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淀山湖蓝藻水华及其控制因子的模型研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
针对淀山湖富营养化严重的问题,应用美国环境保护署的AQUATOX模型对淀山湖水体中常规水质数据时间变化规律和藻类生长演替进行了研究.在对模型率定、验证的基础上,选择水力停留时间、营养盐、pH、水温、风速、光强对蓝藻生长的影响进行分析.该生态模型较好地模拟了常规水质和藻类的动态变化.计算结果显示,目前营养盐并非淀山湖蓝藻暴发的主要限制因子;淀山湖水力停留时间越长越适合蓝藻的生长;当pH为7.5~9.5、水温为30~35℃、静风或风速小于3.1 m/s、光强为70~400W/m2时,蓝藻能很好地生长.模拟结果可以为揭示淀山湖蓝藻"水华"暴发机制和预警预报提供科学依据.  相似文献   

淀山湖底泥氮磷营养盐释放及其影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过大量现场实测数据,对建立的淀山湖水生态系统模型进行率定和验证,并利用该模型对淀山湖底泥氮磷营养盐释放机制进行了系统研究,模拟了温度、流量、入流负荷等因素对底泥氮磷营养盐释放的影响。模拟结果显示:(1)该模型较好地模拟了底泥释放的动态变化;淀山湖底泥无机磷具有一定的释放特性,无机氮以底泥吸附为主,底泥磷酸盐、氨氮、硝酸盐氮释放通量分别为-40~18、-15~75、-38~-10mg/(m2·d)。(2)不同季节下温度对底泥氮磷营养盐的释放影响作用不同。(3)在氮磷营养盐释放较明显的夏秋季节,流量对氮磷营养盐释放影响较大。(4)削减入流负荷会加快底泥氮磷营养盐的释放,当入流负荷削减达到95%时,底泥中氮磷营养盐开始全面转向正释放状态。淀山湖外源污染得到控制以后,沉积物中营养物将对水体水质构成威胁。  相似文献   

金矿开采导致严重的水体和沉积物重金属污染。采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP/MS)分析了金矿开采区河道32个采样点的水体和表层沉积物样品,研究了水样的溶解态及颗粒态重金属(As、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn)组成;通过分步化学提取法研究了各重金属在沉积物中的地球化学形态组成,利用地累积指数法和潜在生态风险指数法评价了河流沉积物中重金属污染状况。结果表明:水体中Cu、Zn、As主要以溶解态存在,Pb、Cr、Cd以颗粒态为主。水体中重金属元素形态分布主要受点源污染排放影响。沉积物中,Cd浓度较低;As、Zn主要以氧化物结合态、有机物结合态和残渣态存在;Pb、Cr、Cu以有机物结合态和残渣态为主。结合地累积指数和潜在生态风险指数分析表明,Cd和Cu为主要的风险元素。  相似文献   

监测了南京市的主要水系:长江、秦淮河和玄武湖水体表层的沉积物中Hg、Cd、Pb、Cu、As、Cr和zn等7种元素含量,分析了元素的富集程度,采用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法对其生态危害程度进行了评价。结果表明:长江和玄武湖水系沉积物中,7种元素含量属于低潜在生态风险,秦淮河沉积物则呈较高潜在生态风险;7种元素的富集系数均为,秦淮河〉玄武湖〉长江,长江Cd元素的富集系数最大,为3.18,秦淮河和玄武湖两水系都是Hg的富集系数最大,分别为11.78和3.33;就元素的生态风险而言,长江水体表层沉积物中,7种元素属低潜在生态风险,玄武湖表层沉积物中,除Hg属中潜在生态风险外,其余6种元素属低潜在生态风险,秦淮河表层沉积物的7种元素生态风险由高到低,依次为Hg〉Cd〉Cu〉As〉Zn〉Pb〉Cr,Hg和cd分别属高潜在生态风险和较高潜在生态风险,其余5种元素属低潜在生态风险。  相似文献   

平原河网结构改造与水体有机物自净效果的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用模拟实验开展了平原河流的水动力条件、河道宽深比、建筑物遮光效应和水温等因素对水体有机物长期降解过程的影响规律研究.结果显示,改善模拟河道的水动力条件,控制流速在1.5 m/h以上,可有效地减轻模拟河道有机物的污染现象及其在底泥中的积累速率;同时,控制模拟河道的宽深比在3.0左右,并最大限度地增加模拟河道的总体光照时间与光照强度,对水中有机物的降解十分有利.在相同的来水量下,不同的季节水中有机物的含量是不同的,模拟河道底部水温在10~15℃时,水体中有机物的含量最高,这也是河流最易发生黑臭的季节,此时可以配合城市内河置水工程,加大换水量及来水水质的管理.  相似文献   

