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本文根据电梯运行原理及轿厢意外移动的特点,结合了无机房电梯轿顶机械锁定装置工作原理和日常检验检测经验设计了机械式防止轿厢移动保护装置,其有利于电梯安全、可靠运行,且可以大大减少轿厢意外移动引发的安全事故。  相似文献   

以安全检查表法的形式列举了对轿厢意外移动的相关影响因素的检查项目。通过对造成电梯轿厢意外移动原因进行的分析,提出了解决电梯发生轿厢意外移动事故的防范措施,以此来对此类风险进行控制,方便了现场检查工作的实施,并提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

本文在对电梯轿厢意外移动发生的原因和普遍采用的轿厢意外移动保护装置(UCMP)保护原理分析的基础上,从保护方式和装置结构入手,设计了一种新的轿厢意外移动保护装置,能够实现电梯门未完全关闭时对电梯轿厢的锁止,从原理上能够避免电梯轿厢意外移动引发的事故,为电梯轿厢意外移动研究提供了新的思路和参考。  相似文献   

为厘清制造单位和检验机构对轿厢意外移动保护装置的认识,达到降低生产成本,提高检验质量的目的,本文从轿厢意外移动保护装置的组成和各子系统的作用,结合《电梯制造与安装安全规范》国家标准第1号修改单(GB 7588-2003/XG1-2015)对轿厢意外移动保护装置的要求,按轿厢意外移动保护装置子系统的组合分成3类电梯,并根据电梯类型提出合理的检验方法,研究结果表明:使用非驱动主机制动器做制停子系统的电梯,需要检验与检测子系统和制停子系统相关的项目;使用驱动主机制动器做制停子系统的电梯,需要检验与检测子系统、制停子系统和自监测子系统相关的项目;不需要检测轿厢意外移动的电梯,需要检验与制停子系统和自监测子系统相关的项目.  相似文献   

检规TSG T7001-2009第2号修改单新增了对轿厢意外移动保护装置的检验要求,其中对检测子系统的检验理解存在着一定的争议。本文从轿厢意外移动保护装置的设置和组成出发,结合相关检验案例和标准要求探讨了对轿厢意外移动保护装置检验要求的理解,最后对轿厢意外移动保护装置的检验方法进行了分析,并提出了检验方面的建议。  相似文献   

本文从系统论和控制论的角度探讨了电梯轿厢意外移动保护的系统保护模式,这种系统模式是通过电梯的电气防滑保护和改进的电梯超速保护的结合,作为电梯轿厢意外移动保护。这种系统保护模式虽然利用了轿厢原有的超速保护装置,但通过超速保护装置与电气防滑保护的配合,不仅具有很好的容错功能,而且成本较低,并能明显减少超速保护动作的次数和对电梯其它部件的损伤,是一种比较理想的保护方式。  相似文献   

GB 7588—2003第1号修改单中增加了电梯轿厢意外移动保护要求的条款,文章试图对标准修改单的内容进行逐条解读,分析了轿厢意外移动的原因,以及常用的保护功能设置,并结合笔者的工作经验,提出相应的检验方法和检验中应注意的事项。  相似文献   

本文研究了1号修改单对电梯轿厢意外移动保护装置的要求,阐述了1号修改单中各种技术要求的特点和优劣性,分析了常用技术中各种电梯轿厢意外移动保护装置的工作原理和技术特点。提出在日常检验工作中,要认真理解1号修改单的要求,了解所检电梯意外移动保护装置的类型、原理以及检验方法,同时,针对各类意外移动保护装置的特点,对其未保护到的地方要重点检验。  相似文献   

文章中对电梯轿厢意外移动保护装置的组成及现状进行介绍,并对标准要求进行了解读,深入研究了检规1、2号修改单对电梯轿厢意外移动保护装置的要求,结合实际的检验方法进行阐述,对电梯检验工作有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

医院作为人员密集场所,电梯使用频率高,设备老旧,潜在风险高。本文从医院老旧电梯的制动器、上行超速保护装置、轿厢意外移动保护装置、轿厢超面积等方面,分析了电梯存在的安全隐患,希望能引起医院电梯使用单位、维保单位及监督管理单位的重视,确保医院老旧电梯的安全使用,保障人民群众的生命财产安全。  相似文献   

