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采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)仪测定剑湖表层沉积物4种重金属Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn含量,采用改进BCR连续提取法提取4种重金属各形态含量,结合空间插值方法对4种重金属空间分布特征和生态风险进行了分析。结果表明,剑湖表层沉积物呈碱性,以砂砾为主,湖周浅水区总有机碳含量高于湖心区,重金属迁移转化能力弱,主要以残渣态为主,可氧化态含量最低。同时,剑湖表层沉积物中Cd和Cu以人为富集为主,Pb和Zn以自然富集为主,重金属均处于轻微或中等风险程度。湖周浅水区富集程度高于湖心区,而湖心区生态风险高于湖周浅水区。  相似文献   

玉米秸秆添加比例对污泥堆肥中Cu和Zn形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用BCR连续提取法研究了玉米秸秆添加比例对污泥堆肥中Cu和Zn形态的影响.结果表明:重金属不同形态分配比例的变化能够准确反映重金属形态之间的转化规律;堆肥处理重金属总量不会变化,只是不稳定形态之间相互转化,Cu和Zn被大幅"浓缩",玉米秸秆比例越大,"浓缩效应"越明显;玉米秸秆比例增加有助于酸溶态Cu向可氧化态转化,...  相似文献   

利用生物淋滤法处理城市污泥,以生物淋滤过程中pH、ORP(氧化还原电位)变化以及重金属(Zn、Cu、Cd)溶出率为指标,考察淋滤菌接种比例、初始pH、淋滤时间对生物淋滤的影响,并分析了生物淋滤前后,重金属形态变化以及重金属的生物有效性和迁移性。结果表明富集筛选的嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(A.f)可有效溶出污泥中的重金属。生物淋滤最佳条件为:初始pH=4.00,淋滤菌接种比例30%,重金属Zn,Cu,Cd在第10天的整体处理效果最优,溶出率分别达到75.30%、50.40%和74.44%。BCR形态分析表明:原污泥中Zn,Cu,Cd主要以弱酸提取态、可还原态和氧化态存在,残渣态较少;生物淋滤之后,3种重金属弱酸提取态、可还原态和氧化态含量有不同程度降低,其中,可还原态含量降低最为显著,残渣态基本无变化,并且淋滤后污泥中重金属氧化态及残渣态所占比例较淋滤前高,污泥稳定性得到提升。生物淋滤可以通过减少污泥中重金属含量和改变重金属形态降低其生物有效性和迁移性。  相似文献   

巢湖表层沉积物中重金属的分布特征及其污染评价   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
以巢湖表层沉积物为研究对象,利用BCR连续提取法研究了沉积物中Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Cd、Zn、V和Pb等8种重金属元素的分布特征,同时运用潜在风险指数法和地累积指数法综合评价了巢湖沉积物中重金属的生态风险。结果表明,巢湖沉积物中的重金属含量在空间上表现出东西高、中间低的分布特征。巢湖表层沉积物中Cr、Co、Ni、V和Cu 5种重金属都主要以残渣态为主,Zn和Cd主要以弱酸提取态为主,Pb以可还原态为主,同时,Co和Cu 2种元素的可交换态及可还原态含量占有较高比例,具有潜在危害性。相关性分析显示,Cr、Cu、Pb、Ni、Zn和Cd 6种重金属元素的来源和分布可能具有相似性,Co和V 2种重金属元素具有相似的地球化学行为且其主要来源可能与其他几种重金属不同。潜在生态风险指数评价结果表明,巢湖表层沉积物中8种重金属元素构成的生态危害顺序为:Cd>Pb>Co>Cu>Ni>Zn>V>Cr,Cd具有高的生态危害等级,其他7种重金属元素均为低生态危害等级。地累积指数法评价结果表明:巢湖沉积物重金属元素的富集程度为Cd>Zn>Pb>Co>Cu>V>Ni>Cr,Cr属于清洁级别,Co、Cu、V和Ni处于轻度污染水平,Zn和Pb处于偏中度污染,Cd达到了重污染水平。  相似文献   

