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危险化学品公路运输事故新特点及对策研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
统计分析了2008年1月~2010年5月我国发生的485起危险化学品公路运输事故。从事故发生的原因、事故涉及的化学品、事故造成的危害、事故发生的月份分布及年份变化等几个方面,分析了近年来危险化学品公路运输事故的新特点及变化规律。经统计分析,道路交通事故是引发危险化学品运输事故的主要原因之一;侧翻是危险化学品车辆最容易发生的道路交通事故;而随着我国高速公路的迅猛发展,追尾造成的危险化学品运输事故数量呈上升趋势;危险化学品公路运输过程中易燃液体事故起数最多,爆炸品和毒性物质事故造成的人员伤亡最严重;春节前后取代夏季,成为近两年危险化学品运输事故高发期。针对这些特点,对我国危险化学品公路运输安全管理与监控提出了建议。  相似文献   

2012年8月26日凌晨2点40分许,包茂高速公路安塞段发生一起客车与运送甲醇货运车辆追尾碰撞交通事故,引发甲醇泄漏并导致两车起火,造成36人遇难,3人受伤.2012年8月29日,国务院"8·26"特别重大道路交通事故调查组在延安召开第一次全体会议宣布:初步调查显示这是一起两车驾驶员违法导致的事故.  相似文献   

基于灰色关联分析的车辆交通事故规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对车辆交通事故统计数据少、事故原因划分模糊等特点,运用灰色系统理论思想,建立车辆交通事故灰色关联分析模型。根据车辆交通事故起数、死亡人数、受伤人数与各事故原因之间的灰色关联度,计算车辆交通事故因素关联序,确定车辆交通事故各原因的重要程度。分析影响车辆交通事故的最优支配因素,并据此研究车辆交通事故规律。研究结果表明,部队汽车驾驶员交通违法是造成车辆交通事故的主要原因,违法违纪成为制约车辆安全管理的一个重点和难点问题。  相似文献   

改革开放以来 ,我国的高速公路建设发展很快 ,但如何更好地防止和减少高速公路重特大交通事故的发生呢 ?笔者认为应该从三个方面做文章。加强“源头”治理 ,防患于未然通过对去年各地高速公路交通事故分析表明 ,由于驾驶员自身问题发生交通事故的比例为 79%左右 ,因车辆状况差而引发交通事故的比例为 1 6 %左右 ,这说明 ,驾驶人员违章行车是发生交通事故突出的原因 ,而车况差也是由于驾驶员疏于对车辆及时进行检查和保养而造成 ,两方面原因从主观上讲都是由于驾驶员引起的 ,因此 ,必须对驾驶人员进行严格管理 ,提高他们自身的整体素质。要对…  相似文献   

我国公路交通事故的现状及特征分析   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
根据2000—2006年全国公路交通事故统计数据,以2006年为重点,分析当前我国公路交通事故的发展形势、地区差异和事故特征。研究表明:我国的公路交通事故自2003年开始总体由快速上升转为持续下降,但高速公路和西部地区的公路交通事故仍有增长可能;与经济欠发达地区相比,经济发达地区的事故总量较大,但事故死亡率较低;国道、省道和高等级公路的事故死亡率均大幅高于其他公路;约80%的死亡事故是发生在平直、一般弯和一般坡等良好路段上的车辆互碰、碰撞行人和翻车,76%的特大事故属于坠车和正面碰撞;雾、雪等恶劣天气更易在高等级公路上引发交通事故。  相似文献   

1、防爆胎在高速公路上,因发生爆胎而造成恶性事故的比例相当大。导致车辆爆胎事故频发的原因很多,主要有:①驾驶员对所驾  相似文献   

高速公路上的交通事故,其中70%的事故涉及到路产损失,但是目前此类事故的处理仍然存在许多不规范的地方。有这样一起交通事故:一部运蔬菜的小货车在高速公路行驶中由于操作不当造成车辆侧翻,车辆倒地后刮擦路面,同时漏油污损路面造成路产损失。事故所在地的路政大队给小货车驾驶员出具车辆暂扣凭证及路产损失评估单,路政大队暂扣小货车,要求驾驶员赔偿路产损失3万元。在这起交通事故中,路政大队能否暂扣车辆?路产损失评估是否合法?  相似文献   