对于TSG T7OO1-2009《电梯监督检验和定期检验规则——曳引与强制驱动电梯》2号修改单以前生产的电梯,门锁回路故障时往往在机房控制柜处通过导线短接门锁回路来排查具体故障出处,导线短接操作常因忘记拆掉短接线而引发风险,错误的短接风险更大。电梯增加旁路装置,旁路时,电梯退出正常运行,只有在检修或紧急电动的情况下才能缓慢移动轿厢,并伴有声光报警,给维保人员提供了方便,本文从某品牌型号的电梯旁路装置产品缺陷以及三种常见旁路装置中探讨旁路装置的检验要点。  相似文献   

开展消防安全评估对提升火灾高危单位消防安全管理水平和维护公共安全具有重要意义。根据火灾高危单位的特点,给出了消防安全评估指标体系,包括建筑防火、消防设备设施和消防安全管理3项一级指标,建筑整体布局、安全疏散系统、消防给水系统、自动灭火系统、防排烟系统、电气防火系统、其他设备及器材、日常管理、应急制度及培训教育、电器燃气消防器材管理10项二级指标,建筑类别、安全出口、室外消防水、自动喷水灭火系统、风机、消防电源及其配电、防火门窗、消防安全管理制度、应急制度、电器管理等54项三级指标。在现场调研和理论分析的基础上,利用改进的层次分析法计算得到某火灾高危单位消防安全评估指标体系各指标的权重,建立了火灾高危单位消防安全评估模型,对其火灾危险性进行了评估。  相似文献   

全自动驾驶是一种先进的轨道交通列车运行控制技术,在全自动驾驶模式下,轨道交通列车运维对站台门的安全提出了更高的要求。本文在分析站台门在全自动驾驶模式下的安全监控需求的基础上,从站台门的运行外部环境和站台门自身的运行参数两方面出发,建立站台门智能安全监控系统,实时全面掌握站台门的安全状态,基于BIM技术和自适应学习技术,对站台门的安全状态进行预测,防范于未然并及时做好维修计划调整。该系统能让站台门的安全处于主动控制状态,减少安全隐患。  相似文献   

高压断路器运行维护工程问题分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在安全性评价专家查评中,发现许多基层生产单位在断路器运行维护工作中存在两个问题:未按要求,每年核算开关设备安装地点的短路容量;未按要求,定期对断路器的累计开断电流值和操作次数进行统计.基层单位也不知道如何规范性的开展这两项工作,本文按有关规程、规范及技术标准的要求,提出解决这两个问题的具体意见.  相似文献   

Objective: Autonomous emergency braking (AEB) systems fitted to cars for pedestrians have been predicted to offer substantial benefit. On this basis, consumer rating programs—for example, the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP)—are developing rating schemes to encourage fitment of these systems. One of the questions that needs to be answered to do this fully is how the assessment of the speed reduction offered by the AEB is integrated with the current assessment of the passive safety for mitigation of pedestrian injury. Ideally, this should be done on a benefit-related basis.

The objective of this research was to develop a benefit-based methodology for assessment of integrated pedestrian protection systems with AEB and passive safety components. The method should include weighting procedures to ensure that it represents injury patterns from accident data and replicates an independently estimated benefit of AEB.

Methods: A methodology has been developed to calculate the expected societal cost of pedestrian injuries, assuming that all pedestrians in the target population (i.e., pedestrians impacted by the front of a passenger car) are impacted by the car being assessed, taking into account the impact speed reduction offered by the car's AEB (if fitted) and the passive safety protection offered by the car's frontal structure. For rating purposes, the cost for the assessed car is normalized by comparing it to the cost calculated for a reference car.

The speed reductions measured in AEB tests are used to determine the speed at which each pedestrian in the target population will be impacted. Injury probabilities for each impact are then calculated using the results from Euro NCAP pedestrian impactor tests and injury risk curves. These injury probabilities are converted into cost using “harm”-type costs for the body regions tested. These costs are weighted and summed. Weighting factors were determined using accident data from Germany and Great Britain and an independently estimated AEB benefit. German and Great Britain versions of the methodology are available. The methodology was used to assess cars with good, average, and poor Euro NCAP pedestrian ratings, in combination with a current AEB system. The fitment of a hypothetical A-pillar airbag was also investigated.

Results: It was found that the decrease in casualty injury cost achieved by fitting an AEB system was approximately equivalent to that achieved by increasing the passive safety rating from poor to average. Because the assessment was influenced strongly by the level of head protection offered in the scuttle and windscreen area, a hypothetical A-pillar airbag showed high potential to reduce overall casualty cost.

