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针对第三方施工对城镇燃气管道的不利影响,提出一种半定量风险评价方法。首先,基于“人—机—环境—管理”系统确定失效因素,利用G2赋权法对因素赋权,并引入物元模型分析失效可能性;然后,建立喷射火焰、闪火和蒸气云爆炸的数学模型计算管道泄漏的伤害面积,确定失效后果等级;最后,根据API 581中的风险矩阵得出燃气管道第三方施工破坏风险等级。实例分析表明,该方法兼具定性评价与定量评价的优点,能更加准确有效地进行风险分析,确定风险等级。  相似文献   

为避免油气站场设备腐蚀泄漏可能引起的恶性事故,应对站场实行风险管理。以某输气首站为评价对象,针对腐蚀泄漏,采用定量的基于风险的检验(RBI)技术,分析计算5种关键设备的失效概率、失效后果和风险值,判断其风险等级。对于风险等级高的设备,以可接受风险等级的最大值反算检测频率。制定5种关键设备的最优检测计划,确定其优先检测顺序。结果表明,压缩机及其出口管道、超声流量计等应被优先检测并采取相应维护措施,其他设备可根据实际情况降低检测频率。建议建立与多种破坏因素有关的失效数据库,以保证站场定量风险评价工作的全面性。  相似文献   

为解决城市燃气管网泄漏蒸气云爆炸事故的风险定量评估问题,提出一种网格化的风险评估方法。首先,综合分析管道故障的影响因素和管道泄漏蒸气云爆炸的后果损失类型,并计算管道的失效概率和管道某一点泄漏导致蒸气云爆炸后在一个网格内的后果损失货币量化值,两者相乘得到该网格中心点的风险值。然后,利用叠加场的原理,将对网格中心点有影响的管段各点风险值耦合叠加,得出各网格中心点的总风险值,进而绘制出评估区域的风险等值线。最后,应用于实例,绘制出某地区燃气管网泄漏蒸气云爆炸的风险等值线,根据风险可接受准则,评价区域划分为特别、重点和一般防护区,并得到相应的防护区域范围。结果表明:网格化的风险评估方法能够准确评估城市燃气管网泄漏蒸气云爆炸事故风险,并使区域风险划分相比传统方法更加精细和形象,有助于提高社会安全防护物资利用率。  相似文献   

氯乙烯储罐的事故后果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
氯乙烯具有毒性和易燃易爆性,如果泄漏至空气中,可能产生中毒或爆炸事故。笔者以某化工厂氯乙烯储罐为例,分析氯乙烯储罐可能发生的事故;对其主要事故危害,即中毒、蒸气云爆炸、扩展气体沸腾蒸气爆炸3种事故进行后果模型分析;计算出发生3种事故对人员伤亡和设备损坏造成的危害区域,并提出建议和对策。该研究结果可为同类企业进行安全管理提供科学依据和参考,有助于企业制定防范措施以及事故应急救援预案,从而减少人员伤亡及财产损失。  相似文献   

城市燃气管道在发生泄漏导致火灾爆炸事故时,在空间某点形成的风险,不仅与泄漏量、泄漏时间有关,还与空间有无障碍物、泄漏环境等因素有关。基于物理场经典的场理论,定义城市燃气管道泄漏爆炸事故的风险场,推导出多个危险源在空间某点形成的风险强度公式。利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA数值模拟软件模拟有无障碍物时爆炸事故形成的风险在空间传播规律。结果表明,障碍物对空气超压峰值的影响具有距离效应。在障碍物近区,空气冲击波经反射叠加作用造成超压峰值急剧升高;在障碍物远区,空气冲击波经障碍物反射后由于随距离衰减过快,对超压峰值影响微弱,甚至没有影响。同时对有障碍物存在时进行爆炸破坏效应模拟,得到爆炸破坏效应的5个分区,界定了爆炸破坏对人身伤害程度范围。首次提出了城市燃气管道泄漏爆炸事故风险场的概念,并运用风险场理论研究了空间某点多个危险源同时存在时的风险传播问题。  相似文献   