采集6种典型非道路柴油机排放的颗粒物样品,利用BCR连续提取法分析了颗粒物中重金属的形态。结果表明,6种典型非道路柴油机的颗粒物比排放达154~343mg/(kW·h),小功率的非道路柴油机颗粒物比排放较高;各重金属平均质量浓度排序为ZnCrAsMnPbNi≈Cu≈Cd,重金属总量约占颗粒物质量的2.22%;Ni和Cu以有机物结合态为主,其他重金属均以残渣态为主,约占总提取形态的71.83%~96.74%;所有非道路柴油机颗粒物中均存在有机物结合态重金属且比例较高,说明排放颗粒物中有机污染物和重金属结合紧密。基于风险评价法和污染系数法对重金属的生态风险进行评价,结果表明,非道路柴油机排放颗粒物中Cd的生态风险最高,Pb、Cr和Mn的风险次之。  相似文献   

提出了农药企业生态风险评价由4个部分构成:受体评价、危害评价、暴露评价和风险表征。评价以生态资料、环境资料、化学资料、毒理学资料为基础,通过工程分析、源强分析,确定目标污染物,鉴别其危害性,计算风险发生的概率、程度、范围等,选择评价终点,利用评价模型预测目标污染物的暴露浓度,分析风险源对受体的危害程度,进行风险表征。  相似文献   

为明确长荡湖重金属污染特征及生态风险,于2018年9月至2019年8月采集长荡湖入湖河流、湖泊水体及表层沉积物样品,分析8种重金属(Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Pb和Hg)含量,采用正定矩阵因子(PMF)模型和主成分分析多元线性回归(PCA-MLR)模型对湖泊重金属污染来源进行解析,评估长荡湖沉积物重金属污染程度及风险等级。结果表明,8种重金属有7种超出江苏省土壤环境本底值,秋季长荡湖沉积物中重金属含量普遍较低。Cr、Cd、Zn和Ni的分配系数较高,现阶段不易从沉积物中释放到水体中,但由于Cd多为可交换态且在沉积物中含量较大,因此仍具有从沉积物中释放到水体中的潜力;Cu、As和Hg的分配系数较低,具有从沉积物中释放到水体中的潜力。Hg、Cd、As和Cu污染来源中农业生产占比最高,Pb和Zn交通污染占比最高,Ni自然来源占比最高,Cr工业活动占比最高。长荡湖春季和夏季受重金属污染程度更高,Cd和Hg的生态风险较高,需重点关注。  相似文献   

危险废物事故排放的河流水环境健康风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了基于水体中污染物迁移转化方程的水质预测模型,并借鉴美国环保局推荐使用的健康风险评价模型,建立了一种危险废物事故排放时水环境对人体健康风险的评价方法。以电镀污泥为例验证了该方法的有效性。结果显示:该方法需要参数少且计算简单;电镀污泥中目标污染物(Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn)所引起的河流水环境非致癌风险(1.67)超过了美国标准中的可接受风险水平1.00,不可接受;致癌风险(0.88E-11)则小于美国标准中的可接受风险水平1.00E-06,风险不明显。  相似文献   

海浪河水环境重金属污染健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明海浪河地表水体中重金属污染物的分布特征与风险水平,对研究区域内As、Cd、Zn、Cu、Pb、Mn等重金属污染物浓度进行了分析检测,并采用美国环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型对水体中重金属引起的健康风险进行了评价。结果表明,各采样点的重金属监测数据中As、Cd、Zn和Cu均达到Ⅱ类水质标准,符合水环境功能区划要求,Pb是海浪河主要超标污染物。海浪河重金属As和Cd的健康风险值远远大于Zn、Cu、Pb和Mn的健康风险值,风险值相差4~5个数量级。致癌物As的健康风险值最大,在S5和S6采样点分别达到了5.81×10-5和9.43×10-5a-1,均高于最大可接受风险水平5.0×10-5a-1。  相似文献   

