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工业园区固体废物资源化是实施循环经济、建设生态文明的关键一环,但在实施过程中遇到诸多问题.以工业园区固体废物外延的重新界定为起点,从3个方面分析了工业园区固体废物资源化技术:固体废物生态产业链构建与运行维护、回收与分类技术、再利用与循环技术,并就固体废物资源化方面存在的问题提出了相应的解决建议.  相似文献   

油气开采钻井固体废物处理与利用研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对比分析了我国部分地区油气开采钻井固体废物的污染特征,对普通钻井固体废物和含油钻井固体废物的无害化处理与资源化利用技术分别进行梳理和分析,主要包括固化处理技术、生物处理技术、不落地处理技术、资源化利用技术、萃取技术、热解析技术和组合处理技术等。结合当前存在的主要问题针对性地提出了4条对策建议:加强源头控制,减少钻井固体废物产生量;对钻井固体废物进行分质分级区别处理和利用;开发高效、低成本、低能耗的钻井固体废物处理技术,发展联合处理工艺;制定相关政策和标准,加强油气田污染治理的事中事后监管。  相似文献   

吉林省2007年工业固体废物总量为1.73亿t,工业固体废物贮存总量为14 850.41万t,占全省工业固体废物总量的85.71%。吉林地区工业固体废产生量最高,为964.51万t。全省工业固体废物综合处理指数为14.20,工业固体废物处理量很低。长春地区工业固体废物综合处理指数最高,为71.19。建立以长春和吉林地区为核心的工业固体废物循环利用和处置中心,加强工业固体废物的循环利用,不仅能增加社会、经济效益,而且从根本上有效地防止工业固体废物对环境的污染。  相似文献   

正201 8年6月1 1—6月1 5日,中国再生资源回收利用协会与生态环境部固体废物与化学品管理技术中心相关负责人一行五人赴日本进行固体废物玻璃化处理及资源化利用技术、运营模式交流访问。日本于2007年开始推行固体废物玻璃化处理技术,并在安全处置的基础上,对相关废物进行资源化利用。经过十几年发展,在该领域处于世界领先水平。技术交流小组在固  相似文献   

废旧商品回收利用规模化有望提速专家介绍,未来5年,废旧商品以及工业固体废物回收利用的标准均着眼于"废品资源化"理念,即非仅仅满足于以往的废旧商品分类收集处理,而更强调产品经处理后的资源开发利用。例如,从废弃电器中提取铜、锡等以及从废弃电池  相似文献   

以山东某铬盐企业生产铬盐产生的铬渣为研究案例,从铬渣化学成分和物相成分的角度出发,结合铬渣各资源化途径的独特要求,探讨铬渣资源化属性与资源化途径的密切关系,拟合出不同性质铬渣的资源化属性,为铬渣找出合理资源化途径提供数据支持,也为其他工业固体废物依据资源属性确定资源化途径最优方式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

UM EXPO第八届中国“城市矿产”博览会将在北京举办2019年1月,国务院办公厅印发“无废城市”建设试点工作方案的通知,再生资源回收利用是“无废城市”建设的重要内容,为更好地展示“无废城市”建设成果,2019年12月26日,中国再生资源回收利用协会与中国环境保护产业协会达成战略合作,在2020年6月15—17日第十八届中国国际环保展览会(CIEPEC)期间,联合主办UM EXPO第八届中国“城市矿产”博览会(暨固体废物处置及资源化利用展览会)。中国“城市矿产”博览会,始办于2011年,由中国再生资源回收利用协会主办的国内首个以固体废物处置及资源化利用为主题的专业博览会。近10年来,协会充分发挥行业引领作用,秉承办展初心,致力于通过服务企业、服务行业、服务政府、服务社会,全力支撑生态环境保护重点工作。中国再生资源回收利用协会诚挚邀请固体废物利用处置企业、再生资源回收利用企业、园区、科研院所、装备制造企业积极参加中国再生资源行业盛会,共同见证我国固体废物处置及资源化利用高质量交流平台。  相似文献   

为贯彻《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》,落实节约资源和保护环境基本国策,深入推进“十二五”时期的资源综合利用工作,促进循环经济发展,我委组织编制了《“十二五”资源综合利用指导意见》和《大宗固体废物综合利用实施方案》,研究提出了“十二五”资源综合利用工作的指导思想、基本原则、主要目标、重点领域以及政策措施,同时提出了在工业、建筑业和农林业等领域选择产生堆存量大、资源化利用潜力大、环境影响广泛的固体废物编制实施方案。现将两份文件印发你们,请认真贯彻执行。  相似文献   

