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厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)处理生活污水试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)反应器在常温下处理小区生活污水,接种颗粒污泥。试验结果表明:当进水COD 411~560 mg/L,反应器容积负荷可达到3 kg COD/(m3·d),水力停留时间4 h,上升流速8 m/h,COD去除率可达到85%以上,出水COD为67~88 mg/L。并对EGSB反应器的结构及运行控制参数进行了优化,使其适宜于在常温下处理生活污水及其他低浓度有机废水。  相似文献   

EGSB反应器处理产氢发酵液   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以厌氧颗粒污泥为接种污泥,对厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)反应器处理产氢发酵液的启动性能进行了研究。结果表明,在温度为(35±1)℃,水力停留时间(HRT)为6h的条件下,逐渐提高进水COD,经过40d连续运行,EGSB反应器启动成功。容积负荷达到14kgCOD/(m3·d)时,COD去除率约为80%,产气量为26.84L/d,甲烷含量为57.9%。  相似文献   

研究了城市生活垃圾焚烧厂渗沥液中Ca2+对厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床反应器(EGSB)处理效果的影响,并采用静态实验方法考察了Ca2+对厌氧颗粒污泥产甲烷活性的影响。实验结果表明,进水COD为17 000 mg/L的条件下,当Ca2+浓度低于6 000 mg/L时,EGSB对COD去除率达93%以上;当Ca2+浓度高于6 000 mg/L时,COD去除率随运行时间明显下降,并在污泥中形成大量沉淀。静态实验结果表明,废水中低浓度Ca2+促进了厌氧颗粒污泥的产甲烷活性,但高浓度Ca2+明显抑制了其产甲烷活性,这是导致高Ca2+浓度条件下EGSB对COD去除率降低的主要原因。研究表明,颗粒污泥产甲烷活性恢复程度随Ca2+浓度增加而减弱。  相似文献   

以制药废水实验了50 m3螺旋式厌氧反应器(SPAC反应器)的稳定性。采用Augmented Dickey-Fuller(ADF)单位根检验表明,螺旋式反应器具有良好的启动和运行稳定性。负荷冲击实验显示,SPAC反应器具有较好的耐浓度冲击能力和耐水力冲击能力,所能耐受的最大浓度冲击强度大于60 000 (mg·h)/L(进水浓度提升2倍),所能耐受的最大水力冲击强度为300(m3·h)/d(进水流量提升50%)。SPAC反应器还具备受扰恢复能力。在反应液pH低于5.74,出水浓度、COD去除率和容积COD去除速率(VRR)分别为3 500 mg/L、22.30%和2.52 kg/(m3·d)的工况下,经过30 d恢复,出水浓度、COD去除率和VRR的恢复程度达到80%~90%。  相似文献   

研究以超高盐榨菜腌制废水为对象,考察填料种类、负荷和温度对ASBBR启动及处理效能的影响。研究结果表明,在温度为30℃,盐度为7%(NaCl计),负荷为1 kg COD/(m3·d)的条件下,采用聚氨酯泡沫填料的反应器经67 d可成功构建超高盐榨菜腌制废水厌氧生物处理系统,较未设置填料、投加半软性组合填料、球形组合填料和聚苯乙烯泡沫填料的反应器分别缩短了26、6、24和18 d,且运行至第79天,可使出水COD降至375 mg/L,COD去除率为92.86%;通过对负荷的阶段逐步提高,可提升反应器有机负荷至15 kg COD/(m3·d),使进水COD为(27 000±2 000)mg/L的超高盐废水,出水COD均值降至2 200 mg/L ,平均去除率达到92.03%;温度对反应器处理效能影响显著,温度分别为30、25、20、15和10℃时,反应器COD去除率分别为92.63%、84.07%、67.13%、54.61%和44.19%。  相似文献   

