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发射场液体推进剂个体防护体系的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确保发射场液体推进剂作业人员的身体健康和生命安全,本文以安全系统工程理论为依据,结合液体推进剂作业要求以及防护装具现状,研究并建立了发射场推进剂作业个体三级防护体系。  相似文献   

液体火箭推进剂作业存在中毒、灼伤、窒息等危害,个体防护装备的合理选择和正确使用在避免伤害事故中起着至关重要的作用。本文根据液体推进剂作业特点,探讨个体防护装备的选择、配套和使用原则,以期能够有效防止推进剂伤害事故的发生,保障推进剂作业人员的健康和安全。  相似文献   

航天发射场常规液体推进剂作业危险性评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据航天发射场常规液体推进剂作业实际情况,利用“日本劳动省化工安全定量评价法”和“蒙德火灾爆炸毒性指标评价法”,对推进剂各作业单元的危险性进行了评估,为实施防护提供了科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

针对航天发射场危险源管理现状,借鉴一般安全分析方法的基础上,通过分析发射场内的危险源特性,建立适宜的危险源辨识评价方法,提出危险源辨识评价分析过程可按照"发射场系统分析、危险源确认、危险源评估、风险表征"4个步骤进行,讨论了发射场危险源的定性、定量评价方法,确定了发射场内重大危险源推进剂贮存库和高压气瓶库的评定标准,并进行了危险源的量化表征。发射场风险评估方法和管理体系的建立,对于科学评价发射场危险源、制定有效的风险防控措施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对汽车制造企业作业场所各项职业病危害因素进行辨识、分析,评价现有防护措施,并提出相应对策.依据国家相关标准,对现有汽车制造企业作业场所岗位职业危害因素进行检测和评价.涂装、冲压、焊装车间是职业危害因素相对集中的作业场所,而噪声、苯系物和电焊烟尘是主要的职业危害因素,防护措施是控制职业危害的关键.汽车制造职业危害必须通过多种措施进行预防和控制.  相似文献   

噪声是纺织业的主要职业危害之一。纺织企业生产车间的噪声不仅会影响到纺织生产的效率、工人的工作能力及安全,还会对纺织工人的健康造成危害,甚至导致职业病。以南方某纺织企业为研究对象,对其生产车间的噪声进行了调查测量,并采用职业病作业危害、职业接触风险评估二种评价方法,对该企业各生产工序的噪声职业危害进行风险评价,得出评价结论,从声源、声传播途径、个体防护及管理制度四个方面提出了降噪措施,以便更好地加强防治,预防减少噪声职业危害。  相似文献   

近年来,各地因密闭空间作业的急性职业中毒事故引起的群死群伤屡有发生,因为中毒多发生在与外界相对隔离、进出口受限、自然通风不良的密闭空间作业场所,且主要表现为窒息性气体中毒,所以贯彻GBZ/T205-2007《密闭空间作业职业危害防护规范》,加强密闭空间作业职业中毒的预防与救援,是防范急性职业中毒事故群死群伤的关键。  相似文献   

本文通过建立氧化剂四氧化二氮(N2O4)贮存安全评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定各影响因素的权重分配,运用模糊综合评价方法对液体推进剂贮存中的泄漏风险进行了评价,最终得到液体推进剂贮存泄漏风险的模糊评价结果.结果表明,液体推进剂在贮存中的泄漏风险为第二等级,即风险较大. 其影响因素中安全管理所占的权重最大,其次为贮存环境因素、人为因素、贮存设备因素和偶然因素.各因素评价指标的权重反映出它们的相对重要性,相关单位可依此制定安全措施.  相似文献   

为预防施工作业人员的职业中毒危害,采用行为安全“2-4”模型,分析50起建筑施工中毒事故的原因,得到涉及事故的因素235项,并对其中发生频次最高的因素和具有共性特征的因素进行了详细的原因分析。研究结果表明:发生在一线作业施工人员的职业中毒事故中,不安全动作的未佩戴符合标准的防护用品或无防护措施、不安全物态的作业空间受限、安全知识中不知道作业前需隐患排查、安全意识中未意识到按规章行动的重要性、安全习惯日常检查流于表面是各层次中导致职业中毒最主要的原因。  相似文献   

作业环境质量的好坏不仅会影响工人的工作效率及安全,还会对工人的健康造成危害,甚至导致职业病。科学合理地评价作业环境的风险对改善作业环境安全、预防和减少职业危害具有重要意义。纺织行业属于典型的劳动密集型产业,纺织企业生产工艺流程长,设备排列紧密,自然通风条件差,作业环境复杂。通过对我国中南地区4个纺织企业作业环境的调查,分析了纺织企业作业环境的特点、主要影响因素及其危害。纺织车间作业环境影响因素有噪声、粉尘、热湿环境、照明和振动、色彩等,其中噪声、粉尘及热湿环境、照明影响因素较为突出,依此建立了纺织企业作业环境风险评价指标体系,运用模糊数学理论以及层次分析法(AHP),构建了纺织企业作业环境风险评价模型,并将该模型应用于对某纺织企业作业环境的评价,得出该企业主要生产工序的作业环境风险等级。结果表明,清钢联、并条二道工序属安全作业,清花、梳棉、粗纱三道工序属轻度危害作业,络筒工序属中度危害作业,细纱工序属高度危害作业。评判结果符合企业实际情况。  相似文献   