固体废物是铜冶炼工业的重要环境问题。对铜冶炼项目验收过程中,冶炼工艺和固体废物的产生节点、固体废物特征进行了分析研究,提出了对固体废物再循环、再利用和处置处理情况的环境管理建议。  相似文献   

深入贯彻十八届五中全会确定的绿色发展理念,按照中央经济工作会议及全国工业和信息化工作会议部署,落实《中国制造2025》,以实施绿色制造专项行动为抓手,着力抓好绿色制造体系建设试点示范、生产过程清洁化改造、能源利用高效低碳化改造、水资源利用高效化改造、工业资源综合利用,发展节能环保产业,全面推行绿色制造,促进工业转型升级。全国规模以上工业万元增加值能耗下降4%,万元工业增加值用水量下降4.5%,工业生产过程清洁化水平和大宗工业固体废物综合利用率进一步提高,为实现"十三五"工业绿色发展打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

宁东能源化工基地目前以及将来都是宁夏回族自治区工业固体废物主要产生源,因此做好宁东能源基地工业固体废物污染防治工作就相当于解决了宁夏地区大部分工业固体废物问题。通过对基地在工业固体废物方面存在的问题进行剖析,提出宁东能源化工基地固体废物污染防治对策,旨在为减少宁东基地工业固体废物的产生量,提高工业固体废物的综合利用率。做好工业固体废物贮存、处置工作,提供科学指导,保证基地的高水平建设,为可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ) is located in the south of Iran, on the northern coastline of the Persian Gulf. This area was established in 1998 for the utilization of south Pars field oil and gas resources. This field is one of the largest gas resources in the world and contains about 6% of the total fossil fuels known. Petrochemical industries, gas refineries and downstream industries are being constructed in this area. At present there are three gas refineries in operation and five more gas refineries are under construction. In this study, different types of solid waste including municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial wastes were investigated separately. The aim of the study was to focus on the management of the industrial wastes in order to minimize the environmental impact. In the first stage, the types and amounts of industrial waste in PSEEZ were evaluated by an inventory. The main types of industrial waste are oil products (fuel oil, light oil, lubricating oil), spent catalysts, adsorbents, resins, coke, wax and packaging materials. The waste management of PSEEZ is quite complex because of the different types of industry and the diversity of industrial residues. In some cases recycling/reuse of waste is the best option, but treatment and disposal are also necessary tools. Recently a design has been prepared for a disposal site in PSEEZ for the industrial waste that cannot be reused or recycled. The total surface area of this disposal site where the industrial waste should be tipped for the next 20 years was estimated to be about 42 000 m2.  相似文献   

提出了城市生活垃圾填埋处置及资源化利用的循环经济产业模式,分析论述了该模式实施的关键点及其资源化优势,并通过案例估算突出其投资优势,最后提出了该模式产业化应用的发展建议.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a process making calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate and recovering absorbent using ammonia absorbent, carbon dioxide, and industrial waste. The main objective of this study is to confirm the possibility of carbon capture and utilization based on waste materials. We assumed desulfurization gypsum and construction waste (ready mixed concrete washing water, waste concrete, etc.) are CaSO4, Ca(OH)2, respectively. And concentration of simulated carbon dioxide gas was 15 vol% similar to flue gas. Calcium carbonate was produced by combination reaction between ionic CO2 in absorbent and metal ion in the solid waste. Experiments were conducted at normal temperature and pressure. Furthermore, the generated products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

The practice and challenges of solid waste management in Singapore   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper presents an overview of the current solid waste management situation in Singapore and provides a brief discussion of the future challenges. Singapore is a small island city-state with a large population, warm climate and high humidity. Over the past two to three decades, rapid industrialization and economic development have caused a tremendous increase in solid waste generation. The yearly disposed solid waste increased from 0.74 million tonnes in 1972 to 2.80 million tonnes in 2000. Solid waste management in Singapore has traditionally been undertaken by the Ministry of Environment (ENV), with the participation of some private sectors in recent years. The hierarchy of solid waste management in Singapore is waste minimization (reduce, reuse and recycle or so-called 3 Rs), followed by incineration and landfill. As land is extremely scarce and only one newly constructed offshore landfill site is available, solid waste incineration has been identified as the most preferred disposal method. Waste minimization, the utilization of incineration ashes, industrial waste management are regarded to be the major challenges in the future.  相似文献   

