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以北方典型干旱缺水型河流-滏阳河流域邢台段为研究对象,通过为期1年(2013年6月—2014年5月)的水质监测,阐述了流域内氮磷时空变化特征及富营养化水平。结果表明,流域内水体TN的平均质量浓度为28.27 mg·L~(-1)(其中NH_4~+-N占67.94%),TP的平均质量浓度为1.37 mg·L~(-1)(其中SRP占62.01%);流域内氮磷时空分布特征明显:在时间尺度上,水体中氮磷浓度均呈现出旱季(9月—次年5月)高于雨季(6—8月);空间尺度上,氮磷质量浓度分布差异明显且均呈现出市区流域高于市郊流域,沿河流流向逐渐减少的趋势;对数型幂函数普适指数公式对水体富营养化的评价结果显示:无论从时间尺度上还是空间尺度上,所有采样点都处于极富营养状态,其变化趋势与氮磷有明显的一致性,同时富营养化程度与地区污染水平呈现一定的相关性。水资源匮乏以及河流湖库化严重是造成该地区水体富营养化问题突出的主要原因。  相似文献   

选用2011—2014年宜兴市12个监测断面21个水质指标的连续监测数据,解析太湖西岸宜兴城市水系污染物的时空分异特征及影响因素。结果表明,宜兴市城区及入太湖河流污染严重,86.05%以上时段内处于劣Ⅴ类水平,特征污染物为TN、NH3-N、BOD5、TP、COD和Hg。污染物空间分异程度大小依次为:AR-OHNH3-NHgTPCODBOD5F-oil=CODMnLASTNDO。不同区域河流污染物浓度随时间变化基本一致,有机物夏季波动较大主要受温度和降雨的双重影响,TN和NH3-N浓度标线出明显的季节变化:春季冬季夏季秋季,Hg、LAS、AR-OH表现出瞬时排放特性,且主要发生在年初。由分析可得,土地利用强度和方式是影响宜兴市城区及入湖河流污染物分布特征的最主要因素,其次是污染来源、河道类型等的影响,表现为城市核心区、三氿入湖区和西北入湖区污染程度依次增大,但差异水平不明显,西南入湖区则相对较轻。  相似文献   

北方干旱区水库具有防洪、灌溉、城市供水多种功能,其富营养化控制具有重要意义。以对汾河水库水质长期监测数据为基础,结合水动力模型、物质输移扩散模型及富营养化生命过程建立富营养化耦合模型,研究不同情景下水库流场特征及营养物质的时空分布规律。研究表明,水库部分区域已发生富营养化,且库区内污染物浓度超标范围较大,提出上游排放口污染物削减方案,为汾河水库乃至整个北方干旱地区水库的富营养化控制提供技术支持。  相似文献   

河流污染状态一般采用化学水质或生物等指标单独描述,目前尚缺少简便易行且可同时从化学与生物角度进行定量描述的指标。针对这一问题,采用三维荧光光谱、紫外吸收光谱与呼吸图谱联用的分析方法研究了纳污河、自然水体与污水处理厂各处理单元水样的溶解性有机物(DOM)的空间分布特征与河流微生物的呼吸特征。结果表明,光谱法可快速对河流有机污染物的种类进行辨别,而呼吸图谱具有识别河流自净能力的特点,其中类色氨酸(T峰与D峰)、类酪氨酸(S峰)、腐殖质(C峰)、富里酸(A峰)是指示不同污染程度的重要指标。通过呼吸图谱与荧光光谱联用(T峰)可快速对污染程度和自净能力进行区分,从而为河流的管理与自净能力的恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

2013年10月到2014年9月,通过对西安某人工湖水温、DO、SD、pH、TN、TP、COD、叶绿素a等10项水质指标进行监测,评价了水体的营养状态,分析了水质的时空分布特征及其可能污染来源,并对其进行三维荧光光谱分析。结果表明,实验期间,该人工湖在5—7月处于中度富营养化状态,其他月份均处于轻度富营养化状态。在时间上,NO-3-N、NH+4-N和TN在14年2月到5月明显高于其他月份,其中NO-3-N是构成TN的主要存在形态,TP含量变化无明显规律,COD在14年3月到5月含量较高,5—7月是人工湖的藻类暴发期,叶绿素a较其他月份高,在空间上,NO-3-N、NH+4-N和TN各采样点间没有显著差异,TP、COD和叶绿素a波动较大,这可能与采样点附近的局部污染有关。9月份湖内的溶解性有机物主要是腐殖酸类,主要来源是微生物的生命活动和死亡分解,含量沿湖体采样点下降。  相似文献   

