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主要污染物排放总量控制制度为实行多领域、跨行业的排污权交易提供了一定的政策与技术基础。受结构减排限制的影响,重点行业排污权指标有限,可交易总量指标流通面临巨大挑战。另外,总量控制制度存在限制潜在交易主体的因素,会影响排污权交易功能的发挥。在当前施行的主要污染物排放新增量和削减量替代的背景下,新、改、扩建项目通过排污权交易的方式购买排放指标不会增加制度执行成本,还可以刺激老企业的污染减排动力。因此,启动排污权交易制度需把握好总量控制制度的定位,既要成为一个"强制执行框架",又不能对排污权交易施加过多"限制"。  相似文献   

污染物总量减排中存在的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“十一五”全国主要污染物排放总量减少10%,已成为约束性指标。面对严峻的形势,尽管社会各界空前重视,但各地减排工作进展不平衡,仍存在着经济增长方式粗放、政策措施落实不到位等问题。针对存在问题,提出了以加大对产业结构调整力度、加大污染防治资金投入、实施严格的环境准入制度等政策措施;以完善减排体系、适时修改国家污染减排核算细则等技术措施;以加大对环境执法和环境监管的力度、对减排宣传的力度等保障措施。  相似文献   

水污染物总量控制是中国水环境管理的重要制度。阐述了美国、日本的水污染物总量控制制度的特色和发展历程,详细梳理了中国水污染物总量控制的发展变化情况,系统概括了"十二五"水污染物总量减排的实施体系,并在对比各国总量控制特点后,分析了中国总量控制的特点。  相似文献   

分析了环境影响评价中几个重要步骤以及与环境影响评价相关的政策在印染行业节能减排中的作用。指出了准确的工程分析是节能减排措施能够实施的前提;合理的污染物排放总量确定为印染行业节能减排提供合理的工作目标;客观的清洁生产分析为节能减排提供可靠的分析数据;环境影响评价相关的政策是印染行业节能减排的基础和依据。  相似文献   

污染物排放标准是环境治理的基本手段和环境监管的基本依据。鉴于国内针对污染场地异位热脱附工程的大气污染物排放标准体系尚不明确,结合工程案例,对不同地区异位热脱附工程运行过程中大气污染物排放的执行标准进行梳理。结果表明,目前异位热脱附工程大气污染物排放缺乏行业执行标准,主要依托综合型、通用型和行业型国家、地方标准进行管理,存在标准年限跨度大、特征污染物指标体现不够、热脱附过程中二次污染物监控不全、指标限值宽严有异等问题。最后,结合国内节能减排的新形势,提出制定统一排放标准、固定周期更新标准内容、增加行业特征污染物管控指标、强化热解过程二次污染物识别与监测、适当收严污染物排放限值、强化污染物总量控制等建议加强异位热脱附工程的大气污染物排放管理。  相似文献   

环境保护部有关负责人在2008年7月7日向媒体通报,根据国务院关于节能减排统计监测及考核实施方案和办法的有关规定,环境保护部会同国家发展改革委、统计局、监察部,完成了2007年度各省、自治区、直辖市和五大电力集团公司主要污染物总量减排情况的考核工作。结果表明,全国化学需氧量和二氧化硫排放总量与2006年相比首次双下降。  相似文献   

基于中国刚性减排的污染物总量控制制度,在分析总量控制体系基本逻辑关系的基础上,提出以减量定增量的水污染物新增量计划指标分配思路,在强力削减污染物存量的同时,对区域新增建设项目的污染物新增量进行量化和约束性控制,保障减排目标的实现。  相似文献   

浅述天津"十一五"、"十二五"期间主要污染物总量控制的工作历程,总结实践经验并对现有问题进行反思,梳理未来几年减排工作方法和管理策略。在此基础,提出采用提升排放标准和差别化征收排污费等手段确保总量控制制度的有效实施。  相似文献   

财政部日前在解读上调大排量汽车消费税时表示,汽车工业是能源消耗和污染物排放“大户”,是节能减排工作的重点。因此,有专家表示,消费税政策调整是燃油税开征的前奏,开征燃油税是必然趋势。财政部有关负责人表示,近年来,我国汽车保有量大幅攀升,对汽柴油的需求急剧增加,造成的空气污染也日益严重。同时,随着石油对外依存度的不断提高,能源安全问题也已变得十分突出,加强汽车行业的节能减排工作已经刻不容缓。  相似文献   