金矿开采导致严重的水体和沉积物重金属污染。采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP/MS)分析了金矿开采区河道32个采样点的水体和表层沉积物样品,研究了水样的溶解态及颗粒态重金属(As、Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn)组成;通过分步化学提取法研究了各重金属在沉积物中的地球化学形态组成,利用地累积指数法和潜在生态风险指数法评价了河流沉积物中重金属污染状况。结果表明:水体中Cu、Zn、As主要以溶解态存在,Pb、Cr、Cd以颗粒态为主。水体中重金属元素形态分布主要受点源污染排放影响。沉积物中,Cd浓度较低;As、Zn主要以氧化物结合态、有机物结合态和残渣态存在;Pb、Cr、Cu以有机物结合态和残渣态为主。结合地累积指数和潜在生态风险指数分析表明,Cd和Cu为主要的风险元素。  相似文献   

不同化学淋洗剂对复合重金属污染土壤的修复机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
化学淋洗技术是一种常用的重金属污染土壤修复技术,化学淋洗剂的选择尤为重要。以乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA),柠檬酸(CA)和三氯化铁(FeCl_3)为化学淋洗剂,采用振荡淋洗法研究淋洗时间与淋洗剂浓度对Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd去除效果的影响,分析重金属污染土壤淋洗前后重金属形态与基本理化性质的变化。结果表明:3种化学淋洗剂对重金属的快速反应阶段基本在60 min内,在240 min达到淋洗平衡,对Pb和Cd的淋洗主要是非均相扩散过程;EDTA、柠檬酸和FeCl_3对重金属的去除能力依次为PbCdCuZn,CdZnCuPb与Pb≈CdCuZn,EDTA的淋洗效率最高,Cd的解吸能力最强;EDTA和FeCl_3可有效去除弱酸可溶态与可还原态重金属,柠檬酸能有效去除弱酸可溶态重金属,修复后的土壤仍有环境风险;3种淋洗剂修复后的土壤中总有机碳与粒径分布无明显变化,FeCl_3会酸化土壤。综合考虑,EDTA、柠檬酸和FeCl_3均为淋洗效果好的环境友好型化学淋洗剂,该研究成果可用于现场淋洗去除土壤中重金属的小试。  相似文献   

为研究生物炭(BC)负载Fe_3O_4对猪粪厌氧消化中重金属形态的影响,采用化学共沉淀法将Fe~(2+)/Fe~(3+)和水稻秸秆BC复合制备Fe_3O_4/BC复合材料,将其作为钝化剂添加到以猪粪为原料的厌氧消化反应中。通过Tessier连续提取法与pH-依赖性浸出试验,探究BC和Fe_3O_4/BC对重金属形态的影响以及不同pH条件下沼渣中重金属浸出浓度的变化。结果表明,添加Fe_3O_4/BC对Cu和Zn的钝化效果更显著,与空白对照(CK)相比,添加BC和Fe_3O_4/BC后Cu的残渣态质量分数分别增加了-10.46%和52.40%,Zn的残渣态质量分数分别增加了16.82%和42.14%。厌氧消化后沼渣的浸出试验表现出很强的pH依赖性,Cu、Zn浸出曲线呈现出"V形",在中性环境中(pH 6~8)Cu、Zn和溶解性有机质(DOM)的浸出浓度较低,在酸性(pH6)和碱性(pH8)环境中较高。在弱酸弱碱条件下(pH 5~9),添加Fe_3O_4/BC后Cu和Zn的浸出浓度均低于添加BC的试验和CK组。因此,添加Fe_3O_4/BC可有效降低厌氧消化后沼渣中重金属的浸出风险。  相似文献   

