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利用支持向量机模型良好的推广和泛化能力,以及在处理分类问题及小样本问题方面的优势,构建了湖泊水质评价模型,并运用此模型对白云湖的水质评价进行了研究。于2011年对广州市白云湖进水口A和出水口E以及湖区内B、C、D共5点分别进行了3次水质监测(1月份、4月份和8月份)。分析结果表明,A、B、C、D、E 5点1月份的水质除B点为Ⅳ类水外其余4点均为Ⅴ类水,4月份除A点为Ⅴ类水外其余4点均为Ⅳ类水,8月份除A为Ⅳ类水外其余4点均为Ⅱ类水,白云湖在经过开始的不稳定状态后,正在逐渐实现其净化水质的设计作用。相对于常规的评价方法,所得结果更为科学、合理。  相似文献   

以广州市最大补水人工景观湖白云湖水生态系统构建示范区为对象,利用综合污染指数评价了以沉水植被构建为主的修复措施对示范区水体水质改善的影响,并应用因子分析法对各水质指标和生态因子之间的相互关系进行了研究。综合污染分析结果表明,恢复沉水植物后,示范区水体各项污染物浓度大幅降低,水质从V-劣V类提高到III-IV类,水体综合污染状态由严重污染改善为轻污染。因子分析显示,10项水质指标可划分为四类主因子来反映水质状况,其中,第一主因子主要反映水体营养盐指数,第二主因子反映水体有机污染指数,第三主因子反映温度变化对水质的影响,第四主因子反映水体的酸碱度;综合评分结果说明了生态系统构建后水质综合评分可大幅降低,且月评分结果呈现温度越高、水质越优的特点,水体特征呈现向草型水体发展的趋势。上述结果表明,水生态系统构建可有效改善示范区水质,是保障城市河道补水水源安全的有效方法。  相似文献   

2012年北里湖实施了引水与沉水植物恢复相结合的生态修复工程,2013年对北里湖生态修复工程实施区域的营养盐和浮游植物进行调查,并与修复前和外湖进行对照。结果表明,与外湖和历史对照数据相比,生态修复工程实施后,北里湖的营养盐浓度和浮游植物密度降低,浮游植物多样性指数和均匀度指数增加。这表明,生态修复工程有效改善了北里湖的水质现状。  相似文献   

大莲湖生态修复工程对水质影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大莲湖是淀山湖水系中富营养化程度较为严重的湖泊,从2008年12月起,为了改善水质,重建大莲湖生态环境,采取了塑造地型、设计护坡、调整水系、配置植物、构建快速渗透系统等措施治理大莲湖,分析了生态工程完工后半年多来大莲湖水质变化状况;结果表明:经过生态修复后,其水质得到明显改善,COD、总氮和总磷分别比生态区外的鱼塘下降了68%、62%和74%;氨氮平均为0.27 mg/L,亚硝态氮平均0.02 mg/L,叶绿素a平均下降了72%。因此,将工程措施与生物净化方法有机结合在一起,并因地制宜地构建快速渗透系统是湖泊治理的一条有效途径,该修复工程的成功实施也为其他生态修复工程提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

再生水作为生态或景观补水的重要来源,受纳水体水质下降是制约再生水回用的瓶颈。以浙江省宁波市受纳再生水的陆家河为研究对象,分析受纳再生水河道在生态集成技术修复后水体水质的变化特征,探讨生态修复工程的效能及其影响因素。结果表明,在生态修复工程运行后,显著改善受纳再生水河道的水质,氨氮、COD、总磷、CODMn、BOD5等污染负荷年平均削减率分别为69.0%、16.7%、34.3%、7.8%和34.3%。通过对再生水回用参数的研究,当再生水日进水量为4 000~6 500 m3,进水的总磷浓度控制在0.6 mg·L~(-1)以下时,能够使研究河段水体具有较好的净化效果。静态经济评价表明,研发的强化消解-生态涵养-生态观测3步生态修复集成技术,工程投资小、运行成本低、处理效果佳,具有较好的环境与经济效益。  相似文献   