本刊讯 今年以来,公路客运群死群伤的恶性交通事故屡有发生,为了解决这个问题,公安部和交通部最近联合向各地发出了关于整顿公路客运安全管理的通知,要求各地遵照执行。 通知指出,仅1—2月,全国就发生一次死亡10人以上的恶性交通事故8起,死亡157人,伤163人,引起了社会的不良反响。 造成这些事故,有公路和气候的自然条件原因,而主要原因有三:一是部分运输企业的领导轻视运输生产中的安全管理,安全管理制度不健全。二是对驾驶员的教育和对车辆的保养、维修不落实。三是一些公安交通管理部门管理不严格,教育不深入,对驾驶员和车辆的审验、检验…  相似文献   

人为因素已经成为导致交通事故发生的关键因素之一,而车辆追尾碰撞是公路上最常见、危害最大的一类事故.本文将驾驶员的心理细分为放松、谨慎和紧张三种状态,设计了状态切换规则以及不同状态下驾驶员的行为规则,建立了一种公路人因追尾事故的元胞自动机仿真模型.随后通过仿真实验研究了交通流参数以及驾驶员驾驶特性对追尾事故发生率的影响,仿真结果表明随着车辆最大允许速度和车辆密度的增加,追尾事故发生率显著上升;跟驰状态下驾驶员的反应延迟与差错率对事故率影响最大,而紧急情况下驾驶员的人为因素对事故率没有显著影响.研究结果对交通中人因事故发生机理研究及人因事故的预防有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

据资料显示,道路伤害已成为我国城镇居民和青年人群的首位伤害死因。2003年,平均每天有289人丧身车轮之下,其中,因为驾驶员心理健康问题造成的事故达30.83%。交通事故在很大程度上与驾车人的心理健康问题有关,驾驶员的心理健康问题到了不可忽视的地步。经专家对发生事故的驾驶员调查测试发现,易发生事故的驾驶员往往具有潜在的、特定的心理特征,使其更易发生事故。易导致发生交通事故的心理状态有:侥幸心理,图省事,怕麻烦;注意力转移导致决策匆忙,忙中出错;骄傲自大,过高地  相似文献   

Background: Land motor traffic crash (LMTC) -related drownings are an overlooked and preventable cause of injury death. The aim of this study was to analyze the profile of water-related LMTCs involving passenger cars and leading to drowning and fatal injuries in Finland, 1972 through 2015. Materials and methods: The database of the Finnish Crash Data Institute (FCDI) that gathers detailed information on fatal traffic accidents provided records on all LMTCs leading to drowning during the study period and, from 2002 to 2015, on all water-related LMTCs, regardless of the cause of death. For each crash, we considered variables on circumstances, vehicle, and fatality profiles. Results: During the study period, the FCDI investigated 225 water-related LMTCs resulting in 285 fatalities. The majority of crashes involved passenger cars (124), and the cause of death was mostly drowning (167). Only 61 (36.5%) fatalities suffered some–generally mild–injuries. The crashes frequently occurred during fall or summer (63.7%), in a river or ditch (60.5%), and resulted in complete vehicle’s submersion (53.7 %). Half of the crashes occurred in adverse weather conditions and in over 40% of the cases, the driver had exceeded the speed limit. Among drivers, 77 (68.8%) tested positive for alcohol (mean BAC 1.8%). Conclusion: Multidisciplinary investigations of LMTCs have a much higher potential than do exclusive police and medico-legal investigations. The risk factors of water-related LMTCs are similar to those of other traffic crashes. However, generally the fatal event in water-related LMTC is not the crash itself, but drowning. The paucity of severe physical injuries suggests that victims’ functional capacity is usually preserved during vehicle submersion. Practical Applications: In water-related LMTCs, expansion of safety measures is warranted from general traffic-injury prevention to prevention of drowning, including development of safety features for submerged vehicles and simple self-rescue protocols to escape from a sinking vehicle.  相似文献   

Objectives: Studies from different parts of the world have indicated that the impact of road traffic incidents disproportionally affects young adults. Few known studies have been forthcoming from Arabian Gulf countries. Within Oman, a high proportion of the population is under the age of 20. Coupled with the drastic increase in motorization in recent years, there is a need to understand the state of road safety among young people in Oman. The current research aimed to explore the prevalence and characteristics of road traffic injuries among young drivers aged 17–25 years.

