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郭辉东 《环境工程学报》2012,6(6):2072-2076
以规模3 t/h的某医疗废物焚烧生产线为依托,优化分析了回转窑焚烧装置核心控制参数(窑头温度、供风量及窑转速),考察了不同负荷、回转窑转动模式及进料方式对焚烧效果的影响,结果表明:窑头温度升高,有利于提高焚烧效果,是影响焚烧效果最重要的工艺参数;75%负荷时最佳工况是窑头温度850℃、窑转速0.09 r/min、供风量7 000 Nm3/h;连续反转的回转窑转动模式和恒流量的连续进料技术,有助于保持良好焚烧工况,炉渣热灼减率分别达到2.6%和2.3%。  相似文献   

医疗垃圾是一种对环境危害极大的危险废弃物.用一种固定炉排炉热解焚烧系统,对广州市部分医院的医疗垃圾进行了热解焚烧及尾气净化试验,并对焚烧工况、烟气中主要的污染物含量及灰渣的灼减率进行分析.分析结果表明:稳定运行时炉膛平均温度在850℃左右,二燃室平均温度在1000℃以上;尾气中CO、NOx、HCl和SO2浓度分别为:71mg/m3、125 mg/m3、27.8 mg/m3和21 mg/m3,灰渣的灼减率为2.7%.均远远低于标准限值.  相似文献   

医疗垃圾热解焚烧实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗垃圾是一种对环境危害极大的危险废弃物。用一种固定炉排炉热解焚烧系统,对广州市部分医院的医疗垃圾进行了热解焚烧及尾气净化试验,并对焚烧工况、烟气中主要的污染物含量及灰渣的灼减率进行分析。分析结果表明:稳定运行时炉膛平均温度在850℃左右,二燃室平均温度在1000℃以上;尾气中CO、NOx,HCI和SO2浓度分别为:71mg/m^3、125mg/m^3、27.8mg/m^3和21mg/m^3,灰渣的灼减率为2.7%。均远远低于标准限值。  相似文献   

卢青 《环境工程学报》2013,7(2):743-746
通过采集医疗废物回转窑焚烧生产线不同部位的烟气的二恶英样品,研究了医废焚烧过程二恶英在焚烧线200~600℃区间不同烟道断面烟气中分布变化情况。研究结果表明,医疗废物焚烧后烟气中二恶英的发生浓度要高于一般的生活垃圾焚烧烟气的浓度,大致在5~23.3 ng TEQ/m3的范围,锅炉出口到脱酸塔入口段的管道和设备为烟气中二恶英重新合成的高发区域,医废焚烧烟气中二恶英(TEQ)主要是以气态污染物的形态存在。  相似文献   

在0.15 MWt循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了城市下水污泥与煤的混烧试验,分析了烟气中的二次污染物排放特性.分析结果表明,利用循环流化床焚烧城市下水污泥时,添加辅助燃料(如煤)及改变焚烧条件,不仅可以达到稳定燃烧的目的,而且有利于抑制焚烧中二次污染物(如CO及二恶英等有机污染物)的生成.分析了焚烧污泥污染物的排放特性,为采用焚烧方式处理城市下水污泥提供了基础性试验数据.  相似文献   

城市下水污泥焚烧过程中二次污染物排放特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在0.15MWt循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了城市下水污泥与煤的混烧试验,分析了烟气中的二次污染物排放特性。分析结果表明,利用循环流化床焚烧城市下水污泥时,添加辅助燃料(如煤)及改变焚烧条件,不仅可以达到稳定燃烧的目的,而且有利于抑制焚烧中二次污染物(如CO及二恶英等有机污染物)的生成。分析了焚烧污泥污染物的排放特性。为采用焚烧方式处理城市下水污泥提供了基础性试验数据。  相似文献   

固体回收燃料(SRF)是由城市生活垃圾(MSW)经机械生物处理(MBT)而得,具有高热值、低氯和含汞的特点,是继垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)之后的一种新型燃料。目前SRF焚烧技术在国内外已有一定的基础研究,但仍需要向大规模、高参数(高蒸汽温度和压力)、稳定运行方向发展。从垃圾焚烧现状入手,简述了国外SRF焚烧和共处置技术的研究现状,同时回顾了国内对MSW和RDF焚烧技术的相关研究,分析了SRF焚烧和共处置时污染物排放的规律,以及SRF对共处置锅炉运行工况的影响。最后指出了实现SRF焚烧技术的大规模、高参数工业应用必须研究的3个方面,包括:SRF的分类方法和燃烧模型,烟气净化系统的改进,SRF焚烧对锅炉腐蚀、结渣和积灰生长的影响。  相似文献   