以厌氧活性污泥和好氧活性污泥接种于2个膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)反应器中,进水流量为10 mL/min,回流量为180 mL/min,进水COD浓度在180 mg/L左右,有机负荷率(OLR)为1.728 kg COD/m3·d左右,污泥负荷率(SLR)为0.19 kg COD/kg MLSS·d左右,出水COD浓度维持在40mg/L左右,COD去除率达80%以上.控制温度在32~35 ℃,pH在6.8~7.2,反应器内氧化还原电位在-340 mV以下,水力停留时间(HRT)4.2 h,上升流速4.86 m/h以及加入80 mg/L絮凝剂(硫酸铝钾),缩短了启动时间,促进了颗粒污泥的形成.分别经过60 d和120 d运行,反应器启动成功.结果表明,上升流速、絮凝剂和污泥类型对颗粒污泥的形成有影响;接种好氧活性污泥在低浓度COD下,合理控制负荷速率能成功启动EGSB反应器.  相似文献   

系统考察接种市政消化污泥EGSB反应器的初次启动和二次启动运行情况,以确定在EGSB反应器内接种市政消化污泥时快速形成高活性、稳定颗粒污泥的可行性和EGSB反应器所形成的颗粒污泥长期放置后能重新用于其他EGSB反应器作种泥并快速启动的可行性.接种市政消化污泥EGSB反应器在中温(35℃左右)条件下能够在46 d内快速启动,所形成的颗粒污泥沉淀性良好,产甲烷活性高,菌群丰富.接种市政消化污泥EGSB反应器初次启动宜采用低进水浓度、高有机负荷的方式.在7~15 ℃的低温下放置一段时间的EGSB反应器的快速二次启动是可行的.仅仅经历了7 d,有机负荷率高达24.84 kg COD/m3·d、COD去除率为94.6%.EGSB反应器二次启动宜采用高启动负荷,快速提高负荷的方式.  相似文献   

采用耐酸驯化的厌氧消化污泥处理餐厨垃圾,在酸性条件下(pH=4.5),对实验装置容积负荷从1.0 kg VS/(m3·d)分9次逐级增加到5.0 kg VS/(m3·d)的过程进行了跟踪监测,并较深入地研究了驯化污泥代谢活性和处理效果。实验结果表明,pH 4.5的耐酸厌氧消化污泥,最佳投加负荷约为4.5 kg VS/(m3·d),此负荷下容积产气率,CH4含量平均值均达最大,分别为1.68 m3/(m3·d),75.0%。耐酸厌氧消化装置持续增料运行46 d,产甲烷菌仍能保持较高的活性,其COD去除率范围为40.4%~75.0%,仍能保持pH 7.2时处理效果的65.0%~91.8%,表明在低pH、低碱度下实现稳定的产甲烷过程是可行的。  相似文献   

在室温条件下,以水葫芦汁液为废水来源,对自行设计的膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)厌氧反应器进行原废水循环启动实验。结果表明:在启动运行65d后,进水有机负荷可以达到7kg/(m~3·d)左右,COD去除率达到90%以上,容积产气率达到1.35m~3/(m~3·d),甲烷体积分数达到61%,颗粒污泥粒径达到2~4mm。因此,EGSB厌氧反应器的原废水循环启动方式是可行的,对水葫芦汁液的降解是高效的,为EGSB厌氧反应器的工程应用提供一种新的启动方式,也为水葫芦汁液的能源化利用提供了一套高效、节能的厌氧发酵装置。  相似文献   

多级厌氧法处理螺旋霉素工业发酵菌渣效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过自主设计的多级厌氧反应器系统来考察半连续处理螺旋霉素工业发酵菌渣的效果。该系统总反应体积为44 L,由4个11 L的升流式厌氧反应罐组成,罐体间采用串联方式连接。121 d的连续运行周期分为3个阶段,各阶段的有机负荷率分别为1.27、1.82和2.73 kg COD/(m3·d)。全过程中主要监测了各级罐体的产气量和螺旋霉素的降解。结果表明,多级厌氧反应器系统启动初期会出现产气不稳定现象,经过2个月的运行之后系统达到稳定状态。在有机负荷达到2.73 kg COD/(m3·d)时,各级罐体仍能稳定运行,总产气的45%集中在1号罐。在系统启动初期,螺旋霉素不能被明显降解。运行约80 d后,整个体系达到了快速降解螺旋霉素的状态,在2.73 kg COD/(m3·d)的有机负荷率下,螺旋霉素降解率达到97%,同时可溶性COD降解率也达到了90%。  相似文献   