Methods: Crash data from 2009 to 2011 were extracted from the Directorate General of Traffic, Royal Oman Police (ROP) database in Oman. The data were analyzed to explore the impact of road crashes on young people (17–25 years), the characteristics of young driver crashes, and how these differ from older drivers and to identify key predictors of fatalities in young driver crashes.

Results: Overall, young people were overrepresented in injuries and fatalities within the sample time period. Though it is true that many young people in crashes were driving at the time, it was also evident that young people were often victims in a crash caused by someone else. Thus, to reduce the impact of road crashes on young people, there is a need to generally address road safety within Oman. When young drivers were involved in crashes they were predominantly male. The types of crashes these drivers have can be broadly attributed to risk taking and inexperience. Speeding and nighttime driving were the key risk factors for fatalities.

Conclusion: The results highlight the need to address young driver safety in Oman. From these findings, the introduction of a graduated driver licensing system with nighttime driving restrictions could significantly improve young driver safety.  相似文献   

IntroductionFreeway accidents are a leading cause of death in China, which also triggers substantial economic loss and an emotional burden to society. However, the internal mechanism of how microscopic kinetic parameters of vehicles influenced by road characteristics determine the occurrence of different types of accidents has not been explicitly studied. This research aimed to explore the “link role” of tire microscopic kinetic parameters in road characteristic variables and traffic accidents to aid in facilitating the traffic design and management, and thus to prevent traffic accident. Method: A mountain freeway in Zhejiang Province, China was used as the research object and the data used in this paper were obtained through a real-time vehicle experiment. Multiple estimation models, including the standard ordered logit (SOL) model, fixed parameters logit (FPL) model, and random parameters logit (RPL) model were established. Results: The findings show that road characteristics will affect the longitudinal kinetic characteristics of the vehicle and, consequently, map the level of risk of rear-end accidents. Driving compensation effects were also identified in this paper (i.e., the drivers tend to be more cautious in complicated driving circumstances). Another finding relating to the mountain freeway is that different tunnel characteristics (e.g., tunnel entrance and tunnel exit) have different effects on different types of traffic accidents. Practical Applications: The framework proposed in this article can provide new insight for researchers to enlarge the research subjects of both explanatory and outcome variables in accident analysis. Future research could be implemented to consider more driving conditions.  相似文献   

Risky behavior of drivers of motorized two wheeled vehicles in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: Motorized two-wheeled vehicles (MTV) account for a large proportion of road traffic in India and the riders of these vehicles have a high risk of road traffic injuries. We report on the availability of drivers licenses, use of a helmet, driver behavior, and condition of vehicles for MTV drivers in Hyderabad, a city in India METHODS: Drivers of a MTV aged >16 years were interviewed at petrol filling stations RESULTS: There were 4,183 MTV drivers who participated in the study. Four hundred sixty one (11%; 95% CI 9.7-12.3%) drivers had not obtained a drivers license and 798 (21.4%) had obtained a license without taking the mandatory driving test. Two thousand nine hundred twenty (69.8%; 95% CI 67.9-71.7%) drivers reported no/very occasional use of a helmet, the significant predictors of which included that those driving borrowed a MTV (odds ratio 7.90; 95% CI 3.40-18.40) or driving moped/scooterette/scooter as compared with motorcycle (3.32; 2.76-3.98), lower education (3.10; 2.66-3.61), age >45 years (2.41; 1.63-3.57), and males (1.57; 1.16-2.13). Two thousand five hundred and eight (59.9%) drivers reported committing a traffic law violation at least once within the last 3 months. Overall, 1,222 (29.2%) drivers reported ever being caught by traffic police for a traffic law violation with data on violations available for 1,205 of these drivers, of whom 680 (56.4%) paid a fine, 310 (25.7%) paid by bribe, and 215 (17.8%) made no payment. The proportion of those who did not make payment for committed violation was significantly higher among females (46.8%) than males (16.3%). Two thousand fifty two (49%) of all MTVs had no rearview mirror CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest the need to enact and enforce policy interventions for improving the drivers license system, mandatory use of a helmet, effective traffic law enforcement, and ensuring good vehicle condition to reduce the risk factors that potentially contribute to mortality and morbidity in road traffic crashes in MTV drivers in Indian cities.  相似文献   

