污染天气污染物浓度的削弱作用明显。疫情期间,PM2.5中的OC组分浓度及占比有显著升高,与疫情期间的各类交通管制导致的机动车尾气排放量显著降低有关。另外,OC与EC的相关性较强,说明污染来源与人类日常生活有关。疫情期间西安市颗粒物中碳组分主要来自各类生物质燃烧,并且存在SOC污染,SOC在OC中的占比达到37.8%。疫情期间重污染天气下,SOC在OC中的占比达到87.5%,说明SOC对重污染天气OC的贡献较大。  相似文献   

经过多年的大气污染防治,我国空气质量有了大幅改善,但重污染过程仍有发生。对2018—2021年徐州市3种不同类型颗粒物重污染过程的污染特征、演变趋势、PM2.5组分特征和相关性及污染成因分析结果表明:在不同类型的重污染过程中,二次无机离子NO3-、SO42-、NH4+在PM2.5中的占比均是最高。在累积型重污染期间,NO3-、SO42-、NH4+分别增长144%、142%、183%,二次无机离子对PM2.5的增长贡献较大。结合相关性分析及SOR、NOR值发现,硝酸盐和硫酸盐的二次生成作用显著。在沙尘型重污染期间,结合雷达监测结果及后向轨迹图可以看出,沙尘沉降至高空与近地面污染物叠加造成颗粒物高值。化学组分中Ca2+、Mg2+浓度对PM2.5浓度的影响最大,二次生成和转化对其影响较小。在烟花燃放型重污染期间,和烟花爆竹有关的K+、Mg2+、Cl-离子较污染前分别上升1 112%、2 058%、和239%,对污染过程影响显著。  相似文献   

利用2015—2017年春节期间东北地区主要大气污染物(PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、SO_2、NO_2、CO和O3)质量浓度监测资料及相应气象因子(温度、湿度、风速和气压)观测资料,分析了春节期间烟花爆竹禁燃对东北地区空气质量的影响。结果表明:随着东北地区主要城市禁燃力度的增强,空气质量逐年提升,PM_(2.5)和SO_2浓度逐年大幅度下降。禁燃可明显降低城区PM_(2.5)浓度,而由于春节期间污染源整体减少,城区和城郊监测点PM_(2.5)浓度值差异减小。烟花爆竹对PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)浓度影响高于对气体污染物SO_2、NO_2和CO的影响。此外,气象条件对东北地区春节期间禁燃改善空气质量的效果也有明显影响。因此,结合春节期间的气象条件,在东北地区实施禁燃政策动态调整非常必要。  相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of CO, non-methane hydrocarbons, NOX, SO2, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX), PM10, and PM2.5 were continuously monitored before and after the fireworks display during the traditional Lantern Festival from March 2?C7, 2007 in Yanshui Town, Taiwan. Major roads in Yanshui Town were surrounded by fireworks 13 km in length, with the display lasting for 45 min. More than 200 small firecracker towers popped up randomly in town, resulting in exceedingly inhomogeneous air quality until the end of display at 03:00 the next day, March 5. During the fireworks display, the hourly concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 at Yanshui Primary School reached about 429 and 250 ??g m???3, respectively, which is 10 times the normal level, and 6 s values even went as high as 1,046 and 842 ??g m???3, respectively. Similarly, BTEX concentration went up to about five to 10 times its normal value during the fireworks display. As indicated by the distribution of submicron particle sizes, the number of particles with a diameter less than 100 nm increased abruptly during the event period. Metal components with concentrations of more than 10 times higher than the normal value at Yanshui Primary School were Sr, K, Ba, Pb, Al, Mg, and Cu, in sequence. Among water-soluble ions, the content of K?+?, Mg2?+?, and Cl??? increased the most, all of which were related to the materials used in the fireworks. The results of this study indicate that fireworks can cause an abrupt increase in the concentration of trace substances in the air within a short period. Although the risks of these trace substances on public health remain to be further assessed, the study results can be utilized in the management of folk events.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the residential areas of Delhi, India, to assess the variation in ambient air quality and ambient noise levels during pre-Diwali month (DM), Diwali day (DD) and post-Diwali month during the period 2006 to 2008. The use of fireworks during DD showed 1.3 to 4.0 times increase in concentration of respirable particulate matter (PM10) and 1.6 to 2.5 times increase in concentration of total suspended particulate matter (TSP) than the concentration during DM. There was a significant increase in sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentration but the concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) did not show any considerable variation. Ambient noise level were 1.2 to 1.3 times higher than normal day. The study also showed a strong correlation between PM10 and TSP (R 2 ≥ 0.9) and SO2 and NO2 (R 2 ≥ 0.9) on DD. The correlation between noise level and gaseous pollutant were moderate (R 2 ≥ 0.5). The average concentration of the pollutants during DD was found higher in 2007 which could be due to adverse meteorological conditions. The statistical interpretation of data indicated that the celebration of Diwali festival affects the ambient air and noise quality. The study would provide public awareness about the health risks associated with the celebrations of Diwali festival so as to take proper precautions.  相似文献   

