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李建林  周浩  廖浩  宋保华  卫金平 《安全》2019,40(7):76-79
为了有效评价安全监督HSE能力,本文以安全监督HSE能力是一个复杂系统为出发点,在对安全监督HSE能力影响因素分析和安全监督深入访谈的基础上,初拟指标后对指标体系进行问卷咨询,确定了监督能力、监督业绩和监督效果3个维度的评价体系,包括3个一级指标,14个二级指标,29个三级指标,并应用层次分析法确定了各级指标的隶属度和权重值。最后通过应用实践验证,形成的安全监督HSE能力评价体系,可为安全监督HSE能力的培训、派驻及考核晋级提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的企业HSE管理绩效评估   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
大部分石油化工企业通过HSE关键KPI来判断企业HSE管理绩效,这并不能真实反映企业HSE管理水平。本文通过分析企业建立的HSE管理体系和HSE业务管理重点,给出了建立企业HSE管理绩效评估指标体系的原则和步骤,指出了根据绩效评估指标体系编制审核检查表应当注意的事项,提出了HSE管理绩效评估结果的分级标准,指导企业建立科学合理的HSE管理绩效评估体系。本文还以炼化企业HSE管理为例,给出其三级评估指标体系及权重系数,并论述了企业如何利用该权重系数和审核检查表开展对下属二级单位的评估工作。应用结果表明,利用该方法便于企业量化与对比各二级单位的HSE绩效,通过各级指标分值的图形对比分析,有利于企业和二级单位查找HSE管理上的优点和缺陷,促进企业HSE管理的提升和持续改进。  相似文献   

HSE管理体系成熟度评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高企业HSE管理体系绩效,考察其接近最佳状态的程度,需要对HSE管理体系成熟度进行评价.通过分析HSE管理体系、安全生产标准化的理论,考察两者的联系和区别;依据ISO14000标准、OHSAS18000标准和企业自身的HSE管理体系,结合安全生产标准化评定标准,提出HSE管理体系运行绩效评价标准;依据企业的HSE目标,考察其HSE管理绩效,提出HSE管理绩效的评价标准.综合考虑HSE管理体系运行绩效和HSE管理绩效,对HSE管理体系成熟度进行评价.研究表明,可以通过HSE管理体系与安全生产标准化的整合,对企业自身的HSE管理体系成熟度进行评价,持续改进HSE管理体系绩效.  相似文献   

This study analyzes and assesses the integrated health, safety, environment (HSE) and ergonomics (HSEE) factors by fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) approach. This is achieved through integrating ergonomic and macro-ergonomic as well as occupational health and safety arrangements in an integrated modeling for assessment of their multi-faceted impact on workers' productivity, injury rate and satisfaction. This paper uses FCM to assess the direct and indirect effects of HSEE factors on system performance indicators. The results of FCM are used to develop leading indicators useful for proactive management of productivity, injury rate, and job satisfaction. The result of a comprehensive survey of 37 experts in control rooms and maintenance activities in a large gas refinery is used to show the applicability and usefulness of FCM approach. Moreover, FCM results are used to determine the causal structure of HSEE factors and system performance indicators. It is concluded that macro-ergonomics factors such as instructions and education, familiarity with organization's rules, and proper communications most contribute to improve workers' safety, satisfaction, and productivity.  相似文献   

This study presents an integrated approach performance assessment and optimization of integrated health safety environment (HSE) management system-based on fuzzy data envelopment analysis (FDEA) considering the possible human error and data vagueness in a conventional power plant manufacturer. In doing so, it corresponds and integrates its registered HSE-MS with OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004 to evaluate multiple inputs and outputs of over 35 subsidiary HSE divisions with parallel mission and objectives simultaneously. The HSE divisions of each subsidiary are considered as decision making units (DMUs). Not only doing this refutable method rank their relevant performance efficiencies in certain and uncertain conditions, but also it determines efficient target indices for each DMU, and could assure continuous improvement in the organization. This would help managers to identify the areas of strengths and weaknesses in their HSE management system and set improvement target plan for the related HSE management system. In this model based on Deming’s continuous improvement cycle, managers are also able to evaluate the prevailing strengths and weaknesses and target their improvement strategies at the relevant stages of the cycle.  相似文献   

HSE管理体系审核能帮助企业找出存在的差距,对于评估该企业HSE管理现状具有重大意义,但是不能对企业HSE管理水平给出定量评价。以国内某石化企业为例,将模糊评价方法引入HSE管理体系审核中,选择审核过程中主要关注的12个因素为评价指标,合理地选择评价标准,然后通过模糊综合评价方法进行评价,得出该企业综合评估HSE体系管理体系值为1.7106,处于评价标准的1-2级之间,属于"基本"和"被动"之间。结果表明该企业HSE管理还具有很大的提升潜力。  相似文献   