Introduction: Reducing the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes will provide significant safety, operational and environmental benefits. This paper presents a method for assessing the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes with Adaptive Signal Control Systems (ASCS) deployed on alternate routes that are typically used by diverted freeway traffic to avoid any delay or congestion due to a freeway primary crash. Method: The method includes four steps: (1) identification of secondary crashes, (2) verification of alternate routes, (3) assessment of the likelihood of secondary crashes for freeways with ASCS deployed on alternate routes and non-ASCS (i.e. pre-timed, semi- or fully-actuated) alternate routes, and (4) investigation of unobserved heterogeneity of the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes. Four freeway sections (i.e., two with ASCS deployed on alternate routes and two non-ASCS alternate routes) in South Carolina are considered. Results and Conclusions: Findings from the logistic regression modeling reveal significant reduction in the likelihood of secondary crashes for one freeway section (i.e., Charleston I-26 E) with ASCS deployed on alternate route. Other factors such as rear-end crash, dark or limited light, peak period, and annual average daily traffic contribute to the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes. Furthermore, random-parameter logistic regression model results for Charleston I-26 E reveal that unobserved heterogeneity of ASCS effect exists across the observations and ASCS are associated with the reduction of the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes for 84% of the observations (i.e., primary crashes). Location of the primary crash on the freeway is observed to affect the benefit of ASCS toward freeway secondary crash reduction as the primary crash’s location determines how many upstream freeway vehicles will be able to take the alternate route. Practical Applications: Based on the findings, it is recommended that the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) considers deploying ASCS on alternate routes parallel to freeway sections where high percentages of secondary crashes are found.  相似文献   

Objective: Powered mobility devices (PMDs) are commonly used as aids for older people and people with disabilities, subgroups of vulnarable road users (VRUs) who are rarely noted in traffic safety contexts. However, the problem of accidents involving PMD drivers has been reported in many countries where these vehicles have become increasingly popular.

The aim of this study is to extract and analyze national PMD-related accident and injury data reported to the Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition (STRADA) database. The results will provide valuable insight into the risks and obstacles that PMD drivers are exposed to in the traffic environment and may contribute to improving the mobility of this group in the long term.

Methods: The current study is based on data from 743 accidents and 998 persons. An analysis was performed on a subset of data (N?=?301) in order to investigate the development of accidents over a period of 10 years. Thereafter, each accident in the whole data set was registered as either single (N?=?427) or collision (N?=?315).

Results: The results show that there was a 3-fold increase in the number of PMD-related accidents reported to STRADA during the period 2007–2016.

With regard to single accidents, collisions, as well as fatalities, the injury statistics were dominated by males. Single accidents were more common than collisions (N?=?427 and N?=?316, respectively) and the level of injury sustained in each type of accident is on par.

The vast majority of single accidents resulted in the PMD driver impacting the ground (87%), due to either PMD turnover (71%) or the driver falling out of the PMD (16%). The reason for many of the single accidents was a difference in ground level (34%, typically a curb).

Cars, trucks, or buses were involved in 67% of collision events; these occured predominantly at junctions or intersections (70%).

Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 3+ injuries were dominated by hip and head injuries in both single accidents and collision events.

Conclusions: The present study shows that further research on PMD accidents is required, with regard to both single accidents and collision events. To ensure that appropriate decisions are made, future work should follow up on injury trends and further improve the quality of PDM-related accident data. Improved vehicle stability and design, increased usage of safety equipment, proper training programs, effective maintenance services, and development of a supporting infrastructure would contribute to increased safety for PMD drivers.  相似文献   

Aims: Traffic safety is a significant public health challenge, and vehicle crashes account for the majority of injuries. This study aims to identify whether drivers' characteristics and past traffic violations may predict vehicle crashes in Korea.

