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TOC—201型总有机碳分析仪是测定水体中总有机碳(TOC)值的新型仪器,广泛适用于各级环境保护监测部门如科研、生产部门对天然水、污染水、饮用水等水体中TOC的测  相似文献   

不同人工湿地基质对污水总有机碳去除能力初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选择4种常见基质及基质配比,研究其碳含量和组分对污水中总有机碳(TOC)的去除影响。结果显示当污水的TOC浓度为27 mg/L时,4种基质都向水体中释放碳,且释放碳的大小顺序为:砂子-土壤-泥炭混合基质土壤砂子-土壤混合基质砂子,基质的碳含量越高,释放到水体中碳越多。3种基质对水体中TOC的去除率大小顺序为:土壤砂子-土壤混合物基质砂子,基质碳含量越高,微生物活性越强,对TOC的去除率越高。在第12天,砂子-土壤-泥炭混合基质处理中TOC浓度的增加,与其稳结合态有机碳含量较高有关。有机碳含量和组分影响了人工湿地基质对TOC的去除。  相似文献   

一、前言随着工业生产的不断发展,水质有机污染程度日趋严重。因此,选择一种快速、准确、有效的分析方法监测废水的有机污染程度越来越必要。目前作为表征有机污染程度的指标有化学耗氧量(COD)、生物需氧量(BOD)、总耗氧量(TOD)、紫外吸光度(UV)和总有机碳(TOC)。由于 TOC 测定的是废水中总的有机碳量,因此能直接反映水中有机物的实际存在量,并且它具有氧化率高,测定迅速、准确、简便等优点,所以 TOC 仪的应用越来越广泛。对于特定废水,如果能找出 TOC与 COD 等之间的相关关系,则可简化分析操作,提高分析的准确度,能及时反映废水中有  相似文献   

为揭示大屯海和长桥海表层沉积物粒度及营养盐分布特征,测定蒙自盆地两大浅水湖泊共计65个样品的粒度、总有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN),分析上述指标的空间分布及其相关性。结果显示,湖泊表层沉积物以粉砂和黏土为主,粉砂是研究区表层沉积物的优势粒度,反映了水动力状况;粒度空间分布特征与入湖河流有关。大屯海表层沉积物TOC和TN质量分数分别为1.91%~8.78%、0.21%~0.81%,而长桥海为0.17%~4.70%、0.01%~0.53%。大屯海表层沉积物TN、TOC与黏土呈负相关,与砂呈正相关。两大湖泊属于浅水型湖泊,水动力强,TN和TOC分布主要受控于表层沉积物中粗颗粒和水动力状况;表层沉积物中TN和TOC主要分布在远岸深水至较深水的湖心静水区,形成类似于同心圆状的分布特征,表层沉积物是湖泊富营养化的潜在内源。  相似文献   

TOC—VCPH分析仪在水质监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨东平  张艳红 《污染防治技术》2009,22(4):97-100,108
通过采用TOC—VCPH分析仪,对某石化企业的工业废水及周边的地表水和地下水样品中的总有机碳进行多因素影响试验的监测分析,寻找最佳的实验条件,以建立适合本地区水质样品总有机碳监测的分析方法,为石化企业有机污染物的预防、控制及治理提供及时可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

氧分压对催化湿法氧化法去除垃圾渗滤液TOC的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用催化湿法氧化法 ( CWAO)降解垃圾填埋场渗滤液 ,研究了不同温度下氧分压对去除渗滤液中总有机碳 ( TOC)的影响。结果表明 ,2 4 0℃以下 ,氧分压升高 ,TOC去除率缓慢上升 ,2 6 0℃以上时 ,大于 1.5 MPa的氧分压对去除 TOC效率的影响较小 ,即进一步实验所需最佳氧分压为 1.5MPa。此外 ,不同氧分压下 CWAO降解垃圾渗滤液的动力学符合 Elovich方程  相似文献   

