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为深入研究BVR多芯铜导线过电流故障下燃烧及火焰传播特征,采用堆栈技术分析导线受热形变,并利用高速摄像机记录故障导线发热、熔断及绝缘燃烧现象,研究导线发热形变、熔断时间及燃烧时火焰传播速度与电流值变化关系。结果表明:当I=136 A时,导线不发生熔断,只有当高温线芯直接接触周围可燃物才可引发火灾;当I=153 A时,导线会发生熔断现象,且熔断时间随过电流值升高而缩短;当I=204 A时,导线发生熔断,断路电弧引燃周围热解气体,火焰前沿迅速蔓延至导线两端,平均火焰前沿传播速度达2.2 m/s,平均明火持续时间达8.2 s,整根导线无需外界可燃物即可发生明火燃烧。研究结果可为起火原因认定提供技术指导。  相似文献   

为准确认定电气火灾事故中的过电流故障,模拟在不同电流条件下ZR-BV单芯铜线的过电流故障,通过逐帧分析高速影像研究导线发生过电流故障时的变化过程,使用金相分析技术分类研究过电流导线电弧熔化痕迹的组织特征。结果表明:当I≥4Ie时,导线发生熔断,断路电弧将引燃热分解后的绝缘热解气体,造成火灾的蔓延扩大;过电流导线电弧熔断痕与火烧熔痕的宏观特征较为相似,但喷溅熔痕和发散状熔痕是过电流导线所特有的;枝晶偏析组织是过电流电弧熔断痕的典型组织,且随着电流值的升高,枝晶偏析组织分布范围明显扩大,几乎不再出现等轴状组织。  相似文献   

当电气装置发生接地故障,如人畜单相对地触电、电气装置对地绝缘损坏、金属性接地短路时,会产生接地故障电流。电流动作型漏电保护装置(包括漏电开关和漏电继电器)能够检测交流低压电气装置的接地故障电流。当该电流达到漏电保护装置的额定漏电动作电流值时,漏电保护装  相似文献   

为准确认定电气火灾中过电流故障,模拟4~7倍额定电流(Ie)条件下单芯铜导线过电流故障,利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析过电流故障电弧熔痕的组织特征,并结合Image-Pro Plus软件测定晶粒直径、周长和面积,探究金相组织的量化判据和变化规律。结果表明:当I=4Ie时,过电流故障电弧熔痕的金相组织主要为方向性较强的树枝晶;当I=5Ie,6Ie时,金相组织内树枝晶占比减小,胞状晶占比升高;当I=7Ie时,方向性较弱的胞状晶占主导。随着电流增加,晶粒的平均直径、周长和面积均呈增长趋势。通过火灾案例分析可知,实验结果与现场的电弧熔痕组织特征基本相符,验证火灾事故原因为过电流故障。  相似文献   

王敏 《安全》2003,24(1):18-19
电气设备故障引起的火灾不堪设想,有时会发生“火烧连片”使一大批电器烧毁,甚至发生触电伤亡事故。因此必须认真分析发生电气火灾的原因。1 变压器故障引起的火灾防范措施 故障原因由于严重过负荷运行、线圈绝缘损坏发生短路、变压油质老化、连接处或分接头处接触电阻过大、外部线路短路时高低压熔断器未能熔  相似文献   

某单位不久前发生一起火灾事故,损失60多万元,事故原因是导线老化、绝缘被破坏、电流短路引起的。据查,导线敷设在天棚内,天棚是木质的,房顶是用苇席铺设的,都属易燃物。由于电流短路,产生的热量骤增,使温度升高,达到易燃物的自燃点,引起燃烧的。 发生电气火灾事故的原因,除设备缺陷,安装不当等设计和施工方面的原因外,短路、过载、接触不良、散热不良等是引起电气火灾的主要原因。 (1)发生短路时,线路中的电流增加至正常值的几倍甚至几十倍,因产生的热量和电  相似文献   

为深入研究过电流故障铝导线熔痕部位与组织特征之间的关联关系,本文模拟2.5 mm2BLV铝导线通25~ 187.5 A电流时的发热、熔断和燃烧过程,研究过电流铝导线发热形变与熔痕形成的内在关联,根据各部位熔痕受热形成过程,分类识别典型组织特征.研究结果表明:随着电流值升高,铝导线先后出现线芯发热、绝缘热解、熔断拉弧、绝...  相似文献   