选择一步提取法(CaCl2法、NaNO3法、NH4NO3法、HCl法)提取土壤铅镉有效态含量,顺序提取法(BCR提取法、Tessier提取法)提取土壤中铅镉各形态含量。结果表明,4种一步提取法对供试土样有效态铅镉的提取效率为HCl法NH4NO3法CaCl2法NaNO3法。当镉质量浓度为0~20、40~90 mg/kg时,BCR法对土壤中镉的总提取率分别为104.9%、105.3%,Tessier法对土壤中镉的总提取率分别为101.7%、98.9%;当镉质量浓度为20~40mg/kg时,两种顺序提取法的提取效果均不佳。BCR法适合铅质量浓度为20 000~45 000 mg/kg时应用,此时BCR法对铅的总提取率为99.8%;Tessier法适合铅质量浓度为0~1 500、9 000~15 000mg/kg时应用,此时Tessier法对土壤铅的总提取率分别为100.7%、90.9%。土壤重金属铅镉各形态的含量受土壤自身pH影响不明显,但在遇到外界酸性环境影响时容易发生重金属铅镉迁移。  相似文献   

采用生物淋滤法处理电子垃圾焚烧迹地重金属严重污染的土壤。所用氧化亚铁硫杆菌是从矿坑废水中通过一系列培养、分离和纯化得到。实验结果表明,生物淋滤法可以有效地去除土壤中重金属Cu、Ph和Zn,去除率的大小顺序为Zn〉Cu〉Pb;采用五步连续提取法分析处理前后土壤中重金属的存在形态,结果表明,通过氧化亚铁硫杆菌处理受重金属污染的土壤,可以促使易移动的重金属结合态的溶解(可交换态、碳酸盐结合态和Fe—Mn氧化物结合态),并使难移动的重金属结合态向易移动的重金属结合态转变。  相似文献   

不同粒径垃圾焚烧飞灰金属形态分布比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了华南地区某垃圾焚烧厂的除尘器飞灰的化学组成和粒径分布,并采用分级提取法对不同粒径飞灰中的重金属化学形态进行了研究。同时比较了华南、华东、西南地区以及台湾地区垃圾焚烧飞灰的筛下累积分布和不同粒径飞灰中各重金属组成。结果表明,飞灰的组要成分为:CaO、SiO2和SO3等;各地区75%的飞灰粒径都主要集中在38.5~75μm。华南地区各粒径飞灰中挥发性金属(Zn和Pb)含量明显高于其他金属。除Ni和Cr外,Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd含量随粒径减小呈先减少后增大的趋势。华南地区Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr、Pb和Cd的含量均高于其他地区(台湾地区除外)。Cu、Zn和Cd的弱酸提取态和可还原态含量较高。高于40%的水溶态Pb表明其对环境有较大潜在危害;40%Ni和Cr主要以残渣态存在,对环境的潜在影响较小。  相似文献   

Metals are associated to various constituents in polluted soils, and their availability is closely related to their chemical speciation. Studies on relations between metal extraction efficiency by hyperaccumulators and location of metals with respect to soil constituents are scarce. In this study. we investigate the relationship between metal extraction by Arabidopsis halleri and the exchangeable metals from substrates amended with various metal-bearing solids collected in the vicinity of a Zn smelter complex. These consisted of fresh and decomposing organic matter, the soil clay fraction, and two types of waste slags. ZnSO4 was also used as metal-bearing solid. Each was mixed with an unpolluted soil to produce two types of substrate, one moderately polluted and the other highly polluted. Total Zinc, Cd, Cu, and Pb were measured in substrates and in roots and shoots of A. halleri. Analysis of 0.01 M CaCl2 exchangeable metals in each substrate was performed before and after plant growth. The results showed different concentrations of exchangeable metals after plant growth, depending on the nature of the metal-bearing solids. In the ZnSO4 soil substrate, the proportion of exchangeable Zn decreased after plant growth, whilst it increased significantly on substrates amended with the two waste slags. For the other substrates, exchangeable Zn was not significantly different before and after plant growth. The same trend was observed for Cd. In the case of Cu, exchangeable rates increased in all substrates. The results were discussed according to the characteristics of the metal-bearing solids and to the metal-uptake strategy of A. halleri.  相似文献   