LPG在储存过程中,可能由于泄漏或灾难性破裂等原因引发火灾、爆炸、中毒等重大事故。首先根据两类危险源理论,辨识与分析了LPG罐区的危险源及其危险性。然后,利用事件树方法,建立了瞬时泄漏和连续泄漏后果模型。通过研究典型的事故后果计算与模拟分析方法、风险确定与表示方法,借助PHAST和LEAK系统模拟分析与计算了某LPG罐区发生泄漏后的事故后果及其影响,并绘制了个人风险等值线和社会风险F-N曲线。最后,根据分析结果提出了多项针对性的风险控制措施。  相似文献   

为合理确定液化烃罐区周边建筑物的抗爆设防荷载,有效进行抗爆设计和防护,建立1套系统的抗爆设防荷载定量评估方法。以某液化烃罐区建筑物为例,计算172个爆炸场景,获得4组累积爆炸频率曲线,基于风险控制标准确定抗爆设防荷载。结果表明:爆炸场景发生频率应包括初始泄漏频率、气象概率、泄漏方向概率和延迟爆炸概率;获得的爆炸超压-累积频率曲线是确定抗爆设防荷载的基础,在爆炸超压较低时,与爆炸源中心距离不同的4面墙体的超压累积频率曲线极为接近;随着爆炸超压的继续增大,累积发生频率的差异逐渐明显;液化烃罐区建筑物的抗爆设防荷载应同时满足2个准则,即万年1次的风险可接受准则和风险可接受范围内爆炸超压最大化准则;根据该准则确定的液化烃罐区附近建筑物东墙的爆炸冲击波峰值入射超压为44.6 kPa,正压作用时间为89.3 ms。  相似文献   

天然气输送管道泄漏事故危害定量分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对某天然气工程中高压输送管道可能发生的天然气泄漏的爆炸危险性进行分析.利用质量流速模型计算出泄漏流量.根据泄漏流量和天然气的燃烧下限浓度,通过高斯扩散模式定量计算在大气为中性,风速为5 m/s,且位于市区的条件下,天然气在大气中的轴向、径向和切向的扩散距离,从而计算该天然气-空气混合云团的体积.对该体积预混云团的爆炸危害进行评估,计算形成蒸气云爆炸的参数,并应用Mat lab软件计算出该管道泄漏引起蒸气云爆炸事故的个人风险曲线,其结果可为新管线的规划、建设及现有管线的调整提供决策依据.  相似文献   

介绍了城镇燃气管道泄漏爆炸冲击波超压的定量风险分析方法.简要介绍了城镇燃气管道,对城镇燃气管道泄漏的失效概率、泄漏源模型、爆炸冲击波超压模型、超压概率模型、个人风险和社会风险分别作了论述.  相似文献   

某液氨储罐泄漏的后果分析及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对某液氨储罐泄漏进行了后果分析,模拟计算出氨对人的毒性影响范围,爆炸下限的影响距离,形成闪火的距离,发生燃烧的热辐射对人员和设备的危害程度以及发生爆炸超压对人员和建筑物的危害程度。提出了安全对策措施。  相似文献   

为了保证油气集输站场的安全生产和运行,基于标准《Risk-based Inspection Methodology》(API RP 581 2016)和可靠性分析方法GO法,提出1种可完全定量的站场失效可能性评价方法,为站场的全定量风险评价方法提供依据和参考。首先,分析站场内各设备的失效机理,计算其失效概率;然后,根据站场工艺特点,将其划分为若干个子系统,利用GO操作符的定量计算公式,确定各子系统及站场整体的失效可能性值;最后,以某油田联合处理站为实例,采用该方法对其工艺设备、站场子系统及站场整体的失效概率进行计算和分析,确定该站场的失效可能性等级。研究结果表明:通过失效可能性定量评价可使站场风险评价更加量化直观,为站场维护及安全生产运行工作提供更加客观的依据。  相似文献   