介绍了电解法生产次氯酸钠的原理 ,并在原有生产工艺的基础上进行了重新设计和对设备的重新选择、改造 ,得出了各个工艺参数的最佳值 ,生产出高品质的次氯酸钠  相似文献   

The most common technique used for numerical simulations of tracer mixing is that of the numerical solution of the advection–diffusion equation with the unresolved fluxes parameterized using the similarity theory. Despite correct predictions of the overall directions of transport, models based on a numerical solution of the advection–diffusion equation lack sufficient accuracy to correctly reproduce the coupling of mixing with small scale processes which are sensitive to the microstructure of the tracer distribution. The objective of this paper is to revisit the basic formalism employed in numerical models used to investigate atmospheric tracers. The main mathematical method proposed here is the theory of kinematics of mixing which could be applied effectively for simulations of atmospheric transport processes. At the beginning of the paper, we introduce simple mathematical transformations in order to demonstrate how complex topological structures are created by mixing processes. These idealistic flow systems are essential to explain transport properties of much more complex three-dimensional geophysical flows. An example of the application of the kinematics of mixing to the analysis of tracer transport on a planetary scale is presented in the following sections. The complex filamentary structures simulated in the numerical experiment are evaluated using some commonly applied statistical measures in order to compare the results with the data published in the literature. The results of the experiment are also analysed with the help of simple conceptual models of fluid filaments. The microstructure of the tracer distribution introduced in the paper is essential to increase our understanding of atmospheric transport and to develop more realistic parameterizations of small-scale mixing. The presented results could also be used to improve calculations of the coupling between microphysical processes and tracer mixing.  相似文献   


A computer model was used to take random samples from primary sample populations obtained from field trials to simulate the uncertainty of sampling for residue analysis of plant commodities and soil. The results indicate about 40%, 30% and 20% relative uncertainty when random samples of size 5, 10 and 25 are taken respectively, from a single lot. Therefore the sample size should be the same for establishing and enforcing legal limits.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the presence of drugs of abuse in tap waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A total of seventy samples of drinking water were tested for non-controlled and illicit drugs. Of these, 43 were from Spanish cities, 15 from seven other European countries, three from Japan and nine from seven different Latin American countries. The most frequently detected compounds were caffeine, nicotine, cotinine, cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine, methadone and its metabolite EDDP. The mean concentrations of non-controlled drugs were: for caffeine 50 and 19 ng L−1, in Spanish and worldwide drinking water respectively and for nicotine 13 and 19 ng L−1. Illicit drugs were sparsely present and usually at ultratrace level (<1 ng L−1). For example, cocaine has mean values of 0.4 (Spain) and 0.3 ng L−1 (worldwide), whereas for benzoylecgonine, these mean values were 0.4 and 1.8 ng L−1, respectively. Higher concentrations of benzoylecgonine were found in Latin American samples (up to 15 ng L−1). No opiates were identified in any sample but the presence of methadone and EDDP was frequently detected. Total mean values for EDDP were 0.4 ng L−1 (Spain) and 0.3 ng L−1 (worldwide). Very few samples tested positive for amphetamines, in line with the reactivity of chlorine with these compounds. No cannabinoids, LSD, ketamine, fentanyl and PCP were detected.  相似文献   