The production potential of refuse derived fuel (RDF) in the largest industrial city of Korea is discussed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the energy potential of the RDF obtained from utilizing combustible solid waste as a fuel resource. The total amount of generated solid waste in the industrial city was more than 3.3 million tonnes, which is equivalent to 3.0 tonnes per capita in a single year. The highest amount of solid waste was generated in the city district with the largest population and the biggest petrochemical industrial complex (IC) in Korea. Industrial waste accounted for 89% of the total amount of the solid waste in the city. Potential RDF resources based on combustible solid wastes including wastepaper, wood, rubber, plastic, synthetic resins and industrial sludge were identified. The amount of combustible solid waste that can be used to produce RDF was 635,552 tonnes/yr, consisting of three types of RDF: 116,083 tonnes/yr of RDF-MS (RDF from municipal solid waste); 146,621 tonnes/yr of RDF-IMC (RDF from industrial, municipal and construction wastes); and 372,848 tonnes/yr of RDF-IS (RDF from industrial sludge). The total obtainable energy value from the RDF resources in the industrial city was more than 2,240,000 × 106 kcal/yr, with the following proportions: RDF-MS of 25.6%, RDF-IMC of 43.5%, and RDF-IS of 30.9%. If 50% or 100% of the RDF resources are utilized as fuel resources, the industrial city can save approximately 17.6% and 35.2%, respectively, of the current total disposal costs.  相似文献   

研究提出废旧纺织品回收现状及典型模式,主要有衣物回收箱模式、民间自发回收模式、企业自主回收模式和以衣换物模式等;分析归纳了废旧纺织品综合利用基本情况,涵盖棉、毛、混纺、边角料等类型废旧纺织品的综合利用;总结了废旧纺织品产业技术创新战略联盟的工作进展和成效,突出技术创新在废旧纺织品综合利用中的重要作用;明确了废旧纺织品综合利用的发展方向,未来要从开发先进技术、培育产业集群、强化政策扶持、拓展利用渠道、建设回收体系、建立行业标准、探索二手市场和加强宣传教育等方面开展工作。  相似文献   

Industrial parks play a significant role in the production and use of goods and services. The proper management of solid waste is a major challenge for industrial parks due to the large quantity of wastes and the variability of waste characteristics from these types of developments. Therefore, integrated solid waste management has become very crucial to the industrial park managers. Such an approach requires industrial park managers to assess the overall use of resources, and to seek waste reduction, reuse and recycling opportunities both at the individual company level and among different tenant companies. The adoption of this method can bring both economic and environmental benefits. This paper introduces the planning efforts of a real case in China. It first presents the basic information on Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA), and then introduces its current practices on solid waste management. The main focus of this paper is to describe how to plan an integrated solid waste management system at TEDA. Benefits and challenges are all identified and analyzed. The experiences and methods from this case study should be applied in other industrial parks so as to improve the overall eco-efficiency of the whole industrial park.  相似文献   

Tehran, the capital city of Iran and a metropolis with a population of 8.2 million and containing 2.4 million households, generated 2,626,519 tons of solid waste in 2005. The present study is aimed at evaluating the generation, characteristics and management of solid waste in Tehran. Municipal solid waste comprises more than 97% of Tehran's solid waste, while three other types of solid waste comprise less than 3% of it, namely hospital waste (1.0%), industrial waste (0.6%) and construction and demolition waste (0.5%). The contribution of household solid waste to total municipal solid waste is about 62.5%. The municipality of Tehran is responsible for the solid waste management of the city; the waste is mainly landfilled in three centers in Tehran, with a small part of it usually recycled or processed as compost. However, an informal sector is also active in collecting recyclable materials from solid waste. The municipality has recently initiated some activities to mechanize solid waste management and reduce waste generation. There remain important challenges in solid waste management in Tehran which include: the proper collection and management of hospital waste; public education aimed at reducing and separating household waste and educating municipal workers in order to optimize the waste collection system; and the participation of other related organizations and the private sector in solid waste management.  相似文献   

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