The distribution and chemical fractionation of heavy metals retained in mangrove soils receiving wastewater were examined by soil column leaching experiments. The columns, filled with mangrove soils collected from two swamps in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China, were irrigated three times a week for 150 days with synthetic wastewater containing 4 mg l(-1) Cu, 20 mg l(-1) Zn, 20 mg l(-1) Mn and 0.4 mg l(-1) Cd. Soil columns leached with artificial seawater (without any heavy metals) were used as the control. At the end of the leaching experiments, soil samples from each column were divided into five layers according to its depth viz. 0-1, 1-3, 3-5, 5-10 and > 10 cm, and analyzed for total and extractable heavy metal content. The fractionation of heavy metals in the surface soil samples (0-1 cm) was investigated by the sequential extraction technique. In both types of mangrove soils, the surface layer (0-1 cm) of the columns receiving wastewater had significantly higher concentrations of total Cu, Cd, Mn and Zn than the control. Concentrations declined significantly with soil depth. The proportion of exchangeable heavy metals in soils receiving wastewater was significantly higher than that found in the control, about 30% of the total heavy metals accumulated in the soil masses of the treated columns were extracted by ammonium acetate at pH 4. The sequential extraction results show that in native mangrove soils (the soils without any treatment), the major portion of Cu, Zn, Mn and Cd was associated with the residual and precipitated fractions with very low concentrations in more labile phases. However, in mangrove soils receiving wastewater, a significantly higher percentage of Mn, Zn and Cd was found in the water-soluble and exchangeable fractions. Copper appeared to be more strongly adsorbed in mangrove soils than the other heavy metals. In general, heavy metal accumulation in the surface mangrove soils collected in Hong Kong was higher than those in the PRC, although the metals in the latter soil type were more strongly bound. These findings suggest that whether the heavy metal retained in managrove soils becomes a secondary source or a permanent sink would depend on the kinds of heavy metals and also the types of mangrove soils.  相似文献   

A rapid ultrasound accelerated sequential extraction procedure has been used to develop sequential extraction proposed by BCR protocol (the community Bureau of Reference now the European Union "Measurement and Testing Programme"). The effects of the ultrasonic treatment on the extraction of Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni and Zn from untreated sewage sludge collected from industrial site of Hyderabad city (Pakistan) were compared with those obtained from conventional sequentional extraction procedure of modified BCR protocol. In BCR method, each extraction steps takes 10h, where as with the use of compromise sonication conditions in ultrasonic bath, steps 1-3 of the sequential extraction (excluding the hydrogen peroxide digestion in step 3, which was not performed with sonication) could be completed in 30, 30 and 30 min, respectively. Extractable Cd, Cr, Pb and Ni contents were obtained by both comparable methodologies were measured by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS), while for Cu and Zn Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) was used. The validations of both methods were compared by the analysis of certified reference material of soil amended with sewage sludge (BCR 483). According to statistical evaluation of the results, the proposed accelerated extraction method is valid alternative to conventional shaking with much shorter extraction time with p value <0.05. The overall metal recoveries in steps 1-3 (excluding residual step) were 95-100% of those obtained with the conventional BCR protocol, except for Cu extracted (91.6%) as related to indicative values of Cu in BCR 483 obtained in 1-3 steps. The results of the partitioning study of untreated industrial waste water sewage sludge, indicate that more easily mobilized forms (acid exchangeable) were predominant for Cd and Zn, in contrast, the largest amount of Pb and Cr was associated with the iron/manganese oxide and organic matter/sulphide fractions.  相似文献   