在间歇式超临界水氧化系统中对草甘膦农药废水进行降解实验。选取温度、反应时间、过氧量3个量为因素量,总有机碳(TOC)去除率为响应量进行中心组合设计(CCD)。在实验的基础上,利用响应面分析法(RSM)对实验结果进行分析及参数优化:建立了TOC去除率与各个因素关系的二次多项式数学模型;分析了各个因素单独的及相互作用对TOC去除率的影响;优化结果表明,在温度483℃、反应时间29.2 min、过氧量148.4%的条件下,达到了最佳效果,此时TOC的去除率为100%。  相似文献   

底灰动态吸附焦化和造纸废水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了底灰的化学组成、矿物组成和比表面积等基本理化性质;采用动态吸附柱法研究了底灰处理焦化和造纸废水的性能,探讨了进水流量和吸附柱高度对吸附效果的影响.结果表明,底灰不仅有吸附作用,还具有一定的混凝作用;颗粒态有机碳(POC)较易被混凝除去,焦化废水中POC占总有机碳(TOC)的17%,而造纸废水中POC仅占TOC的2.3%,因此底厌对焦化废水COD的去除效果比造纸废水好;底灰对焦化废水色度的去除率要高于COD;接近吸附饱和时,底灰对造纸废水OM275的去除率仍有约27%,说明造纸废水中苯环类物质相比于其他有机物较易被去除.  相似文献   

以四川邛海为研究对象,研究了表层沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)、TN和TP的分布特征,对邛海表层沉积物中营养盐的污染状况进行了评价,并分析了表层沉积物碳-氮-磷两两之间的耦合关系。结果表明:邛海表层沉积物中TOC、TN、TP分别为1 479~15 197、270~2 030、380~630mg/kg;表层沉积物TOC与TN具有极显著的正相关关系(r2=0.98,P0.010),除海南乡和鹅掌河河口外TOC和TP呈现了显著的正相关关系(r2=0.94,P0.025),有机质主要来源于浮游植物,海南乡和鹅掌河河口表层沉积物受面源影响较大;邛海表层沉积物有机指数均值为0.120,属于较清洁范畴,有机氮质量分数平均为0.114%,属于尚清洁范畴,污染相对严重,具有造成较小生态风险的可能性。因此,邛海的保护中应注意控制沉积物中外源性氮、磷的输入。  相似文献   