The variation in air quality was assessed from the ambient concentrations of various air pollutants [total suspended particle (TSP), particulate matter ≤10 μm (PM10), SO2, and NO2] for pre-Diwali, Diwali festival, post-Diwali, and foggy day (October, November, and December), Delhi (India), from 2002 to 2007. The extensive use of fireworks was found to be related to short-term variation in air quality. During the festival, TSP is almost of the same order as compared to the concentration at an industrial site in Delhi in all the years. However, the concentrations of PM10, SO2, and NO2 increased two to six times during the Diwali period when compared to the data reported for an industrial site. Similar trend was observed when the concentrations of pollutants were compared with values obtained for a typical foggy day each year in December. The levels of these pollutants observed during Diwali were found to be higher due to adverse meteorological conditions, i.e., decrease in 24 h average mixing height, temperature, and wind speed. The trend analysis shows that TSP, PM10, NO2, and SO2 concentration increased just before Diwali and reached to a maximum concentration on the day of the festival. The values gradually decreased after the festival. On Diwali day, 24-h values for TSP and PM10 in all the years from 2002 to 2007 and for NO2 in 2004 and 2007 were found to be higher than prescribed limits of National Ambient Air Quality Standards and exceptionally high (3.6 times) for PM10 in 2007. These results indicate that fireworks during the Diwali festival affected the ambient air quality adversely due to emission and accumulation of TSP, PM10, SO2, and NO2.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the effect of fireworks on ambient air quality during Diwali Festival in Lucknow City. In this study, PM10, SO2, NO x and 10 trace metals associated with PM10 were estimated at four representative locations, during day and night times for Pre Diwali (day before Diwali) and Diwali day. On Diwali day 24 h average concentration of PM10, SO2, and NO x was found to be 753.3, 139.1, and 107.3 μg m−3, respectively, and these concentrations were found to be higher at 2.49 and 5.67 times for PM10, 1.95 and 6.59 times for SO2 and 1.79 and 2.69 for NO x , when compared with the respective concentration of Pre Diwali and normal day, respectively. On Diwali day, 24 h values for PM10, SO2, and NO x were found to be higher than prescribed limit of National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS), and exceptionally high (7.53 times) for PM10. On Diwali night (12 h) mean level of PM10, SO2 and NO x was 1,206.2, 205.4 and 149.0 μg m−3, respectively, which was 4.02, 2.82 and 2.27 times higher than their respective daytime concentrations and showed strong correlations (p < 0.01) with each other. The 24 h mean concentration of metals associated with PM10 was found to be in the order of Ca (3,169.44) > Fe (747.23) > Zn (542.62) > Cu (454.03), > Pb (307.54) > Mn (83.90) > Co (78.69) > Cr (42.10) > Ni (41.47) > Cd (34.69) in ng m−3 and all these values were found to be higher than the Pre Diwali (except Fe) and normal day. The metal concentrations on Diwali day were found to be significantly different than normal day (except Fe & Cu). The concentrations of Co, Ni, Cr and Cd on Diwali night were found to be significantly higher than daytime concentrations for Pre Diwali (control). The inter correlation of metals between Ca with Pb, Zn with Ni and Cr, Cu with Co, Co with Mn, Ni with Cd, Mn with Cd, Ni with Cd and Cr, and Cr with Cd showed significant relation either at p < 0.05 or P < 0.01 levels, which indicated that their sources were the same. The metals Cu, Co, Ni, Cr and Cd showed significant (p < 0.01) association with PM10. These results indicate that fireworks during Diwali festival affected the ambient air quality adversely due to emission and accumulation of PM10, SO2, NO x and trace metals. ITRC Communication Number 2538  相似文献   