为探究城市人工湖生态治理方式,依据水生生物食物链及生物操纵理论,人为对成都锦城湖2号湖进行水生态系统构建;对建成后2号湖的水质及水生植物群落演替进行跟踪监测和分析,评价生态治理效果。结果表明,采用以人为构建各营养级的水生态修复技术,对人工湖水质净化具有良好的效果,运行第1年(2013年)去除氮磷量分别达到7.28 t和0.25 t,水体透明度一直维持在较高的水平,未出现藻类水华现象;运行第2年1—7月削减氮、磷量也分别达到5.6 t和0.29 t,但由于人为因素及高污染负荷的影响,水质出现恶化现象。锦城湖2号湖水体生态建设对于类似人工水体的水质改善和生态工程建设有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

针对淮河流域河南段部分河流出现的水资源过度开发利用、水质恶化和生物多样性下降等生态退化问题,根据淮河流域河南段主要河流退化特点,以改善淮河流域河南段退化现状为目标,在河流生态修复技术研究和工程实践的基础上,按照修复技术的功能,筛选出水量调整、水质净化和生物多样性提高等3类共13种适合淮河流域河南段河流生态系统修复技术。为使流域水生态修复更具针对性,根据流域内主要河流断流频率和洪/枯比计算,将流域内的河流分为常年有水型和间歇性断流型,然后以修复模式为修复范式研究的基本单元,分别针对流域内常年有水型河流生态系统的退化特点构建了3种修复模式,针对流域内间歇性断流型河流生态系统的退化特点构建了5种修复模式,以期为流域内退化河流生态系统的修复提供指导。  相似文献   

由于城市水资源严重紧缺,再生水作为补给城市河湖景观水体的重要水源,用量逐年加大,随之带来的水环境问题也引起关注,往往需要采用适宜的技术和工程改善水质。然而对于现有的生态修复技术和工程,缺少相应的评价方法和指标体系对其修复效果和工程技术进行综合有效的评估。通过大量的文献及实地调研,结合再生水补给型城市河湖的特点,构建了包含环境效益、技术管理与维护及社会经济功能3个系统、7个准则和19个指标的再生水补给型城市河湖水生态修复技术评价指标体系,采用群组决策的层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重,重要性排序前5位的指标依次是:藻类多样性、水生植物覆盖度、DO、TLI、PI(COD)。以北京市陶然亭湖水生态修复工程为例进行综合评价,研究结果表明,现阶段陶然亭湖水生态修复工程综合评分为3.35分,评价结果属于良。陶然亭湖经过水体生态修复后,水生态系统结构较好恢复;所选工程技术适宜;人员及经济投入适中;对周边环境产生较大正面影响;工程可优后进行推广  相似文献   

本文以连云港市星海湖公园景观湖为例,通过采样监测对该湖水质现状进行了评价,进而以目前流行的生态修复法为基础,针对景观湖生态修复尚存在的问题,结合该湖的污染特征,研究了景观湖水质改良的技术措施,并对实施效果进行了验证。  相似文献   

通过连续两年对常州市19条"清水工程生态修复"示范河道大型底栖无脊椎动物(以下简称底栖动物)的调查,了解市区河道底栖动物群落现状及发展趋势,同时从底栖动物群落多样性的角度评价各河道生态修复的效果,并利用污染生物效应指数(BPI)评估河道水质及生态变化发展趋势。结果发现,各调查河道底栖动物群落结构和多样性的指标与污染生物效应评价结果相互印证,保持高度一致性。2011年各河道的底栖动物群落结构完整性、种群多样性均较2010年有所提升,BPI则较2010年有所下降。说明在这些河道实施的生态修复工程具有一定成效,有望实现城市河道水体生态循环系统的全面恢复。  相似文献   