临江河回水区营养盐及富营养化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以2008年3~9月对库区次级河流临江河回水区水质的调查为依据,分析了临江河回水区氮、磷营养盐的污染分布及富营养化特征。结果表明,临江河回水区氨氮(NH3-N)、总氮(TN)的浓度在7月中旬达到最小值,分别为1.963和5.128 mg/L, 之后在9月初出现峰值,而磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)和总磷(TP)的浓度却呈现出先增加后下降的变化规律;氮主要来自点源污染,而磷受面源污染影响较大;溶解性无机氮(DIN)和PO3-4-P是TN与TP的主要存在形态,平均分别占TN和TP的85.3%和77.8%,而DIN又以NH3-N为主。营养盐浓度呈现出回水区中游最高,回水末端次之,河口处最低的空间分布特征。叶绿素a(Chl-a)的浓度在4月和9月出现峰值,其空间分布特征与营养盐的类似。研究表明,临江河回水区在重度污染的情况下,即便是河流型水体也可能发生富营养化;流速对Chl-a浓度的显著影响呈指数关系。  相似文献   

巢湖入湖河流沉积物中有机磷的形态分级研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为识别巢湖流域污染物的特征、来源及其沉积物有机磷各形态分布与富营养化的关系,测定了7条巢湖入湖河流沉积物中有机磷各形态的含量,分析不同污染类型人湖河流沉积物中有机磷各形态分布的差异及与其他因素间的相关性。研究发现,不同污染类型人湖河流沉积物中水土保持控制型河流沉积物中有机磷各组分的相对含量顺序为残渣态Po〉富里酸-Po〉HCl-Po〉胡敏酸-Po〉NaHCO3-Po,平均的相对比例为7.5:3.1:1.9:1.5:1.0,而城市污染控制型和面源污染控制型河流沉积物中有机磷各组分的相对含量顺序恰好相同,面源污染控制型河流沉积物Po各形态含量低于城市污染控制型和水土保持控制型河流。中活性P。和OM、TP、Pi、Po、TN、NaHCO3-Pi、NaOH—Pi呈正相关,非活性Po与Po、NaOH-Pi呈显著正相关关系,反映了中活性Po很容易转化为生物可利用磷和非活性Po,且非活性Po仍然具有潜在的生物活性。  相似文献   

为探究温州市鳌江水系氮、磷污染特征,选取17个采样断面,于2022年1月、2022年6月进行两次水样采集,并据此对水体理化指标、氮磷浓度与叶绿素a(Chl-a)的时空分布特征进行研究,利用灰色关联度分析方法判别理化指标、氮磷营养盐与Chl-a的相关性。同时运用氮磷比判定鳌江水系的营养限制因子,并初步判定鳌江水系的富营养化程度。结果表明:Chl-a、氮磷营养盐浓度存在时空差异;根据灰色关联度判定总氮、溶解性无机氮、氨氮是鳌江水系枯水期Chl-a的主要影响因子,氨氮、溶解性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐是丰水期Chl-a的主要影响因子;鳌江水系在丰水期主要表现为磷限制状态,枯水期主要表现为氮、磷共同限制状态;鳌江水系富营养化评价结果显示丰水期富营养化较严重,下游河段较上游河段严重。  相似文献   

南四湖入湖河口水质综合分析与改善效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南四湖是南水北调东线工程重要的输水通道和调蓄湖泊,随着通水时间的临近,南四湖入湖河流的水质状况更加受到关注.通过对4次南四湖水质空间分布35个入湖河口的监测数据的统计比较和污染负荷量分析,在分析计算平均综合污染指数和等标污染负荷的基础上,进行不同河流的污染状况比较和水质改善效果评估.研究表明,2010-2011年南四湖入湖河口水质平均综合污染指数(1.56)比2006-2007年(2.73)下降了42.9%,重污染河流由12条减少为3条;南四湖入湖污染负荷总量削减率总体达到了66.0%,入湖污染负荷量分布75%以上集中在主要排污河流,南四湖流域的污染物以TN为主;南四湖的重污染河流为房庄河、老运河和洸府河,10条主要排污河流为老运河、洸府河、东鱼河、房庄河、泗河、洙赵新河、白马河、薛城小沙河、新薛河、新万福河,这些河流是南四湖流域治污的重点.  相似文献   