Conclusions: A benefit-based methodology for assessment of integrated pedestrian protection systems with AEB has been developed and tested. It uses input from AEB tests and Euro NCAP passive safety tests to give an integrated assessment of the system performance, which includes consideration of effects such as the change in head impact location caused by the impact speed reduction given by the AEB.  相似文献   

海湾大桥施工动态安全预警系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对海上施工建设单位多、人员复杂、受气象灾害影响大,而目前没有施工安全预警系统的现状,提出青岛海湾大桥施工动态安全预警系统。该系统分为8个模块,从静态的管理机构、动态的现场安全状况和管理方法上进行施工安全管理。其中,静态的管理机构是管理的基础;动态的现场安全状况是全面、及时反映施工现场情况,便于及时发现问题,进行环境预警,而且有利于实现施工建设业主、施工方和监理方3方的相互监督。形成了一个较为全面系统的安全管理体系,建立了涵盖施工建设工程3方的预警管理系统,实现动态的安全管理、环境灾害预警和办公自动化。  相似文献   

为研究某城市地铁地下站台噪声现状及特点,选取某城市地铁某3条线路的T站、W站、N站、H站、S站、C站、P站和F站8个地下站台进行测量,并对噪声测量结果进行分析。结果显示: 完全封闭安全门和无安全门比较站台噪声LAeq减小7dB左右;半封闭安全门与无安全门比较站台噪声LAeq减少4dB左右;全封闭安全门与半封闭安全门比较站台噪声LAeq减小3dB左右。在站台中间位置测量进出站声值基本相同。在站台车尾和车头位置测量,进出站声值不同。列车在整个进站过程中,车尾位置测点测量LAeq声值最大,列车在整个出站过程中,车头位置测点测量LAeq声值最大。同时对车站背景噪声来源进行了初步分析,并提出降低站台本底噪声的建议。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study addressed the effects of vehicle height mismatch in side impact crashes. A light truck or SUV tends to strike the door of a passenger car higher causing the upper border to lead into the occupant space. Conversely, an impact centered lower on the door, from a passenger car, causes the lower border to lead. We proposed the hypothesis that the type of injury sustained by the occupant could be related to door orientation during its intrusion into the passenger compartment. METHOD: Data on door orientation and nearside occupant injuries were collected from 125 side impact crashes reported in the CIREN database. Experimental testing was performed using a pendulum carrying a frame and a vehicle door, impacting against a USDOT SID. The frame allowed the door orientation to be changed. A model was developed in MADYMO (v 6.2) using the more biofidelic dummies, BIOSID, and SIDIIs as well as USDOT SID. RESULTS: In side impact crashes with the lower border of the door leading, 81% of occupants sustained pelvic injury, 42% suffered rib fractures, and the rate of organ injury was 0.84. With the upper border leading, 46% of occupants sustained pelvic injury, 71% sustained rib fracture, and the rate of organ injuries per case increased to 1.13. The differences in the groups with respect to pelvic injury were significant at p = 0.01, rib fracture, p = 0.10, and organ injury, p = 0.001. Experimental testing showed that when the door angle changed from lower to upper border leading, peak T4 acceleration increased by 273% and pelvic acceleration decreased by 44%. The model demonstrated that when the door angle changed from lower to upper border leading, the USDOT SID showed a 29% increase in T4 acceleration and a 57% decrease in pelvic acceleration. The BIOSID dummy demonstrated a 36% increase in T1 acceleration, a 44% increase in abdominal rib 1 deflection, a 91% increase in thoracic rib 1 deflection, and a 33% decrease in pelvic acceleration. CONCLUSIONS: These data add more insight to the problem of mismatch during side impacts, where the bumper of the striking vehicle overrides the door beam, causing the upper part of the door to lead the intrusion into the passenger compartment. Even with the same delta V and intrusion, with the upper border of the door leading, more severe chest and organ injuries resulted. This data suggests that door orientation should be considered when testing subsystems for side impact protection.  相似文献   

为了分析煤与瓦斯突出事故中防突风门的安全性,同时降低成本寻求对现有防突风门材料和结构的替代方案,研究不同厚度的Q460钢制防突风门在突出冲击波载荷下的破坏情况。基于能量法得到不同厚度的风门最大挠度数学模型,再根据煤炭行业规定中的对应数据和安全要求,运用LS-DYNA软件对冲击载荷下的风门破坏进行数值模拟,得到Q460钢制防突风门的静力学特征并与能量法结果进行比对。结果表明:长宽分别为1.75 m和1.8 m,厚度为25 mm和30 mm的风门在0.6 MPa的冲击波超压作用下能满足安全要求,能量法计算结果与数值模拟误差在9%以内,基于安全设计余量可以接受;提出挠厚比概念,当挠厚比小于0.84时,风门不会被破坏,在使用Q460钢设计防突风门时,应尽量确保该值小于0.84。  相似文献   

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