Biodegradation mechanisms were elucidated for three dibenzoate plasticizers: diethylene glycol dibenzoate (D(EG)DB), dipropylene glycol dibenzoate (D(PG)DB), both of which are commercially available, and 1,6-hexanediol dibenzoate, a potential green plasticizer. Degradation studies were done using Rhodococcus rhodochrous in the presence of pure alkanes as a co-substrate. As expected, the first degradation step for all of these systems was the hydrolysis of one ester bond with the release of benzoic acid and a monoester. Subsequent biodegradation of the monobenzoates of diethylene glycol (D(EG)MB) and dipropylene glycol (D(PG)MB) was very slow, leading to significant accumulation of these monoesters. In contrast, 1,6-hexanediol monobenzoate was quickly degraded and characterization of the metabolites indicated that the biodegradation proceeded by way of the oxidation of the alcohol group to generate 6-(benzoyloxy) hexanoic acid followed by β-oxidation steps. This pathway was blocked for D(EG)MB and D(PG)MB by the presence of an ether function.The use of a pure hydrocarbon as a co-substrate resulted in the formation of another class of metabolites; namely the esters of the alcohols formed by the oxidation of the alkanes and the benzoic acid released by hydrolysis of the original diesters. These metabolites were biodegraded without the accumulation of any intermediates.  相似文献   

影响混凝效果的因素众多,混凝沉淀烧杯试验是进行水的混合、絮凝、沉淀工艺研究、设计和生产指导的最有效方法之一,阐述了智能型混凝试验搅拌器的设计原理和技术性能.  相似文献   

不同泥源对厌氧氨氧化反应器启动的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李祥  黄勇  袁怡  张丽  朱莉 《环境工程学报》2012,6(7):2143-2148
采用2套上流式生物膜反应器,分别接种少量厌氧氨氧化污泥和大量硝化污泥,考察其对厌氧氨氧化反应器启动的影响。污泥接种入反应器后,测得接种厌氧氨氧化污泥的反应器(R1)内MLSS为0.22 g/L,另一个反应器(R2)MLSS为2.7 g/L。与直接接种厌氧氨氧化污泥相比,R1经过72 d的运行才显现出厌氧氨氧化特性。经过114 d的培养,前者氮去除速率由0.23 kg/(m3.d)提升到5.29 kg/(m3.d),总氮去除率大于89%;R2的氮去除速率由0.01 kg/(m3.d)提升到1.1 kg/(m3.d),总氮去除率大于84.6%。说明普通污泥启动需要一个较长的筛选过程,直接接种少量的厌氧氨氧化污泥比接种普通的污泥能够更快启动厌氧氨氧化反应器。  相似文献   

生物质快速热裂解主要参数对生物油产率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以松木木屑为原料,在自制的小型流化床上,开展了生物质热裂解温度、生物质粒径和进料速率对生物油产率的影响实验研究.结果表明,在热裂解温度分别为450、475、500、525和550℃条件下,当热裂解温度为500℃时,生物油产率最高,平均产率达到53.33%(质量百分比).反应温度越高,炭产量越低,不可冷凝气体产量越高,气体发热值越高;粒径<1 mm的生物质其粒径对生物油产率影响不大;生物质进料速率增加时,生物油产率增加.本研究为生物能的利用提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

造纸废水混凝处理中SFT助凝替代性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小造纸厂废水处理常用PAC作混凝剂 ,PAM作助凝剂。由于PAM成本很高 ,影响了处理设备的投运率。用超细滑石粉 (SFT)替代PAM助凝 ,与混凝剂PAC配合 ,其混凝处理效果基本相当 ,但是处理成本降低 0 .10元 /m3 。由于SFT属环境无害材料 ,不会给排泥带来二次污染  相似文献   

以松木木屑为原料,在自制的小型流化床上,开展了生物质热裂解温度、生物质粒径和进料速率对生物油产率的影响实验研究.结果表明,在热裂解温度分别为450、475、500、525和550℃条件下,当热裂解温度为500℃时,生物油产率最高,平均产率达到53.33%(质量百分比).反应温度越高,炭产量越低,不可冷凝气体产量越高,气体发热值越高;粒径<1 mm的生物质其粒径对生物油产率影响不大;生物质进料速率增加时,生物油产率增加.本研究为生物能的利用提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

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