绿色屋顶作为海绵城市建设中的重要措施之一,具有良好的环境生态效益。对搭建的5种简单式绿色屋顶装置和混凝土屋面装置进行了天然降雨实测和模拟降雨实验监测比较,分析了各装置出流中总有机碳(TOC)、TN、氨氮、TP和Zn的浓度及负荷,研究了简单式绿色屋顶对屋面雨水径流水质的影响规律。结果表明,简单式绿色屋顶出流中的TOC、TN、氨氮、TP和Zn浓度比混凝土屋面高;简单式绿色屋顶具有径流量截留能力,能够削减部分TN和氨氮负荷,但TOC、TP和Zn浓度较高,导致其污染负荷仍然比混凝土屋面高。种植基质对雨水径流TOC、TN和氨氮浓度有显著影响,对TP和Zn浓度无显著影响;植被对各项污染物浓度均无显著影响;降雨特征对污染物浓度有显著影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to assess the groundwater quality near the landfill sites using landfill water pollution index (LWPI). In order to investigate the scale of groundwater contamination, three landfills (E, H and S) in different stages of their operation were taken into analysis. Samples of groundwater in the vicinity of studied landfills were collected four times each year in the period from 2004 to 2014. A total of over 300 groundwater samples were analysed for pH, EC, PAH, TOC, Cr, Hg, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, as required by the UE legal acts for landfill monitoring system. The calculated values of the LWPI allowed the quantification of the overall water quality near the landfill sites. The obtained results indicated that the most negative impact on groundwater quality is observed near the old Landfill H. Improper location of piezometer at the Landfill S favoured infiltration of run-off from road pavement into the soil-water environment. Deep deposition of the groundwater level at Landfill S area reduced the landfill impact on the water quality. Conducted analyses revealed that the LWPI can be used for evaluation of water pollution near a landfill, for assessment of the variability of water pollution with time and for comparison of water quality from different piezometers, landfills or time periods. The applied WQI (Water Quality Index) can also be an important information tool for landfill policy makers and the public about the groundwater pollution threat from landfill.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the losses by water pollution, forewarning model for water pollution risk based on Bayes theory was studied. This model is built upon risk indexes in complex systems, proceeding from the whole structure and its components. In this study, the principal components analysis is used to screen out index systems. Hydrological model is employed to simulate index value according to the prediction principle. Bayes theory is adopted to obtain posterior distribution by prior distribution with sample information which can make samples’ features preferably reflect and represent the totals to some extent. Forewarning level is judged on the maximum probability rule, and then local conditions for proposing management strategies that will have the effect of transforming heavy warnings to a lesser degree. This study takes Taihu Basin as an example. After forewarning model application and vertification for water pollution risk from 2000 to 2009 between the actual and simulated data, forewarning level in 2010 is given as a severe warning, which is well coincide with logistic curve. It is shown that the model is rigorous in theory with flexible method, reasonable in result with simple structure, and it has strong logic superiority and regional adaptability, providing a new way for warning water pollution risk.  相似文献   

北京城市水系水环境模拟及情景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市水系是流域水环境管理中最为脆弱的控制点.针对城市水系水动力条件差、有机污染和富营养化严重的问题,应用QUAL2K模型模拟、预测城市水系水环境的时空变化,并在此基础上探讨北环水系水环境管理和污染防治的合理有效方案.结果显示,经过多次调整后的模型模拟的匹配度达到了0.9135,水温、溶解氧、COD、TN、TP和Chl-...  相似文献   

质量控制和质量保证是水环境监测工作的重要组成部分,质量体系是实验室内部实施质量管理的法规,覆盖了监测样品、监测过程、仪器设备、人员素质、设施与环境、量值溯源与校准、检验方法和化学试剂等全部质量控制要求。能够准确地反应水环境质量现状和预测污染的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In this study, a robust simulation–optimization modeling system (RSOMS) is developed for supporting agricultural nonpoint source (NPS) effluent trading planning. The RSOMS can enhance effluent trading through incorporation of a distributed simulation model and an optimization model within its framework. The modeling system not only can handle uncertainties expressed as probability density functions and interval values but also deal with the variability of the second-stage costs that are above the expected level as well as capture the notion of risk under high-variability situations. A case study is conducted for mitigating agricultural NPS pollution with an effluent trading program in Xiangxi watershed. Compared with non-trading policy, trading scheme can successfully mitigate agricultural NPS pollution with an increased system benefit. Through trading scheme, [213.7, 288.8]?×?103 kg of TN and [11.8, 30.2]?×?103 kg of TP emissions from cropped area can be cut down during the planning horizon. The results can help identify desired effluent trading schemes for water quality management with the tradeoff between the system benefit and reliability being balanced and risk aversion being considered.  相似文献   

Visual modflow是一个可以对三维地下水水流和溶质运移进行数值模拟评价的标准可视化专业软件.建立了砂箱物理实验模型来研究柴油在含水砂槽中的迁移特征.通过模型检验,各个监测时期观测值和预测值相关系数r值在0.564 ~0.669之间,证明这种建模方法是合理的和有效的.利用校正的模型对实验室含水砂槽中柴油运移特征进行模拟,发现所建模型可以较为准确地反映出含水砂槽中柴油污染物的分布特征,拟合、验证和预测结果显示该模型可作为地下水管理的有效工具,这为深入研究柴油污染地下水提供理论依据.  相似文献   