基于小型流化床焚烧实验平台,通过含油污泥与煤混合燃烧,分析气体污染物排放浓度以及灰渣特性。含油污泥与煤混烧后NO_x、SO_2的排放浓度均低于危险废物焚烧排放标准。根据灰渣中组分分析,煤中碱金属化合物能抑制SO_2的排放。渣样的浸出毒性均在标准范围内,灰样的浸出毒性高于渣样,主要因为飞灰中更容易富集挥发和易溶形态的重金属。基于小试实验的结果,油泥在小型流化床上的燃烧不充分导致了CO排放浓度较高,且灰的灼减率较高,因此,在后续中试以及示范工程中,应保证油泥的充分燃烧,为灰渣的综合利用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

生活垃圾安全无害化处理是目前迫切需要解决的问题,直接气化熔融焚烧垃圾技术以降低二恶英排放方面巨大优势得到广泛关注,在此基础上提出纯氧熔融焚烧垃圾技术,几乎可以实现所有二次污染物近零排放。以350 t/d回转窑垃圾焚烧炉为例,对纯氧代替空气应用在回转窑上熔融焚烧垃圾系统进行了详细热力计算及分析。结果表明,纯氧熔融焚烧垃圾系统的锅炉效率可达90.56%,回转窑熔融焚烧系统还可以在垃圾焚烧后灰渣达到熔融温度的条件下,保持该系统热量平衡,稳定燃烧。并参考回转窑设计标准对该纯氧熔融焚烧城市生活垃圾的回转窑参数进行确定。  相似文献   

控制循环流化床锅炉掺烧城市污泥二次污染物的排放,实现污泥的减量化、无害化处置和资源化利用。方法:利用循环流化床锅炉烟气余热干燥污泥,干化污泥与燃煤掺配燃烧,污泥干燥系统与锅炉DCS控制系统对接,依据机组负荷自动化控制锅炉耗煤量、床温和污泥给入量等运行参数,有效抑制二恶英的形成。结果表明,污泥自动化掺烧系统投运后,烟气中二恶英的排放浓度小时均值不高于0.011 0 ng TEQ·(Nm)-3,飞灰中二恶英含量不高于2.802 2 ng TEQ·kg-1、底渣中二恶英含量不高于0.659 6 ng TEQ·kg-1,符合国家污染控制标准要求。火电厂协同资源化处理城市污泥过程中,污泥自动化掺烧系统投运能够有效控制二次污染物的排放,实现了城市污泥的减量化、无害化处置和资源化利用。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional flow model of a hazardous waste incinerator kiln and vertical secondary combustion chamber arrangement was constructed to evaluate critical system parameters. The chamber wall configuration, location and arrangement of burners, and the positioning of the outlet duct were examined to determine the critical secondary combustion chamber gas residence time and mixing of the combustion flows. The scale model consisted of the rotary kiln as a primary combustion chamber, the secondary combustion chamber, two burners, and the exhaust ducting. Flue gas velocities in the model inlets and outlet were maintained to provide a Reynolds numbers equal to the full size unit. Patterns of smoke which were injected into the model inlets were viewed to evaluate flow mixing. Slow motion playback of video tape was used to determine the minimum residence time of flow in the high temperature combustion zone. The results of the model study were used to complete the engineering of a waste incineration system.  相似文献   

The LINDE® Oxygen Combustion System has been demonstrated successfully at the EPA Denney Farm site as part of the modified EPA mobile incinerator. This paper describes the field testing results and computer modeling of the LINDE system. The oxygen system enables the EPA unit to incinerate dioxin and PCB contaminated soil at a consistent rate of 4000 lb/h—200 percent of the original maximum capacity. The pure oxygen combustion system improved the thermal efficiency of the incinerator by over 60 percent and reduced the flue gas volume dramatically. Therefore, the dust carryover problem was mitigated. The destruction and removal efficiencies of hazardous wastes exceeded EPA requirements.

The design of the proprietary burner allows the use of up to 100 percent oxygen in place of air for incineration with improvements over conventional oxy-fuel burners. As a result, the temperature distributions in the rotary kiln are uniform and NOx emissions are low.

The oxygen combustion system, controlled by a programmable controller, provided much better response and flexibility than conventional air based systems. The system generated a stable flame and responsed well to the transient conditions of the rotary kiln. Kiln puff occurrence was virtually eliminated in the operation of the mobile incinerator.

A computer model of the incinerator was developed and used for the process design of the LINDE system. The model predicted the test results reasonably well. This model can be a useful tool in the design and operation of rotary kiln incineration systems.  相似文献   

In the hazardous waste community, the term “thermal destruction” is a catchallphrase that broadly refers to high temperature destruction of hazardous contaminants. Included in the thermal destruction category are treatment technologies such as rotary kiln incineration, fiuidized bed incineration, infrared thermal treatment, wet air oxidation, pyrolytic incineration, and vitrification. Among them, conventional rotary kiln incineration, a disposal method for many years, is the most well established, and often serves as a barometer to gauge the relative success of similar technologies. Public sentiment on environmental issues and increasingly stringent environmental regulations has, over time, spurred design and development of innovative thermal treatment processes directed toward reducing harmful emissions and residuals that may require further treatment or disposal. In situ vitrification (ISV), a technology that combines heat and immobiliztion, is one such innovative and relatively new technology.