电气火灾主要是由于电能引起火源而发生的,其直接原因一般是过负荷、短路、接触电阻过大和谐波效应造成高温发热,并引燃绝缘和周围可燃物造成火灾。电气火灾发生前电气设备或线路一般会出现物理参数变化和异常现象的征兆,这些物理参数包括电压、电流、绝缘电阻、超声波和温度,异常现象包括电火花和电弧。通过使用先进的仪器设备和现代化的检测技术来检测这些物理参数和观察是否存在异常现象可以判断是否存在电气火灾隐患,继而消除电气火灾隐患,将最大限度遏制电气火灾发生。  相似文献   

电气火灾一次短路熔痕鉴别和判定对分析火灾原因和事故认定至关重要,而目前金相分析方法目前处于经验和半经验水平,缺乏定量分析手段.本文开展不同电流条件下(100A至300A,间隔为20A)铜导线一次短路模拟实验,制作相应短路熔痕金相图谱.同时引入描述金相组织特征参数,基于Image - ProPlus应用数字图像处理技术提取图谱的金相组织特征参数量化指标,讨论金相组织晶粒和孔洞尺寸变化的特点,实现金相微观组织特征参数和电流之间的关系数据对比分析,探讨一次短路熔痕金相组织的量化判据和变化规律.  相似文献   

城中村是中国快速城市化进程中的一个普遍现象,由于缺乏统一规划和专门管理,城中村的高火灾风险成为当前面临的重要问题并得到社会各界关注.为获得昆明市城中村火灾的特点和规律,从2004-2006年昆明市火灾统计记录中区分出城中村和非城中村火灾数据,在此基础上采用Bayes统计分析城中村不同用途建筑物的火灾发生概率及概率比例.结果表明,相比城中村其他用途的建筑,居住用房火灾概率较低,而具有生产和加工性质的行业作坊、易燃易爆场所和娱乐场所的火灾概率较高,分别是居住用房的48倍、26倍和18倍.进一步采用火灾原因-场所关联对比分析了城中村和非城中村火灾的特点.从火灾发生场所看,与非城中村相比,城中村居住场所火灾发生比例高7.2%,路边可燃物高88.8%,木材、家具加工厂高184.8%,易燃易爆场所高521.4%; 从火灾原因看,城中村电气、电线短路致灾比例高1 2%,限制行为能力人(小孩和精神病人)致灾比例高65 1%,燃放烟花爆竹致灾比例高3.5%,吸烟致灾比例高50.9%,违章操作致灾比例高59.0%.这些差异基本上反映了城中村的主要外在特征,这些外在特征经城中村实地调研得到证实.  相似文献   

The microscopic characteristics of melting trace caused by copper wire fault are an important basis for the physical evidence identification of electrical fires. Metallography is an important method in electrical fire research, and computer-aided quantitative analysis on metallographic structure is common in materials aspect. In this study, the metallographic structure and phase composition characteristics of melting trace caused by overcurrent fault were explored with the aid of a metallographic microscope and an X-ray diffractometer (XRD). The results show that the grains are mainly slender dendritic and columnar crystals when the current is 128 A, while they are coarse dendritic and cellular crystals when the current is greater than 192 A; the average grain diameter of melting trace of copper wire grows with the increase in current. The main phases of melting trace caused by overcurrent fault of copper wire are α-Cu base and Cu2O, and the new phases Cu4Si and Cu2Mg are formed when the current is higher than 160 A. In addition, the solidification process of metallographic structure of copper wire under different currents was simulated by the Procast software. It is found that the simulation results are basically in agreement with the experimental data, which suggests that this model can effectively predict the microstructure characteristics of melting trace of copper wire under different currents. The research results can provide a sound basis for the physical evidence identification of electrical fire and improve the accuracy and scientificity of electrical fire investigation.  相似文献   

An analysis was completed of the hazards and risks of hydrogen, compared to the traditional fuel sources of gasoline and natural gas (methane). The study was based entirely on the physical properties of these fuels, and not on any process used to store and extract the energy. The study was motivated by the increased interest in hydrogen as a fuel source for automobiles.The results show that, for flammability hazards, hydrogen has an increased flammability range, a lower ignition energy and a higher deflagration index. For both gasoline and natural gas (methane) the heat of combustion is higher (on a mole basis). Thus, hydrogen has a somewhat higher flammability hazard.The risk is based on probability and consequence. The probability of a fire or explosion is based on the flammability range, the auto-ignition temperature and the minimum ignition energy. In this case, hydrogen has a larger flammability zone and a lower minimum ignition energy—thus the probability of a fire or explosion is higher. The consequence of a fire or explosion is based on the heat of combustion, the maximum pressure during combustion, and the deflagration index. Hydrogen has an increased consequence due to the large value of the deflagration index while gasoline and natural gas (methane) have a higher heat of combustion. Thus, based on physical properties alone, hydrogen poses an increase risk, primarily due to the increased probability of ignition.This study was unable to assess the effects of the increased buoyancy of hydrogen—which might change the probability depending on the actual physical situation.A complete hazard and risk analysis must be completed once the actual equipment for hydrogen storage and energy extraction is specified. This paper discusses the required procedure.  相似文献   