场站是气田集输的枢纽,也是高风险存在和集中的场所。本论文采用重大事故后果模拟分析法建立天然气泄漏速率估算模型、蒸气云爆炸模型,并以陕北某一天然气场站为例,借助Risk System软件对天然气泄漏速率和泄漏量以及蒸气云爆炸最大事故进行数值模拟。模拟分析结果有助于对天然气场站可能发生的各种事故进行风险评价,也有助于对各类风险大的危险危害因素提出对应的安全对策措施,确保安全生产。  相似文献   

天然气集输系统一旦发生泄漏,容易引发火灾、爆炸、中毒等重大事故,合理的 消防中心站选址对及时展开事故应急救援行动具有重大的现实意义。针对气田中消防中 心站的最优选址展开研究,提出基于动态规划法与重心法相结合的选址方法。采用动态 规划模型确定气田集输系统应急救援最优路径,采用重心法考虑气田集输系统不同组成 单元的重要性,二者结合最终确定出消防中心站最优选址。通过该方法确定的气田消防 中心站位置既保证了气田集输系统中重点保护对象在事故发生的第一时间内得到救援, 同时兼顾了其他单元的最短应急救援时间,对气田消防中心站的合理设置提供了较有价 值的参考。  相似文献   

Dynamic accident modeling for a gas gathering station is implemented to prevent high-sulfur natural gas leakage and develop equipment inspection strategy. The progress of abnormal event occurring in the gas gathering station is modeled by the combination of fault tree and event sequence diagram, based on accident causal chain theory, i.e. the progress is depicted as sequential failure of safety barriers, then, the occurrence probability of the consequence of abnormal event is predicted. Consequences of abnormal events are divided into accidents and accident precursors which include incidents, near misses and so on. The Bayesian theory updates failure probability of safety barrier when a new observation (i.e. accident precursors or accidents data) arrives. Bayesian network then correspondingly updates failure probabilities of basic events of the safety barriers with the ability of abductive reasoning. Consequence occurrence probability is also updated. The results show that occurrence probability trend of different consequences and failure probability trend of safety barriers and basic events of the safety barriers can be obtained using this method. In addition, the critical basic events which play an important role in accidents occurrence are also identified. All of these provide useful information for the maintenance and inspection of the gas gathering station.  相似文献   

油气集输站场防爆区域的划分与电气设备的选用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合作者近几年来对油田油气集输站场进行安全评价的实际情况,初步总结了油气集输站场爆炸危险区域划分和防爆电气设备选用的方法和步骤,并针对在油气集输站场安全现状评价过程中遇到的一些实际问题,提出了油气集输站场电气设备使用过程中的一些注意事项和应对措施。  相似文献   

API Recommended Practice 752 is one of the most referenced practices for evaluating vapor cloud explosion (VCE) impacts to site occupied buildings. This reference introduces generic VCE frequencies for different types of process units that are based on VCE incidents database. Although these reported VCE frequencies are not capable of illustrating all parameters that affect explosion likelihood, they are widely used in risk analysis studies and software packages. This paper delineates the structure of a more realistic method for estimation of local VCE frequencies for independent congested spaces or units as a function of process, site, and meteorological variables. Compared to traditional methods for VCE frequency estimation, the new proposed approach is supported by an obviously more populated and precisely categorized database of leakage frequencies and features a multi-variable functionality of process/plant conditions. Contrary to previous procedures that aimed at finding the frequency of occurrence for a single VCE incident, this proposed methodology characterizes each congested space with a local VCE frequency. This frequency is an integration of the frequencies pertaining to VCE's that are likely to be initiated by each congested space. This new VCE frequency can also be used to determine the level of explosion hazard in each unit and in risk matrix analysis.  相似文献   