This paper presents a comparison of ISV and rotary kiln incineration for soils treatment in the areas of process performance, process residuals, process limitations, applicable or relevant and appropriate (ARAJRs) regulations, criteria and limitations, and costs.  相似文献   

In the hazardous waste community, the term "thermal destruction" is a catchall phrase that broadly refers to high temperature destruction of hazardous contaminants. Included in the thermal destruction category are treatment technologies such as rotary kiln incineration, fluidized bed incineration, infrared thermal treatment, wet air oxidation, pyrolytic incineration, and vitrification. Among them, conventional rotary kiln incineration, a disposal method for many years, is the most well established, and often serves as a barometer to gauge the relative success of similar technologies. Public sentiment on environmental issues and increasingly stringent environmental regulations has, over time, spurred design and development of innovative thermal treatment processes directed toward reducing harmful emissions and residuals that may require further treatment or disposal. In situ vitrification (ISV), a technology that combines heat and immobilization, is one such innovative and relatively new technology. This paper presents a comparison of ISV and rotary kiln incineration for soils treatment in the areas of process performance, process residuals, process limitations, applicable or relevant and appropriate (ARARs) regulations, criteria and limitations, and costs.  相似文献   

A high-temperature, slagging rotary kiln hazardous waste incineration system with modern combustion, heat recovery and air pollution control equipment was put in operation at PPG Coating and Resin Plant in Circleville, Ohio in the latter part of 1987. New design solutions contributed to the overall high performance of the system. The system employs European and American feed, combustion, heat recovery and stack emission control technologies. Performance of the system is analyzed in detail covering topics such as feed methods, equipment selection, destruction and removal efficiencies, fate of the metals, and financial information.  相似文献   

As one of the countries with large amounts of dioxin releases, the control of dioxins is a major challenge for China. Municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration should be considered a high priority source of dioxin emissions because it is playing an increasingly more important role in waste management. MSW incineration in China has much higher emission rates of dioxins than in the developed countries, partially resulting from the gaps in the technologies of incineration and flue gas cleaning. Moreover, the current management policies and practices also contribute significantly to the problem. We recommend lowering dioxin emission standard, strengthening fly ash management, and improving regulation enforcement to reduce dioxin releases into the environment from MSW incineration. We also propose that alternative strategies should be considered on dioxin control and call for an expansion of economic instruments in waste management to reduce waste generation and thus the need for incineration.  相似文献   

The generation of transient puffs resulting from the batch introduction of liquid waste into a 73 kW (250,000 Btu/h) rotary kiln incinerator simulator was investigated. The liquid was added onto a sorbent, enclosed in cylindrical cardboard containers that were introduced into the combustion chamber one at a time. A statistically designed parametric investigation determined the effects of liquid mass, liquid composition, kiln temperature, and kiln rotation speed on the total magnitude and instantaneous intensity of the pollutant puff leaving the kiln. Liquid "wastes" investigated included toluene, methylene chloride, carbon tetrachloride, and No. 5 fuel oil. Transient puffs from these wastes were monitored using on-line measurements for FID-measurable hydrocarbons, CO, and integrated particulate filter loadings, although the suitability of any one of these indicators depended on the chemical nature of the waste involved.

Results demonstrate that puffs formed during transient conditions are generated easily, even with small quantities of wastes and with the kiln operating at 100 percent excess air. High kiln temperatures and increased kiln rotation speeds exacerbated the generation of puffs, due to increased liquid evaporation rates. Transient puffs may contain hazardous products of incomplete combustion (PICs) even though adequate destruction and removal efficiencies are achieved. Mixtures of chlorinated and nonchlorinated principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs) in the waste can lead to the formation of more diverse chlorinated compounds than are formed from a single chlorinated POHC such as carbon tetrachloride alone.

This paper is the second of a series. Its companion paper, Part I, which has been published previously,1 is concerned with solid plastic wastes.  相似文献   

随着垃圾焚烧的广泛应用,由此产生的二次污染问题也日益显现出来,特别是二嗯英污染已引起世界的关注。这也是垃圾焚烧设施在环评阶段遭到周围公众反对的原因之一。文中介绍了二嗯英的危害、垃圾焚烧烟气中的二嗯英来源以及二嗯英的相关标准。以某垃圾焚烧发电厂为例,对垃圾焚烧烟气中的二嗯英类物质对人体健康的风险进行了评价,并提出了如何最大限度地减少垃圾焚烧处理过程中的二唔英排放量。  相似文献   

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