石灰干化污泥对土壤重金属稳定化处理的效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以采自湖南省嘉禾县重金属复合污染土壤为研究对象,采用城市污水处理石灰干化污泥作为稳定剂,对污染土壤进行稳定化处理,并采用TCLP和BCR连续提取法对稳定化效果进行分析和评价。研究结果表明,单独使用石灰干化污泥,TCLP浸出浓度随着干化污泥质量分数的增加而显著减少,干化污泥的质量分数为40%时,稳定化率最大为Zn-98.92%、Cd-99.06%、Pb-96.84%;但是干化污泥的高pH值导致稳定后土壤中As的浸出增加。为了恢复植物生长功能,经过亚铁盐和磷酸调节pH后,石灰干化污泥稳定过的土壤pH有效降低,同时亚铁盐和磷酸有利于促进Pb和Zn的稳定效果;但是对Cd的稳定有负面影响;另外,亚铁盐的加入同时可以减少As的浸出浓度。经处理后土壤中重金属形态由不稳定态转为稳定态,使重金属的浸出浓度明显降低,减少了土壤重金属的浸出毒性。该研究结果表明,石灰干化污泥可以作为资源回收利用,应用于重金属污染土壤的修复中,并能改善稳定后土壤适宜植物生长的理化性质。  相似文献   

pH值对霞湾港沉积物重金属Zn、Cu释放的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以霞湾港(铜霞路段)的底泥沉积物为研究对象,采用重金属连续浸提法对重金属Zn、Cu在沉积物中的5种形态进行浸提,分析了其分布特征和在不同pH值与时间的条件下重金属的释放规律。研究结果表明,重金属Zn主要以铁锰氧化物结合态和碳酸盐结合态的形态存在,Cu主要以有机结合态和残渣态的形态存在,可交换离子态的重金属含量都很低。重金属Zn、Cu从沉积物中的释放,主要是在酸性条件下发生,在酸性区内释放量随pH的升高而迅速降低。释放能力和释放速率均为ZnCu,它们释放的过程基本相似,释放速率都比较小,向环境中的释放是个长期过程。  相似文献   

焦化废水处理过程所排放污泥中重金属的含量及化学形态是否构成环境风险将直接影响污泥处置方法的选择,为此,实验采用BCR顺序提取法分析了焦化废水处理站外排污泥中重金属(Cd、Hg、Pb、Cr、As、Ni、Zn、Cu和Mn)的形态特征,并采用地累积指数(Igeo)和潜在生态危害指数(RI)评价了重金属对土壤的潜在环境风险。研究结果表明:除Ni主要以可氧化态存在外,焦化废水外排污泥中其他几种重金属元素主要存在于残渣态,重金属元素的含量低于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB18918—2002)》中的控制限值;与城市污泥相比,焦化废水外排污泥具有低Pb、Cr、Zn、Cu含量,而高Cd、Hg、Mn含量的特点;基于Igeo和RI的评价结果,Cd和Hg是外排污泥中具有一定环境风险的元素,需要考虑其下游去向。焦化废水处理外排污泥中主要存在残渣态重金属成分,不表现为很高的环境风险,其处置应重点考虑其中有机污染物特别是POPs。  相似文献   

Feng MH  Shan XQ  Zhang SZ  Wen B 《Chemosphere》2005,59(7):939-949
There is no method recognized as a universal approach for evaluation of bioavailability of heavy metals in soil. Based on the simulation of the rhizosphere soil conditions and integration of the combined effects of root-soil interactions as a whole, a rhizosphere-based method has been proposed. Wet fresh rhizosphere soil was extracted by low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) to fractionate metal fractions of soil pools, which were then correlated with the metal contents of wheat roots and shoots. The rhizosphere-based method was compared with other one-step extraction methods using DTPA, EDTA, CaCl2, and NaNO3 as extractants and the first step of the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) method. Simple correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used for the comparison. Simple correlation indicated that the extractable Cu, Zn, Cr, and Cd of soils by the rhizosphere-based method were significantly correlated with the metal contents of wheat roots. For DTPA, BCR1 and EDTA methods there was a relatively poor correlation between the extractable Cu, Zn and Cd of soil and metal contents of wheat roots. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the equation of the rhizosphere-based method was the simplest one, and no soil properties variables needed to be added. In contrast, the equations of other one-step extraction methods were more complicated, and soil properties variables needed to be entered. The most distinct feature of the rhizosphere-based method was that the recommended method was suitable for acidic, neutral and near alkaline soils. However, the DTPA and EDTA extraction methods were suitable for calcareous soils only-or-only for acidic soils. The CaCl2, and NaNO3 extraction methods were only suitable for exchangeable metals. In short, the rhizosphere-based method was the most robust approach for evaluation of bioavailability of heavy metals in soils to wheat.  相似文献   