Gas refineries have been continuously focusing on Health, Safety and Environment programs to improve maintenance activities. Several researches have studied on this area with different analysis methods. This study presents an integrated approach for optimization of factors contributing to the implementation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) in maintenance activities. HSE managers in each sector answered standard questionnaire whit respect to HES. The methodology is based on fuzzy data envelopment analysis (FDEA) and Deming's continuous improvement cycle. Also, this method is used to rank the relevant performance efficiencies in certain and uncertain conditions of each HSE sectors whit considering HSE in maintenance activities. It corresponds and integrates its registered HSE-MS with OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004 to evaluate multiple inputs and outputs of over 36 subsidiary HSE divisions with parallel mission and objectives simultaneously. Also, it determines efficient target indices and could assure continuous improvement in the organization. This is the first study that introduces an integrated approach to improve HSE management programs in a gas refinery by a robust and continuous improvement approach.  相似文献   

In this study, an integrated “Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)” and maintenance systems are presented. Multivariate analysis is used for continuous performance assessment and improvement of these systems. The two subjects of “Maintenance System” and “HSE” have been individually investigated several times in different studies. However, few studies have been done to integrate these two systems and provide an integrated system for their implementation. This study evaluates current maintenance and HSE systems of a Gas Transmission Unit by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Moreover, decision making units (DMUs) are examined and ranked. Employees are considered as DMUs. This is done through investigating and measuring their efficiencies and identifying the inefficient and less-efficient units. Since an increase in the number of inputs does not lead to an increase in the number of outputs with the same scale, an output-oriented DEA with a Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) is used. The Fuzzy DEA (FDEA) is also used in this research to decrease uncertainty existing in qualitative indicators and human error. Finally, suggestions are given to improve those DMUs. The managers and employees of the gas transmission unit constitute the statistical population of the study. To achieve the objectives of this study, standard questionnaires with respect to HSE and Maintenance system are completed by operators. The proposed approach would help policy makers and top managers of Gas Transmission Company to have a more comprehensive and thorough understanding the working conditions with respect to the maintenance and HSE features.  相似文献   

中国石化HSE监督管理系统研究与实现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为使中国石化HSE管理达到具有较强国际竞争力的跨国能源化工公司的水平,在充分吸收国内外先进企业HSE管理经验基础上,结合中国石化业务特点,研究开发了中国石化HSE监督管理系统。系统以风险管理为核心,体现PDCA管理思想,遵循中国石化一致的HSE管理理念,按照"谁主管、谁负责",与HSE管理体系完全吻合等原则进行设计,采用最新云计算模式、多层B/S软件体系结构以及WMFC、XForm、SOAP、XML等相关标准进行开发,实现了分布应用、集中管理的运行模式。通过在中国石化总部、5家试点企业和近100家非试点企业的现场应用,结果表明,该系统满足了中国石化HSE监督管理及绩效评估的需要,实现了HSE管理的标准化、规范化和系统化,为管理决策提供支撑,提高了HSE管理效率,准备在中国石化系统内全面推广应用。  相似文献   

对当前炼化企业基层单位HSE管理体系现状进行了分析.指出了基层单位HSE管理理念没有真正转变、HSE管理制度执行力差、HSE管理职责落实不到位、HSE培训缺乏针对性、HSE绩效考核重结果轻过程、企业安全文化建设重形式轻根基等问题.提出基层单位HSE体系管理改进建议,真正落实“以人为本”的HSE管理理念、强化HSE管理制度的执行力、真正将HSE管理职责落实到位、强化HSE培训需求分析,增强培训的针对性、加强HSE绩效考核过程管理、推进安全文化建设.  相似文献   

HSE管理的出发点应是预防为主。因此尽早识别风险、评估可能的风险是HSE管理的关键。风险分析最重要的是要承认:石油勘探开发活动不可能绝对安全,风险总是客观存在的。风险分析就是尽早识别、分析和评估可能的风险所在、大小和频率。风险管理就是在风险分析的基础上,采取有针对性地措施将风险消减到可接受的水平。本文在总结近年国内外HSE管理中风险分析方法的基础上,结合CNPC在委内瑞拉运行石油项目的经验,提出了一套风险分析的定性和定量方法,包括系统风险分析、节点风险分析、概率统计分析等。由于大力推广和应用这些方法,使CNPC在委内瑞拉运行石油项目9年来没有发生任何HSE大事故,被委内瑞拉国家石油公司誉为“国际石油投资者HSE工作的典范”。  相似文献   

The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) requires failure rate data for the assessment of COMAH safety reports and in the implementation of its statutory functions relating to land use planning in the vicinity of major hazard sites. Many of the existing failure rates used by HSE were derived over 20 years ago, but have been subject to periodic review to ensure that they remain appropriate for modern planning enquiries or quantified risk assessments. HSE needs to be assured that its sources of data and their application continue to be fit to support its statutory duties.HSE has implemented a programme of work to be carried out by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL). This includes the development and maintenance of a single source of quality assured failure rate data, ideally accessible from the Internet, bringing together and updating existing failure rate data sources and reviewing new sources not previously available to HSE.A review of HSE’s current failure rate values is being carried out and this will be used to generate a single source of publically available failure rate data for use by both HSE and the public. This would help industry and HSE move toward a common position or understanding on failure rates. It would also help ensure that HSE professional advice is defensible and transparent.This paper will detail the progress made to date on the programme of work. It will also discuss the issues that arise as a consequence of changing failure rates and how HSE deals with these issues.  相似文献   