Methods: A total of 500,000 drivers were randomly selected from the 11.6 million driver records of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs in Korea. Records of traffic crashes were obtained from the archives of the Korea Insurance Development Institute. After matching the past violation history for the period 2004–2005 with the number of crashes in year 2006, a total of 488,139 observations were used for the analysis. Zero-inflated negative binomial model was used to determine the incident risk ratio (IRR) of vehicle crashes by past violations of individual drivers. The included covariates were driver's age, gender, district of residence, vehicle choice, and driving experience.

Results: Drivers violating (1) a hit-and-run or drunk driving regulation at least once and (2) a signal, central line, or speed regulation more than once had a higher risk of a vehicle crash with respective IRRs of 1.06 and 1.15. Furthermore, female gender, a younger age, fewer years of driving experience, and middle-sized vehicles were all significantly associated with a higher likelihood of vehicle crashes.

Conclusions: Drivers' demographic characteristics and past traffic violations could predict vehicle crashes in Korea. Greater resources should be assigned to the provision of traffic safety education programs for the high-risk driver groups.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to describe the trends of motorization and mortality rates from road traffic accidents and examine their associations in a rapidly urbanizing city in China, Shenzhen.

Methods: Using data from the Shenzhen Deaths Registry between 1994 and 2013, we calculated the annual mortality rates of road traffic accidents, in addition to the age- and sex-specific mortality rates and their annual percentage changes (APCs) for the period of 2000–2013. We also examined the associations between mortality rate of road traffic accidents and traffic growth with Spearman's rank correlation analysis and a log-linear model derived from Smeed's law.

Results: A total of 20,196 deaths due to road traffic accidents, including 14,391 (71.3%) male deaths and 5,805 (28.7%) female deaths, were recorded in Shenzhen from 1994 to 2013. The annual mortality rates in terms of deaths per population and deaths per vehicle changed in similar patterns, demonstrating an increase since 1994 and peaking in 1997, followed by a steady decrease thereafter. The decrease in mortality was faster in individuals aged 20 year or older compared to those younger than 20 years. The mortality rates in term of deaths per population were positively correlated with the total number of vehicles per kilometer of road but negatively correlated with the motorization rate in term of vehicles per population. The estimated model for deaths due to road traffic accidents in relation to the total population and the number of registered vehicles was ln (deaths/10,000 vehicles) = ?1.902 × ln (vehicles/population) ? 1.961. The coefficient was statistically significant (P < .001) and the coefficient of determination was 0.966, indicating a good model fit.

Conclusions: We described a generally decreasing trend in the mortality rates of road traffic accidents in a rapidly urbanizing Chinese city based observations in the 20-year period from 1994 to 2013. The decreased mortality rate may be explained by the expansion of road network construction, improved road safety regulations and management, as well as more accessible ambulance services in recent years. Nevertheless, road traffic accidents remain a universal problem of great public health concern in the whole population.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe objective of this research is to investigate the effects of monthly weather conditions on traffic crash experience on freeways, considering the interactions between weather, traffic volumes, and roadway conditions. Methods: Data from the state of Connecticut from 2011to 2015 were used. Random parameters negative binomial models with first-order, autoregressive covariance were estimated for representative types of freeway crashes (front-to-rear, sideswipe-same-direction, and fixed-object), most severe crashes (i.e., fatal and injury crashes), and non-injury crashes (i.e., property-damage-only crashes). Results: Major findings are that variations in monthly traffic volumes, roadway geometry, and weather conditions explain much of the variations in monthly traffic crashes. Time effects exist in the panel monthly data for all types of crashes. Taking into account this effect improves model prediction results. When the raw weather measures are highly correlated, using dimension reduction techniques helps to extract more interpretable weather factors. By considering the interaction effects between roadway condition variables, additional findings were found. In general, lower temperature, more heavy fog days, decreased precipitation, lower wind speed, higher monthly traffic volumes, and narrower inside shoulder were found to be associated with higher monthly crashes. The effects of area type and outside shoulder width change dramatically as the number of through lanes changes. Practical applications: The findings of this research could help researchers and general readers gain a better understanding of the effects of monthly weather conditions and other roadway factors on freeway crashes and give engineers practical guidelines on improving freeway safety.  相似文献   

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