为了实现对有毒推进剂泄漏扩散浓度的快速估算,对液体推进剂偏二甲肼在发射场泄漏蒸发扩散的实际情况进行理论分析,建立扩散模型,并从泄漏源、沉积效应、地面反射、大气稳定度等方面对扩散模型进行完善;应用数值模拟方法进行仿真,将数值模拟结果与实验数据、理论计算结果进行对比分析。研究结果表明:气体扩散模型与数值模拟及实验结果基本一致,但扩散模型计算结果偏小,这是由于推进剂进行了燃烧和氧化反应,扩散区域温度上升,大气稳定度降低,实际浓度更大。  相似文献   

有限空间的危害辨识与风险控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有限空间是一种作业风险比较高,且还未引起广泛重视的一种作业环境。对有限空间的基本概念、分类,缺氧或富氧、易燃气体和蒸气、有毒气体和蒸气,各种机械伤害和人身伤害等4类主要危害以及风险控制等方面进行了系统的阐述,并指出了有限空间的危害辨识是进行风险分析和控制的关键。根据危害辨识和风险分析,提出了包括有限空间辨识、警告标识、风险分析、作业安全分析、进入程序、应急救援预案、气体监测、现场恢复等科学的有限空间风险控制程序,为有效控制和减少有限空间的风险提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

光气生产装置的危险性及事故统计分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过对光气、光气化生产工艺过程存在的危险性分析,笔者认为气相光气化工艺比液相光气化工艺危险性小,而固体光气化生产工艺与气、液相光气生产工艺相比,危险性更小。同时对国内外光气和光气化生产发生事故的原因进行分析探讨,指出事故的原因主要是由管道及设备缺陷、个体防护用品缺乏、设计缺陷及人为失误引起。采用固体光气替代光气参与各种有机合成,与液相或气相光气工艺相比具有安全、反应条件温和、易操作、工艺简便、反应计量准确等优点,因此,固体光气工艺发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo examine the prevalence of occupational health and safety risk factors among immigrants to Canada compared to Canadian-born labour force participants.MethodsUsing data from Statistic Canada’s Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, we examined the differential probabilities of six different occupational health and safety risks: non-membership in a union or collective bargaining agreement; employment in physically demanding occupations; employment in a workplace with less than 20 employees; regular shift work; irregular shift work; and having non-permanent employment. Our main independent variables were length of time in Canada, visible minority status, mother tongue, and location where highest level of education was attained. Models were adjusted for age, gender, education, marital status, province of residence, living in an urban or rural location, and industry group.ResultsOf the six occupational health and safety risks examined we found that our main independent variables describing aspects of immigration status were associated with five; the exception being irregular shift work. Adjustment for industry did not attenuate these relationships to a large extent.ConclusionsImmigrants to Canada are faced with many occupational health and safety risks compared to Canadian-born respondents. These risks may be heightened among immigrants as they may not have knowledge of workplace rights and protections or have problems communicating health and safety risks or concerns. The timely provision information on occupational health and safety to immigrants before they start working should be a priority as they integrate into the Canadian labour market.  相似文献   

In 2006, an unprecedented atmospheric confined space accident took place in a sampling shed at the Sullivan Mine in Kimberley, British Columbia. This accident suggests that a risk assessment should be carried out on a regular basis at mine reclamation sites for many years after closure. In this paper, an Atmospheric Fuzzy Risk Assessment (AFRA) tool is described that can assess atmospheric risk given heuristic and measured data at such sites. It can also serve to transfer knowledge about atmospheric hazards in an enclosed structure. The system uses fuzzy logic to input and output information and to perform weighted inferencing. The paper describes the developmental process as well as system verification and validation based on a number of known test and reference waste dumps. AFRA is a heuristic expert system based on fuzzy logic and the first tool that was developed to assess the atmospheric risk of mine waste dumps. The atmospheric risk is estimated by fuzzy Mamdani system given the values of four major elements of risk comprising of: gas generation, gas emission, gas confinement, and human exposure. The ability of AFRA to adapt its risk assessment to different climate conditions is explained. There are many physical, chemical, and environmental factors which fluctuate over time affecting oxygen-depletion in waste dumps. AFRA can help mining engineers and mine managers recognize this type of danger when conducting a confined space inventory at a reclamation site.  相似文献   

Objectives. The aim of this work was to develop, validate and test a new questionnaire to assess the biological risk in workers with intentional or unintentional exposure to biological agents. Methods. A questionnaire including 34 questions was developed to study the perception of workers against occupational biohazard. Content Validity Index (CVI) and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) were calculated for the analysis of content validity. A pilot study was carried out with 60 workers from 17 companies performing analysis of Cronbach's α to assess the internal consistency or reliability. Results. A total of 518 workers from 51 Spanish companies in which there is exposure to biological agents participated in the study yielding a response rate of 90%. The final questionnaire obtained a Cronbach's α > 0.759 with a stable test–retest result. The questionnaire validation demonstrates that it could be used to evaluate the biological risks and help the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. Discussion. This study has validated the need to evaluate worker's perception against occupational risks, as well as the application of prevention methods and protective equipment. It is a first step towards developing an occupational biohazards assessment method including all the requirements set by the European Health and Safety Strategy 2013–2020.  相似文献   

垃圾发电涉及烟气、废水、炉渣及飞灰的三废处理,如何在全厂工艺中合理消纳废水、这涉及各类设备新材料的应用以及结合生产中各种工艺的相互穿插应用,以便在工艺中的各环节,消纳废水。我国垃圾发电行业起步晚,各工艺独立且单一,本文以项目实例,在烟气处理工艺中,采用新型旋转雾化器,引入废水的浓液作为旋转雾化器冷却水,达到烟气处理与废水浓液处理两种工艺交叉,一起重叠处理,在烟气中蒸发,与常规垃圾电厂将浓液泵入石灰浆溶液中再达到旋转雾化器相比,开辟了一条有效的路径。  相似文献   

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