In 1994, New Zealand's only mainland Antarctic base, Vanda Station, was removed from the shores of Lake Vanda, in the McMurdo Dry Valleys region of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Residual chemical contamination of the station site has been identified, in the form of discrete fuel spills, locally elevated Pb, Zn, Ag and Cd concentrations in soil and elevated Cu, Ni, Co and phosphate concentrations in suprapermafrost fluids in a gully formerly used for domestic washing water disposal. Pathways for contaminant transfer to Lake Vanda, potential environmental impacts and specific remediation/monitoring options are considered. While some contaminants (particularly Zn) could be selectively leached from flooded soil, during a period of rising lake level, the small area of contaminated soils exposed and low level of contamination suggests that this would not adversely affect either shallow lake water quality or the growth of cyanobacteria. Phosphate-enhanced growth of the latte may, however, be a visible consequence of the minor contamination occurring at this site.  相似文献   

采用改性当地土壤湖泊综合修复技术从2008年夏季到2010年夏季连续在太湖十八湾围隔内实施夏季应急除藻工程和春季底泥调控工程,通过连续监测浮游植物的群落变动发现:在2009年,春季和夏季工程后浮游植物门类虽在短时间内减少,但是一个月内均又恢复,而且春季工程在短时间内可以在一定程度上抑制蓝藻的种类和比例的增加,又可提高硅藻和绿藻的种类和比例,这对于春季沉水植被的恢复和抑制蓝藻的复苏都有积极意义;从长时间周年变化来看,春季和夏季工程在围隔内连续实施2年,蓝藻水华暴发周期和暴发规模均呈逐渐缩短趋势。这对于进一步开展蓝藻复苏和蓝藻水华暴发的机理研究和控制技术的研究都有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

An ecological engineering project using water hyacinth for nutrient removal was performed in Baishan Bay of a large shallow eutrophic lake, Lake Dianchi in China. In the present study, a systematic survey of water quality, macrozoobenthos and zooplankton inside (IWH), around (AWH) and far away (FWH) water hyacinth mats was conducted in Baishan Bay from August to October 2010. The results showed that the water quality significantly improved at AWH area. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus were lower and transparency was higher at AWH area than those in IWH and FWH areas. Total densities, dominant species densities, and biodiversity indexes of macrozoobenthos and cladocerans as well as copepods did not differ (P > 0.05) among each other in all three areas. It was significantly (P < 0.05) different for those of rotifers at IWH area compared to those in AWH and FWH areas. The results might suggest a tremendous potential for the utilization of water hyacinth in the eutrophic lake like Lake Dianchi for nutrients removal.  相似文献   

East Lake resides in the urban area of Wuhan City and is the largest urban lake in China. The concentrations of 16 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were analyzed in 108 surface water samples collected from the East Lake. The total concentrations of OCPs ranged from not detected to 120 ng L?1 with predominance of δ-HCH, heptachlor, and α-HCH. The mean values of HCHs and DDTs were 7.40 and 5.70 ng L?1, respectively, accounting for 40 and 31 % of the total OCPs. For the five lakelets in East Lake, Houhu Lake exhibited the highest concentrations of HCHs, DDTs, and total OCPs, which has been used actively for fisheries and surrounded by suburban rural areas and farmlands. Historical lindane or technical HCH input was probably the source of HCH, while technical DDTs might be the source of DDT in the East Lake. The ratio between heptachlor and its metabolic products indicated recent input of heptachlor. Although the combining ecological risks for all aquatic species in the East Lake calculated by species sensitivity distribution reached approximately 10?5, the OCPs in the East Lake had slight effects on aquatic organisms. The carcinogenic risks and non-carcinogenic hazard indices of DDTs and HCHs indicated that water in the East Lake was not suitable as water sources for human. However, the results indicated the water quality was safe for people to swim in the urban lake.  相似文献   

人工湖需水量是指维持湖区水量平衡、满足人工湖水质目标的供水量,人工湖需水量确定是人工湖水体工程设计的主要内容之一。以上虞滨海新城建设的人工湖为例,分析了人工湖建成后的可能污染源,采用TP质量守恒模型,预测了不同生活污水截污率、生态措施作用前后的人工湖需水量及水质要求。结果表明,当生活污水截污率为100%时,若供水TP≤0.10mg/L,则人工湖需水量为240万t/a;当生活污水截污率为95%时,若供水TP=0.05mg/L,不考虑生态措施作用,则人工湖需水量为1 600万t/a;当生活污水截污率为95%时,若供水TP=0.05mg/L,在生态措施作用下人工湖需水量为730万t/a。  相似文献   