为减轻水体污染,缓解环境压力,对典型城镇污染河水进行气动絮凝实验研究。在设定的实验条件下,以某大学中水站格栅后生活污水稀释配制的水样来模拟典型城镇污染河水并作为实验研究对象,以无机高分子聚合物聚合氯化铁铝(PFAC)为絮凝剂,有机高分子聚合物聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为助凝剂。在此基础上,以浊度、COD、总磷和溶解氧为测定指标,采用连续流的方式进行一系列实验研究。实验结果显示:采用微孔曝气头进行曝气,当混合阶段充气量及絮凝池第一格、第二格充气量分别为1.778 m3空气/m3处理污水量、1.444 m3空气/m3处理污水量和0.622 m3空气/m3处理污水量时,城镇污染河水中污染物的去除效果最佳。其浊度、COD、TP的去除率可分别达93.6%、68.6%和73.5%。此外,在处理效果良好的前提下,沉淀池出水口出水溶解氧含量均能保持在2.29 mg/L左右。  相似文献   

There is an emerging need to develop understanding and predictive capability for the transport, diffusion, and deposition of pollutants on regional and extended spatial scales. Some recent developments in the numerical simulation of pollutant transport and diffusion are reviewed and summarized herein, including case studies of model validation whenever’available. The efforts reported include: (a) the development and verification of a Lagrangian large-cloud diffusion code for intermediate to extended scales; (b) a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian transport-diffusion code for simulating pollutant distributions in transient stratified shear flow; (c) a meteorological submodel for determining a mass-consistent wind field on a regional scale suitable as input to a regional air pollution model; and (d) the development and initial verification of a multi-box regional air pollution model for the San Francisco Bay Area utilizing a mass-consistent wind field submodel.  相似文献   

A real-time, dynamic, early-warning model (EP-risk model) is proposed to cope with sudden water quality pollution accidents affecting downstream areas with raw-water intakes (denoted as EPs). The EP-risk model outputs the risk level of water pollution at the EP by calculating the likelihood of pollution and evaluating the impact of pollution. A generalized form of the EP-risk model for river pollution accidents based on Monte Carlo simulation, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method, and the risk matrix method is proposed. The likelihood of water pollution at the EP is calculated by the Monte Carlo method, which is used for uncertainty analysis of pollutants’ transport in rivers. The impact of water pollution at the EP is evaluated by expert knowledge and the results of Monte Carlo simulation based on the analytic hierarchy process. The final risk level of water pollution at the EP is determined by the risk matrix method. A case study of the proposed method is illustrated with a phenol spill accident in China.  相似文献   

Using an accurate numerical method for simulating the advection and diffusion of pollution puffs, it is demonstrated that point releases of pollution grow into a shape reflecting the vertical wind shear profile experienced by the puff within a time scale less than 4 h. For distances beyond several 10 s of kilometers from a release point, shear-related dispersion effects are probably the dominant mechanism affecting the area and magnitude of surface impacts. For assessing long-range pollutant dispersion, the common assumption that pollutants disperse as horizontally spherical “puffs” in the atmosphere is inherently inaccurate since shear-induced horizontal spreading of pollution is not a homogeneous “turbulent-like” diffusion process. A Lagrangian puff model can simulate an area impacted by a pollution puff only if larger shear-dependent horizontal puff dispersions are assumed. However, even if impacted areas are reasonably simulated, peak concentrations will be severely underestimated since atmospheric puffs influenced by even small amounts of wind shear are nonspherical. If horizontal dispersion coefficients in a Lagrangian puff model are adjusted so that peak concentrations are correctly simulated, then the calculated pollution impact area will be severely skewed. In shear environments, no choice of horizontal dispersion coefficients in a single-puff Lagrangian model will yield reasonable correlations with puffs that are skewed into nonspherical shapes by atmospheric wind shear.  相似文献   

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