大莲湖生态修复工程对水质影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大莲湖是淀山湖水系中富营养化程度较为严重的湖泊,从2008年12月起,为了改善水质,重建大莲湖生态环境,采取了塑造地型、设计护坡、调整水系、配置植物、构建快速渗透系统等措施治理大莲湖,分析了生态工程完工后半年多来大莲湖水质变化状况;结果表明:经过生态修复后,其水质得到明显改善,COD、总氮和总磷分别比生态区外的鱼塘下降了68%、62%和74%;氨氮平均为0.27 mg/L,亚硝态氮平均0.02 mg/L,叶绿素a平均下降了72%。因此,将工程措施与生物净化方法有机结合在一起,并因地制宜地构建快速渗透系统是湖泊治理的一条有效途径,该修复工程的成功实施也为其他生态修复工程提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

Landscape lakes in the city suffer high eutrophication risk because of their special characters and functions in the water circulation system. Using a landscape lake HMLA located in Tianjin City, North China, with a mixture of point source (PS) pollution and non-point source (NPS) pollution, we explored the methodology of Fluent and AQUATOX to simulate and predict the state of HMLA, and trophic index was used to assess the eutrophication state. Then, we use water compensation optimization and three scenarios to determine the optimal management methodology. Three scenarios include ecological restoration scenario, best management practices (BMPs) scenario, and a scenario combining both. Our results suggest that the maintenance of a healthy ecosystem with ecoremediation is necessary and the BMPs have a far-reaching effect on water reusing and NPS pollution control. This study has implications for eutrophication control and management under development for urbanization in China.  相似文献   

Chen CS 《Chemosphere》2005,61(8):1142-1158
An ecological risk assessment was conducted for Keelung River in northern Taiwan. The objective of this study was to assess the risk to fish, aquatic insects, and benthic macroinvertebrates associated with chemical-of-potential-concern (COPC) in the river and to rank ecological risk for these chemicals. The protection of at least 95% of the species 90% of the time from acute and chronic COPC exposures was the defined assessment endpoint. Nine inorganic and organic contaminants were selected to evaluate the impact to aquatic community in the Keelung River. The quotient method served as screen level estimation of risk. The Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment model was used to analyze exposure and ecological effects and to estimate community level risk. The logarithmic regression model between probability and lethal concentration was established. The combined risks of multiple chemicals were evaluated under assumption of additive risk. The results indicated that zinc and copper pose higher risk among metals. Ammonia, copper, and zinc posed virtually all of the risk, while organic COPCs posed a negligible risk. Potential ecological risk from ammonia exposure was greatest. The probability of more than 5% of the species being affected by acute or chronic toxicity of COPCs is about 100%. In average (50% of the time), 99% of the species would be affected by acute toxicity of COPCs, and about all the species would be affected by chronic toxicity of COPCs. Uncertainties in this assessment were associated with variability in ecosystem stressors, exposure data, ecological effect data, and risk characterization.  相似文献   

The impounding of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) at the Yangtze River caused large flooding of urban, industrial, and agricultural areas, and profound land use changes took place. Consequently, substantial amounts of organic and inorganic pollutants were released into the reservoir. Additionally, contaminants and nutrients are entering the reservoir by drift, drainage, and runoff from adjacent agricultural areas as well as from sewage of industry, aquacultures, and households. The main aim of the presented research project is a deeper understanding of the processes that determines the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of organic pollutants, i.e., mainly pesticides, in aquatic food webs under the newly developing conditions of the TGR. The project is part of the Yangtze-Hydro environmental program, financed by the German Ministry of Education and Science. In order to test combinations of environmental factors like nutrients and pollution, we use an integrated modeling approach to study the potential accumulation and biomagnification. We describe the integrative modeling approach and the consecutive adaption of the AQUATOX model, used as modeling framework for ecological risk assessment. As a starting point, pre-calibrated simulations were adapted to Yangtze-specific conditions (regionalization). Two exemplary food webs were developed by a thorough review of the pertinent literature. The first typical for the flowing conditions of the original Yangtze River and the Daning River near the city of Wushan, and the second for the stagnant reservoir characteristics of the aforementioned region that is marked by an intermediate between lake and large river communities of aquatic organisms. In close cooperation with German and Chinese partners of the Yangtze-Hydro Research Association, other site-specific parameters were estimated. The MINIBAT project contributed to the calibration of physicochemical and bathymetric parameters, and the TRANSMIC project delivered hydrodynamic models for water volume and flow velocity conditions. The research questions were firstly focused on the definition of scenarios that could depict representative situations regarding food webs, pollution, and flow conditions in the TGR. The food webs and the abiotic site conditions in the main study area near the city of Wushan that determine the environmental preconditions for the organisms were defined. In our conceptual approach, we used the pesticide propanil as a model substance.  相似文献   