针对白龙江沿岸农业种植、畜禽养殖等产业发展影响河流水质的问题,以甘肃省南部白龙江流域为研究对象,采用改进输出系数模型计算丰、平、枯水年等典型水文情景下流域内工业、农村生活垃圾、农村生活污水、畜禽养殖、城镇生活污水、城镇径流和农田径流等污染源污染负荷,基于InfoWorks ICM构建了白龙江水动力水质模型,模拟分析COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP等污染负荷分布特征,评估了最不利水文条件下白龙江水质污染风险,验证了该模型在流域水质污染模拟评估的适用性。研究结果表明,不同水文情景下污染物入河负荷主要来源存在显著差异,如丰水年和平水年农田径流是COD污染的主要来源,污染负荷分别达到1 382.56、1 058.98 t,而枯水年污染源主要是城镇径流。污染物负荷存在明显空间差异,研究区内子流域污染负荷空间分布不均匀,高污染负荷主要出现在中下游子流域。白龙江水质在汛期和非汛期差异较大,非汛期水质更差。通过模拟最不利水文情景(枯水年非汛期)发现,研究区内白龙江NH4+-N浓度最大位置出现在中下游,最高可达1.4...  相似文献   

浙江省太湖交界断面藻类预警应急监测指标特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太湖藻类的爆发呈现一定的阶段性,根据2008年太湖藻类的时空分布,将藻类爆发划分为5个阶段。在太湖流域藻类预警应急监测期间,连续监测湖州市新塘港与太湖交界断面的8项水质指标,研究藻类爆发不同阶段交界断面水质指标的变化情况,采用Pearson相关分析法分析各水质指标间的相关性,探讨不同时期太湖流域藻类预警应急监测应重点关注的水质指标,为浙江省太湖流域藻类防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The oil-shale industry has created serious pollution problems in northeastern Estonia. Untreated, phenol-rich leachate from semi-coke mounds formed as a by-product of oil-shale processing is discharged into the Baltic Sea via channels and rivers. An exploratory analysis of water chemical and microbiological data sets from the low-flow period was carried out using different multivariate analysis techniques. Principal component analysis allowed us to distinguish different locations in the river system. The riverine microbial community response to water chemical parameters was assessed by co-inertia analysis. Water pH, COD and total nitrogen were negatively related to the number of biodegradative bacteria, while oxygen concentration promoted the abundance of these bacteria. The results demonstrate the utility of multivariate statistical techniques as tools for estimating the magnitude and extent of pollution based on river water chemical and microbiological parameters. An evaluation of river chemical and microbiological data suggests that the ambient natural attenuation mechanisms only partly eliminate pollutants from river water, and that a sufficient reduction of more recalcitrant compounds could be achieved through the reduction of wastewater discharge from the oil-shale chemical industry into the rivers.  相似文献   

为探索河流水质模型参数新的求解方法,根据有限的实测数据,分别应用免疫进化优化算法和免疫进化优选的捕食搜索算法,对河流水质模型计算公式中的多参数进行优化。将优化得到的计算公式用于国内外若干河流的河段中DO浓度值的拟合,并与实测结果进行了比较。结果表明,将免疫进化优化算法或免疫进化优选的捕食搜索算法优化得到的水质模型参数精度不仅较高,而且相对稳定,从而为河流水质模型参数的优化提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

为探索河流水质模型参数新的求解方法,根据有限的实测数据,分别应用免疫进化优化算法和免疫进化优选的捕食搜索算法,对河流水质模型计算公式中的多参数进行优化。将优化得到的计算公式用于国内外若干河流的河段中DO浓度值的拟合,并与实测结果进行了比较。结果表明,将免疫进化优化算法或免疫进化优选的捕食搜索算法优化得到的水质模型参数精度不仅较高,而且相对稳定,从而为河流水质模型参数的优化提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, the semi-enclosed bay named Tolo Harbour and Channel in Hong Kong, which was frequently attacked by red tides, was used as a case study. Data sets related to marine water quality, river nutrients, and meteorological conditions recorded between 1988 and 1999 were chosen for statistical analysis. A multivariate analysis showed that algal growth, represented by the chlorophyll a concentration, had obvious spatial and temporal variations in the study area. The chlorophyll a concentration had a consistently decreasing trend from the inner part of the Harbour and surface waters to the outer part and bottom waters. The temporal variations had a markedly seasonal variation with high bioproductivity in spring and winter. There were long-term fluctuations in the chlorophyll a concentration with a high-low-high pattern in the study period. Nutrients and hydrological and meteorological conditions were important factors of algal bloom. Besides nitrogen, which was the most critical factor of algal bloom for the whole water body, total phosphorus in the surface waters and phosphate (PO4) and silica (SiO2) in the bottom waters also showed strongly positive or negative correlations with the chlorophyll a level. For the meteorological conditions, global solar radiation was the key factor of massive algal bloom in the study period, while rainfall and wind direction were the most important factors of seasonal variation.  相似文献   

