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2014年9月16日夜间,第15号台风"海鸥"外围螺旋雨带中产生龙卷,袭击了广东省佛山市三水区白坭镇。通过现场灾情勘察、群众走访、新一代雷达观测等资料的综合分析,确定这次龙卷强度为EF1级。分析其发生发展的环境背景、雷达回波特征,并与相似台风路径下无龙卷产生的1409号超强台风"威马逊"环境条件对比,结果表明:龙卷发生在登陆台风"海鸥"移动方向的右后侧,对应上空200 h Pa为辐散区,500 h Pa为副热带高压和"海鸥"之间的强东南气流汇合处,从925 h Pa到500 h Pa强东南急流轴走向一致、上下叠加在珠江口附近,地面存在触发对流的东路弱冷空气和中尺度辐合线。环境条件呈弱的条件不稳定,对流有效位能(CAPE)小、抬升凝结高度(LCL)低、垂直风切变和风暴相对螺旋度(SRH)大;产生龙卷的对流风暴属于低质心的微型超级单体风暴,速度图上低层存在强中气旋,中气旋中心伴有TVS,中气旋和TVS尺度比较小、垂直伸展高度比较低,强中气旋、TVS分别早于龙卷14 min、8 min出现。龙卷出现在微型超级单体风暴右后侧钩状回波顶端、TVS附近。分析还表明,相似台风路径下,台风"海鸥"(有龙卷出现)和超强台风"威马逊"(无龙卷出现)的环境条件明显差异主要体现在0~1 km的低层垂直风切变和SRH上,后者的0~1 km垂直风切变和SRH均明显偏小,不利于微型超级单体风暴的出现。  相似文献   

利用常规加密地面观测资料、L波段探空资料及多普勒天气雷达资料,对2016年5月5日傍晚发生在德阳什邡市的一次强降水超级单体风暴进行了综合气象分析。风暴发生前的垂直探空资料显示出整层大气非均匀结构、中层蜂腰结构、风场整体顺滚流、对流层顶超低温等特征;多普勒雷达观测显示,风暴右前侧出现V型缺口,风暴中层出现有界弱回波区,中气旋从中层向高层及低层发展等强降水超级单体特征;垂直累积液态含水量与垂直累积液态含水量密度的演变特征对于冰雹云的形成与衰减、强降水的产生及地面大风有较好的指示作用。  相似文献   

利用加密自动站、FY-4A卫星及多普勒雷达等观测资料,对2019年7月3日辽宁开原突发龙卷天气进行分析。结果表明:在冷涡减弱阶段,中纬度冷空气活动频繁,冷涡底部500 hPa与850 hPa的短波槽垂直分布,利于辽宁北部对流不稳定加强。FY-4A可见光云图显示,开原龙卷生消迅速,有明显的上冲云顶。雷达反射率因子特征是,对流单体合并形成超级单体,出现连续体扫的中气旋、并伴有钩状回波,三维显示出现空洞结构;强回波区向移动方向一侧倾斜、垂直剖面存在穹隆结构和有界弱回波区时,钩状回波处最容易产生龙卷;空洞的位置与中气旋和钩状回波中心区相吻合,表明超级单体在此处产生强烈涡旋,有利于漏斗云脱离母体向地面发展。速度产品上出现对称的正负速度区,旋转速度持续增大,且正负速度区不断向下发展,低仰角探测到紧邻的速度对时,中气旋相应也出现向下延伸和迅速收缩,预示龙卷的发生。东北冷涡以及蒙古气旋前侧低压带、低层干冷空气侵入导致锋生等动力条件,是辽宁北部对流的天气尺度和中α尺度的触发机制。  相似文献   

利用常规高空、地面观测资料以及三门峡多普勒雷达资料,对2016年4月27日山西运城市的雹灾天气进行分析。结果显示:高空冷温槽是雹灾发生的大环流背景。雹灾发生前大气特征具有上下干、中间湿的"蜂腰状"结构,高低空差动温度平流造成强烈的位势不稳定,强的垂直风切变及低层大的切变曲率,有利于超级单体和多单体风暴发展;地面中尺度辐合线有利于强对流风暴发展,超级单体发生前1 h地面有中尺度辐合线生成,中低层具有钩状回波特征,并伴有弱的中气旋;多单体风暴与地面中尺度辐合线相伴而生,在发展过程中有中气旋生成,并出现风暴顶辐散;春季-20℃层高度低于6 km,与0℃层厚度差小于3.5 km,利于形成密集的大小不均冰雹,对农作物损伤严重。  相似文献   