随着各项环保措施的深入实施,北京市大气环境质量进一步改善的难度逐渐加大。对北京市"十二五"时期的大气污染物排放总量控制工作进行了经验总结,并分析了"十三五"时期大气污染物的排放形势和减排压力。在此基础上,从6个方面提出了北京市"十三五"期间大气污染物排放总量控制的基本思路。  相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) is an important aerosol species because of its global and regional influence on radiative forcing and its local effects on the environment and human health. We have estimated the emissions of BC in China, where roughly one-fourth of global anthropogenic emissions is believed to originate. China's high rates of usage of coal and biofuels are primarily responsible for high BC emissions. This paper pays particular attention to the application of appropriate emission factors for China and the attenuation of these emissions where control devices are used. Nevertheless, because of the high degree of uncertainty associated with BC emission factors, we provide ranges of uncertainty for our emission estimates, which are approximately a factor of eight. In our central case, we calculate that BC emissions in China in 1995 were 1342 Gg, about 83% being generated by the residential combustion of coal and biofuels. We estimate that BC emissions could fall to 1224 Gg by 2020. This 9% decrease in BC emissions can be contrasted with the expected increase of 50% in energy use; the reduction will be obtained because of a transition to more advanced technology, including greater use of coal briquettes in place of raw coal in cities and towns. The increased use of diesel vehicles in the future will result in a greater share of the transport sector in total BC emissions. Spatially, BC emissions are predominantly distributed in an east–west swath across China's heartland, where the rural use of coal and biofuels for cooking and heating is widespread. This is in contrast to the emissions of most other anthropogenically derived air pollutants, which are closely tied to population and industrial centers.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury (Hg) emission from coal is one of the primary sources of anthropogenic discharge and pollution. China is one of the few countries in the world whose coal consumption constitutes about 70% of total primary energy, and over half of coals are burned directly for electricity generation. Atmospheric emissions of Hg and its speciation from coal-fired power plants are of great concern owing to their negative impacts on regional human health and ecosystem risks, as well as long-distance transport. In this paper, recent trends of atmospheric Hg emissions and its species split from coal-fired power plants in China during the period of 2000-2007 are evaluated, by integrating each plant's coal consumption and emission factors, which are classified by different subcategories of boilers, particulate matter (PM) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) control devices. Our results show that the total Hg emissions from coal-fired power plants have begun to decrease from the peak value of 139.19 t in 2005 to 134.55 t in 2007, though coal consumption growing steadily from 1213.8 to 1532.4 Mt, which can be mainly attributed to the co-benefit Hg reduction by electrostatic precipitators/fabric filters (ESPs/FFs) and wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD), especially the sharp growth in installation of WFGD both in the new and existing power plants since 2005. In the coming 12th five-year-plan, more and more plants will be mandated to install De-NO(x) (nitrogen oxides) systems (mainly selective catalytic reduction [SCR] and selective noncatalytic reduction [SNCR]) for minimizing NO(x) emission, thus the specific Hg emission rate per ton of coal will decline further owing to the much higher co-benefit removal efficiency by the combination of SCR + ESPs/FFs + WFGD systems. Consequently, SCR + ESPs/FFs + WFGD configuration will be the main path to abate Hg discharge from coal-fired power plants in China in the near future. However advanced specific Hg removal technologies are necessary for further reduction of elemental Hg discharge in the long-term.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to conduct an integrated analysis of the energy, greenhouse gas, and air quality impacts of a new type of boiler briquette coal (BB-coal) in contrast to those of the raw coal from which the BB-coal was formulated (R-coal). The analysis is based on the source emissions data and other relevant data collected in the present study and employs approaches including the construction of carbon, energy, and sulfur balances. The results show that replacing R-coal with BB-coal as the fuel for boilers such as the one tested would have multiple benefits, including a 37% increase in boiler thermal efficiency, a 25% reduction in fuel demand, a 26% reduction in CO2 emission, a 17% reduction in CO emission, a 63% reduction in SO2 emission, a 97% reduction in fly ash and fly ash carbon emission, a 22% reduction in PM2.5 mass emission, and a 30% reduction in total emission of five toxic hazardous air pollutant (HAP) metals contained in PM10. These benefits can be achieved with no changes in boiler hardware and with a relatively small amount of tradeoffs: a 30% increase in PM10 mass emission and a 9-16% increase in fuel cost.  相似文献   

This article discusses nitrogen oxide emissions from various types of boilers in Finland. The boilers have been classified into 61 classes according to their size, combustion technique, and main fuel. A specific emission coefficient (ng NO2/J = mg NO2/MJ) for each class has been determined, based on literature surveys and actual measurements. The total NOX emission has been calculated for each class, using the emission coefficient and energy statistics. The effect of various techniques for emission reduction has also been investigated. The development of NOX emissions has been estimated for both the case where no preventing actions have been taken and for four defined cases where alternative reduction measures are assumed

The total NOX emission from energy production in Finland was 107,000 tons NO2 in 1987. Seventy-five percent of this amount originated in boilers larger than 1 MWfuel effect (input effect), and the rest in smaller boilers and industrial processes. The most important boiler classes from the NOX emission’s point of view were coal-fired boilers, with an emission of approximately 38,000 tons NO2, peat-fired boilers and boilers fired with a mixture of fuels, emitting approximately 12,000 tons NO2 each.