HSE理念与管理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
HSE(健康,安全和环境)的理念和文化建立是非常重要的,文化的建立离不开好的管理系统.员工或领导对工作不熟悉或没有按照生产程序去做,从而导致事故发生.为了预防事故,安全和生产不可分割.公司重视HSE管理,即重视人的生命和价值,热心公益事业,则有高效率的管理系统.  相似文献   

Assessment of the risk of exposure to a “dangerous dose” (DD) is the basis of the UK Health and Safety Executive's HSE's current risk assessments for land-use planning (LUP). Some years ago, a hybrid approach using both DD and “significant likelihood of death” (SLOD) was proposed as an improvement, but was not adopted.Here, an alternative, weighted multiple threshold approach, provisionally titled “total risk of death” (TROD), is described. TROD improves the comparability of assessed risks from diverse hazards. This is achieved by first performing assessments for more than one threshold of consequence (such as DD assessment and SLOD assessment). The predicted risk for each threshold is then combined into a single risk value (at a specified location) by weighting the contributions to risk according to the predicted consequences for each threshold.This paper makes the case, in principle, for using TROD and illustrates how TROD values are constructed.TROD overcomes some of the objections that have barred progress to more widespread use of risk assessment, it is more comparable between different installations and hazards than DD, it is more sensitive than SLOD and more adaptable than probits (which can introduce a false sense of precision). It could support more direct comparison with other risks (e.g. everyday risks and transport risks) in the future.The appropriate “weightings” for addition of risks predicted for different consequence thresholds (contributing to TROD) are discussed here. A three-threshold scheme for evaluation of TROD is described. The thresholds are DD (assumed to approximate to a dose leading to ~1% fatal consequences or LD1), LD10, and SLOD (~LD50).TROD has been used in HSE sponsored research and in HSE's exploration of societal risks.  相似文献   

基于课题组对大庆工程钻探公司349份有效问卷的样本数据,采用因子分析法对各指标进行筛选和验证;构建了海外石油钻探项目HSE管理能力评级指标体系和海外石油钻探项目HSE管理能力评价模型;采用DEA法分别对三个维度下不同地区的石油钻探项目HSE管理能力进行了分析,并运用DEA交叉法对不同项目的 HSE管理能力进行了比较分析。研究表明:海外石油钻探项目HSE管理能力中健康管理能力最强,环境管理能力最弱;海外不同国别的项目HSE管理能力差异明显。最后,提出了提升海外石油钻探项目HSE管理能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

健康、安全与环境(HSE)管理体系是从行为学和危害管理入手,把“以人为本、线性管理、风险控制、持续发展”的理念融入到企业的管理运行之中,形成一套科学、完整、规范的管理体系。本文从建立HSE管理体系的必要性、体系的建立、体系的实施等方面,详细介绍了中国石油天然气勘探开发公司(CNODC)建立海外项目HSE管理体系采用的初始风险评估、体系框架确立、技术程序编制等方法与步骤,以及体系有效运行的保障措施等内容。  相似文献   

The performance assessment of safety barriers is essential to find vulnerable elements in a safety barrier system. Traditional performance assessment approaches mainly focus on using several static indicators for quantifying the performance of safety barriers. However, with the increasing complexity of the system, emerging hazards are highly uncertain, making it challenging for the static indicators to assess the performance of safety barriers. This paper proposes a resilience−based performance assessment method for safety barriers to overcome this problem. Safety barriers are classified according to their functions first. The dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) is then introduced to calculate the availability function under normal and disruption conditions. The ratio of the system's availability, when affected by the disruption, to the initial availability, is used to determine the absorption capacity of the system. The ratio of the quantity of availability recovery to the total quantity of system represents the adaptation and restoration capacity of the system. The system's resilience is represented by the sum of absorption, adaptation, and restoration capacities. The wax oil hydrogenation process is used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

针对模糊综合评判法在进行列车运行控制系统可靠性评估时的不足,提出基于模糊灰色聚类和组合赋权法的可靠性评估方法,以更客观地评估铁路信号系统的可靠性,降低评估结果的不准确性和不可靠性。首先,利用组合赋权法分别计算CTCS-3级列车运行控制系统各子系统基本单元的权重。然后,采用灰色聚类法评估列车运行控制系统各子系统的可靠性。最后,在对列车运行控制系统子系统可靠性评估结果的基础上,结合各子系统权重值,利用模糊综合评判方法,评估整个列车运行控制系统的可靠性。结果表明,基于模糊灰色聚类和组合赋权法的可靠性评估方法能够实现CTCS-3级列车运行控制系统可靠性评估,评估结果符合实际情况。  相似文献   

输油气站危害控制技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
风险分析和控制是HSE体系的核心内容,针对油气管道企业的实际生产运营特点,阐述了风险管理的基本思路,就目前国内外常用危害因素的识别评判方法进行了归纳分析,给出了适合输油气站队的风险控制的管理方法和措施,为生产基层单位HSE体系深入推广提供了参考.  相似文献   

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