根据外墙保温材料具体的工程参数为依据,对挤塑型聚苯乙烯(XPS)、膨胀型聚苯乙烯(EPS)和聚氨酯(PU)三种材料的燃烧参数进行设定,设定火源为从窗口喷射而出的火焰,运用FDS软件进行数值模拟与分析。经过模拟发现:外墙保温材料在竖向燃烧中,火焰前锋高度呈现抛物线式增长,y=at2+bt+c,前期增长迅速,后期逐渐平稳。火焰前锋速度按照线性变化,vp=αt+β。在整个燃烧过程中,火焰前锋速度平稳的降低。XPS板导热系数最好,各测点的温度上升最慢,EPS板蓄热系数最好,所以其温度曲线最为平稳。  相似文献   

为对变压器油池火灾进行准确有效的灭火,研究不同尺寸和不同厚度下变压器油的火灾动力学特征和基本燃烧特性,具体分析变压器油的燃烧过程和变压器油燃烧速率、火焰温度以及辐射热流随油池直径以及厚度的变化规律。结果表明:整个油品的燃烧过程分为预热燃烧阶段、稳定燃烧阶段和火焰熄灭阶段。对于厚度大于10 mm的油池燃烧,稳定阶段的燃烧速率与油层厚度无关,稳定阶段的燃烧速率随着油池直径的增加而增加。同时,变压器油火灾连续火焰区温度接近750 ℃。对于稳定燃烧阶段下的变压器油燃烧,基于辐射通量可得出在燃烧过程中,辐射热量占总燃烧热的占比约为1/3。研究结果可丰富变压器油燃烧的基础数据,为变压器火灾的灭火提供参考。  相似文献   

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) researchers continue to study the potential for lithium and lithium-ion battery thermal runaway from an internal short circuit in equipment for use in underground coal mines. Researchers conducted cell crush tests using a plastic wedge within a 20-L explosion-containment chamber filled with 6.5% CH4-air to simulate the mining hazard. The present work extends earlier findings to include a study of LiFePO4 cells crushed while under charge, prismatic form factor LiCoO2 cells, primary spiral-wound constructed LiMnO2 cells, and crush speed influence on thermal runaway susceptibility. The plastic wedge crush was a more severe test than the flat plate crush with a prismatic format cell. Test results indicate that prismatic Saft MP 174565 LiCoO2 and primary spiral-wound Saft FRIWO M52EX LiMnO2 cells pose a CH4-air ignition hazard from internal short circuit. Under specified test conditions, A123 systems ANR26650M1A LiFePO4 cylindrical cells produced no chamber ignitions while under a charge of up to 5 A. Common spiral-wound cell separators are too thin to meet intrinsic safety standards provisions for distance through solid insulation, suggesting that a hard internal short circuit within these cells should be considered for intrinsic safety evaluation purposes, even as a non-countable fault. Observed flames from a LiMnO2 spiral-wound cell after a chamber ignition within an inert atmosphere indicate a sustained exothermic reaction within the cell. The influence of crush speed on ignitions under specified test conditions was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

为了研究聚苯乙烯外墙保温系统火灾风险的问题,对比了3种火灾测试方法,分别是基于ISO 5660的小尺寸锥形量热计实验方法、基于ISO 9705的大尺寸实验方法和基于BS 8414的全尺寸实验方法。讨论了3种方法评测外墙保温系统火灾风险的适用性,进一步在比较分析热释放速率、临界热流强度、火蔓延情况、火灾行为以及实验后样品完整性等参数的基础上,得到了影响聚苯乙烯外墙保温系统火灾风险的关键因素。结果表明:虽然空腔的形成在此类系统火灾中不可避免,但系统保护层的严密性和完整性决定了空腔火蔓延的危险性以及聚苯乙烯在系统内的融化流动及燃烧特性。针对聚苯乙烯外墙保温系统火灾风险影响因素,进一步给出了此类系统的防火措施。  相似文献   

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