利用太原C波段多普勒天气雷达监测资料,分析了2004年7月3日山西榆次超级单体风暴的演变和结构特征,并探讨了其维持机理。结果表明:该超级单体系发生在蒙古冷涡控制的天气背景下,西北向移动的左移超级单体,其低层钩状回波位于超级单体的左前侧,两条出流边界分别位于钩状回波的西北和东南。中-强的垂直风切变和较高位置的干冷空气入侵,使下沉气流稀释严重、地面外流发展滞后和较弱;中高层入流的干冷空气辐合传播大于低层出流边界辐散传播速度,使驾御超级单体强弱和存亡的中气旋不断从环境场吸收能量,并在其内部维持-支强盛的上升气流,这些因素是该超级单体得以维持的主要原因。  相似文献   

夏季的积雨云不仅仅是突发性的刮风下雨,造成风灾、水灾、雷击,有时还会发展成冰雹云,形成局地性的雹灾。而冬季的积雨云则往往会产生风雪交加的恶劣天气,致使人民的生命财产受到雪灾、风灾、冻害的威胁。特别是当积雨云强烈发展成中尺度乃至大尺度的产物风暴时(包括多单体、超级单体、龙卷、台风等),给人类带来的灾害则是极其严重的。多单体风暴,包括多个对流单体,这些单体迅速发生变化,且由于单体之间的相互作用,因此具有单体风暴本身无法具有的特征,是一种中小尺度的“强雷暴”系统。其过境时,出现大风暴、雨、冰雹、龙卷等强烈天气现象中的一种或几种。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙漠东部边缘中β尺度暴雨和冰雹综合分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
井喜  屠妮妮  井宇  万红卫  康磊 《灾害学》2010,25(1):73-77
利用多普勒雷达资料、Micaps系统提供的常规观测资料和物理量场,对2006年9月20日发生在毛乌素沙漠东部边缘的一次强对流天气过程进行了分析。结果表明:冰雹和暴雨是由两块呈块状的中β尺度强对流单体造成的;地面能量比中α尺度"Ω"系统的生成,为能量的积聚和集中释放提供了有利条件;地面能量比中β尺度能量比低值舌的生成,为强对流天气的发生提供了抬升触发机制;冰雹和暴雨发生前,涡度场和散度场的耦合、影响雹暴区次级环流的形成,为雹暴的发生维持提供了动力机制;850 hPa等压面上湿正压场和湿斜压场的配合、以及湿位涡的三维空间结构,对雹暴的发生及落区有指示意义;在多普勒雷达径向速度场上,雹暴运动的前方对流层低层有中气旋生成,雹暴运动的后方对流层低层有中反气旋生成,而对流层中高层有辐散生成,且超级单体特征明显。  相似文献   

冰雹天气的多普勒雷达特征统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用山西省北部大同市2006-2011年多普勒雷达产品及地面观测资料,选取冰雹直径大于等于4mm的20次冰雹天气过程进行统计分析。结果表明:大同新一代多普勒雷达能监测冰雹天气的发生发展和演变,对责任区内的冰雹具有较好的指示作用。春季冰雹在预报上具有更大的难度,预报时应着眼于三体散射现象及速度场特征,当出现三体散射现象且速度场出现速度辐合、逆风区和切变等特征时应启动冰雹预警。夏季冰雹特征为三体散射现象对冰雹的预警具有大约40 min的提前量;速度场出现辐合、逆风区、中气旋、大风区和切变等特征,一般在20~30 min左右出现冰雹;  相似文献   