In many densely populated areas, riverine floodplains have been strongly impacted and degraded by river channelization and flood protection dikes. Floodplains act as buffers for flood water and as filters for nutrients and pollutants carried with river water and sediment from upstream source areas. Based on results of the EU-funded “AquaTerra” project (2004-2009), we analyze changes in the dynamics of European river-floodplain systems over different temporal scales and assess their effects on contaminant behaviour and ecosystem functioning. We find that human-induced changes in the hydrologic regime of rivers have direct and severe consequences on nutrient cycling and contaminant retention in adjacent floodplains. We point out the complex interactions of contaminants with nutrient availability and other physico-chemical characteristics (pH, organic matter) in determining ecotoxicity and habitat quality, and draw conclusions for improved floodplain management.  相似文献   

北京城市水系水环境模拟及情景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市水系是流域水环境管理中最为脆弱的控制点.针对城市水系水动力条件差、有机污染和富营养化严重的问题,应用QUAL2K模型模拟、预测城市水系水环境的时空变化,并在此基础上探讨北环水系水环境管理和污染防治的合理有效方案.结果显示,经过多次调整后的模型模拟的匹配度达到了0.9135,水温、溶解氧、COD、TN、TP和Chl-...  相似文献   



From December 2008 to November 2009, an investigation of water quality was performed in the 70-km long downstream from Gezhouba Dam in Yangtze River.


Twelve sites in all were chosen. Nine parameters of water quality including the total phosphorus, the total nitrogen, chlorophyll a (Chl.a), nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, water temperature, DO, and pH were monitored almost monthly. The multivariate statistical technique (cluster analysis) and the nonparametric method (Kruskal?CWallis Test and Spearman??s rank correlation) were applied to evaluate the spatiotemporal variations of water quality data sets.

Results and discussion

According to the Chinese environmental quality standards for surface water (GB3838-2002), the water quality in the river section investigated can attain to the III water standards except total nitrogen. Further analysis indicated that there were no significant spatial differences in these parameters of water quality, but the sampling date had a significant effect. The temporal variation of water quality can be related to the discharge of Gezhouba Dam and moreover be affected by the reservoir regulation. During the discharge, the discharge increased the concentration of total phosphorus and then decreased the N:P ratio, which helps to the occurrence of algae blooms. The high consternation of phosphorus and the low N:P ratio show that the water body can be in the process of eutrophication during the discharge of Gezhouba Dam. In fact, Chl.a had begun to rise in the same period.  相似文献   

River and sediment have unique carbon dynamics and are important sources of the dominant greenhouse gases (GHG), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). To understand the relationship between CO2/CH4 emissions and water quality/sediment characteristics, we have investigated critical parameters in the river water. Eight parameters of water quality (dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential [ORP], chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand [BOD5], suspended solid, nitrate [NO3-], NH4+, and bacteria) and four sediment characteristics (total organic carbon [TOC], total nitrogen [T-N], NO3-, and ammonium [NH4+]) were measured in two of the larger rivers in Taiwan, and relevant environmental conditions were recorded. The experimental results indicated that CO2 emissions from the river were mainly affected by BOD5 concentrations and the levels of bacteria. CH4 emissions, on the other hand, were greatly affected by the ORP in the river. The correlation between CO2 emissions and sediment characteristics was insignificant (R2 < 0.3). However, TOC and T-N in the sediment may lead to increases in CH4 emissions into the atmosphere. A deeper analysis of the relationship between the different parameters and GHG emissions by ANOVA and the multiple regression method revealed that CO2 emission (y) was significantly related to bacteria number (x1) and BOD concentration (X2). The regression equation takes the form y = 0.00032x1 + 3.18089x2 + 25.37304. Also, the regression relationship between CH4 emission (y) and ORP (x) in the river can be described as y = -0.825216x + 169.02257. The relationship between CH4 emission and sediment characteristics may be described as y = 5.073962x1(TOC) + 2.871245x2(T-N) - 12.3262. Extra sampling data were collected to examine the feasibility of the developed multiple regression equations. The experimental results suggest that the emissions of such GHGs as CO2 and CH4 from rivers can be predicted using the regression equations developed here. Moreover, the emissions may be reduced by manipulating the proper factors.  相似文献   



Environmental heterogeneous methods were used for analysing data sets of trophic state with 11 parameters measured at 12 different sites at Chaohu Lake for the period 2004 to 2006. The aim of this research was to determine spatial/temporal variations in water quality, to assess trophic state and to identify pollution sources. Protective measures and schemes were proposed to improve water quality in the lake.  相似文献   

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