Acid volatile sulfide (AVS), simultaneously extracted metals (SEMs), and total concentrations of trace elements (Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni, Hg, As, and Cr) were studied in sediment cores from Baihua Lake in southwest China. The molar ratios of SEMs to AVS for all samples were lower than 1.0 except for the 25- to 30-cm layer of the sample collected at location YPZ, indicating that the heavy metals were currently not significantly bioavailable as a whole to benthic organisms. Based on the sediment quality guidelines and the potential ecological risk assessment, Hg presented a high ecological risk for the water body.  相似文献   


Seasonal and regional distributions of 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface waters from four different main water functional regions of the Baiyangdian Lake were analyzed through GC/MS/MS during spring and summer season. The aim was to identify their possible pollution sources and evaluate their health risk for human and ecotoxicological risk for aquatic organisms. Results showed that the range of total PAH concentration is 35.38–88.06 ng/L (average 46.57 ng/L) in spring and 25.64–301.41 ng/L (average 76.23 ng/L) in summer. PAH contamination was observed slightly lower in the summer season from the pollution characteristics of water bodies in most areas of the Baiyangdian Lake, and the levels of PAH pollution in the water body of urban residential regions and rural residential regions were relatively higher than those in tourist regions and low human disturbance regions. Source analysis based on diagnostic ratios confirmed that combustion sources and petroleum sources were two main sources for PAHs entering into the waters of the Baiyangdian Lake. Human health risk assessment showed that PAHs in surface waters from the Baiyangdian Lake will not cause a potential non-carcinogenic risk to local residents and the carcinogenic risk could mostly be accepted, but the potential lifetime carcinogenic risk for infants in rural residential regions should be concerned about. Urban residential regions and rural residential regions were subject to higher cumulative non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk when compared to the other functional regions. Ecotoxicological risk assessment found a moderate risk to aquatic organisms presented by individual PAH and a low risk by total PAHs, and PAHs in the water body of urban residential regions and rural residential regions also have relatively higher harm effects to aquatic organisms compared with the other two functional regions. This study revealed the pollution characteristics of PAHs and their possible sources in waters of the Baiyangdian Lake, clarified its correlation to regional anthropogenic activities, and provided corresponding risk management strategies for human and aquatic organisms.


广州市白云人工湖生态修复工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广州市白云湖是广州市最大的人工生态服务湖泊,通过对白云湖生态修复工程进行设计,采用了炭素纤维生态草、微纳米气泡发生装置及纯氧发生器和人工干预与生物处理相结合生态浮床等环保新技术对白云湖水体进行综合生态修复,并对白云湖水质进行跟踪监测。结果显示,白云湖水质提升工程实施之后,白云湖各项水质指标都有一定的改善。白云湖生态修复工程的设计经验对于类似人工水体的水质改善和生态修复工程建设具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Evaluation of an ecosystem model in ecological risk assessment of chemicals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used a Lake Suwa version of Comprehensive Aquatic Systems Model (CASM_SUWA) to demonstrate the risk estimation of 10 different chemicals and examined the applicability and reliability of the model in ecological risk assessment by qualitatively and quantitatively comparing with the results of studies on multiple species using mesocosm tests. The qualitative comparison of the model results with those of the reported mesocosm tests indicated that some evidence observed in mesocosm studies supported the indirect effects predicted from simulation using the model. The comparison of the concentration levels at which 20% biomass reduction (BR20) in the most sensitive population estimated from the model with the no-observed effect concentration values derived from multiple species mesocosm tests (MS-NOEC) suggested that both data were related to each other and the model can be used to help in the determination of an ecological acceptable level of chemicals in aquatic environments. The analysis of the potential of indirect effects of a chemical for fish population indicated that the magnitude of the potential of indirect effects was quantified based on the ratio of BR50 to LC50 for fish population.  相似文献   

Surface and core sediment samples were collected from Lake Ayg?r, Turkey, to determine heavy metal distribution, probable sources and potential ecological and toxic risks for the lake. Heavy metals, total sulfur, total phosphate, total organic carbon, chlorophyll degradation products, and CaCO3 content were established. The enrichment factor, PLI, potential ecological risk index, and toxic risk index were calculated. Zn was determined to have the highest accumulation in surface sediment, followed by Cr, Pb, and Cd, respectively. Cd was the only element that exceeded the critical value of 40 and posed a moderate potential ecological risk. According to TRI, no ecotoxic risk was found. It is thought that local fossil fuel consumption is responsible for the accumulation of heavy metals since there is a lack of urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural activities around the lake.  相似文献   

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