短时大暴雨的多普勒雷达探测及暴雨预警信号发布   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
本文通过对环流背景和广州CINRAD-SA多普勒天气雷达资料的详细分析,探讨了发生在广州市的一次短时大暴雨的成因.结果表明:广州市夏季短时大暴雨在低空急流、低层辐合以及高空辐散和抽吸作用的有利环流背景下,多个单体接连穿越同一地区所造成,单体排列方向与单体移动方向一致.弱中气旋特征、逆风区和能量锋对对流的维持和加强起到了十分重要的作用.另外本文还对暴雨预警信号的发布技巧进行了探讨.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲大暴雨的多普勒特征及形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用广州CINRAD-SA新一代多普勒天气雷达资料,结合天气形势分析,研究了华南地区夏季短时大暴雨的发生、发展过程,特别是中小尺度系统引发短时大暴雨不同发展阶段的多普勒特征以及辐合强度与短时大暴雨的关系,并对短时大暴雨的发展机制进行了初步探讨.通过分析发现,短时大暴雨产生于低空强盛西南气流等有利条件下,近地层雨区附近的气旋式扰动有利于激发对流,抽吸作用、局地锋生对对流的维持和加强起到了十分重要的作用.在短时大暴雨发生初期及发展旺盛期,大多数都伴有逆风区、辐合带等多普勒特征,中气旋更是与高强度降水、地面强风等剧烈天气密切相关.  相似文献   

赵烨 《防灾博览》2006,(4):34-35
垃圾,这个一向为人们所不屑一顾的东西,如今却愈来愈迫使人类认真地正视它,对待它。不堪负荷的天文数字垃圾无处不在,无时不有,时刻混迹于人们的生活之中,那破布、碎瓶、  相似文献   

Terrorist attacks can occur in remote areas causing mass-casualty incidents MCIs far away from level-1 trauma centres. This study draws lessons from an MCI pertaining to the management of primary and secondary evacuation and the operational mode practiced. Data was collected from formal debriefings during and after the event, and the medical response, interactions and main outcomes analysed using Disastrous Incidents Systematic Analysis through Components, Interactions and Results (DISAST-CIR) methodology. A total of 112 people were evacuated from the scene-66 to the nearby level 3 Laniado hospital, including the eight critically and severely injured patients. Laniado hospital was instructed to act as an evacuation hospital but the flow of patients ended rapidly and it was decided to admit moderately injured victims. We introduce a novel concept of a 'semi-evacuation hospital'. This mode of operation should be selected for small-scale events in which the evacuation hospital has hospitalization capacity and is not geographically isolated. We suggest that level-3 hospitals in remote areas should be prepared and drilled to work in semi-evacuation mode during MCIs.  相似文献   

通过对一起利用油中溶解气体分析、调整运行方式、电气试验等手段综合诊断分析换流变压器(以下简称“换流变”)潜伏性过热故障过程分析,并经解体检查确认了故障原因,验证了本次通过油中溶解气体分析和调整运行方式诊断换流变压器潜伏性过热性故障的有效性和可行性,为后续换流变压器的类似潜伏性故障运维检修提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Community cohesion after a natural disaster: insights from a Carlisle flood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kirk Chang 《Disasters》2010,34(2):289-302
This project analysed changes in community cohesion following a natural disaster. Data were collected from a flood‐affected community using a questionnaire survey. Analyses revealed that community cohesion was not predicted by the length of residence, or any other demographic characteristic of residents, but rather by a sense of community, community cognition and the degree of community participation. Cohesion alteration was not uniform, but varied along levels of hazard severity (degree of flood invasion). Cohesion increased in line with hazard severity at the initial flood stage, as residents recognised the importance of community unity and came together to cope with their losses. When the severity increased, residents transferred their focus to individual interests, which resulted in decreased cohesion. This project distinguishes itself in examining community cohesion in the wake of a natural disaster in the real world. Implications regarding community reconstruction and suggestions for hazard researchers are discussed accordingly.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research on the subjective stress‐related experiences of humanitarian aid workers. Most evaluations of stress among these individuals focus on trauma and related conditions or adopt a quantitative approach. This interview‐based study explored how 58 humanitarian aid workers employed by a United Nations‐aligned organisation perceived the transactional stress process. The thematic analysis revealed eight main topics of interest: an emergency culture was found where most employees felt compelled to offer an immediate response to humanitarian needs; employees identified strongly with humanitarian goals and reported a high level of engagement; the rewards of humanitarian work were perceived as motivating and meaningful; constant change and urgent demands resulted in work overload; and managing work–life boundaries and receiving positive support from colleagues and managers helped to buffer perceived stress, work overload, and negative health outcomes. The practical implications of the results are discussed and suggestions made in the light of current research and stress theory.  相似文献   