By 2005, the total NOX emission from energy production would increase 50 percent to approximately 160,000 tons if left uncontrolled. The emission level would be 140,000 tons if primary reduction techniques are applied, and 110,000 tons NO2, if catalytic NOX reduction devices are installed in boilers larger than 300 MW.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to conduct an integrated analysis of the energy, greenhouse gas, and air quality impacts of a new type of boiler briquette coal (BB-coal) in contrast to those of the raw coal from which the BB-coal was formulated (R-coal). The analysis is based on the source emissions data and other relevant data collected in the present study and employs approaches including the construction of carbon, energy, and sulfur balances. The results show that replacing R-coal with BB-coal as the fuel for boilers such as the one tested would have multiple benefits, including a 37% increase in boiler thermal efficiency, a 25% reduction in fuel demand, a 26% reduction in CO2 emission, a 17% reduction in CO emission, a 63% reduction in SO2 emission, a 97% reduction in fly ash and fly ash carbon emission, a 22% reduction in PM2.5 mass emission, and a 30% reduction in total emission of five toxic hazardous air pollutant (HAP) metals contained in PM10. These benefits can be achieved with no changes in boiler hardware and with a relatively small amount of tradeoffs: a 30% increase in PM10 mass emission and a 9–16% increase in fuel cost.  相似文献   

A general procedure has been described that can be followed for estimating the cost of reducing air pollution emissions within a metropolitan region. The six step procedure examines emission inventories, regional trends, control trends, alternate control schemes, control costs, and optimum cost-effectiveness. The procedure is illustrated for one emission source in the Delaware Valley. By application of “feasible controls,” automobile emissions were shown to be reduced from 4.5 billion pounds per year in the Region during 1968 to 1.5 billion pounds in the year 2000. Annual control costs during the same period will increase from $30 million to over $300 million per year. This represents a cost increase from $15 per registered vehicle in 1968 to about $58 per vehicle per year in 2000. A method was illustrated for determining minimum cost to achieve any desired degree of emission reduction where alternate feasible control schemes are available. This method is especially useful where the allocation of scarce resources is involved. The general procedure is applicable to any number of pollutants and emission sources, and may be useful for calculations in any metropolitan area. The objectives of the present study are to apply this method to other sources within the Delaware Valley and to determine total regional costs for various levels of emission reduction. As one example of a practical application for this type of analysis, the economic impact of regulatory schemes can be evaluated on a cost-effectiveness basis  相似文献   

China's national government and Beijing city authorities have adopted additional control measures to reduce the negative impact of vehicle emissions on Beijing's air quality. An evaluation of the effectiveness of these measures may provide guidance for future vehicle emission control strategy development. In-use emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) were investigated at five sites in Beijing with remote sensing instrumentation. Distance-based mass emission factors were derived with fuel consumption modeled on real world data. The results show that the recently implemented aggressive control strategies are significantly reducing the emissions of on-road vehicles. Older vehicles are contributing substantially to the total fleet emissions. An earlier program to retrofit pre-Euro cars with three-way catalysts produced little emission reduction. The impact of model year and driving conditions on the average mass emission factors indicates that the durability of vehicles emission controls may be inadequate in Beijing.  相似文献   

A linear programming model is proposed to find the energy strategy for reducing carbon dioxide emission in Taiwan. Scenarios that include energy switching and energy conservation under different emission levels are considered, and the corresponding economic impacts are evaluated. Emissions from thirty-nine sectors are reduced by two major mechanisms. Energy switching is assumed to be induced by energy price change, whereas energy conservation is assumed only in the four most energy-intensive sectors. The results show the economic impact on gross domestic product under different energy scenarios. Appropriate energy strategies for carbon dioxide emission reduction could be implemented based on the scenario analysis.  相似文献   

Current atmospheric emissions of As, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb (reference year 2000) from major anthropogenic sources in Europe are presented in this paper. Combustion of fuels in stationary sources was the main emission source for As, Cd, Cr, and Ni (more than a half of the total anthropogenic emissions), while combustion of gasoline was the main source of for lead. There is a continuous reduction of heavy metal emissions in Europe during the last 40 years. Better knowledge of heavy metal sources, emissions, pathways, and fate in the environment, and progress in developing efficient emission control equipment has resulted in more efficient regulatory efforts to curb heavy metal emissions from anthropogenic sources very substantially. There is a potential for further reduction of these emissions until the year 2010 up to about 40% for As, Cd, Cr, and Ni and about 57% for Pb, as estimated within various emission scenarios presented in the paper.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the current state of knowledge regarding sources of mercury emission in Poland. Due to the large quantities of coal burned at present, as well as taking into account existing reserves, coal remains the main energy source of energy in Poland. The data on coal consumption in Poland in the past, at present and in the future are discussed in the paper. Information on the content of mercury in Polish coals is presented.Coal combustion processes for electricity and heat production are the main source of anthropogenic mercury emission in Poland. It is expected that the current emissions will decrease in the future due to implementation of efficient control measures. These measures for emission reduction are described in the paper. Results of estimated mercury emission from coal-fired power station situated in the Upper Silesia Region, Poland are investigated. A relationship between mercury emission to the air and the mercury content in the consumed coal in power station equipped with the electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) is discussed.  相似文献   

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