选取2016—2022年攀枝花市环境空气质量监测数据,基于年度、季度、月度、小时时间尺度评价环境空气质量综合指数贡献率。结果表明,攀枝花市污染类型已由传统的单一工业型污染转变为复合型污染,且污染物在不同时间尺度下的分布特征明显。从季度尺度来看,第一季度细颗粒物(PM2.5)综合指数贡献率较大,第二和第三季度臭氧(O3)综合指数贡献率较大,第四季度二氧化氮(NO2)及PM2.5综合指数贡献率较大。从月度尺度来看,O3在3—8月的贡献较大,PM2.5、NO2、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化硫(SO2)在1—2月及11—12月的贡献较大。从小时尺度来看,O3在13—19点贡献较大,PM10、PM2.5、CO在8—13点贡献较大,SO2在9—13点贡献较大,NO2在8—1...  相似文献   

为了解蚌埠市环境空气中PM_(2.5)的来源,于2017年8月18日—9月18日,在百货大楼和高新区站点,利用单颗粒物气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪开展PM_(2.5)在线源解析。结果表明,百货大楼点位ρ(PM_(2.5))高于高新区点位,轻度污染比例(4.2%)明显高于高新区点位(0.8%),出现了中度污染(0.3%);SPAMS的PM_(2.5)质谱图显示百货大楼点位PM_(2.5)中K~+、Na~+特征明显,高新区点位HSO_4~-、NO_3~-、NO_2~-等无机信号较为明显;2个点位NO_3~-、NO_2~-、NH_4~+离子颗粒数占总颗粒数的百分比明显较高,且高新区点位NO_3~-、HSO_4~-离子数占比要明显高于百货大楼点位,燃料燃烧、工业工艺源、农田氮肥施用是其主要的人为污染源;2个点位PM_(2.5)成分主要为元素碳,分别占比42.4%,40.6%;污染时段,ρ(PM_(2.5))快速上升,除受本地机动车尾气源和燃煤源累积影响外,百货大楼点位扬尘源排放增加,高新区点位扬尘源和工业工艺排放源增加;2个点位机动车尾气源均为首要污染源,分别占比29.5%和30.9%,其次为燃煤源(24.3%和24.7%),扬尘源占比分别为22.9%和20.8%。  相似文献   

宁波市区冬季大气颗粒物及其主要组分的污染特征分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
为了更好地研究影响宁波市区环境空气质量的污染物变化特征,于2010年1月20—30日进行了加强监测。研究结果表明,宁波市区大气中PM10和PM2.5质量浓度较高,其中PM2.5/PM10为0.5~0.85。对PM10和PM2.5采样膜分析,水溶性粒子和含碳组分分别占PM10和PM2.5质量浓度的56.7%和66.9%,其中二次污染的水溶性离子SO42-、NO3-和NH4+是PM10和PM2.5中浓度较高的离子组分;PM2.5样品中OC与EC的相关性较好,表明OC与EC的来源相对一致,可能主要来自机动车尾气的贡献;但PM10样品中OC与EC的相关性较差,表明其来源相对复杂;其中SOC的浓度占OC的13%~35%,说明宁波市区冬季导致二次污染的光化学反应不活跃。  相似文献   

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