The Disaster Deficit Index (DDI) measures macroeconomic and financial risk in a country according to possible catastrophic scenario events. Extreme disasters can generate financial deficit due to sudden and elevated need of resources to restore affected inventories. The DDI captures the relationship between the economic loss that a country could experience when a catastrophic event occurs and the availability of funds to address the situation. The proposed model utilises the procedures of the insurance industry in establishing probable losses, based on critical impacts during a given period of exposure; for economic resilience, the model allows one to calculate the country's financial ability to cope with a critical impact. There are limitations and costs associated with access to resources that one must consider as feasible values according to the country's macroeconomic and financial conditions. This paper presents the DDI model and the results of its application to 19 countries of the Americas and aims to guide governmental decision‐making in disaster risk reduction.  相似文献   

Mosley LM  Sharp DS  Singh S 《Disasters》2004,28(4):405-417
The effect of a cyclone (Ami, January 2003) on drinking-water quality on the island of Vanua Levu, Fiji was investigated. Following the cyclone nearly three-quarters of the samples analysed did not conform to World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline values for safe drinking-water in terms of chlorine residual, total and faecal coliforms, and turbidity. Turbidity and total coliform levels significantly increased (up 56 and 62 per cent, respectively) from pre-cyclone levels, which was likely due to the large amounts of silt and debris entering water-supply sources during the cyclone. The utility found it difficult to maintain a reliable supply of treated water in the aftermath of the disaster. Communities were unaware they were drinking water that had not been adequately treated. Circumstances permitted this cyclone to be used as a case study to assess whether a simple paper-strip water-quality test (the hydrogen sulphide, H(2)S) kit could be distributed and used for community-based monitoring following such a disaster event to better protect public health. The H(2)S test results correlated well with faecal and total coliform results as found in previous studies. A small percentage of samples (about 10 per cent) tested positive for faecal and total coliforms but did not test positive in the H(2)S test. It was concluded that the H(2)S test would be well suited to wider use, especially in the absence of water-quality monitoring capabilities for outer island groups as it is inexpensive and easy to use, thus enabling communities and community health workers with minimal training to test their own water supplies without outside assistance. The importance of public education before and after natural disasters is also discussed.  相似文献   

A number of studies have examined emotional and belief responses following a disaster, yet there has been limited comparative analysis of responses to disasters in different places. This paper reviews the results of 366 questionnaires that evaluated key emotional and belief concepts in Haiti after the earthquake on 12 January 2010 (n=212) and in Indonesia after the earthquake in Yogyakarta on 27 May 2006 (n=154). The results indicate significant differences between the responses in the two settings, particularly in relation to feelings of impunity, self‐blame for the disaster, regret about pre‐earthquake behaviour, and a sense of justice in the world. Furthermore, the impacts of age, education, and gender on responses also were different in the two case study sites. Overall, the results suggest that understanding the cultural, religious, and social contexts of different disaster locales is important in comprehending the emotions and beliefs that manifest themselves in the wake of a major disaster.  相似文献   

The scientific literature regarding HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) planning lacks a method for defining optimal sites for helipads that takes into account risk distribution and hospital location. Such a method could minimise overall rescue time in emergency situations. In this paper a method that supports the decisions taken by disaster planners and managers is developed, focusing on the quantification of necessary air resources for the management of some probable calamities. Given a region characterised by a natural and non-natural disaster risk map, along with a comprehensive transport system (also characterised by a risk map), a set of emergency destinations (hospitals), a set of heliports/helipads dislocated on the territory and a number of available HEMS rotorcraft, the aim of the paper is to assess the adequacy of the VTOL/FATO (Vertical Take-Off and Landing/Final Take-Off and Landing Area) system in order to deal with a set of possible emergencies.  相似文献   

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