Seven soils which had been polluted with heavy metals from a zinc smelter were sequentially extracted so that Cd, Zn, and Pb could be partitioned into five operationally defined geochemical fractions: exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxide, organic, and residual fractions. Kidney beans were planted in the soils to examine the effect of concentration and chemical form of the metals in soil on the growth and metal uptake of the plants. The growth of kidney bean was restricted in heavy metal polluted soils compared with controls. Metal concentration and metal uptake by plants were correlated. The highest relationship was found between amount of metal uptake and the metal concentration in exchangeable + carbonate forms. The uptake of metals was according to their solubility sequence, i.e. Cd > Zn > Pb. The uptake rate of exchangeable + carbonate forms was the same for the three elements.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are potentially toxic to human life and the environment. Their contaminating effect in soils depends on chemical associations. Hence, determining the chemical form of a metal in soils is important to evaluate its mobility and bioavailability. We utilized a sequential extraction procedure and sorption isotherms (monometal and competitive) to evaluate the mobility and distribution of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in four soils differing in their physicochemical properties: Calcixerollic Xerochrepts (Cx1 and Cx2), Paralithic Xerorthent (Px) and Lithic Haplumbrept (Lh). Most of the metals retained under point B conditions of sorption isotherms were extracted from the more mobile fractions: exchangeable and carbonates, in contrast with the profiles of the original soils where metals were preferently associated with the residual fraction. In soils having carbonate concentration under 6% (Cx1 and Lh), the exchangeable fraction was predominant, whereas in calcareous soils (Cx2 and Px) metals extracted from carbonates predominated. Partitioning profiles were in accordance with the affinity sequences deduced from the initial slope of isotherms and showed that the soils had a greater number of surface sites and higher affinity for Pb and Cu than for Cd, Ni, or Zn. In general, the simultaneous presence of the cations under study increased the percentages of metals released in the exchangeable fraction. The tendency towards less specific forms was more noticeable in Cx2 and Px soils and for Ni, Zn, and Cd. The affinity of inorganic surfaces was larger for Zn than for Cd or Ni, but the affinity of organic surfaces was larger for Cd or Ni than for Zn.  相似文献   

Amending soils with compost may lead to accumulation of metals and their fractions at various concentrations in the soil profile. The objectives of this study were to determine 1) the accumulation of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn with depth and 2) the distribution of water soluble, exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxides, organic and residual forms of each metal in soils amended with MSW compost, co-compost, biosolids compost and inorganic fertilizer (as control). Total concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn were concentrated in the 0-22 cm soil layer and scant in the rock layer. These metals were in the decreasing order of Fe > Mn > Zn > or = Cu. Copper, Fe, and Zn were predominantly in the residual form followed by fractions associated with Fe-Mn oxides, carbonate, organic, exchangeable and water soluble in all treatments except MSW compost amended soil where the organic fraction was higher than the carbonate fraction. In fertilizer, co-compost and biosolids compost treated soils Mn concentrated mainly in the Fe-Mn oxides form followed by residual, carbonate, and organic forms whereas, in MSW compost treated soil the same pattern occurred except that Mn organic fraction was higher than that in the carbonate form. The MSW compost has a greater potential to be used as a soil amendment to supply plants with Cu, Mn and Zn than other treatments in calcareous soils of south Florida.  相似文献   

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