为确定城镇—森林交界域火灾灾害演化关系及风险特征,预防灾害事件发生,从157个火灾案例中提取43个典型灾害事件,运用灾害链和复杂网络理论,构建城镇-森林交界域火灾灾害链演化模型。使用Python工具对灾害链网络中关键节点、关键边和最短路径分析。结果表明:化工厂爆炸、加油加气站爆炸、城镇火灾、污染水质、污染空气及城市生命线损毁是关键节点,山洪—道路损毁、河流泥沙淤积—山洪、堤坝决堤—山洪、堰塞湖—山洪、森林火灾—城镇火灾是关键边。研究结果可为城镇-森林交界域火灾的防控、断链减灾提供科学依据,具有较高的现实意义。  相似文献   

Petrochemical buildings are usually distributed near chemical installations and have a high risk of explosion because of the concentration of people. In order to effectively design and protect buildings against explosion, it is needed to determine the blast-resistant and defense loads reasonably. Based on the theory of risk, a triangular pyramid explosion risk model was established in this study, which combined the overpressure p, duration t, and frequency f of the explosion scene at the same time. The first principle of “acceptable cumulative frequency” and the key principle of “maximum explosion risk” were formulated. According to this method, the explosion risk of eight leakage units with 10 groups of leakage hole size and three dangerous wind directions were obtained. According to the cumulative explosion frequency curve and the explosion risk curve, blast-resistant and defense loads of the four walls were determined quantitatively. Among the four walls, the explosion overpressure were 44.0–74.5 kPa, and the corresponding duration were 34.1–39.1 ms. The cumulative explosion frequency were 2.11E−5 to 8.58E−5 times annually. The explosion risk value were 3.64E−3 to 5.35E−3 kPa·ms annually. The results indicated that it was of great importance for the calculation of the explosion risk to reasonably divide the leakage unit and determine the leakage frequency. The explosion scene and its frequency, the volume of the obstructed region, and the distance of the explosion source were the key variables that affected the explosive load. The final blast-resistant and defense load values were found in the case of the middle hole size leakage. Blast-resistant and defense loads not only met the risk acceptance standard but also considered the overpressure and the duration of explosion. At present, they have been extensively applied in the blast-resistant design and engineering transformation of buildings in SINOPEC.  相似文献   

Since the massive use and production of fuel oil and natural gas, the excavating locations of buried energy-carrying material are moving further away from onshore, eventually requiring floating production systems like floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO). Among those platforms, LNG-FPSO will play a leading role to satisfy the global demands for the natural gas in near future; the LNG-FPSO system is designed to deal with all the LNG processing activities, near the gas field. However, even a single disaster on an offshore plant would put the whole business into danger. In this research, the risk of fire and explosion in the LNG-FPSO is assessed by quantitative risk analysis, including frequency and consequence analyses, focusing on the LNG liquefaction process (DMR cycle). The consequence analysis is modeled by using a popular analysis tool PHAST. To assess the risk of this system, 5 release model scenarios are set for the LNG and refrigerant leakages from valves, selected as the most probable scenarios causing fire and explosion. From the results, it is found that the introduction of additional protection methods to reduce the effect of fire and explosion under ALARP criteria is not required, and two cases of the selection of independent protection layers are recommended to meet the SIL level of failure rate for safer design and operation in the offshore environment.  相似文献   

天然气计量站阀门多且检定流程中频繁使用桁车,常规天然气站场的失效后果计算方法难以评估由此带来的影响及后果。为此,在API 581标准基础上,考虑阀门截断作用对机械损伤事故的影响,选取管段组储气量为最大天然气泄漏量,并以动量定理为依据,研究了桁车失效所引发的设备跌落事故,建立了潜在影响面积计算模型;将影响面积内损伤的管段及设备、泄漏的天然气、伤亡的人员等折算为经济损失,形成了考虑设备跌落的天然气计量站失效后果计算方法;将该方法应用于某天然气计量站。研究结果表明:设备跌落事故损失金额为机械损伤事故的3倍;当考虑设备跌落事故时,管段风险等级由低级上升为中低级。研究结果可为天然气计量站失效后果评价提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

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