以地处贵州中部的红枫湖水库为研究区,2010年的ALOS影像为基础,利用B3、B4(三波段和四波段)的乘积影像研究红枫湖水库库区表面的叶绿素a分布情况。结果表明,库区水体叶绿素a浓度在空间分布上呈现自三岔河入水口到北湖逐渐降低,沿岸边向湖中心逐渐降低的态势。探讨了适宜该库区的水体叶绿素a的提取方法,并引入基于费歇尔准则的最优分割算法,利用计算机编程实现了该库区叶绿素a分布水平的最优分划。这一系列针对该库区水体叶绿素a提取、分析和监测的优化方法,对该水源地的污染监测和库区的生态治理有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

淀山湖地处上海的饮用水源地,水体中有机污染物的生态风险逐渐引起人们的重视。淀山湖水质监测结果显示,淀山湖中的挥发性有机物以二氯甲烷为主。应用美国环境保护署的AQUATOX模型对淀山湖水体中二氯甲烷进行模拟,并进行生态风险评价,旨在构建基于AQUATOX模型的水环境中有机物浓度模拟方法及风险评价的研究体系。结果显示,淀山湖中的二氯甲烷尚处于安全范围,但是需要加强观测,避免高风险的发生。  相似文献   

杭州西湖水生高等植物的恢复与水生生态修复   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在过去的50年,西湖一直被富营养化问题所困扰。迄今为止,采用了各种工程措施进行治理,耗资数亿,但收效不明显。为了进一步解决西湖富营养化问题,提出需要用生态方法去解决生态问题,通过生态学手段,恢复、重建高等水生植物带落,增加水生生物多样性,改善西湖水生生态系统的结构和功能,控制藻类来修复西湖水生生态系统。科学地选择先锋种类组合、消除草食性鱼类的影响、合理地控制水位是西湖水生植被恢复过程中的三个重要措施。  相似文献   

To assess the potential of the macroinvertebrate community for monitoring variation in the environmental quality of large rivers, the response of littoral macrobenthos in Lake Saint-Fran?ois, a fluvial lake of the St Lawrence River (Québec) are described. First, the composition of total macroinvertebrate communities and important taxonomic groups as well as the biotic ICI-SL index in 16 littoral stations varying in sedimentology, water chemistry and contamination are described to define indicator species groups and environmental quality ranks. Thereafter, the relative contribution of ecological and toxicological factors in explaining the variation observed in macroinvertebrate assemblages and biotic index were quantified using partial canonical correspondence analysis. Cluster analyses based on taxonomic composition separated five groups of stations where macroinvertebrate assemblages varied in density, composition and tolerance to pollution. The ICI-SL biotic index varied from 7.2 to 27.2 with a mean value of 19 +/- 6. The ICI-SL values determined for the macroinvertebrate communities in Lake Saint-Fran?ois did not reflect an important deterioration in environmental quality, and there was some agreement between the environmental quality ranking of the stations expressed either by the ICI-SL index or the community cluster analysis. Water conductivity and phosphorus concentration, followed by macrophyte types (Chara, Ceratophyllum) and sediment grain size, were the most significant ecological variables to explain variation in macroinvertebrate communities and derived ICI-SL index in Lake Saint-Fran?ois. Among the toxicological factors, metals in water (Fe, Cr, Pb, Mn, Zn) and sediment (Mn, Pb, Se), as well as the composite indices of metal and organic contamination (water CI, sediment CI, sediment total PAHs) were the most important factors. The contamination factors selected in our models represented contaminant sorption processes rather than direct toxicological effects. The lack of clear relationships between contaminants and macroinvertebrate variables reflected the relative low level of contamination in the stations sampled in Lake Saint-Fran?ois. There were some interactions between toxicological and ecological variables that should be considered in the planning of sampling and interpretation of biomonitoring studies. However, the large amount of unexplained variance (49.2-86.6%) in the CCA models underlined the limitations of the use of the indices of macroinvertebrate community structure that were assessed in this study for biomonitoring purposes in the absence of a contrasting pollution gradient.  相似文献   

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